I wish i had porn game to play and fulfill my fetishes

I wish i had porn game to play and fulfill my fetishes....

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After "fucking", obviously.
What is the premise in a lot of porn games?

Are they all ones for fucked up fetishes or can I just bang big tittied bimbos non stop?

tfw had bodysuit fetish since i ever got in to Yea Forums in 2005...

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I too, wish there is a post apocalyptic zombie game where I play as a futa whose cum can be ingested to cure the zombie virus

Some porn games use the fetishes as a vehicle for their plot, Monster Girl Quest comes to mind.
And the range of options is as wide as the seas.
I can't name one in particular about banging big tittied bimbos non-stop, but there's got to be a few that are actually decent.

Most of mine are about MILFs.

>Most of mine are about MILFs.

Ah, at man of culture.
What games would these be?
I've never played porn games before.

get a load of this newfag

same, i'll never have a good diaper/ageplay game.

i like honey select since the studio lets me make my own lewds like me turning into a big tittied girl and getting fucked until i can't think straight.

Not that guy but look up Chikashitsu/Underground and Takahashi Record

You think if I stick my dick in her pussy while she's still wearing the suit it'll act like a condom?

Are they on steam?

anons help me i have become stuck in samus.

No, those two artists make click-and-fap visual novels. if you're really looking for gameplay then I'm afraid I got nothing.

Anyone know some good hentais featuring naughty nuns?

Try Maman Kyousitsu.
Guy with a fetish for pregnant women gets a job at a clinic that specializes in teaching expecting mothers.
The girls are your airheaded neighbor, her onee-sama type friend, your sister, your genki childhood friend, and your mother. Only the last two are not pregnant at the start of the game.

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what is ops pic from



thank you gent.


i wanted to play rindos game with that nun and white haired girl but couldn't find a full dwonload link so i stuck to reading the doujin, i got a weird leotard+tentacle fetish from that

What's the name of this game?

i dont think there was a game ever

fucking lmao who thinks of this shit

yeah there was i forgot the name, it was a eroge, and the demo was just the white haired girl she had a hime cute and a leotard and the nun had a body suit. both were inside some tentacle monster getting fucked. i got the demo for free, but all torrents for the full game were dead and dint' want to pay because i cant read moon.

Liese, and it doesn't seem to have ever been translated.

Tower of Trample, OP.

oh fuck, not the same one, but same setting shin matai toshi

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Why is latex nun such a reoccurring thing in porn? Why nuns? Why in a shitty latex cosplay of a nun?

Because my penis wills it.

was the game about a nun moving along a tentacle bridge?

I can get latex, and I can get nuns, but why are those two combined so often? You dont see latex combined with other professions anywhere as often.

its a god tier fetish

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Reminds me of Asagi

Whats the name of the game?

yup, that's the one. i couldn't find the full game download, so i just used the doujin (which seem to be translated now) even teh fucking novel is translated on panda

I don't see it. Plain latex bodysuit without the nun cosplay is perfect

i found the concept art for the game.

Are their suits elastic enough to act as "condom"? Cuz sex thru clothes is my fetish.

damn didnt get to add pic

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I'm not usually fan of condoms but it's pretty great when they balloon up with cum inside a girl, bonus points for enough that they can't take it out.

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Nuns and by extension their clothing is often associated with innocence and purity. Latex is the polar opposite of that. You combine the two to get a sexy juxtaposition. It's not that hard to understand, user...

Yeah I figured as much but you'd think there would be other outfits that were latexified.

yeah everything is in colour as well

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Whats the name of the game?

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this artist is pretty wholesome no cuckishness to his work.
10/10 designs.

There are, Nurses are common, plenty of ninja girls, and there's business suits though I've never seen then in hentai.
And no latex school uniforms, which is especially odd.

I hope KS returns to this project after he's done with warrior and kung-fu girl

yeah he got some nice 2hu stuff as well

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Well I know what I'm doing this weekend.

Mentula Vult

Please anons, i need to watch some good hentai featuring hot horny nuns, does something like this exists?

How do I stop fapping to fat girls broa
Recently I got a fat girl fetish
Not actually pic related

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Guys whats the games name?

I sure fucking hope so.

weep with the knowledge that any fat girl vidya is cursed to never be completed, this will surely cure you of your fetish

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