I wish i had porn game to play and fulfill my fetishes....
I wish i had porn game to play and fulfill my fetishes
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After "fucking", obviously.
What is the premise in a lot of porn games?
Are they all ones for fucked up fetishes or can I just bang big tittied bimbos non stop?
tfw had bodysuit fetish since i ever got in to Yea Forums in 2005...
I too, wish there is a post apocalyptic zombie game where I play as a futa whose cum can be ingested to cure the zombie virus
Some porn games use the fetishes as a vehicle for their plot, Monster Girl Quest comes to mind.
And the range of options is as wide as the seas.
I can't name one in particular about banging big tittied bimbos non-stop, but there's got to be a few that are actually decent.
Most of mine are about MILFs.
>Most of mine are about MILFs.
Ah, at man of culture.
What games would these be?
I've never played porn games before.
get a load of this newfag
same, i'll never have a good diaper/ageplay game.
i like honey select since the studio lets me make my own lewds like me turning into a big tittied girl and getting fucked until i can't think straight.
Not that guy but look up Chikashitsu/Underground and Takahashi Record
You think if I stick my dick in her pussy while she's still wearing the suit it'll act like a condom?
Are they on steam?
anons help me i have become stuck in samus.
No, those two artists make click-and-fap visual novels. if you're really looking for gameplay then I'm afraid I got nothing.
Anyone know some good hentais featuring naughty nuns?
Try Maman Kyousitsu.
Guy with a fetish for pregnant women gets a job at a clinic that specializes in teaching expecting mothers.
The girls are your airheaded neighbor, her onee-sama type friend, your sister, your genki childhood friend, and your mother. Only the last two are not pregnant at the start of the game.
what is ops pic from
thank you gent.
i wanted to play rindos game with that nun and white haired girl but couldn't find a full dwonload link so i stuck to reading the doujin, i got a weird leotard+tentacle fetish from that
What's the name of this game?
i dont think there was a game ever
fucking lmao who thinks of this shit
yeah there was i forgot the name, it was a eroge, and the demo was just the white haired girl she had a hime cute and a leotard and the nun had a body suit. both were inside some tentacle monster getting fucked. i got the demo for free, but all torrents for the full game were dead and dint' want to pay because i cant read moon.
Liese, and it doesn't seem to have ever been translated.
Tower of Trample, OP.
oh fuck, not the same one, but same setting shin matai toshi
Why is latex nun such a reoccurring thing in porn? Why nuns? Why in a shitty latex cosplay of a nun?
Because my penis wills it.
was the game about a nun moving along a tentacle bridge?
I can get latex, and I can get nuns, but why are those two combined so often? You dont see latex combined with other professions anywhere as often.
its a god tier fetish
Reminds me of Asagi
Whats the name of the game?
yup, that's the one. i couldn't find the full game download, so i just used the doujin (which seem to be translated now) even teh fucking novel is translated on panda
I don't see it. Plain latex bodysuit without the nun cosplay is perfect
i found the concept art for the game.
Are their suits elastic enough to act as "condom"? Cuz sex thru clothes is my fetish.
damn didnt get to add pic
I'm not usually fan of condoms but it's pretty great when they balloon up with cum inside a girl, bonus points for enough that they can't take it out.
Nuns and by extension their clothing is often associated with innocence and purity. Latex is the polar opposite of that. You combine the two to get a sexy juxtaposition. It's not that hard to understand, user...
Yeah I figured as much but you'd think there would be other outfits that were latexified.
yeah everything is in colour as well
Whats the name of the game?
this artist is pretty wholesome no cuckishness to his work.
10/10 designs.
There are, Nurses are common, plenty of ninja girls, and there's business suits though I've never seen then in hentai.
And no latex school uniforms, which is especially odd.
I hope KS returns to this project after he's done with warrior and kung-fu girl
yeah he got some nice 2hu stuff as well
Well I know what I'm doing this weekend.
Mentula Vult
Please anons, i need to watch some good hentai featuring hot horny nuns, does something like this exists?
How do I stop fapping to fat girls broa
Recently I got a fat girl fetish
Not actually pic related
Guys whats the games name?
I sure fucking hope so.
weep with the knowledge that any fat girl vidya is cursed to never be completed, this will surely cure you of your fetish