Mfw I own both a switch and a PS4 so when stuff like this person port shit happens I get to sit back and watch the...

>mfw I own both a switch and a PS4 so when stuff like this person port shit happens I get to sit back and watch the monkeys dance

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Based Kiryuposter

>Mfw I only own a PS4 but I'm not autistic, so I'd be entirely okay if it got a port, but don't care if it doesn't either

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Based idort Kiryuchad

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Infinitely based
I also have a shitty pc for indie games

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This is anyone with a brain who isn't a twelve year old reliant on mommy and daddy to buy shit for them

Making money is good, user

>mfw I own a PC so I just laugh at both of you whilst enjoying the best versions of everything.

grab yourself a ps3 fat or old model slim so you can play psx,psp,ps2,ps3 as well

>have 2000 steam games
>have every epic exclusive
>own all the consoles and mostly every game and some rare ones
>tfw I don’t understand any of the complaints people make

>Of everything

How's bloodborne and P5 user?

kiwami 2 only 2 weeks away lads


Have fun with your overly expensive toaster

>Posting the Dog of Dojima when you could be posted the Dragon of Dojima.

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>PCs the best haha
>Wait what do you mean it's not coming to PC?
>PC port when?

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Persona 5 emulates perfectly, PS4 emulation is a ways off but inevitable, but it's worth waiting for something that isn't sub 20fps 720p rubbish. Kinda like Demon Souls on PC, perfect 60fps, 8k resolution and MP servers that will last forever.

BOTW emulates perfectly, it even has an extensive modding scene and Switch emulation is already very good with Odyssey being almost perfect.

>Played Kiwami 2 when it released last year ay lmao

But have fun tho, it's gud

>I can play anything but I gotta steal it and jump through 50 hoops to do so

This is why I hate mustards, they're the most annoying port beggars on the planet, and most of the time when something gets ported to PC it sells like shit compared to on consoles because they're too busy jerking off to their specs to play games

>tfw while people shitpost in console war weeb bait threads i'll be playing SMTV and Persona 5

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Switch port would’ve been baller. P5 on the go without relying on remote play.
t. PS4 user

>When it finally comes to PC it sells like shit because they all pirate it


>tfw own a Switch, PS4 and a high end PC and enjoy games in general

I own Demon Souls, I own BOTW, I own Persona 5.
Cope harder faggot.

Same, will get Strikers on Switch and Royal on the PS4 because is an exclusive and it was obvious no other system was going to get it.

I'll get a Switch in a few years, but I'd get Royal on PS4 regardless even if it did also come out on Switch. I still think it's fucking stupid that he got into Smash though. It really does feel like Nintendo is advertising a Sony game. Cloud was different

Why would I need to cope? Because I don't play on PC? Why would I want to? PC exclusives are almost non-existent these days so any games that come out I'll more than likely be able to get without jumping through hoops.

You need to cope. Keep justifying your magic box of overspending

Meh, I'm not an RPG fag. I'm selling my PS4 at the end of the year for next gen. Thinking of picking up the rumored Xbox Lockhart because of Game Pass and better backwards compatibility (than the PS5). The PS5 is gonna cost $570 for us Aussiefags. I don't gaf bout the exclusives cause the price is the defining factor to me.

For what it's worth, if the PS4 is any indication, PS5 won't have any exclusives so you should be good there anyway

>I gave publishers money to be impervious to publisher manipulaton
>aint I clever
have a hippopotamus.

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>I laughed at my friend because he's a switchfag that wants a P5 port and I already played it on my superior console
>He tries to laugh at me because SMTV is switch exclusive
>I'm not poor so I own both
>mfw I get to laugh at him harder

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me too op except im not a fag

>Paying for games is bad
Get a job faggot

every platform except Xbox one master race

One is enough for me, copelet

That's fair

>retards shitposting and pretending to be outraged over some literally irrelevant musou
>meanwhile i'm kicked back comfy as fuck hunting monsters in bed
You faggots really are a bunch of actual monkeys.

>playing on consoles


Got something to say friend?

post more faceapp edits

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Well I'll still have my Switch if the next gen Xbox exclusives are mediocre (which probably will be the case). Certainly getting Maker 2. I'm basically gonna use the Lockhart to play all the big 3rd party games (RPGs never fall into that section luckily!) by use of physical and game pass. Allows me to be pretty set for the next generation!

Ps4 = Comfy Movie Games

Not really.
I own both too, I don't want to play P5 on PS4.
I pirated it and didn't like being stuck at my TV.
RPGs are better on a portable or on PC.
I specifically stopped and waited hoping for a port.

PC user, let's not pretend that PC users aren't the laughingstock of Yea Forums. We warn you about bad ports/bad games, yet you guys jump in head first.

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>RPGs are better on mobile

What is this fucking meme I keep seeing. How is it better? I like getting engrossed in the story in an RPG and would find that hard if I were playing it in public or on a car/bus/etc. When I could be at home with no distractions and can get sucked in better

>Insist PC is better
>Gets tons of shitty ports
>*With shit around their mouths from eating what they were served*"f-fucking console fags, check this out see h-how *vomits*see how much better it is??"

I said portable, not mobile.
I don't play portables outside, I just like being able to sit wherever I want without unplugging the system to set it up elsewhere.
If I want to slouch on a couch or my bed or play on my PC without switching monitors then I can.

A bad PC port is better than the console version, PC standards are just higher.
Console users will see no problem with framedrops or poor resolution or options where as PC users expect it.
If you packaged the 1:1 console experience as a PC port, that's considered bad, if you packaged a 1:1 PC experience to console then it's considered excellent.

Also ironic you post a screenshot of Yakuza, a series that has gotten excellent ports that support both 4k and 144fps.

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