holy shit, BASED
Holy shit, BASED
is the ACR in this game yet? If yes, is this gacha trash? If no ACR then fuck off.
holy fuck this gacha game uses the same site as I do! they're epic meme lords! XD
>is this gacha trash?
Of course
is this the gacha game that had nipples showing?
and redpilled!
Is this real?
gacha is the future of video games old man, it's a good business model because you can decide yourself how much money you are willing to spend
No, i hacked the image!
That got a chuckle outta me.
Can you please stop posting this old tweet every few hours? I don't even browse Yea Forums that much and I've seen this exact same thread three times in the last two days.
Yes, it actually is. I rolled back in my chair the first time I saw it. Actually surprised that didn't raise any kind of stir anywhere.
The mods really have to get off their asses, its pathetic.
This gacha garbage is the most jewish form of micro transaction findom
People with anime avatars and who talk a lot of shit online are usually funny as fuck, but I'm Australian so all shitposters get a pass.
To think the people who pay for and play this shit are the same ones who say not more are pathetic. What a life to live
i fucking hate when my kusoge get english releases. Azur Lane general was fucking ruined by these obnoxious SEA niggers.
It's a game for pedophiles, the N-word is the least wrong thing with it
oy vey dis post is very antisemitic, my lawyer will hear of this!
wtf i love shitty chink mobile games now
>EN fag
>chink fag
fuck off and drink some more gutter oil before getting run over and falling into an escalator.
That's it. I have to try it now.
Unless your girl is a stage drop, you probably won't pull her anytime soon.
I dropped the game though
I want a game where some rude asshole character goes around saying "n-word", but the game has an n-word pass as a 100 dollar DLC, and if you buy that he will actually say nigger instead
That wuld be revolutionary