What's the best MMO out right now?

What's the best MMO out right now?

I wanna play an MMO but torn between Guild Wars 2 and Tera

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Not Tera. That's for sure.

"Best" is subjective. From what can tell, every single MMO out there is trash.

What's wrong with Tera?

ff14 is considered one of the best at the moment and even that's watered down brain dead garbage.

Pick anything else and enjoy your korean ass slop

I never stay in GW 2 for very long but it's latest xpac was fun to explore. It has the best feeling mounts of any mmo by far

It's fucking dead is what's wrong with Tera

I've played most of the major MMO's out, at various times, incl. endgame content. Here's my synopsis
Fun combat but gets old fast; the endgame is usually literally 1 very well made 4-player (or was it 5?) PvE dungeon. Balance is all over the place. You'll love the big monsters, but there's a lot of reskins and it's pretty transparently grindy. It has gone through different phases of p2w or not p2w over the years.
Horizontal prog at endgame, it's mostly just grinding for cosmetics. The base game was alright; they've gone heavily SJW in the continuous content releases and expansions, A lot of literal lesbian plant virtue signalling and dialogue straight out of a feminist manifesto. Otherwise, not a bad game. Combat is less tight or rewarding than Tera, but overall game framework is more thought out. Do not expect raids, meaningful PVE progression or increase of power at level cap; its' all balanced around WvW and trying to keep everything competitive. No amount of grind or work will make you inherently stronger; but you'll get cosmetics.

Any other games you want a view on?

>unavoidable monthly subscription in twenty fucking nineteen
>infamous for being filled with unironic ERP trannies

Unironically WoW still.

It's also on the verge of death. If you want to play Tera, I would recommend waiting until they create legacy servers for it.

whats your take on ffxiv? is it worth the monthly subscription? also what MMO would you recommend?

The erp wont get in your way if you don't play on the erp server.

Give me like 15 mins and i'll type you a real answer; i'm playing a shit-eating game that just started. Write a response soon.

Ex-TERA player with 2000+ hours here (Will only go back if Elin Witch ever happens).

The game started out amazing, but they got rid of a good 60-70% of the content for no good reason. You used to be able to have a great time in a fun and pretty tutorial area, then go through its entire world doing quests (which is now empty with most of it never to be seen unless you just go there to explore), now all you do is get to level 65 in a few hours by doing dungeons because that's all people do. They also added relic weapons which makes that whole process easier, but then when you reach max level you have to constantly grind like crazy, go through some cheap-ass dungeons with toxic players and never truly feel rewarded for your efforts. They also focus too much on the Elin, as cute and funny as they are, meaning most of the content is locked behind them. They're not even able to have all classes for all races, or introduce a new race, or a level cap.

Play it if you want to play casually or don't mind paying for some cosmetics, it's still somewhat fun for that. Though, want that really badass mount? $45-50 please. Or keep buying $2-3 lootboxes until you get it.

don't listen to the ff14 fags, the game is barely an mmo, there is nothing to do.

I hate the world design of TERA. It's all sprawling corridors even outside.

Is BDO as much of a grindfest as Yea Forums makes it out to be? looks fun but if it is I'm not even gonna fucking bother

I started playing ff14 about three months ago and I'm still having a good time. New expansion is dropping soon so if you wanna be up to date nows the time to get started.

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Yup it's a grind. It also has rng upgrading with high chances of downgrading your gear. They're also shutting down the battle royal mode, which was balanced gear unlike the other open world pvp. thank the bots apparently. Also every single cosmetic item costs real money and they almost never throw you a bone.

You could have a dip into that not so secret secret city of heroes private server.

It's still really fun

Have fun with spyware once you install it.

>Right now

It's like saying WoW is full of unironic homosexual degenerates because of Moonguard

Final Fantasy XIV

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Please join....

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No fuck off, it's dead, let it remain dead like ragnarok online

Come home...

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Alright, here
Not bad, but it's kind of a streamlined WoW. I've done all savage raids since 1.0 and most all the content elsewhere. It's a gear-mill based on raiding and weekly lockouts akin to WoW but the content is much more difficult and choreographed; where WoW is a little more sporadic and raids are more 'areas', FF14 is literally arenas with bosses on timelines;
rotations for classes are immensely more complicated than WoW, but the over-arching design is pretty much the same PVE gear-mill. There's no PVP in FF14; there's a gimmicky pvp mode but it's literally tacked on. Not worth discussing.
>What would I suggest
Sadly, none. They're all kind of trash tbqh, I personally loved vanilla Aion, Dark age of Camelot, vanilla WoW, Everquest and UO before that. There's not much on the market right now that isn't either a freemium horizontal shitgrab (See: ESO, GW2, BDO) or a subscription weekly PVE/Raid gear-mill with structured release schedule (see: FF14, WoW, Wildstar etc).

If you have more q's, ask away

hey hey people.

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play Tera OP

Combat is good

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>The game started out amazing,
Yup, but now it's SHIT
You will NEVER get to experience TERA like we have, because they kept patching and removing content and replacing it with shitty gay fuckery that is meant to appeal to young children, their new target audience

sseth here

Don't forget to check out Guardians of Emberâ„¢

it was complete crap whne it released desu

it's the best time to play

Tera never had a chance. The team that threw it together never planned on it actually being a success, so after that first year it was just them throwing shit at a wall and hoping it stuck. and what they knew for a fact was that Elins brought them cash. So they focused on nothing but Elin costumes, Elin dances, Elin lore, Elin classes, Elin everything while fumbling the rest of the game, effectively removing most of the content and replacing it watered down empty shell versions of what it used to be.

I don't even know where they start the game now anymore. It doesnt matter, nothing matters anymore other than leveling asap so you can get ignored by the general playerbase who wants nothing to do with helping newbies, thus drying the game out even faster.

SWTOR, just pay the 15 bucks a month.

It's so good, I don't know why noone ever posts it.

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It's the only mmo with actually skill based combat and not just stats

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is korean

No it's fucking not
You play through the mediocre story once and that's it. Everything else is shit

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post butt

Anyone worth playing with stopped playing MMOs long ago. Modern MMOs are infested with trannies and anime pedophiles.

Having payed the money and went through the entire this, I can confidently say this is all a buncha bullshit. It's the novelty of star wars but in a shitty non existent canon. The story, arguably the best quality, is the only thing you would go for in there and it's BARELY able to merit any positive reviews.

I'd still play TERA if they had just left it alone... They totally ruined the game. It was so good after the first major pvp revamp before Reaper existed. It was still good for a long time after that but BHS just doesn't know when to fucking goddamn stop

I was. SO. INVESTED. in this game. But enough was enough. I had to get the fuck up and uninstall because I have had enough of Bullshit Studio's BULLSHIT!!!

Warframe's an MMO Shlooter

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Pre-Reaper was so much fucking fun. I remember spending hours a day on that game and the main towns all being packed with people that hung out and guilds being huge and having these insane GvGs killing each other during Nexus(?)

I also remember when Reaper came that a lot of people were saying how cancer the class was and how it probably meant the end of the game and back then I thought they were full of it and just being overly dramatic. Man was I fucking wrong. Reaper really did turn out to be the major tipping point.

the pvp in tor is tons of fun dude, huttball rules

>shitty gay fuckery that is meant to appeal to young children, their new target audience

>oops, looks like somebody managed to die in this game by accident!
>hey, we added these big red circles and cones like in every other MMO to show the area where you'll be hurt!
>the enemies also deal no damage at all
>just to be on the safe side, have this legendary weapon and armor that we give to everyone for free and don't feel threatened at all
>now you can have a completely family-friendly, brainless adventure
>pls buy loli panties, you like cute and sexy things right, heheh!

GW2 is a termite infested snore fest with a fuckup for pvp.
Tera you can make some old school hot chicks in slutmog gear. But the korean tier grinding is fucking awful. I had a lvl60 gunner before I stopped.


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>GvGs killing each other during Nexus(?)

Good times. I was in a small guild that got rekt by the bigger ones all the time and nexus nearly murdered my old toaster, but it was fucking fun. Made some good friends there.

Reaper completely broke PvP and it really was the first time I thought the game's done for. Then they went on to outdo themselves with even more overpowered piece of shit fanservice classes after and PvP became unplayable. That's when I uninstalled

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If I pick up FFXIV whats the WoW Male goblin equivalent?

There's none
Male lalafell is more like "le ebin pink haired moustache gnome"

Damn. What M race is best to avoid RP fags?

Just male miqo'te
Nobody cares about male characters in this game, except that particular race / gender combination that seems to attract the most vulgar and flamboyant faggotry

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And as always, thank you to the members of the Merchants Guild.