Has anyone tried weed craft

has anyone tried weed craft
i may have gone overboard

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man im about to go blaze up in the bathroom right now

its a fun game

nice what you smoking?

Jack Herer my friend

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I just had some of that! Where you from I'm in oregon.

lmao drugs dood im so high rn

its a tycoon game, you could be selling kitten for all it matters


Canada : D

Bro... Dude.... Bro is that game about... Weed!?


about growing, marketing and selling weed. also politics

Imagine if the anti-weed people acted as obnoxious anytime alcohol was mentioned

They act like they're doing it because weed smokers are obnoxious, but they're 50000% more obnoxious. dude npc programmed meme response lmao

dude... weed lol. im so high.

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lad... alchohol... rofl.. im so drunk rofl


kill yourselves you fucking literal redditers

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Yea Forums gets triggered by any mention of weed because they had no friends in high school to offer it to them.

bloke.... DMT...lmao... i'm so ???

>hate stoner culture
>get offered to smoke
>its alright
>still hate stoner culture
eat my dick nigger

Weed smokers should neck themselves.

here only ones pushing dope were gypsies. alcohol is the white man's choice of substance. whenever i see weed posters here I think of them being greasy gyppos

wow the sense is staggering you people need to let go and chill

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fuck off

imagine basing your entire personality around a fucking plant to the point of being offended by a general dislike of DUDEWEED culture

Have sex

Literally this.

>weed culture exists
I remember being 16

you're a fucking fool if you think it does not exist

I may not drink alcohol myself but people who drink in moderation are far better than even the mildest weed smokers.
Better to have a beer a day than a joint a month.

Cope harder DUDE.

Nah, you just hang out with retards, probably because you are a retard

holy shit this is the gayest fucking thing
as someone who smokes a few times a month, you need a new hobby if you fuckers can only think, talk about, and play fucking games about weed. it's a fucking plant. sure, it makes you feel nice, but that's about it. if you make it a part of your personality, off yourself, you piece of shit stoner.

I drink and haven't smoked in years and you are a fucking idiot for thinking alcohol and marijuana are massive personality choices. Are you even 21?

>you need a new hobby if you fuckers can only think, talk about, and play fucking games about weed
Cool strawman

You don't need to hang out with a culture to observe it.


I have 3 reddit tabs open on my phone (I'm a phoneposter) right now. What are you gonna do about?




So you spy on people from a distance?

if theres one thing i cant fucking stand its stoners
not because i object on any moral or legal grounds, no
i hate them because they are insufferable faggots whose ONLY topic of conversation is weed. i couldnt give less of a fuck about you or your shitty fucking plants. smoke your dope if you want but shut the fuck up about it, god.

You don't? People watching is fun as fuck.

Another faggot who only hangs out with retarded subhumans.

bend over


I have smoked a lot of weed with a lot of people, and I can't for the life of me think of a single time when we talked about weed. Your idea of "weed culture" is people who shop at Spencer's Gifts.
