Will we ever get a good boxing game like the Ippo games on ps2/ps3? fight night fucking blows

will we ever get a good boxing game like the Ippo games on ps2/ps3? fight night fucking blows

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Have you tried Pato Box?

The real question is will Ippo come back to the ring before the author dies?

Where's my Ippo Noire?

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Another question that is also real Will madman ever make another season of the anime? It's honestly some of the best shit to watch in motion.

There was an interview a little while back where Morikawa claimed he'd only covered about half the material in the grand story, right? Obviously he isn't going to spend another 30 years on it, but even if he's only doing like 10 more years worth, the dude's 53 and doesn't have too great of health. I'm scared honestly, it's been too long for it to end without a satisfying conclusion.
I don't think the anime did very well, not to mention I don't think Ippo's that popular to begin with.

victorious boxers 2 is the best boxing game ever

I want another Punch-out

>I don't think the anime did very well
I've only just recently finished watching all of the anime avaliable.
Other than it being a sports anime, it's impossible to understand why this show wouldn't be popular.
I've never felt so hyped.

What the hell is wrong with Ready 2 Rumble?

no but I know it's basically punchout. the artstyle and duck kinda draw me in though

>There was an interview a little while back where Morikawa claimed he'd only covered about half the material in the grand story, right?
Was there? How the fuck was he planning to make a 2000 chapter story from the get go, has anyone ever done that?
>I don't think the anime did very well
From what I remember, the anime was too violent to air at any time but around midnight. It also didn't do well in the U.S. and there isn't too much merchandise around it. Then, there's the rumor that the later chapters became too violent to even animate in the first place.

perfect timing for this thread OP
bros I've been watching the anime and I'm about 8 chapters left before I finish all the adapted episodes so I was wondering how should I proceed into the manga. Is there a specific chapter from which I should pick it up or is there some earlier stuff that wasn't adapted into the anime that I should go back and check out?

I personally went to the manga after finishing Rising and just went from there. I think it ended around 600, but it's been a while and I can't say for sure.
Just make sure you watched the movies too first.

just reread it. the fights move faster, and the author is a master of the page turn.

also seeing mike tyson drawn in manga is worth it alone

You can read a bit about it here. I heard from a different interview that he had always planned for Ippo to retire at some point, so I imagine he's always had a rough outline of the story. I can't imagine he expected it to go on for this long though.
The third season, Rising, cuts some elements out that were in the manga.
If you don't want to miss anything, start at round (chapter) 416. If you don't care, round 558.

>The third season, Rising, cuts some elements out that were in the manga.
What did it cut?

Truth be told, I started at 558 and never really bothered, so I couldn't tell you exactly. From what I've heard, minor comedy scenes that don't impact the story too much. Nothing important. Maybe some other user can elaborate.
I didn't mention, but watch the Kimura vs. Mashiba OVA as well.

fug I wasn't aware there were movies too. Looking forward to them, ty
In that case I think it's worth starting from the beggining then. I can always just speedread some smaller things that happened in the anime so it shouldn't take too long to catch up. Thanks

Not him, but I skipped to there too and was just wondering. I'm pretty sure some stuff with Kamogawa's past didn't add up between the anime and manga which confused me.

I think i'm older than the manga.


Well then that confirms it, i'm definitely older than it by 5 years. Now it's a race as to see who will finish their lifetime run first.

I believe in you user

So uh, how do you guys think the fight between Mashiba and Iga's gonna go?

Considering this happened just now, I think he'll be just fine.

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Oh don't worry i'll be fine but cheers anyway. I just don't want to die early before I get to see how it all ends. It's the same feeling with Berserk.

I was literally just gushing about Hajime no Ippo 2 on PS2 this game to my friend about why it's such an amazing game and how, despite coming out 3 years earlier than the earliest Fight Night game, it showcases how lazy EA's sports games are, and how they do the absolute bare minimum requires for a "decent" game.

Like holy shit, the career mode for Hajime no Ippo 2 is insane in terms of its attention to detail.

Fight Night up until Champion didn't even represent Boxing championships accurately, and even in Fight Night Champion (Which HnI2 predates by 12 years) they couldn't be assed to use real life sanctioning bodies.
Meanwhile in Hajime no Ippo 2 they not only used real life sanctioning bodies and properly reflect how Boxing rankings work IRL, they used all four of the official Boxing sanctioning bodies. And to make it even more clear they did their research and wanted to do justice to the sport, they added details like the fact that, at the time Hajime no Ippo takes place (Late 80's and 90's), Japan's Athletic Commision didn't recognize the IBF and WBO as official sanctioning bodies, so if you start in Japan you can't fight for those titles, but you can if you start in any other country.

Smaller details like that is why Hajime no Ippo 2 will always stand as the best Boxing game of all time, it's both fun for a casual fan who doesn't know anything about the sport, but also extremely indepth and scarily detailed about the sport itself.

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I'm worried the mangaka is gonna die before he completes even half of the manga he's planned

>fight night fucking blows

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Any idea about how well it emulates?

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Hell, and that's not the full extent of what HnI2 offers that Fight Night games never have and never will because EA are incompetent jews.

In Fight Night you have no control over your schedule, your weight, or even really a training regimen aside from the minigames they let you do.
In Hajime no Ippo 2 they have an extremely in-depth weight control system, with different diets that you can manually adjust (Which changes depending on which region of the world your fighter fights out of) down to the nutrients, an indepth training regiment where you can actually control what days you're training, how often you're taking a day off, and what days you spar.

Fight Night is a "decent" game, but it's extremely lazy when you compare it to HnI2, especially given one is an anime adaption literally just as an advertisement for the anime that was airing at the time, done by a small Japanese studio, whilst the other is meant to be THE Boxing sports game done by a triple A studio.

I've only played it via emulation, it has some speed issues every now and again, which I think might be because of my bad CPU, but other than that it works fine and emulates better than Fight Night Round 3 on PCSX2.

i don't care about gay anime shit. fight night is fun and has had consistently great rosters.

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And yet for its roster Fight Night had the depth of a puddle.
Couldn't even be assed to represent rankings accurately.

Imagine being shown up by an anime game from the early PS2 era.

there is a fan made game. i remember long time ago Yea Forums was pumped to see this. i dunno if its out for the public but apparently some people got a hands on it so yes?


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Where do I start with Victorious Boxers?

Imagine this at EVO if it was ever finished.
I want/need this.

Damn you Morikawa I just want to see Ricardo beat the shit out of Ippo again.

>use the ultimate sunday punch against the champion
>It does fucking nothing

"Sorry, I'm gathering material at the moment. Ricardo will return in a later issue so please continue to enjoy Hajime no Ippo!"

Never seen this game before and this is sick af

Pato Box was pretty solid and fun except for that one incredibly tedious and shitty boss fight the game railroads you into halfway through.

God, it sucks how poorly animated most of new challenger was.
There are a few solid moments, but compared to the original and rising, it was almost like going back to the 1970s at times.

I've said it over and over again - there should be a MEGALOBOX game. This anime was fucking fantastic and it felt the entire time I was watching it that it has so much damn potential to be a game, especially if they can get same the godlike music.
Imagine being able to make and customize your own gears and fight against opponents while you work your way up in the ranks.
And you can go gearless for the extra challenge

Seriously if you like Ippo or Ashita no Joe you're doing yourself a big disservice by not watching this. Was even made for the Joe anniversary.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Megalo Box - 01 [1080p].webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

without inner light it isn't the same. i dropped the series because of it.

Uploaded the wrong WEBM, here's a better one that's not fuckhueg I think
But yeah, the fact that this isn't a game is a fucking crime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Megalo Box - 01 [1080p]_fixed.webm (560x314, 2.76M)

Oh yeah, the music was different too.
I don't understand what happened, but for some reason New Challenger didn't seem to retain anything from the original show or rising other than the story.

Isn't Mayweather involved in making a new boxing game? I really hope we'll get a new Fight Night, the UFC games are fucking garbage.
Fuck Isaac Frost, that fight was bullshit

From what I've heard, it's just a low quality carbon copy of AnJ and what I've seen isn't all that impressive either.I couldn't say about the music though.