So when is the stream?

So when is the stream?
Even if it's going to be just original game, it's still going to be better version. Just bare with me here for a second, P3FES add some shitty unnecessary story lines that ruined the game, as well as P4G plus they even added annoying Mary Sue character, that stole some original characters time.

tl;dr: Base version is going to be much better then Royal + knowing Nintendo they will ask Atlus to add some new exclusive content and personas.

So are you ready for the best version of the game?

Attached: UyBwWlsQSlzMdxL-800x450-noPad.jpg (800x450, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what do you mean when is the stream. that was this morning you retard. P5S is not a switch version. Its persona dynasty warriors.

>he hasn't heard

Attached: 1555800853892.jpg (1462x1462, 411K)

what is that coming out on anyways? Is it just ps4 or is it gonna be on PC or switch as well.

ps4 and switch. No release date announced.



Are you fucking dumb?
I can't believe I'm spoonfeeding your retarded zoomer trashcan ass.

Wow, hello there falseflag king

See, this is the first sign, spin-off game is on ps4 and SWITCH now.
They are playing it smart. They saw how this game is big and how Joker became so popular in Smash, so they won't miss chance to show its announcement on their E3 stream.

Pretty clever. More Switch owners will see it.

Man shut the fuck up lmao. I'm an idort but god damn the delusion you guys have is ridiculous. You're more pathetic than Mystic Distance.

So glad I got to wake up to delicious Nintendie tears over this today. Mods deleting threads laughing at them because mods are nintendies too. Hilarious, really good day
*actually gets to play P5*

Wait and see. Screencap my post.

>pay to add joker into smash and market the character to a larger audience
>best you can get is a multiplat spinoff that will look and run like shit on your platform
Nintendo once more fucking up as hard as humanly possible.

why would i do that you attention seeking retard


its going to look and run like shit on ps4 too. koei tecmo is dogshit at optimization.

>they arent going to make a big persona announcement at a massive persona festival
>they will wait till e3 to announce a 3 year old port of an rpg
Fucking idiot.

So you free to fuck off.

You are going to feel so dumb in June

This. Persona The Royal is a big announcement not a fucking port of the original game.

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"

No I won't because I can play the fucking game on my ps4 right now. Try not being retarded and learn to play whatever games you want instead of clinging to console wars bullshit on a vietnamese basket weaving forum.

If they didn't show a switch port at that event it won't happen on this reality
Face reality

>wait for e3
>wait for tgs
>wait for 2020
>wait for e3
>wait for tgs
>wait for 2021
>wait for e3
>wait for tgs
>wait for 2022
>wait for e3
>wait for tgs
>wait for switch 2 showcase

It will look ifinitely better than the Switch version, it will at least be able to hit 30fps
Nintendo are a fucking joke of a company.
>does nothing but gets primary support
>has to pay companies to get 3rd rate support
Nintendo are a fucking joke, they are laughably pathetic and they can't even muster enough support to actually get anywhere.

Rent free

oh i have no doubt it will look better on the ps4 sure. but i doubt it will hit 30fps. koei tecmo is dogshit. irredeemably so. Its going to be awful no matter the platform.
Also fuck off with your retarded console wars loyalty. video games are just video games. No company cares that you stand up for them on a basket weaving forum. Sony isnt going to say thank you for sucking their cock in public. Nintendo isn't going to get mad that you shit talk them. it's pointless and only serves to dilute discussion.

What did you mean by this?

Sony exclusives are the ones living rent free in your head since you obviously can't cope with your purchasing decisions.

>So are you ready for the best version of the game?

Attached: 1425770677626.jpg (400x994, 115K)

Nintendo are a pack of retarded niggers and deserve nothing but being dunked on.

Yeah, because persona 4 arena on xbox 360 was such a great indicator how the game eventually was ported to xbox, right?

It's because Koei already made two musous on Switch. It'll be simple enough for them to take the engine and swap the assets out, just like how Persona Q2 is an Etrian Odyssey reskin.

>P4G plus they even added annoying Mary Sue character, that stole some original characters time.
Yes but it also gave us Adachi's social link, which was fucking great and it further masked the fact that he was the killer since it felt weird in P4 that he was a character with a portrait that didn't have a social link. It also brought along a bunch of quality of life improvements like the bike ride moves for party members. I also find Marie very easy to ignore and am glad she exists for porn reasons, shitty character or not.

Attached: Marie 4.jpg (1032x1440, 684K)

Attached: graspingatstraws2.gif (320x240, 368K)

>snoy fags trying to ruin thread and Yea Forums in general
As always

Cope harder niggers

Sonybros can't help it they have a aura that makes consolewarriors seethe woth rage
too bad it doesn't work on their own consolewarriors

Why don't you just buy PS4 + Switch and PC?
What's the point of port begging?

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