P5 fans complain about not getting what they want despite getting literally 4 spinoffs within the span of a year

>p5 fans complain about not getting what they want despite getting literally 4 spinoffs within the span of a year
>somehow there's nothing wrong with this
>smt and persona 1/2 fans complain about how the games they like don't get any recognition from atlus
>p5 fans bitch about them complaining
What a fucking annoying bunch of children. I don't even dislike p3-5, but dear god that shit is fucking irritating

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Other urls found in this thread:


P5 is cancer

>p5 fans complain about not getting what they want despite getting literally 4 spinoffs within the span of a year
The only complaining I see are having to pay full price for an expansion which is reasonable.

>>p5 fans bitch about them complaining
literally never seen this happen. why would they care about smt when they have their waifufag games

Smtv should be on ps5. Leave nindie shit behind.

smt was a Nintendo franchise from the beginning

I've been playing Persona 1 and it's actually ridiculous how much better paced the game is compared to 4/5. Gets into the action almost immediately, no tedious long-winded intro. And you have access to a lot of the map almost immediately (even though you can't do much in most of it, it's still nice). Biggest problem so far seems to be the level/dungeon design but it's not like nu-Persona excels in that department.

Are we on the same board?

I dont visit persona threads for the record, but whoever is bitching about smt games not getting recognition in persona threads is a faggot anyway

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yes, what complaining are you even talking about?
If you mean P5 not coming to the Switch, that's just delusional portbegging switchfags doing what they do best.
If you're talking about the musou game, that's not complaining, that's more baffled as to why Atlus thought it was a good idea when nobody asked for it.
I play SMT too and is excited for V, I just like pretending P1 and 2 don't exist and anti-SMT post because they are usually too far up your own ass about the "nu-sona" games.

Yea Forums isn't the only website that exists

p4 was the cancer, p5 is somewhat tolerable

I realize this. You vastly overestimate smt's popularity

What does SMT's popularity have to do with P5 fans bitching about P1/2/SMT fans? I see it all over twitter


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>personafags cannot go a minute without saying that SMT is unpopular

Remember when P2 had canon gay romance and a canon femc? I sure do

Remember all those threads filled with annoying baseless superconfident claims it was going to be ported to Switch, based on bestbuy accidentally making a mistake on their catalogue? And how anyone who said those claims were baseless was shouted down??

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>reading comprehension

And it'll happen again because Switch port beggars aren't rational.

I know it's pretty unlikely but it's not like the fact that 5S is not 5 Switch means the port is impossible.
It could be a wip and it's just not called Persona 5 Switch, that's all.

if people dont know/barely recognize it exists they obviously won't shitpost about it
Your fault for seeking out the few faggots who are the exception

Nintendo got a FF7 port 20 years after the game came out so they might get a P5 port in 20 years

But given how p3 &p4 were never ported to PS4, I doubt it

>p5 fans complain about not getting what they want despite getting literally 4 spinoffs within the span of a year
We want more Persona (Like P6) We don't want Fighting games, musous, dance rhythm games, flame throwers.

>p5 fans complain about not getting what they want despite getting literally 4 spinoffs within the span of a year
p5 fans weren't the ones begging for a switch port, user. those were console warriors who still wouldn't play the game even if it did get ported.

Where was the complaining for this shit with P3Fes, P4 Golden, DeSu Overclocked, DeSu 2 Record Breaker, Strange Journey Redux, and pretty much every other fucking full priced expansion Atlus has put out?

How long does it take Atlus to make a video game?

It wasn't. It was utter dogshit

The game was announced in 2013 and released in 2016. Game development lasted 5 years.

much like your taste it would seem

smt5 was only announced 2 years ago. development these days takes time.
it's their first time working with UE4 and the Switch also

Yes I know you have shit taste p5babby
What does that have to do with me?

they probably shaved a month or 2 recycling the monsters from P5.

At least with those you could argue that the infrastructure wasn't there to do a proper expansion, since it's on PS4 there's no excuse beyond simple greed.

P3FES was a time before DLC existed, and at least P4G was a portable version on a different console. SJR was also a complete remake nearly a decade after the original, too. I don't like DeSu so I don't know the circumstances surrounding their rereleases. The thing about P5 is that it's a rerelease on the same console barely three years after the original came out. P5 gets all this shit but it's too much to ask for PQ to have Maya in it I guess

Most of those were not full priced

They need to stop doing this shit. It felt so good buying and playing DMC5 less than a year after the announcement, I'd rather be in the dark than be waiting half a decade for new news about a game I wanna play.
Are they actually doing this? It would be stupid not to, especially considering how many PS2 games they pumped out by doing this, but if I remember correctly the ones in the trailer didn't look like the P5 models and Dx2 had its own set of models too

SJR wasn't a remake. It was just a port. There are no new assets (besides the new artwork and the engine is the same)

>n-no you
The state of you lol
P5 was a good game, without a doubt the most well designed persona game mechanically speaking, hating it because it's the newest/popular doesn't make you introspective or cool, just an asshole who comes to threads about games he doesn't like to cry about how he doesn't like the game

As a huge P2fag and SMTfag I gotta agree, P5 has the best gameplay of any Persona game. It's not even P5 I hate, it's the fact that Atlus is so willing to milk it and get all that weeb money instead of making something interesting. I don't hate P5 but I sure as hell hate Atlus and P5 fans

Several new demons, a new dungeon, new character, voice acting, 3 new endings
based retard

>P2fag and SMTfag I gotta agree
Exactly the same here though I don't really think the gameplay is that amazing, it's enjoyable because it's flashy and cool looking. I'll admit that, that's what I'm hoping SMTV will have as well. That said, I'm just kinda fucking tired of seeing it so much. In the 2000s we had Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga, Raidou AND Persona... Not as much variety anymore...

I completely agree, I try to make that same point all the time. From a mainline game, two DDS games, two DSRK games, and two Persona games, to one mainline game and at least 6 or 7 Persona games. It's a fucking shame, and they have multiple engines to work with and multiple full sets of current-gen demon models so I don't know why they don't bother trying new things like DDS and Raidou with them

>P5 was a good game
P5babbies actually believe this
Fucking kill yourself. It kills everything MegaTen stood for.
>persona balance is completely fucked up with multiple, easily obtainable Personae that either have extremely overpowered resistances, no weaknesses, or both (IE: Isis being outright immune to Anubis's bullshit in the pyramid, Shiki Ouji pulling his weight all the way up to the casino). Swift strike have to be the most broken skill in jrpg history
>maxing all social links is far too easy, you can do so with weeks to spare and endgame gives you nothing useful to do
>demon negotiation is simply a dumb down version of P2 and they had the brilliant fucking idea of adding in the different conversion system from IV which is ridiculous when daze/stun gives you a ludicrous amounts of money, especially with mementos bosses
>confidants abilities are stupid powerful. Death 5, Fortune 7, and Sun 2 break the game directly in half. 1/3 of them give SP items which is worse
>after Kamoshida you can do all the dungeons in a single run unless there's a break due to SP Adhesive
>braindead stealth system, literally invisible to enemies who can walk through you and not notice you as long as you hold down the stealth button, in fact you can literally ignore stealth anyway, walk straight up to an enemy's face and still be able to ambush them due to the enemy garbage line of sight they are given
>with universal elemental coverage very early and easy ambushes this gives ample, nigh-unmissable opportunity to spam weaknesses for a first-turn AoA which will wipe the enemy party 90% of the time (especially on Merciless). There is no imaginable situation where it's actually easy or likely for the player to be ambushed. Even worse is the addition of Baton pass which is a reward when you already get a fucking retard for attacking weakness and let's you spam physical AOE even harder
>none of the bosses require thought or setups unlike P3 or Yukiko/Kanji from P4

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>P5 has the best gameplay of any Persona game
It doesn't. Get a brain P5babby

So not a remake? How can you be this much of a fucking retard?

Speak for yourself. I enjoyed the fuck outta P4DAN and P4U/P4U2.
A properl spinoff could easily be a better game than the one it's based on.

>all these people who started with 5 pretending to be P2friends or SMTChads


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>what is reading comprehension

Why did they fuck up conversation so much? I have never failed once and I haven't seen or heard of anyone else failing it either

Literally nobody is doing that in this thread, what the fuck are you talking about?

That's how Atlus has done it's business for like 2 decades now though. Unless it's your first time with the company's products you know what's coming.

half these complains are superfluous or just personal preference, but your you bring nothing but baseless insults and that fact that I've seen multiple people btfo your copypasta yet you still post it is embarrassing lmao

Liking P5 makes you a p5babby since you accept things being casualized, bad game design, and the cancer of MegaTen. Don't pretend to played the other games.

>Caring about stealth in a turn based RPG
The combat is fine as long as you don't go out of your way to break the game. The gameplay is no Nocturne/SMT4, and the story is no P2, but P5 isn't THAT bad

No they aren't. They are objective flaws with the game. You really going to say the game that lets you telport everywhere is good, let alone the game with time management so bad they removed all scheduling depth. It's fucking worse than a game where you can't even control your party members.

>As a huge P2fag and SMTfag I gotta agree, P5 has the best gameplay of any Persona game.
>literally has the worst gameplay of the nu-Persona games, its easy as fucking piss and a drooling ape could faceroll through everything in the game, no thought required on any fights/bosses
>QTE ""stealth""
ah yes the pinnacle of gameplay in a series where every predecessor was objectively better, besides Persona 4
A P2friend would definitely praise this pile of shit game

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You must live a sad life to be this desperate for an argument. I'm well aware of the fact that Persona is killing SMT, and I'm not happy about it at all, but it's more the fault of all the dancing kart racing fighting etrian odyssey spinoff bullshit games than it is the main ones. I'm done responding to a retard like you

So, I liked Persona 5 and I've played nearly every Megaten including If... and NINE. What does that make me?

Well considering P2 is a giant pile of shit...

someone who doesn't try to be contrarian

A Megatennist
>Played NINE
You should share your experiences with that game.

>game tries to implement a system and fails
>just ignore it
It is pretty bad. All they did was make it flashier than previous games and add "new" mechanics and fuck them up, and have "actual" dungeons. But when the dungeons are so bad, who fucking cares then? Hell for all the QoL they added which fucks up the whole point of the series, they had the great idea of removing the list of personas and now forces you to load every single fucking stat page while flipping through them now.

I'm assuming you're the same fucking monkey I just said I'd stop responding to, but you can't seriously tell me you think P2's gameplay is better than P5's. I don't give a fuck about the stealth, most people play JRPGs for the battle mechanics. P2 you just spam auto attack for the entire game and win. I never once had to use fusion or even change my base Personas to something else, and I didn't have any trouble. I don't think I died to a single boss in Innocent Sin. Persona 1 plays like shit, Persona 3's balance revolves around playing as one character so depending on the version you're playing it's either too easy because you can control your party or not as enjoyable because you're only controlling the MC. I'd much rather play Nocturne than P5, but P5 doesn't play poorly.

Why do you seek outside evaluation of yourself in any way shape or form user. Embrace chaos and just say fuck off to all these wanabee bustas and roll with it, say whatever you want or feel like it.

You got the experience to say whatever. Use it.

A retard with shit taste with very low standards.


>not as enjoyable because you're only controlling the MC.
This is what makes it enjoyable though

Someone who doesn't try to be an edgy elitist

desperate for what? You have no argument because you have no understanding of P5 or the series and have only played P5. It's a shit game and will always be

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t. retards

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Calling your opinions objective =/= objective facts
I refuse to argue with you because you've been blown out multiple times by multiple people (including me lmao) and your only comeback "reeee p5babbies"
Why you fags come to threads about you don't like just to express you autistic rage is beyond me, you make fans of older persona games and SMT games look like a bunch of pretentious dickheads which is probably why your threads all die or just circle into p5 hat circle jerks
enjoy your last (you) fellow smtfriend

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It's near impossible because the personality system has so many fucking back ups so the players can't fail. It's retard proof.

To each his own. I still don't think P3 has necessarily bad gameplay. But for someone to say P2 has better gameplay than 5 blows my mind. It's my favorite game in the series because of the plot and characters, but there's no denying that game is piss easy and not all that fun to actually play for the gameplay

Notice how the P2 fag just posts a reaction image and resorts to namecalling instead of explaining why his "favorite" Persona game is so good.

Actually haven't. You can't because you won't and have no arguments to defend the game. Saying P5 is good is a opinion, saying it's bad is a fact that's backup with evidence. Yeah tell more how good that combat is when Baton pass exists.

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>that game is piss easy and not all that fun to actually play for the gameplay
Just like P5

There is literally no reason to sell a P5dditor like yourself on why P2 is a better game in literally every way. Instead of being a moron, why not go play it and experience it for yourself?

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I have. It was shitty easy and boring. You won't because you can't and have no arguments to defend the game basically.
>inb4 j-j-j-just like
How about you stop deflecting?

Literally none of those spinoffs interest me
Who cares about them? A remake of an old game or god forbid, P6 is 100x more interesting to me
Basically It doesnt make much sense to compare 3rd person dungeons vs 1st person but you are not wrong
Just get estoma and enjoy the game

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It's all so tiresome with you, people point out flaws in your argument, yet you refuse to acknowledge them, you act like baton pass isn't an evolution of press turn that spices up dull turn based combat and allows for more tactical planing during a fight
You want me to debate you so bad, meticulously going through and blowing up all your points but I've seen before that all your retorts will just boil down to "nu uh!" and "kill yourself p5babby!". Your so autistic and set in your ways you'll never change your mind, I'd have a more engrossing intellectual discussion with a brick wall than you, anyways hope you enjoy royal and scramble while waiting for news on V, hopefully you're less obnoxious in those threads than your are here

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Just remind him that P2 is far more casual than 5 and he scurries off.

P1 is unironically the best persona game and still hasn't been topped. P1chads rise up.

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>It kills everything MegaTen stood for.
nobody will ever believe this, p3zoomer. it was your shitty game that removed features that were always standard in megaten games.

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>people point out flaws in your argument,
No they don't. Saying X is good isn't a argument
>you act like baton pass isn't an evolution of press turn that spices up dull turn based combat and allows for more tactical planing during a fight
What fucking tactical planning you stupid fucking retard? You mean the thing that doesn't work on bosses? The thing that is a powerful reward for doing something that you already are supposed to? You mean the thing that gives you a 2x damage boost on everything + a swap free turn allowing you to spam physical AOE even harder (because of no phys split damage types like P3 this shit is ridiculous). Even worse is skills like lucky punch exist allowing the spam to happen more.
Yeah I know you P5babbies love to pretend the game is good and how on understanding of game design, but this shit is pathetic to watch.

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Only real fans know. Of course a thread populated by p5babbies don't know.

>nintenshĂ­ts are so asshurt they didn't get P5 they are going back to shitting on it and pretending it's a bad game after months of portbegging

Can't make this shit up

Yes it allows for players who good at the game being to able to finish generic encounters quickly, they had enough sense to know that giving the player access to a damage up during the a boss would be trivializing, you act like every persona has access to swift strike and like phys null/res/abs doesn't exist and like spamming lucky punch for a low percent crit chance is worth more than just doing normal damage, you're starting to sound the type of autist who plays MOBA and adheres to a strict "meta" instead of playing what's fun
I don't know why you posted that blurry out of focus picture like it's suppose to mean anything, you couldn't min-max a persona like that till late game with reaper farming and at the rate you could just make any persona OP
There goes that word again, more name calling in place of a sound argument
Listen your're about two more dumbfuck post like this away from me metaphorically pull down your pants and giving you a verbal spanking you'll never forget in front of the all the personafags in this thread, now do you really want that? I'm trying to be nice here but your retardation is making it really hard

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I didn't even have to falseflag and personafags have each other at gunpoint. Atlus really knows how to stir shit up, it's great

It's literally one autist with stale pasta and a few contrarian fags caught in a an eternal dick measuring contest

>I disagree with you
What is it with you twitch zoomers overdramatizing everything? Is it because your own life is so boring?


>Le zoomer
>In a P5 thread
The irony couldn't be any bigger. Please shut up.

Haha hey man I was just messing around and trying to ruffle your feathers. No harm meant.

>P5 thread
>OP thread picture is SMTV
What did he mean by this?

Zoomers have terrible attention spans I guess.

>Yes it allows for players who good...
That's not a good thing. Fodder encounters should not be worthless wastes of time that don't put up a fight. You already have Ryuji's SL skill for that in the first place. And people who are good at the game? It doesn't take a genius to know how it works and swap to a physical member or swap to another party member with the same element coverage for a fucking 4x boost, then even worse is using BP doesnt even consume that character's turn in battle, so everyone has two consecutive turns without scoring a once more. Great!
>they had enough sense to know that giving the player access to a damage up during the a boss would be trivializing
Oh so you even agree it's a OP poorly designed piece of shit. Isn't it great to have a mechanic so worthless at pivotal points yet in the top 5 of unbalance game breaking shit?
>you act like every persona has access to swift strike and like phys null/res/abs doesn't exist
With how much money you gain, you can easily place swift strike, myriad slashes, etc on each persona and Ryuji is the second best damage dealer behind Joker. Only sometimes do you enocunter enemies that actually null physical, and in turn that just boosts magical spam. Which isn't a problem when SP items are fucking everywhere.
>like spamming lucky punch for a low percent crit chance is worth more than just doing normal damage
You don't spam it, you do it once in case you want another pass.
>you're starting to sound the type of autist who plays MOBA and adheres to a strict "meta" instead of playing what's fun
Fun is a buzzword, and if you wanted fun you would play a game that's not a piece of utter dogshit like this. Something that actuallt requires you to use your fucking brain
>you couldn't min-max a persona like that...
It goes to show how bad the fusion options being busted. And you don't need to be lategame. You can slap personas in the velvet room with the jail shit and get it nulled
You are a fucking retard.

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People keep pretending P5 is good

Ok as someone new to persona should I just get 5 for 20 and play royal in a year or just wait?

Skip 5. Play 1psp or 3. Those aren't shit.

That's one, one more like that and you're going to spanked for being a retarded baby

Remember to do the opposite of what Yea Forums says to have a good time.

>can't offer a argument anymore in the face of objective truth
The state of P5babbies

He shouldn't listen to anyone then.

No he'd listen to what you guys recommend and then do the opposite. So if people say to check out 1 and skip 5, he should do the opposite. Never steered me wrong before.

start with 3 work your way up to 5 because the QoL changes each games might be jarring
Play 1 and 2 if your interested but they're vastly different to what you'll be used to but that's neither a good or bad thing they're just different what ever you do don't what says

Of course it never steered you wrong, you have shit taste.

You don't know what my taste is so right now you're just kind of lashing out for no reason. I could think 2 is the pinnacle of the series and 3 is the worst or hate them all but you have no way of knowing.

>An OP image defines the thread
No? It's literally been about nothing but Persona 5 because people can't shut the fuck up with their console wars.

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Nice try P5babby. Don't listen to this dumb fuck. He's trying to get you to play a terrible game with the most cancerous fanbase possible.

I don't need to know your taste. You really implying people have the mental capacity on Yea Forums to know bad from good.

They don't. Which is why you should do the opposite of what they say. Do try and keep up please?

The thread topic wasn't actually entirely about P5, it was about how fans were all these groups of Megaten fans were obnoxious. This isn't a "P5 thread", it's a Megaten thread.

Yes, then shouldn't listen to anyone.

>He's trying to get you to play a terrible game with the most cancerous fanbase possible.
agreed, everyone should just skip 3.

>smt fans yelling at clouds claiming persona fags are the absolute worst Ughh!
>every single time it's unwarranted and out of nowhere, or they have to make a thread just to complain about persona fags "complaining all the time"

Play 5, then 4, then 3 FES

This. Can I get at least five (5) examples of threads made by Persona fans to complain about SMT? Just 5 will do

Yes P5 is terrible. But what does that have to do with 3?

Nobody cares about a cancelled game on a shit console

You're on Yea Forums

Are you ESL by chance?

Why are you here if you don't care?

>P5 is terrible

Then why'd you constantly beg for a port, nintendie?

but 3 is the terrible game with the cancerous fanbase. 5 is good.

No. People who reply for the sake of replying are pathetic. Nothing ironic.

Terrible comeback that doesn't even use clever wordplay like the other user 0/10

Why are you obsessed with Nintendo?

To discuss Persona series and laugh at Nintendo

You post come off as low tier bait you're mad the game rewards good play you treat a single player rpg like a competitive MOBA you blatantly lie about min-maxing and you unirocally said "fun is that buzzword".
I could sit here type a 5000 word essay about why you're full of shit, but I won't I already said I'm not going to debate your bullshit, it'd be a waste of my time and energy so all you get from me is low effort shitpost
Now bend over stupid, I'll teach you why being a lying faggot is bad

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Appropriate to your level. How underage are you to think it's a comeback at all?

it's actually just bingtendies finding yet another angle to whine about not getting a port after SIX YEARS of begging.

>I-I wasn't even trying to make a comeback!
Right sure. What was it "supposed" to be then?

Alright time to change the topic since console warriors are being cum guzzlers again. Which enhanced version had the best cover?

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This, also based.

I don't give even the slightest shit about the spinoffs, but I'm getting what I want with P5R so I'm happy. Go cry like a faggot somewhere else.

Its probably because SMT fans spend all that time complaining about Persona fans.

Its hard to find any discussion of SMT that doesn't devolve into unquestioningly sucking Kaneko's dick with vapid generic praise and shitting on all things Persona by comparison.

My favorite games are the Devil Survivor Duology, so I'm not really committed to either side, but SMT fans are usually too busy dogging persona fans to even talk about their other dozen games.

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>I enjoyed P4
Opinion invalidated.

Megami Ibunroku Persona: Be Your True Mind PC version for Windows

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Entirely all in your head

golden cause you can see (((Igor)))

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By who? You? Please.

This thread is the evidence. Coulda been SMTV speculation. Could have discussed Raidou or Digital. Could've been a speculation on other spinoffs that could be fun. Instead we're here bitching about Persona 3-5 again.

And hyping up P2 for the easy karma.

>You post come off as low tier bait
Yeah understanding game design is bait. P5 really did bring in the worst people. You need to be gassed for killing MegaTen.
>you're mad the game rewards good play
Playing how you are suppose to be playing isn't something the devs should reward you with with broken features. You are the same kind of fuck who's retarded enough to defend Smirk from SMT IV or the Suplex from SaGa. It's unbalanced and ruins the whole point of the game in the first place. Challenge is the core of video games, if you make something so easy despite having difficultly options that a blind braindead dying toddler can beat and abuse it, that's a objective problem.
>you treat a single player rpg like a competitive MOBA you blatantly lie about min-maxing and you unirocally said "fun is that buzzword"
Completely wrong, also wrong, and that is true. Fun is a buzzword, get a better argument
>I could sit here type a 5000 word essay about why you're full of shit,
No you couldn't and even if you did it would be debunked just as easily becasue nothing is going to stop p5 from being a bad game that only P5babbies like.

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Otherway around

Who are you talking about? Do you always make strawmen to complain about perceived, nonexistent things? How do you conflate Switchfags complaining about no Switch port with P5fags, which have already played the game and have a ps4?

I didn't see a single lie in that user's post.
Every SMT discussion I see on this board, there's always some bitching about Persona.

So to shitpost. Yeah makes sense that's all the fans can do after getting btfo everyday

Yes exactly. Pointing out the mentally ill

>This thread is the evidence.
This thread isn't even the norm. It's just a reaction to P5 announcements and the OP wanted to be super topical. Most SMT threads are literally just discussion and speculation.

No. You invalidated your own opinion by not only liking P4, but liking it's spinoffs. Your opinion is objectively worthless, and you're probably a faggot.

This. It's kind of pathetic frankly. Don't forget constantly calling yourselves "chads" like some kind of weird positive affirmation ritual. Crying about a more popular series isn't very chadlike by the way.

He didnt say anything about P5 though

>but I'm getting what I want with P5R so I'm happy.
The same terrible game that won't fix any of the problems?

Can anyone tell me why Nintendo fans thought Persona 5 was coming to the 3DS in 2013? Was it really the newly registered domain name for Persona Q? I can't fucking remember.

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Again who did I invalidate it to? Yea Forums parrots? Oh no. What ever will I do without their drone like approval? What are you going to do, downvote me to death?

Other way around retard. There's just as many people flinging around the term "Personachad". Truthfully it's just a bunch of manchildren trying to validate their superiority when both SMT and Persona are basic ass turn based RPG's at the end of the day. Does Persona look ideal to you with all this weebshit wanking for normies? Does SMT look ideal to you when it's a niche series full of edgy religious focus? Nope. If anything Xenoblade is taking over the JRPG scene and doing more to freshen up the formula than some shitty turn based formula.

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Such a classic moment. The wait for P5 was better than the game itself.

no, not really. 3 sucks. you only like it because you were probably in your emo phase back then.

By being a bad MMO?

No 3 is good. 5 is utter dogshit only propped by manchildren and people who haven't played a jrpg in their life.

>proving that it's not a remake
>"b b but youre s s stil a retard, user"

>No new Devil Survivor
>SMT5 no release date and only the barest information
>No new Raidou

Instead all you get is fighting games, dance games and Etrian Odyssey spinoff games

Atlus are really shit. They seem dead set on eroding their fanbase and diluting their brand with rubbish.

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You're one angry faggot.

You're one angry retard.

t. assblasted P5babby mad his game is getting called out for the garbage it is

>The MMO meme
So you clearly just exposed that you didn't fucking play the game. For starters the world is fresher and more expansive to explore. You can't tell me the shitty hallway filled "dungeons" are still interesting in 2019?

>this is what xenoshills honestly believe
your "games" are really just awful movies with gacha shit mechanics. if they weren't second-party nintendo "games," nobody would care about them.

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>No 3 is good.
sure, if you also enjoy watching paint dry.

>The world is fresher and more expansive to explore
Big empty fields with NPCs who ask you to get 12 bear asses...so not an MMO.

I'm one of the 10 people in this thread that actually played P1 and P2, and I'm probably the only person in this thread who actually knows moon and plays untranslated jrpgs and jrpgs that haven't been localized yet. Take your shitposting elsewhere.

Why is it okay when P5 is a awful movie?

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>is meant to be an SMT thread
>nothing but shitflinging because personfags cannot keep to themselves for one minute and must shit up everything they see
Why does it have to be a thread? Personfags going into existing SMT threads just to shitpost and derail is the problem

i'll take megaten's linear progression and actual content over "generic, empty open world #5000."

>It's a guy desperate for an argument episode
Ah. I'm glad that you feel the way you do about 4 then.

No it's good for people who have taste and understand MegaTen. Yet makes sense a P5babby would hate good games. It's natural for you.

>is meant to be an SMT thread
>starts with a complaint about persona 5 fans, continues with a complaint that persona 1 and 2 aren't recognized enough by atlus
learn to read.

That's cool and all but you can drop pretending 5 is good. It's okay

Because it's easy to falseflag a single post and go "SEE SEE LOOK AT HOW THOSE VILE PERSONAFAGS RUIN OUR THREADS" But sure. Show me five examples of Personafags ruining an SMT fag thread. This thread doesn't count by the way since it started out with cancerous crying about P5.

>Using based BuffMaister to argue
He literally does that with every game he plays through regardless of if it's like a movie or not. It's always titled "THE MOVIE" as well. That said, there is a lack of gameplay in P5 so I can't really argue against that.

>He pulled the movie card as an ironic argument
Persona is the definition of a fucking movie you animal. The series is a downright Visual Novel.

not sure if this was a mis-quote or what

>tell me the shitty hallway filled "dungeons" are still interesting in 2019?
Blame the bad level design. Nothing wrong with dungeons when down right

>I-it's just falseflagging
alright senpai this thread is falseflagging from a personfag, prove me wrong

Xenoseries has never done dungeons right either. Some of the ones in Gears make the Spaceport look good.

Obnoxious autist, every smt game can be easily broken so long as you know what you're doing, there's nothing broken about baton pass players should be rewarded for skill and there's not much skill to be found in smt games just min-maxing demons/personas and clever strategies other than that its all just edgy pokemon once you've learned an enemies weakness it's all trivial stop pretending these games are difficult, limiting yourself to only a few specific moves the antithesis of fun, calling fun a buzzword is meme Yea Forums made to make fun dishits like you, you're better playing LoL if you only intend to only use max str persona with only swiftstrike, you know nothing of game design of your post reek of some fag who watched a few video essays and think they're an analytical genius, i've destroyed your poor excuse of an argument and pointed out all the flaws in your disingenuous points with a just a few throw away shit post, imagine if i actually attempting a real debate.
This is for attempting to being an elitist while knowing nothing of the games you claim to dislike or games you like

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Enjoy your hallway dungeons and quick time grappling hook sections!

i love megaten. that's why i hated p3. it lacks the storytelling of p1/p2, soul hackers and digital devil saga, it's missing the classic megaten mechanics like demon negotiations, and it doesn't even have the qol improvements of p4 and p5. it's overrated to the extreme by contrarians.

>p5 fans complain about not getting what they want
Where? I haven't seen a single person unhappy with P5R. All I've seen is people saying that P5S shouldn't exist.

Not him but
>It's n-not falseflagging I s-swear!
See? I can do that too.

>Can't find any examples
Continue to deflect and prove me correct. I didn't say they were all falseflagging, I just said the possibility exists and happens quite frequently on Yea Forums

I mean I never said it did though

No you don't. If you did you wouldnt have shit taste

Why do you think the Xenoblade series banished dungeons you tongue flicker? Hell, even Re:Fantasy is apparently following the same formula. RPG's in general are abandoning dungeons. Just look at Dark Souls.

>Why do you think the Xenoblade series banished dungeons you tongue flicker?
because casual zoomers like you don't like them.

What argument? 4 is only enjoyed by faggots. There's no discussion or argument to be had.

Can you not phonepost?

>Actual content
>Waifu dating simulator
>Friend simulator
>Turn based "meme"
>Meme alignment endings
>Empty linear hallways and map locations
It's absolutely fucking nothing.

Okay! Enjoy scouring empty maps for rare drops and fighting palette swap enemies with slightly bigger health bars! Totally not a shit MMO by the way!

>Faggot faggot faggot
Do you have tourettes? Your hatred of 4 makes more sense by the second...

god damn, this thread is a shitshow.

>Waifu dating simulator
someone please post the webm.

thats all of them

Here are some cancerous personfags 4 u

>Casual zoomer
You just can't stop flinging around buzzwords can you?

>tfw smt V never ever


>>Waifu dating simulator
>>Friend simulator
I can't believe you bring up points like this while touting xenoblade as a good game, talk about glass houses lmao

Fourth thread starts off with an SMT fag shitflinging first so it was just like this thread. Still you tried your best and 4/5 isn't terrible.

>Persona 4 > Persona 5 > Shit >>>>>>>> Persona 3 FES > Persona 2 Innocent Sin/Eternal Punishment > Persona 1

>You just can't stop flinging around buzzwords can you

Since this is the only SMT thread up, I've recently just reached ikebukuro in SMT4, how far am I? So far the game has dropped in difficulty after everything from Mikado to first arriving in Tokyo, but I'm still having fun.

P5 was good, can't wait for SMTV.
The only thing about P5R I don't like is the lack of feMC, but at the same time they spent that devtime fixing the palaces and who knows what else.
I can't believe there are posters that see yukiko as a hard boss. She's the tutorial boss, you only need fire wall from slime and you're set if ur doing dumb difficulty.

>multiple one off shitpost in dead threads
>one of his example is an smt fag shitfling persona
>another of his example are a fucking trauma center fag of all series shitting on persona
Ahh yes those cancerous persona fans huh?

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It's almost like Atlus are an awful company.
>threaten people who upload gameplay footage because of spoilers
>the plot is laughably simple, but drawn out over probably 30 hours of pure reading with nothing happening
>re-release game with some extra content, charge full price no matter if you own the base game already, just like you did previously
>while all this happens, ignore games that the more dedicated fans are asking for, because Persona helps bring in normalfag wannabe weeaboos
Nobody would take this shit and excuse it from any company, but it's okay when Atlus does it.

That's gonna be a yikes from me

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Why do faggots want a FeMC so bad as opposed to an entirely new character with a new roll in the story that actually adds content and plot and gameplay?

You're the one that asked for threads initially. I didn't really expect to find any but here you are

>every smt game can be easily broken so long as you know what you're doing
Yeah as long as you know what you are going. Yeah the Fiends are OP in Nocturne or something, but they come in by midgame. The games aren't uber ball-bursting difficult, but they required some sort of brainpower. P5 doesn't. And deflecting isn't a argument
>there's nothing broken about baton pass players should be rewarded for skill
Hitting a weakness isn't a skill and getting bonus for it isn't either. You already get a reward, why are you getting another that adds 2x on it? You are lying, there is no tactical planning.
>there's not much skill to be found in smt games just min-maxing demons/personas
The bosses in SJ, Nocturne, and P3 all require some setups to beat. Especially on low level hard modes. The bosses and fodder encounters in 5 are plain shit. You can skip 80% of the encounters and still beat all the bosses with ease.
>limiting yourself to only a few specific moves the antithesis of fun
>muh fun
Or they could just make a well designed game
>calling fun a buzzword is meme Yea Forums made to make fun dishits like you, you're better playing LoL if you only intend to only use max str persona with only swiftstrike
They actually didn't and only a year later they wear prasing the guy. He's objectively right and proved how bad Yea Forums was back then.
>you know nothing of game design of your post reek of some fag who watched a few video essays and think they're an analytical genius
No I do. I'm not pretending p5 was good
>i've destroyed your poor excuse of an argument and pointed out all the flaws in your disingenuous points with a just a few throw away shit post
No you didn't. Maybe in your fantasy. All you said was
>it's good because you cheese the game faster!
>imagine if i actually attempting a real debate
You can't handle a real debate
I have to sleep now, but next time get a real argument that isn't "I like X so it's good"

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Attached: xenoblade.webm (854x480, 2.05M)

>rehashed the fuck out of the disgaea games
>released 2 versions of persona 4, 3 versions of persona 3
>there will never be another prinny: I wanna be the hero or phantom brave game

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>P5 was good
It wasn't

>I can't believe there are posters that see yukiko as a hard boss. She's the tutorial boss, you only need fire wall from slime and you're set if ur doing dumb difficulty.
That's already makes it better than 5 since you need exp gain and a setup.

>no more prinny games
fuck me

I feel the same way about Matador in all honesty
>B-b-but he's harder than Yukiko
I'd certainly hope so since he's later in the game.

>4/5 isn't terrible.
lol yes they are

Good little buddy, I'll bring a real argument when you have one that isn't "My opinion are objective facts!"

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I complain about every one of those though. Particularly with the unnecessary shit they add to the stories.

>A side quest that most people likely don't even do
>Implying this even defines the game
>Posting forced Yea Forumseddit tier memes
What did you actually mean by this mouth breather? You stupid fucks can put Xenoblade down all you want but the gameplay, world building, and exploration are vastly superior to Persona. The Calendar System, dating elements for otaku and normalfags, and shitty dungeon design are awful and you know it. To make matters worse Persona 6 is likely going to be a train wreck because of Wada while Xeno is looking better and better with each title since Monolith are an actually competent studio. Give it a rest you dumb larper.

You're retarded which explains why you hate 4 and 5. I was saying 4 out of 5 isn't terrible as it's a B-. Because you're low IQ, you misconstrued this. 5>4>3>1>2

Woah calm down autismo. I just posted a webm. Feeling this strongly about a toy can't be good for you. I was thinking about checking out Xenoblade actually but if the kind of fans it attracts are this high strung and socially maladjusted, I don't think it's the series for me...

Awful shit taste. As expected of someone who doesn't like the better series.

4 is better than 5.

>This retarded idiot who thought 4/5 was referring to Persona 4 and 5 is trying to lecture me now
Your opinion has been noted and thrown into the trash since, again, you're incredibly stupid and not worth listening to.

jesus christ he was saying he got 4 out of the 5 threads right

>SMT V thread
>People start going on a rant and shitposting about Persona, Nintendo, and Xenoblade
But why?

Who listens to someone who only knows how to eat shit for his daily meals? Listening to you would be the same as getting brain cancer.

4 is easily the worst game in the series.

I can't believe you're trying to claim superiority when you can't even read basic sentences correctly. Idiot
According to people who can't read at least.

Personafags shitposting like usual. They just can't help it.

yeah you would know

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>if the kind of fans it attracts are this high strung and socially maladjusted, I don't think it's the series for me...
congratulations, you fit that description perfectly
it's like it was made for you

Why would know? I don't play bad games more then need be

You ever notice how the first people to shift blame are the ones usually responsible?

Claim superiority? No I am. I don't like bad games.

>Posts a webm
>Get called names for no reason
Why the hostility buckaroo?

No you just fumble basic reading comprehension like the mouthbreather you are. Fucking moron. 4/5 holy shit you're dumb

That doesn't mean much coming from someone who writes like he's still in middle school.

If switchfags want P5 then it's only fair that snoypricks get Smt5 too.


That's rich coming from the guy who fails at basic reading comprehension. Go ahead and tell me my taste is shit while you drool on yourself and struggle with my "middle school writing." Maybe Mystic Quest is more your speed, downie.

Buzzwords, reaction images, and >implications are concessions.

Do you think you're only screaming incoherently at one person? Why are you so stupid?

>It's another episode of P4 & P5 falseflaggers going to war with each
Guys fuck off. I just want to discuss Persona like the good old days. You fags are going to be best friends when people start shitposting about Persona 6 in the future anyway so you might as well drop it. Let's discuss what we like about our respective games, Persona thread lets go.

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>Can't even follow a post chain
Holy shit, you get dumber by the second.

Yes. Claiming I'm the guy that you're arguing about over the 4/5 shit is incoherent. Why are you so stupid?

Hey new user here. Maybe go easy on user 2. Haha now there are 4 of us in this conversation.

Anyway, it's only incoherent if you're a moron which well you are. You realize we're all anonymous here right?

The newcomers brought in by P5 are fucking intelorable. I hate when these trend following retards think they're special because they found a niche game. We get it you like the game so did I shut the fuck up. God I miss P4 fags now.

You literally aren't allowed to talk about 4 without getting shitposted to death so I can't do that unfortunately.

Persona 4 is shit and you should feel bad.

I'm not going to let a drooling retard who can't comprehend basic English tell me what is and isn't shit.

>but if I remember correctly the ones in the trailer didn't look like the P5 models and Dx2 had its own set of models too
I like to think they did and just altered whatever just so it would in model with whoever's art they're using for the key design.

What is your favorite Persona game? Mine is Persona 4: Apocalypse.

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Yeah P4fags only lacked self awareness with how over the stop their threads were. I feel bad for making fun of them, because P5fags are just straight up obnoxious and legit think their game is some infallible treasure that definitely isn’t for waifu obsessed weebs.

P5 looks like it might be a pseudo remake at the rate it's going, unless new girl is literally for one dungeon, which imo makes it way more acceptable than Golden ever was. Whether or not FES is worth it depends on your opinion on The Answer.

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