Bros... Is it vaporware now?

Bros... Is it vaporware now?

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bayo 3 was never confirmed for 2019. astral chain is the platinum game for this year.

>it's true
>first Prime 4 and now this
I've made a terrible mistake.

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Is switch a Wii 2.0?

I hope Bayonetta 3 is a huge shift for the formula, honestly.
Bayo 2 was fun but it really felt like more of the same.

Im not sure why i bought this piece of shit console.

Bayo 2 for switch dropping price FUCKING WHEN

This. We should have bought a PS4, where all the true GotYs live...

they are pulling an xbone, saving all their 1st party games for next gen
you will see bayo 3 in 2 years on their new console

great, SJW Chain, I “really wanted” that for Switch over Bayonetta...