Death Stranding
Are you ready to cry, Yea Forums?

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Doubt it, Kojimbo has only made me misty at most with any of his games. I love all MGS games tho.

God, I hope they shadow-drop this by the end of this year.

We got to face the fact that it will release alongside PS5 at this point.

2 years to go at the very least.

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The ones crying will be sonyggas because they waited ten years, paid $60 plus tip and it's the only exclusive sony will release the year it's out.
Also sony because their budget went to celebrities and mcdonalds pockets instead of development.


Next month they will show more scenes of the game. Possibly they will give a launch date not so far away.

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I read a recent interview with a higher up Sony executive being cheeky about Death Stranding when he was asked about launch games for the PS5, i want to believe user but it's not looking good.

Oh look, the Switcher snake is still assblasted about Persona.
Go send your stupid, pathetic threats to Atlus, faggot.

Death stranding will be the greatest movie of all time

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never ever ever ever

this. same with Cyberpunk. they'll both come out a month or two before the PS5 the way GTAV came out on PS3 right before the PS4. try and make people buy it twice.

fuck am i reading
he loves gay seafood rain

>B-but it’s a game!

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Where's Caramel?

how about some game though?

why would you even do this. that scourge has been silent, leave it that way for fuck's sake.

Whatever happened to Quietposter? I need his opinion on the relationship between Venom and Quiet.

What happened at tribeca? Im late

Kojima can never go back to Japan

He married Reedus