Can someone explain to me why the Smash community is so insufferable?
Can someone explain to me why the Smash community is so insufferable?
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because its a ton of communities wrapped into one on top of the FGC
They have no awareness for other communities they share space with.
they are kids and manchildren
>E-Sports vs Casual appeal
>Non-Traditional fighting game that wants to be accepted by traditional fighting game fans
It's a breeding ground for foolishness.
A generation of middle class white kids who grew up with SNES as their first console and most likely graduated to Gamecube. Melee in particular was the autist game of choice, to the point that until now its still being played by those autists. Modern day smashfags are in it for the sheer novelty of a crossover game of Nintendo IPs. The most obnoxious fans are a result of the meta-narrative instead of the actual game, this is why rosterfags who dont even play the game exists, and people who shitposts on forums and imageboards about who makes it in and shit on others if their favorite doesnt make it.
why is her mole censored
Half of the community only cares about the roster instead of the actual gameplay.
Do those new characters even distinguish themselves significantly from the rest of the roster or do people just get excited about reskins of already existing playstyles with slightly different movesets?
Because there's no Crash Bandicoot to bring balance between the worlds. Two worlds, one family.
Because it's every other community put together.
Crossovers breed autism
Because the game at no point was designed to be a fighting game. Autistic people made it into one. Autistic people also bring in sociopaths, introverts and people that don't bathe. Which is why the entire community is trash and you should disregard anyone in that community that shares the opinion of it being a fighting game. That community literally had people not participate in tournaments because their controller wasn't defective and just recently are angry over a player simply turtling and not being stupid. They're all retards
>Alex Valle comes in
>"What is your name?"
Who the fuck put smashfag as commentator for SF games?
Yes, Crash Bandicoot must win to bring balance in the world.
Its mostly people who care about the roster than the actual gameplay. Recall the situation with Smash 4 WiiU and 3DS. The nonstop threads about the game were more about who makes it in, the trailers than anything else. The game itself barely had any discussion about core gameplay and was relegated as /vg/ material after a month or two.
>>Non-Traditional fighting game that wants to be accepted by traditional fighting game fans
this part just isn't true. 50% of the smash community, 30% of the community was involved in it first, or got involved in it after, and maybe 20% might give the slightest shit for what FGClowns have to complain about for them. (or at least for the newer ones always, no idea about melee, I'd imagine it as more obnoxious though given it's pretentious nature) If anything the FGC seethes in the fact smash is ALWAYS more relevant and popular. not one fighting game can compare to melee in terms of popularity, it's actually quite sad.
honestly? i feel sorry for tekken and SF but those are the only ones i know that barely qualify to even remotely compare.
God I want to FUCK Samus
In terms of the competitive community: most of them only give a shit about the Nintendo characters and only like 2 of the games remotely matter at a competitive level and their top 8s STILL go overtime because the ruleset still sucks off the Le Hype Rushdown from 2005-era Melee where the standard is 2-3 mins a stock and almost nobody knew how to camp each other like you see today. Ecelebs get dicksucked in the Smash community like very few others everyone bandwagons behind Zero/Mango/etc even if what they say won’t matter in a day. Whenever EVO happens smashfags complain that it isn’t Bo5 top 64 for a ruleset with 7 mins as opposed to the FG standard of 5 mins on top of much lower lethality overall because they’re used to majors where only 2 games matter. Community is also notoriously stinky even by the standards of nerd tournaments
>50% of the smash community, 30% of the community was involved in it first
This literally never happened. Even back in 2008 with Brawl the community was booing fighting games off the stage and screaming "whens smash"
Competitive smash is full of elitist retards and we can't let them win.
50% of the community don't give a shit*
sorry i fucked it up in a revision for my wording.
Interesting because my perception of it when I was a little kid was always that it's just some fun party game, something more interesting to play than Mario Party as soon as your group doesn't have any people that never or rarely play videogames. I always mentally separated it from other fighting games and was surprised the first time I found out that it actually has a serious community playing it.
Well that was a quick thread
actually yeah no honestly maybe 60% of the community doesn't give a shit and maybe 20% if you're generous was/is involved with some other actual fighting game. 10% at the least though, if you've ever been to a local a lot of people got to multiple a week. at least in texas
If you've played traditional ones prior Smaah then most likely you've made that mental separation early on. Its not uncommon for people to start with Smash these days than traditional fighters. DBFZ is another example of this, the major influx of initial players were Dragonball fans who only played the arena fighters and non competitive 3D ones like Budokai and have never touched a competitive title in their lives.
The bigger question is why Yea Forums tolerates smashfags considering what happened to Pokemon. There is a reason /vp/ exists.
They say 15% of statistics are made up
Mods are smashfags.
Not to defend the literal 5 years of daily roster threads
But name one large video game fanbase that isn't insufferable.
Define large.
System-seller level game like Smash.
i don't think you understand what i meant, let me rephrase it for you then.
the smash community doesn't care about the FGC. smash is more successful than the FGC. there you go bud.
I have a theory that anyone who takes smash seriously is just a chunk of the worst parts of one community. It is so blatantly obvious that Sakurai didn't want smash brothers to be a competitive game and thats why for a lot of people it feels insufferable to play that way. The only reason that more competitive features were added for ultimate is because he was pressured into it by investors.
Which community isn't?
>Which community isn't
literally any game that isn't a fighting game with a few exceptions
that sounds absolutely delusional.
have sex.
They think taking a game that is about crazy stages, broken items and over-the-top insane action that should never be played competitively, should be played competitively.
It's extremely simple.
The unbridled aggression of fighting game players, combined with the unmatched autism of Nintendo fans.
It's an unbelievably dangerous combination and has changed Yea Forums in irreparable ways.
Serious question: what exactly makes smash "not a fighting game"? Is it just because that wasn't what the developers wanted, or are there certain gameplay mechanics that distinguish it? If so, what are they?
>censoring beauty mark
Why? It's the best part of her modern design
There's no single answer. Some people get real autistic about needing health bars or whatever other elements to be a fighting game. The way I see it is that it comes down simply to the smash community being made up of a younger and more casual demographic whose game is just different enough that they can't/won't get into other fighting games.
>the vast majority of the community has no idea what the fuck they're talking about but have strong opinions
>meleefaggotry is an initiation right of being unable to tolerate the limited mechanics of subsequent games
>a vicious cycle of shit throwing has existed ever since brawl
The fact the word "honest" is used as if it means anything is a testament to how cancerous most smash players are. The FGC doesn't use it because it's retardspeak for "ability for me to play against this character without having to learn shit".
The fact that most Smashfags are just rosterfags bothers me more than it should. They don't care about the actual game.
Is Smash taken seriously by the rest of the fighting game community?