Does v still hate vr in 2019

Does v still hate vr in 2019

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Yea Forums never hated vr, it is completely indifferent to it

It's just that it has a very low amounts of games that are worth playing and the only company to give good money for devs to give a shit is Sony with their shit-tier VR.
The only way for Sony to win this VR gen is to have a more powerful console to run games on, the OG ps4 and even the ps4 pro are really lacking in the graphics + gameplay department.

Like Gaben has been saying there's not enough compelling content
Yea Forums is going to burn next week though

VR isn't about immersion, it's about having actually good motion controllers. When devs realize this, maybe something good will come out.

So, when in HL VR coming out? Maybe I'll get a headset then.

Valve will make VR blow up, calling it now

They're doing fucking something next week
Doubt HLVR though

>>VR isn't about immersion, it's about having actually good motion controllers.
The only value of current motion controllers is in world interaction without feedback. The only system this is appropriate for is shooting.

Current VR resolutions are so terrible that resolving sight pictures on guns is close to impossible with any kind of normal stance, and targets themselves are far too small to see. It's a close quarters system with no support for the kinds of features you'd need to make close experiences work in VR.

When's the BotW update

This old HL2 military mod was added to the Index demo which kinda implies whatever they have to show isn't that mind-blowing and they had to fill it with random shit.

I'm worried.

It came out years ago for hl1 and hl2 then valve the deleted vr feature in the game

did you happen to miss the other VR thread thats hanging around, you illiterate niggerfaggot?

It lets me do a bunch of gay dumb shit with my friends like kissing them and sitting on their lap, so nah it's pretty cool


This, stop taking up smash thread space!

they will hate it until mommy buys them one

Is Nintendo releasing the same game again?

What features?

Yea Forums is just full of poorfags who can't afford it

Yes. I'm basically a vidya luddite. Hate vr hate motion controls. Hate anything that isn't a man a tv and a controller. Hell I don't even like wireless controllers.

What's left of Valve's cred is kind of gone if they fuck this up

Day of the Rope is coming, leftist.

When you use it, you feel like "ok, well this is obviously the future and the next big thing in gaming." but then you realize no one's making anything worthwhile for it so it's little more than a stagnant gimmick.

>Does v still hate
Yes. The answer to all questions that start that way is yes.

If they start making VR singleplayer games and have Bokeworks or something similar i'm going back to the neet life

>the one console company to even bother with VR is anti lewd.

Fucking hell

Did'nt this happen with TF2 as well? Bit why?

VR not being ready
Can't see shit in gen 1

why would i hate something so inconsequential

>people that never played VR discussing VR

Virtual reality is fine, the current implementation is SHIT.

I'm waiting for a more immersive way.


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