Games as a service is a scam

games as a service is a scam
is he right, Yea Forums?

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I ain't giving that the views. Summarize.

Why the fuck do you watch a video game related video on youtube, and then immediately come to Yea Forums and ask what people think? Just read the comments if you're that gay.


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>you are not buying a product that you own, you are buying a service the company is providing you
>despite whatever claims or promises they make, the company can terminate that service whenever convenient or when they go under
>game dies forever, needlessly


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Lighting looks weird on him and the video crashes at 1:09
I'm too autistic to keep watching without knowing what he said immediately before. I'm also a lawyer and I'm expecting some cringe and misunderstandings.

this thread is already up here

I love how badly EA has been floundering after trying to present the argument that single player games are dead and that Games As A Service was the future...only for their games to gain users and lose them just as rapidly.

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So no, it's not fraud in any sense of the word.

>An hour and 15 minutes of Ross rambling about how GAAS are scams
This only just barely makes up for the lack of Game Dungeons, moldman.

What the fuck does "e-celeb" mean?
Ross has a life outside of his game dungeon, man.
I want you to think about why you posted that term, user.

With the exception of subscription games, games are not actually a service by most legal definitions and thus the practice of making them unplayable is illegal in most countries.

You're being sold a perpetual license that is knowingly non-perpetual.

Ross is one of the 3 currently good e-celebs

This. TheQuartering, PewDiePie and Ross are the e-celeb trinity.

All Video games are disposable anyways. After you beat and play them for an extended period of time, there's nothing left. This is especially true with multiplayer games.

I got done watching it and its kind of uncanny how almost every single post that's defensive of GAAS in this thread is something Ross blew the fuck out in the video.
this one especially, line for line.

Yes but it's the users definition of when their "done" with the game. Do you never revist an old game for a second playthrough? Some old multiplayer games are still being played by a respectable number of people to this day (Ross gives the example of Star Wars Galaxies, but even stuff like Quake 3 or FF XI are valid).

He should've had timestamps to each rebuttal in the description or something. Most people who are predisposed to being against his argument aren't going to watch far enough to get to his rebuttal section unfortunately.

watched enough of his videos to know what he's going to say

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All subscription services are just a clever way to sell less product for more money.

so companies could just slap a "your license expires on , we might extend it out of goodwill" in the EULA and then it's no longer fraud?

this dude looks like a diet version of based Steve1989MREInfo

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this desu, enjoy paying monthly for the rest of your life for movies and music

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No, because law superseeds the EULA. The EULA is between a company and you, not the government and a company. If the government declares something is illegal, the company can't just say that they're allowed to do it and be excused.

Skeemed through it to see if there was anything other than him speaking in front of a random background. Gee what a boring video, for one hour?
I will put it on and listen to it later when im at work.


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Everybody in this thread better apologize to BASED Ross before I beat all your asses.

We had a perfect middle ground with digital copies, atleast those could be backed up as many times as you want.

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>1:15h for a gaming rant
ohohoh no thanks.


Except that neither party thinks it's perpetual, it's not being advertised as perpetual, and the EULA spells out that the agreement can end at any time.

>1:15 fucking 54
>For something most people know
>When the people who don't know are probably just too retarded to be told

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capitalism is two adults freely engaging in trade contracts, that's it.

Hello there. You must love the flavor of boot!

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games as a service is for idiots only

1949 was capitalism
2012 was capitalism

what is your point

paying money for literally nothing

advertising is against the rules, faggot


Yes, and obviously so to literally everyone from the beginning. Does he have a video revealing that bears do in fact shit in the woods too?


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He looks ugly so I won't even watch it and I'll say whatever he's talking about he is completly wrong and should just shut up

pretty cool to not be a poorfag and not worry about pay 10 bucks a month

It's also a very profitable scam so it won't ever go away.



This goes for lots of online only games it's not a new thing
Why do people need some eceleb to tell them this? People don't care that they don't own fortnite or league of legends or MMOs, they care that they're having fun
If you get behind some shitty GaaS game that dies because it's unpopular or doesn't make money that's your own fault, it's not like those games can operate offline to begin with.

How about just never buying or playing GaaS? They're never worth it anyway. If people like spending their money on it, I don't even care. If it dies I'll just laugh at them if they're salty. They supported the practice.



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>they take away the game
>the money literally has been wasted

zoom zoom

>pay for a ride at a carnival
>have my fun and get back to reality like a normal adult

yeah, if you're some freak that wants

It's not buying a single ride, it's buying the license to ride it whenever you want.
Except when they shutdown the ride and provide you no way to continue using the ride unless you have specific carnival ride repair knowledge and the time and resources to repair the ride to working order on your own so that you can continue making use of your license.

He isn't your friend. He doesn't even know you exist. Kill yourself.

>Buy a lawnmower
>Three years after buying it, go to mow the lawn
>Lawnmower does not start because the manufacturing company no longer supports this model of lawnmower

>$0.01 deposited on your account
E-celeb shills should just kill themself

Yep. Too bad people don’t believe it

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he is right and he debated every possible dissenting opinion
he's right
the people that disagree are either contrarians, stupid, didn't watch the video, or all 3

>he doesn't have enough time to watch a 1hr 15min vid but he has enough time to post endlessly on Yea Forums

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>Remember that this was a clear and obvious possibility when you agreed to buy the lawnmower; resolve to have more discretion when buying lawnmowers in the future instead of making an hour long YouTube video about how you got ripped off.


Yeah hes right. I don't know why companys are so fucking lazy they don't give out the server code or whatever so people can run private servers once they kill the games themselves.

>not knowing about Ross

you seem to be seething, perhaps you should calm down?

No one said that. You're just projecting. Kill yourself.

Ross is really bad at longform videos, he should have left this to someone who is actually capable of properly explaining things, like Joseph Anderson.

Kill yourself hamster.

depends on implementation, balls. And that's because is tied to the real scam: always online.

The board made you stupid.

It's long and detailed so real lawyers can use it.

Ross is changing the world while you guys are complaining about video length.

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>e-celeb exceptionalism

>"""""knowing""""" an e-celeb somehow excuses a feature length """video essay"""
Kick the fucking chair out.

wait, Im pretty sure i din't right that.but my keyboard misses every other letter sometimes.


fuck I need some sleep

Wow, what a unique, original opinion.


Ross is basically the same cancer as the rest, why did Yea Forums ever like this guy?

if no one can provide a counter argument then it becomes FACT not opinion.

Two different theories of economics drive 1945-1971 and 1971-2019 though

I personally killed three games today.


>People watching "Ross"

Ross died in 2018 and was replaced by a Mold Monster. You idiots

>Yea Forums actively supports gaas
who would've thought.

>1 hour video
Not watching that
If you have some sort of argument you want to make, type it out.
But in general, my view is it makes perfect sense for online games, not so much for singleplayer games.
Though I personally would rather maintain memberships or subscriptions than face microtransactions. But if games can service of just selling skins, fucking power to them, even better for me since I dont care.