Nioh director in an interview:
>"This time around,” Lee said, “the gloves are off. We’re gonna go in hard.
>"The experience is going to be closer to what we really had in mind [the first time].
Who else is incredibly hyped already?
Nioh 2
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Bump god damn it
utterly meaningless words
unless they somehow mean they're going to stop a billion pieces of loot from dropping from every enemy I'm tired of sorting this shit out
The first one was okay. I'll guess we'll see. I can't see myself getting excited because the Diablo loot shit sucked.
Makes it sound like they hated making nioh or something. It's a red flag
>if a game is hard for its own sake, it is automatically good, without question
I hope everyone who is hyped for more Dark Souls crap has their mother die in their sleep tonight
Just dissemble or sell everything you don’t want to use. Honestly you only need to have gear autism if you WANT to because the alternative is just put in the bare minimum effort to match set bonuses for stuff you like and roll with it.
Seriously you don’t need to develop the tism until NG+3.
Not really. You can readily see through, for example, DSP's playthroughs, that the final game was MONSTROUSLY gimped down in terms of difficulty, when compared to the same maps from the public alpha.
It doesn't work like that because my brain is hardwired to look at every fucking drop.
It only superficially resembles dark souls. The combat is completely different
If it's still a souls game with diablo loot, I'm not interested
Sorry for not linking the interview.
They said they held back with Nioh because it was a new IP basically with a small budget. They feel more confident to deliver what they wanted to the first time.
I don’t think it’s a red flag.
Hope it’s closer to Ninja Gaiden rather than a budget dark souls this time around
>"The experience is going to be closer to what we really had in mind [the first time].
So are we talking Nioh Alpha style? Like berfore they made it toothless? I would fucking love that. Nioh is great but they really wrecked it trying to widen the audience and appeal.
I know the feel. That’s how they designed it but you CAN ignore it.
Don’t feed it (You)s
To the extent when the playthrough of what later became mission 3 in the final game, in alpha was NOT about killing monsters or leveling at all. It was about planning your routes in order for you to reach specific places, while avoiding as much filler mob (that will respawn after your death anyway) as possible, and making an actual difference on the level, such as picking something up, opening a shortcut or killing a non-respawning monster.
Unfortunately I missed the alpha. What are you referring to?
Level 70 atm in Nioh. The difficulty is starting to make my bones weary and I fell behind the recommended level somehow even though I've been doing side quests. Anyway I am hype for nioh 2, but i probably will only get it on sale
I hope, they make the combat less stiff. I loved nioh but in later way of the.... I used the same combos because they get so broken.
I loved the Diablo style loot. Was nice to get autistic with a certain build but half the time the stats get so overwhelming that it just because mindnumbing.
The difficulty doesn't matter. A game can be enjoyable to play even if it isn't grinding your bones into dust.
Obviously that is the easiest way of managing the inventory, but it still takes time to individually evaluate the items you receive, especially when you first start playing the game and aren't familiar with the jargon. Is 2.5% more X better than 3.2% more Y? It might not matter (and usually doesn't), but how is anyone unfamiliar with the intricacies of the game's metric fuck ton of stats going to know that?
It's indicative of a problem with loot design in general with the game.
This. I remember ki management being insanely important in the alpha, and I liked it. Hoping that returns in 2!
Some tards loved how everything had durability so your gear would break every 10 minutes unless you used a whetstone. So they spam every single Nioh thread about how “great” Alpha was because tedium = difficultly.
Theyve already shit hte bed in making the game great. All they had to do was have it be a round the world affair instead of just japan, that way, you have alot more aesthetic choices for environment, armours, weapons and most importantly of all, the spirits, you couldve had each "level" be a different part of the world with its own spirits based on that region. Niohs problem was almost entirely to do with its limited enemy and location variety. Im actually completely uninterested till I see what they have done that fixes these problems and makes it a new game and not a sequel for sequels sake.
nice strawman you worthless fanboy
>All they had to do was have it be a round the world affair instead of just japan
You're an idiot.
Controls were clunkier, enemies would literally one shot you if you didn't upgrade armor asap, weapons were made of folded aluminum wrap etc.
DSP has a reasonably representative playthrough of that.
First mission is noticeably more difficult than the final game.
The second one (corresponding to the third one in the game) is, however, through the fucking roof, and actually leads to really quite a unique, for Souls-likes, high-level gameplay (how, and why this way, you plan your routes).
Keep it up and don’t be afraid to try magic or ninja shit.
Ignore the stage level “recommendations” they don’t really make sense. Just look at the red sword things. If it’s 1 it’s babby tier. If it’s 5 prepare your anus.
I really like the combat. It feels mechanically very sound but I’m not sure what you mean by stiff. It definitely degraded into your William just assraping demons with his autism gear though which is such a huge contrast to NG-NG+2. The third playthrough was the most fun to me. Felt the most balanced for actual challenge.
They also get incredibly defensive using buzzwords like strawman, when called out for shitty opinions. There is a reason why none of that shit lasted past the alpha.
Why. Because I want more from the game than it to just repeat the same fucking game? I dont care about the goddamn story of Nioh for christ sake, Im not playing a sequel for the plot.
>i-its not a dark souls clone, i-its a completely different game
This game will be Yea Forums's savior
William better be a secret final boss
The point of the game changed radically. Alpha made you, occasionally, to actively AVOID monsters and to set your mind on doing things on the level that MATTERED (didn't get reset on death or shrine visit).
i cant fucking wait
>its gonna be EVEN HARDER and SUPER HARD and omg im so hyped look im fighting 3 bosses at the same time this is REAL DIFFICULTY
anyone else absolutely tired of souls clones and the difficulty meme?
The Diablo loot is what made nioh great you stupid faggots. The shitty part was it became a button mashing simulator because every enemy that out 5 pieces of year that you had to manually collect
I thought Nioh and the DLCs especially were hard enough not close to the Alpha/some of the Beta difficulty average wise maybe the DLCs sorta. But the bigger problems lie in enemy variety and some minor QoL aspects. Fix those and keep the same structure overall and it could easily be the best Soulslike etc game whatever you want to call it.
>game has upload save feature
>secret boss uses your entire build
How cheesed would you be?
Yes, the literal mountains of Souls tourists crying on Youtube and Twitch and organizing campaigns to flood the feedback forms with their retardation on the internet.
And here's the result, a good game buried under a literal mountain of shit, and on that mountain crawls it's current rabid fanbase.
I just want cutegirls
>See atleast 10 posts about "man I hate this difficulty meme"
>None of this was seen during Sekiro a meme game based around learning to play its one way and getting told git gud and spamming images of the easy mode article faggots on repeat.
Man double standards are cute.
I just want to be a big titty samurai
This is by far the most retarded argument against Nioh I’ve ever seen.
The enemy/level variety was fairly shit due to budget constraints.
The story would make even less sense if you traveled to other countries. Fucking what?!
Ah okay. Would’ve made an interesting mix up. I’m happy with what we got but I felt even the beta was harder than the final product.
Noooooooooo i liked my diablo souls
>Yea Forums is a hivemind
>Who else is incredibly hyped already?
literally no one. the fact that they chose to make this after from BTFO them with sekiro shows how clueless they are
Drop the shit loot system and it might be good.
>have fire onmyo build minmaxed with peak autism that can one shot DLC yokai on WotN
Yeah I’m fucked.
This is a terrible idea, I hate when you get thrown around a bunch different locations without any sense, it completely kills all sense of adventure. Just compare Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 in this regard.
The best way to do it is the opposite like Dark Souls 1 did. A series of levels that somewhat naturally flow into one another.
And it's not like Japan lacks varied environments, especially when you throw in the supernatural.
How do you make a difficult game?
All the soulsborne and even sekiro are a joke once you learn the enemy patterns.
>wanting stealth elements in non-stealth games
enough of this meme
This. Remember when Yea Forums loved Diablo? The one thing I would change about Nioh is being able to hold the button for a second and everything gets looted at the same time. Or better yet, everything goes to your inventory instantly. Better inventory management in general would be welcome. And please don’t have those animations whenever you open a menu (like a shrine, blacksmith, whatever). It’s annoying, it looks good the first time but after that it’s a waste of time
Also stop comparing it to dark souls you faggots, they play nothing alike and dark souls didn’t even invent the ARPG genre.
RNG out the ass
Yes, it is, are you only now just noticing?
That probably won’t change. I think what they mean is using bosses as enemies and repeating maps. What I hope they don’t mean is more cutscenes, Nioh has in my opinion the best ratio of cutscenes to gameplay, Id hate it if they interrupted the game flow with movies like so many other high budget games
>The story would make even less sense if you traveled to other countries. Fucking what?!
Pretty sure it starts in another country though. They could've easily made that non-Jap portion of the game longer for variety's sake
The trick is to make it engaging. Team Ninja knew how to do this at one point.
You can't. They are MEANT to be beaten, by and large. The only games that are "difficult" are ones with RNG on everything. See: Dorf, the myriad roguelikes and -lites. The best you can do is make combat enjoyable to incentivize repeat playthroughs and experimentation.
If it's still gonna be a Dark Souls rip-off then I'm not interested.
It's not even stealth. It's, uh, logistics, I guess.
just put timely guard ki reduction on all weapons mid stance, maybe 15-20% turbo mode and make abyss climb flatter for co-op fun
Lmao comparing Nioh to something as simplistic and shallow as dark souls, are you for real?
Nice, first one was easily better than DS2, and on par of DS3.
Fake news
That's the whole point. Alpha, due to its difficulty, sort of had something SoulsBornes didn't - an emphasis on planning your routes through the level in order to tangibly change said level in some way. Final game, having been gimped, arguably didn't really have that.
>it was shit because excuse
That doesnt make it not bad, I liked Nioh, dont get me wrong, but just because it had budget constraints doesnt mean those failings are not able to be criticized. Rate what you see and get, not what you expected and couldve gotten.
Also the amirita dont just exist in japan you spastic, in game it says they exist the world over, the game just takes place in Japan. The whole fucking plot is William getting his spirit back, which is an irish fairy spirit you fucking idiot, he starts with it, he was not in Japan when he got it, the idea is that there are spirits everywhere and some commune with them, did you play the game? Have the bad guy going around the world gathering them instead of just going to Japan for the Japanese ones, have the cast pursuing them,.
Why do you compare it to a game it has basically nothing in common other than checkpoints? They may be ARPGs but that’s where the similarities end. It was also way better than DS3 if you so insist on comparing them. The only great DS is 1 and only because of the world and atmosphere, because the combat is indie tier bad.
>bro it's TOTALLY complex cause you have to press the ki button and change stances sometimes
Niohfags don't get to pull the complexity card, it's just Bloodborne with less movesets, Diablo loot, repetitive enemy/boss/stage design and a couple extra mechanics. DMCfags, Bayofags, NGfags, KHfags, they can pull the complexity card because they genuinely have far deeper gameplay.
people called me an idiot for not abusing any magic at all other than elemental weapon enchants because I didn't want to be some faggy spellcaster, who is laughing now?
until the casual chinks complain that the game is too hard again during beta
Nioh does feel different though. At the core it might be somewhat similar, but Nioh is far faster, has actual combos, has far more in-depth combat system and much higher quality in the actual design of the combat.
user the first game starts in England, with the main character(who isnt Japanese) having a spirit already (which is an Irish spirit). You are under the assumption that only the Japanese in this game have spirits, and that is just straight up wrong.
I hope they keep the mission based progression.
I don't want more interconnected world bullshit, From is already doing that.
Just because you can beat the game by being overleveled and outgearing your enemies doesn’t mean the skills and combos don’t exist. I mean you can still play DMC like a game journalist and beat it. And stance switching and ki pulses alone allow for more interesting combat than dark souls
Are they going to stop that one-eyed blacksmith bitch from price gouging me?!
Yeah but after how successful Sekiro was it'll never go away, and on top of that people will always defend it for internet points and """gamer cred"""
Well I do think they have more in common but fair enough
Literally all they have to do is make more than 5 enemies for you to fight over the entire game and it'll be golden
The game starts in the tower of london and the next level is in japan. What the actual fuck are you talking about
>cutscene on a boat
>"we have arrived in India"
>we are now in an India level
>beat last boss
>"Damnit, bad guy got away, we can follow his maps to X other location in the world"
>next level takes place in some other part of the world
Use your imagination its not Dark Souls where you walk across the map to get to different zones Nioh is very distinctly separated by levels and regions, make each region a different location in the world.
Nioh isn’t even “lmao prepare to die xd” hard. It’s like any typical game played on hard difficulty, meaning reasonable and you usually don’t feel like you died to some bullshit. from fags are the insufferable ones with their git gud memes
I would have really liked Nioh if it removed all the NG+s, not letting you progress into the real endgame until you've gone through pointless gear checks of basically identical content was a joke.
I think that’s what they mean by going all out. The reused content was most likely due to their budget.
Wasn't there supposed to be news about this already? They haven't shown a thing since E3.
When I played Nioh I got really attached to certain weapons, like the lightning sword that one woman(queen? Mistress?) gave you for helping her out. Just sold almost all the other weapons I got so I could keep leveling it up at the blacksmith. Kept doing that until it got ridiculously expensive and had to find another sword. Am I stupid or fucking stupid?
My problem wasn't the fact that the content was reused, it was that there was no reason to reuse it to stop you going into the abyss. If they made the abyss drops scale properly there would have been no need to keep beating each NG+ to keep progressing.
Just regularly stupid. All the weapons drop later, even the unique ones and can be forged too. But no one knew that when playing.
it's a cool sword
Yea it's strange that different people have conflicting opinions. Maybe anonymous posting is too much for your tiny brain.
Bootleg Momiji is best girl so at least there's some attenuating for your stupidity
get rid of the fucking diablo 3 loot system, more weapons and its golden boyo
I like the loot system get fucked
I wouldn't even mind if the drops were more meaningful but by WotN I was just collecting spears by the dozen and soup matching them for 1 point at a time. Finally dropped it because it was just too tedious. Shame because I really wanted to get all the dlc trophies.
I thought the sword description was funny
>a peasant rumor says this sword cut a lightning bolt in two, but that's absolutely ridiculous. It likely just killed a lightning demon, dumbfuck peasants don't know shit.
Single player games have a natural limit on difficulty. The hardest game I can think of is dodonpachi doj, which took about 10 years before a player managed to get the true ending. Generally the only thing you can do to make a single player game harder is make it more punishing, faster, and random. DOJ also has a nasty rank system, which made it get harder the better you played. Still all these things weren't enough and a game that is just barely beatable will eventually be beaten.
*7 years, scratch that
Still pretty insane. The chink who has the world record spent 20k hours which is about the same time the melee gods spent in smash.
Doesn't look very hard to me, I could probably beat it in an afternoon.
What's that game got on this?
Remember they had that poll about the experience people had from the alpha/beta?
Surprisingly, the Jappos rated it much more difficult than Westerners did.
Why are people assuming they're talking about difficultly? Just seems like they want a game closer to the vision they wanted before, but now they can match the scope because the first one did so well.
Imagine believing in the developers who killed Ninja Gaiden.
Because Yea Forums is a bunch of fucking retarded controversy addicts. You can't say something like "go hard" without slowly explaining that it's an expression.
I really want a weapon that scales with spirit. Maybe also a fist weapon. NOT A CLAW WEAPON. But I have a feeling if there were any super close combat weapons, besides the tonfa, it'll probably be claws, fuck. What do you guys want?
Who? The guys who did Nioh?
I'm happy with a spear.
But there's already spears. I really don't think they'll drop them in the 2nd game, also.
Yes. Now we don't even know if we will have new NG since Yaiba was flop thanks to Inafune and the Samurai Souls was huge success.
So they made it hard again?
I'm just saying I don't really mind either way, I'll just use a spear.
I'll be honest with you, user. I like Nioh more than NG but that's just my personal opinion, you know? I'm excited for Nioh 2 because I really liked the first one, but I do hope you get some good NG games eventually.