All right, so this is my first time using this site, so please bear with me. I work at NOA(not saying my position otherwise i'm gone) & I managed to get a couple pics of the next DLC fighter's contents. Got things like his own Spirit Board, the songs he's accompanied with, etc. I'll only post one pic for today(to not raise suspicion, but the next one is coming as soon as possible.
Smash Ultimate
Kevin James
Other urls found in this thread:
Jeremiah Wright
Post more now faggot. You wouldn't just get people's hopes up only to be a littlte pussy bitch about it, would you?
Nolan Peterson
shut up or post more
Nolan Ross
Brody Thomas
Dragonborn is the Bethesda rep
Jaxon Turner
>no todd howard joke character
Josiah Price
>got a few pics
>posts one pic
Liam Lewis
This nigga just modded this shit in, nothing to see here
Tyler Murphy
dont just give that limp dick amount then fuck off, give us the goods. i dont want to get my hopes up over nothing after wanting this character in for over a decade
Connor Phillips