How bad is classic going to flop?

How bad is classic going to flop?

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Boomer retards will never realize how shit it is. Classic panders only to nostalgia, which is a feeling of a memory that you can barely make out. Classic will last a month, tops.

Attached: 1553260517442.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

retailseethe thread

>if I keep posting it over and over maybe it'll turn true
Can't wait for your bitter bitch tears when classic outperforms BfA.

its going to die after very quickly. blizzard totally missed the nostalgia hype classic when nostalrious was up. 5 years too late to the party

>meanwhile northdale has 10k online and had just as many as nost when it launched last year

i have a level 20 character on the old lightshope server but they dont let me transfer it to the new more popular server. wtf. i dont watn to level 20 times again on vanilla speed

You're fucking retarded and ignorant if you think the love for classic only due to nostalgia.
Classic is a COMPLETELY different game to retail. Sure some things sound the same, but the design, the looks, the gameplay, the mechanics all differ.
You're also retarded if you think that the thousands of pserver players aren't flocking to Blizzard because they can finally invest time with a guarantee that it won't be taken down at one point.

the weird thing is that Yea Forums cries shill for literally any game, ranging from small 1 man indies to triple A games, but there's been 24/7 threads for classic WoW, and nobody says anything about shilling

WoW is literally to big to fail. Its how it can turn out the shit it has been for a long time now and get away with it.
Classic won't flop. It'll get tons of nostalgia blinded people to play, and hyper normies who always heard about it but never got to try it. If BoA still has subs, why the fuck wouldn't classic?