Okay, this is based

Okay, this is based.

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Other urls found in this thread:


the jew cries in pain as they strike you

Tencent are the good guys

So the whole point of them as a company is to attack Steam and make demands on them as a business?

>Little Timmy Tencent plays terrorist

>we'll stop buying exclusives, we promise
>we're going to keep buying exclusives unless...
They're going to keep buying exclusivity no matter what. There's no other reason to use their service.

>implying it isn't illegal for him to make a move that would lose the company money
He would be kicked off the board at the very least and go to jail at the worst. You can't make your company lose money oh a whim. He knows he can't do that. Gabe knows he can't/won't. This is just playing the media.

Of course they want this, they're basically acting as guarantors for sales of their games. It's risky as fuck.

and this is why code monkeys shouldn't be in charge of PR

mr moneyhat sweeny's company is also richer than Valve by several magnitudes, and have the chinese Tongs watching their backs

The Developers don't get money from the games sold unless they self publish. Devs get paid to make the game and sometimes get bonuses if it sells well. Publishers get the money from sales. Fuck off shill.

This has to be the most stupid thing to come out of Epic PR team

They aren't richer than Valve at all and Tencent is already getting fed up of them wasting millions on exclusives that haven't sold at all. Meanwhile, Fortnite is in steep decline.

What's with his developer cut fetish?

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It's all they have to attack Steam. It's literally the only "positive" they have over it. of course that's all they're going to go on about.

Fuck Epic aside, Imma need a sauce on that

how stupid do you have to be to actually believe this obvious pr stunt?

Epic is much richer than valve what are you even talking about

So many steam cucks in this thread. 30% transaction costs on digital media is insane. It should be at most 10%. Epic is doing god’s work.

Attached: BD5E1B88-29D5-443F-B539-2DF93243B1C8.jpg (634x480, 30K)

>Fortnite is in steep decline
This makes me happy

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lol okay redd*t

Attached: fff.png (1236x1162, 273K)

Fortnite aside pretty much the only somewhat notable thing they have had since the first couple of GoW games is Unreal Engine, and I think most AAA developers stopped using it when the new generation rolled around.

its the main point nobody fact checks. it's okay when literally every other digital store does it but not when steam does it, also sshhhh don't tell anyone else that discord store does an even lower cut then epic

You wouldn't say this to Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Ubisoft, and/or EA who all take 30% cut.

>steam takes 30%
>sells plenty
>epic takes 18%
>also has to shell out money to get fake exclusives (only last a year)
>game goes to steam and sells anyway at 30%
How is epic making money again?

I hope these are mostly shills. Why would anyone want greater Chinese involvement in video games.

Oh so Epic is the good guy?

Attached: mhhh.png (516x440, 157K)

Is this a picture of you huckstering?

>epic takes lower cut
>transaction fees don't count though :^) hehe its still 12%

this this fucking code monkey really think hes fooling anyone?

Developers will get more money if they make better games

Attached: eJwNyMENwyAMAMBdGABsSgzOMhUiiKRKagTOq-ru7T3vY-5xmtXsqn2uzm3HLDI2O1VGbtU2kXbW3I9pi1wuq-ayX_Wt03kAIvKc (298x301, 11K)

Yes. Tho Reddit will defend their steam to their last soldier

>Steam refuses to change prices
>Epic has to keep paying devs more money
>by doing nothing they non-directly fulfill this demand

Not at all, that's the cost of doing business and is completely reasonable. Steam pays for the fucking server support of every game on their store. That shit isn't free. Steam provides dozens of services to developers and publishers to help them keep their games running, updated, and in contact with their community. All of that comes at a cost, you have to pay for the work being done to enable this. kys Chink shill

>three threads simultaneously about this topic
Yo chinkies how about you stop literally flooding this already fucked up board?

finally a company i can trust!

Wait, why should I care if epic has a smaller cut? Why would me, a consumer, give one single shit about this? Add reviews and a forum for each game and perhaps you can get my attention.

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What if devs were selling their game on both platforms at the same time? Some suckers would buy it twice, so they will get more money
Problem solved

Attached: this_fucking_cat.png (121x128, 21K)

what will epic do when publishers want more and more money to stay exclusive? what will happen when take2 releases the next grand theft auto and tells up epic pay up 50 or 100 million or else they release everywhere. funny things happen when your company is perceived by publishers as a free atm; they wonder if they can get more and more money out of it.

I will never get why you fags care, just buy the games from wherever and playthem, what does it matter what the UI of the game launcher looks like?

Now this is EPIC.

Attached: Epic.png (930x480, 498K)

>stopped using it
literally the opposite

>pretending to caring about developers

Jesus fuck this, thinking developers are entitled to get paid is some participation trophy tier bullshit.

The UI? It matters not. What about features? Like forums, reviews, community stuff. Thats what I like.

The Chinese are trying to overtake another western industry so they can have more sociopolitical influence over the United States. By selling us their brand of communism, which I have recently taken to calling Soviet Capitalism minus Winnie the Pooh, we will end up buying even MORE of their shit. to do this however, at least to the extent that China wants, the United States must become a totalitarian police state to the scale of the Chinese's own social credit system. The reason we are in such a monumental "trade war" with them has little to do with money on our side, it has to do with preserving freedom and liberty. Fuck China. If you buy anything from the Chinese you are supporting your own slavery.

>Cucks unironically believe Epic Shit is richer than Valve

Pure irony that this guy is desperately trying to play the "give a mouse a cookie..." game with Valve, but in reality is only playing it against himself when all these devs are just milking him for free money while knowing they'll actually make sales when they get back to Steam unless he wants to give them more free money for nothing in return. He has set up an utterly unsustainable business and is failing miserably. It's hilarious. Epic will be dead in a year.

>30% transaction costs on digital media is insane

Why? Since when? Why only Valve and not all the industry?

You are all pathetic, denouncing something that you don't understand at all

They're not, but they are being directly subsidized by the Chinese government, which has all the money in the world, and can print more of it out of thin air due to their direct partnership with their Jewish masters. Tim KNOWS that Epic will be shelling out money by the 50s and 100s of millions for exclusivity eventually. Epic WANTS that because China wants that. The more reliant the industry is on the Chinese dollar, the more control they will have and the further along towards their goal they will be.

>We'll stop being predatory anti-consumer pieces of shit if you follow our demands!

Attached: uwot.png (1400x330, 569K)

>Good guy has to pretend to be the villain for the greater good of the people.
Funny how this all comes back to Valve and their outrages 30% cut.

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It's not. These subhumans have no idea what they are talking about. That 30% fee is necessary to sustain the level and quality of services provided by Steam to their clients. It is the cost of doing business. The server space and support is no different than the retail space provided by a brick and mortar store to stock the product.

But they are It's a fact and you can confirm it yourself.

Let's see how long Epic lasts without Fortnite. Valve is shit, but they at least have longevity and have been known as the PC gaming service kings for over a decade. At best Epic will just become a shittier Uplay/Origin after getting smacked down.

0/10, fake and gay. Here's your final (you), insect.

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It really doesn't matter, that's besides the point. If anything, it makes the whole situation even scarier. The Chinks can, and WILL home in, and there will be hell to pay on our side of the fence.

>Guys look I care SO MUCH about these poor developers who aren't getting enough of a cut from Steam
>pay no attention to my wage slaves working 100 hour weeks on Fortnite

I would be honored just to look at the source code, to be honest.

>tim beating around the bush about the cut for 5 months
>valve didn't even pay him any attention whatsoever
>now he's starting to directly addressing them
jesus man the desperation is marvelous
valve's complete radio silence is the best thing they've done in years

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Yeah poor guys getting paid overtime and with all kind of benfits unlike /OURGUYS/ CD projekt that would just fire anyone that refused to work unpaid overtime.

Oh no how will a company that is worth more than Valve ever cope with that!?

Let Epic to buy exclusives until China run out of money.

Epic Games pretty much lost all of their credibility when they make people work overtime and don't properly compensate them for it.

Polish people don't deserve paid overtime

>and don't properly compensate them for it.
But they do? Why do VaIvedrones always spread lies like this?

the Chinese are better than you Western wh*tes, I'd rather give them money than the US.

"we will stop making games exclusive if you let yourself go in to the red, a position that totally isn't favorable for us with tencent backing"

i don't know, ask tim, he's the one going off about this whole situation while his "competitor" is just sitting there laughing

It sounds better than the reality than them just courting games by giving them millions of dollars through exclusivity deals

>we will stop paying for exlusives once Steam starts bleeding money left and right

There is a reason why literally everyone except Epic is charging 30%.
Sony do it. MS do it on Xbox. GOG and other online stores do it as well.

And the only reason why Epic can do 12% cuts is a the Fortnite money and the thing that they charge you the customer extra for the payment methods. Hell, not even Paypal works on EGS because EGS is breaking their ToS and wants customers to pay the fine instead.

You can only operate with a 12% model if someone else pays for the rest and that one is you.

See how Steam keks like are spreading fake news?
Wake up, people. don't let Valve drones brainwash you. They are literally shaking in their boots. They know it's only a matter of time before Steam goes belly up.

It's all they have right now so they gotta push the fuck out of it. Their store is at least a year away from potentially being a legit competitor to steam due to lack of basic features.

>claims to be consumer
>pretends to care how much percentage publishers get paid
You aren't fooling anybody, Goldstein. Kill yourself and swallow a nigger cock

do it to everyone but epic games to own the chinks

they're just indie devs who want to get paid more
notice how they NEVER mention cheaper prince/customer convience whatsoever, they don't care, they ain't even hiding it

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Are you actually comparing a 30% from a console to a simple store UI on the computer?


Attached: Epic slaves.jpg (1080x1187, 245K)


So it's become clear this is all an elaborate plot to make Steam shell out fuck-tons of cash to corporations?

Why do you give a fuck what a publisher gets?

its actually industry standard
its wacky how they also have to pretend in the first place

Steam started BECAUSE of exclusivity. Think of that.


>are you comparing a computer to a computer?

>Any of the money will go to the mainline devs and not the publishers pocket
>Tims not just saying this since it became known he works the fortnite devs like a fucking chinese sweatshop

Attached: The fuck..jpg (250x250, 8K)

I didn't know Valve created all the computers in the world and shipped them, my bad.

>Journalists are only credible when they conform to my biases
The absolute state of gaben cum guzzlers

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Hey Tim go fuck yourself with a dildo infused with scorpions and a chainsaw attached to it, seriously fuck you, you don't give a shit about devs you don't give a shit about your customers just fuck you you pompous mother fucker.

Attached: 1499566044803.gif (448x246, 2.44M)

>We at Epic Games care for the developers
>We at Valve don't
>L-look Valve if you start to care, then we can all be friends, r-right?
What the actual fuck did they mean by that?

What exactly does console do that Steam doesn't already do and without the paid online?

>Treat your employees like shit
>"I'm so generous giving other CEOs like me a bigger cut"

He's a two-faced fucking moron and looks like he has downs

>hurr durr you can't justify pirating

Attached: buyfags btfo.gif (430x220, 1006K)

>30% is only bad when Valve does it.


Nice try shill. Actually, no. It's not even close to being a good try.

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>simple store UI
jesus are you guys playing dumb or seriously this inept?
go do some research first, tim himself said 12% is unsustainable for egs imagine how worse it would be for steam

No, this is just a trick. They fully expect Steam not doing it, which would allow Epic to claim the moral high ground.

Attached: 82.png (875x880, 29K)

Watch how Steamfags will completely gloss over this fact.

Why are Epic so based?

Truth is they cannot keep up with this exclusivity thing, they want Valve to match them. Tim/EGS is on breaking point, just hold out Valve you need do nothing.

user that's even worse
the owner of the console makes most of the money from people buying the console and then they take a 30% cut from the developer.
>but its a simple UI on a computer
both are simple a simple UI on a computer
you just enforced his argument
Valve only gets a couple dozen bucks from the game bought by a consumer while a thing like microsoft makes over 400 bucks because consumers have to buy a console too.

Attached: Laughing Heavy.jpg (1130x721, 171K)

>Give publishers more money

That pic was a long time ago, dude.

>says he cares about developers and that its only fair they get a good payment and fair shares

>lets his own employees work 60h a week more than they need to
>if you refuse you get fired
>only to make barely more than a generic office guy who works his normal 40h
>all so Tim and his chinese overlords can get bigger payment bonuses every year

Listening to Tim talking about "fair shares" is like listening to the a cat advocating for mouse rights.

>>transaction fees don't count though :^) hehe its still 12%
only with certain payment methods. If you use CC or Paypal, there are no payment fees.

user, they can keep up with it. They are cutting Steam out and making money. Devs are happy, Epic is happy, Steamfags are SEETHING.

Too bad they lost the high ground for forcing their employees to work 70hrs per week as the norm.

>epic games boss says they'll stop killing people if steam starts killing people

Attached: 1541331224266.jpg (890x960, 112K)

why are you wasting your time posting this idiotic rambling shit
get a fucking life weirdo

I refuse to believe anyone but a chink bugman could be this stupid.

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its a ploy. they are probably experiencing a decrease in player activity and hes acting like hes being reasonable. if their stuff gets put on steam they would have steam achievements and thus some people become active again

What a wonderful and meaningless response.

Attached: steam-summer-sale.jpg (800x450, 54K)

They're already going to stop with the exclusives once their user base grows enough. This is just setting it up so they look better when they do.

Reminder that whenever Sweeney says developers when referring to the cut he actually means publishers
publishers are the ones that get the cut not the developers and the developers barely have any power with Sweeney because he doesn't care about them

Attached: Epic loves devs btw.jpg (697x809, 133K)

lol cope

I posted that and I'm a steamfag.
Valve had the strategy at the time and created a kind of "product" that nobody has ever seen before when it comes to PC gaming with the things it had offered. Like one hub for all the games (monopoly but at the time mainly just valve games), game patches without the need to go to any specific link for patch downloads, etc. They had all that in the bag, but steam is still relying on the same code from 2003. Probably for good reason (changing the foundation might ruin us even having these games in our account) I saw the old chat UI for one of my friends next to the new one. Steam's updates is just adding things on top of eachother instead of changing fundamentals.

>if you refuse you get fired
>only to make barely more than a generic office guy who works his normal 40h
>all so Tim and his chinese overlords can get bigger payment bonuses every year
Why do you Valve cucks lie like this? They all got compensated for every hour they worked overtime. What's your problem, are you an actual Valve employee?

On lies.

>still several months before BL3 comes out
>epic store might be dead before than
Maybe the future isn't so bad after all.

all the devs are happy beep boop

>We've always loved Valve here because they've been shilling here all time
Are you for real?

the epic store is an effective commercial failure if you actually take into consideration just the store by itself. It was fortnite who made epic so much money but that existed without the store. The games are all purchased and sales dont seem to be that great as they are rarely talked about and when done incredibly questionable. There is no way they have made their money back from everything they have bought as many of the titles are not even out.
The store as it is only exists because of fortnite and that doesnt require a store so if the store closed it would just mean more money except for the ridicule epic would recieve

does this naive journalist really think the extra money will go to the devs and not the publisher?

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The weekend can't come soon enough.

Listening to Epic shills during the week is so tiresome and atleast Timmy isn't paying his babies to work on weekends.

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>valve has been shilling here
you don't belong here retard, stop shittying up the board

It doesn't really matter either way
the general consensus on Yea Forums is like this
making games exclusive to your own store like Blizzards WoW, EAs Battlefield 1, Bethesdas Fallout 76
making other games exclusive to your own store like Epic is doing

>n-no the company that is worth more and got more money than Valve will c-clearly be dead by then!

It won't die as long as they have Fortnite money to throw at exclusives. Give it a year then we'll see.


t. SEETHING Gaben cock guzzlers

Ah yeah the total organic "What should I buy during this sale fellow gamers?" threads spammed with the very same OP image and format.

It's simple, they're probably losing a ton of money buying off people for only limited amounts of time.
Nobody in an enviable position does this kind of shit. If business was going extremely well, Valve would be rushing to copy them and they would be too busy to care what the competition does or doesn't. The fact that they're actively trying to change Valve's behavior, portraying themselves as the good guys and claiming they would stop doing exclusives once that's done means they aren't the least bit confident with the way things are going for them.

And another. Just a fat barrel o weak nothin', aren't ya?

Attached: 9ACTVtT.jpg (1565x1242, 257K)

ok,. i hate epiic store, but WTF

we will give away one of out competitive advantages if steam will cancel out another of our competitive advantages.

Sweeney pays bribes for exclusivity contracts
games he get are low-quality crappy games
publishers don't care as they got their bribe, in fact this is actually better because all they have to do is con Sweeney into paying them and then they don't have to give a single fuck about the consumers
Sweeney cares a lot because he's losing a lot of money while his BR Zoomer installbase only buy Fortnite dabs emotes and hat skins

He just want the greater good for gaming and devs, that has been his goal all along. And only way to do this is the fuck up Valve.

They are hemorrhaging money like crazy with this exclusivity bullshit.

Fortnite is on the decline. It'll be dead as soon as the next big thing comes along.

>muh devs
>all the money goes to publishers
What did Epic mean by this?

>X works for the greater good

Are you 12?

Fucking stupid. They made the PC master race into a tightly knit and strong community. Gabe literally saved PC gaming from ruin. To this day there's threads made just for making new Steam friends.

Attached: gloriouspmr13_2048x2048.jpg (1600x900, 168K)

Stupid catposter.

no one is the good guy neither valve or epic, it's two businessmen trying to make money while appearing as the good guy. in the case of epic their just trying to appear as good guys while making underhanded moves and trying to goad valve into a war.

neither are the good guys, Tim is just an annoying chihuahua yapping and talking a big game all day looking like a bigger ass than valve whos doing nothing and one day his businessman cowardice will be exposed

Attached: buy it.png (328x330, 227K)

>posting about something completely beneficial to the consumer is shilling
How about you fuck off chink.

>thinking that Tim is actually telling the truth
user Tim Sweeney is a lying snake
do you really think he would do something like that?

Attached: Epic tencent.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

Steam wont ever do that and he doesnt want steam go but saying it is safe and makes him look humble. Even though he's a greedy scumbag.

Valve made those games, you are mentally ill shills.

>"Fortnite is on the decline. It'll be dead as soon as the next big thing comes along."
>Says the seething VaIvedrone for the 100'th time.

Attached: 3456a77d.png (633x758, 16K)

Valve = white

Steam could take a 99% cut for all I care. Its about STICKING TOGETHER AS THE PEOPLES WE ARE!


Attached: hmmm.jpg (676x1024, 120K)

How does it help "gaming"? It only helps certain devs while shitting on everyone else. This is the greediest, most selfish move in gaming we've seen since EA rose to infamy.

Twitch must be banned in chink land.

Attached: chin_kee.jpg (350x351, 44K)

>Devs are happy

Attached: 1533733293611.jpg (749x1030, 147K)

>being brainlet

Remember when tim Sweeney just fucking lied blatantly and deceptively to everyone

Attached: Sweeney_lying.jpg (1158x1065, 189K)

>sales are now shilling

lying sack of shit

Ah yeah nothing wrong with "us gamers" talking about how we should spend our money on a multi million corporation DRM store, it's for us gamers!

Developer here.
See what did I tell you all?
All steam needs to do is stop taking 30%.
It's too much. It's way too greedy for the half-assed services they provide.

>Voice chat and text
Discord is better
Twitch and obs
Died after flash sales stopped
>Discussion forums with devs

Cancel those services and reduce the precentage you take from the devs.

This is why Epic is winning. It's not the promised minimal sales. It's the fucking 30%. Not even consoles are this greedy.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019_01_24_at_1.13.18_PM.jpg (675x224, 28K)

They're scared.

>the owner of the console makes most of the money from people buying the console
That's not true. Consoles are often sold at a loss. The money comes from the games.

They are attacking Valve on Microshafts behalf as Valve had the nerve to support Linux with Proton. It's a conspiracy to prevent the Year of the Linux Desktop.

>Wanting the Fortnite kiddies forced out of their containment zone because the game died

>Developers: We make games and basically do all the work
>Steam: gimme half the money you make off this game
>Developer: no thanks that's too steep, I'd rather use a different service for that
>Steamdrones: REEEEE why don't you put in on steam?!

Steamdrones are legitimately exposing themselves as shills. They hate competition, they hate the free market, and most importantly they hate video game developers. Plain and simple, they are literally so stupid and lazy that they can't download another platform outside of steam. And somehow, they'll claim it's because they're being ethical something something about tencent, EA, etc. just your average bullshit response that Steam pays them to spew. They have no ability to make any rational arguments outside what is given to them by some fucking Youtube personality forcefeeding them agendas.

Imagine being this much a of a brainlet.

What about things like Family Sharing, VR support, Linux and Mac support, filtering out games you don't want on the store, a shopping cart, wishlist, game time tracker, screenshots, cloud saves and controller support
I would say those are pretty useful
also reminder that 30% is the industry standard and if you do care so much about the cut than you should be shilling Discord because its cut is only 10%

Once again, fuck off you chink bugman piece of shit.

Attached: Free Tibet.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

I think he is just a compulsive liar.

How much of a decline though? Because WoW has been on the decline for the better half of a decade now and that shit's still making money.

Randy pirchford can eat my ass. This is all to funnel more money to publishers and perpetuate the cycle of fucking devs over.

What game did you make?

I never used any of those features, if I want to pay for a game I want to pay for playing the game. Not features only anime trannies use.

Attached: OH NO NO NO.jpg (960x540, 73K)

Steam has practically cornered the PC market, which has lead to mountains of bullshit shovelware and policies that fuck over developers.

Checks and balances, user. One company can't hold that much power or else the industry as a whole suffers.

>A lot of people that hated steam before are now saying they're not that bad because of Tim Sweeneys attitude and the recent fortnite scandal with overworking Devs.
Valve literally doesn't have to do anything but wait at this point

> father/friend/gf

Why did he put everything together? Is having a father the same thing as having a gf?

If the Valve Tax is such an important thing for developers then how come Epic need to literally bribe developers to use their service?

Ok so make your own distribution service, establish a userbase and then deliver your game on that.

Oh that would bankrupt you? Maybe you let someone else handle all that then and then just take some of whatever you manage to make.

But... with bankruptcy, you do get more per sale, so there's that.

Attached: Casey summary.jpg (344x283, 63K)

>Discussion forums with devs
Literal paid shill, go eat your rice.
Who in their right mind prefers to ask devs on twitter than just make a thread on the games' forums?

>Meanwhile Epic is making more money than ever while Valve is losing all their big brand companies

Attached: brainlet.jpg (800x450, 44K)

>50 years of being the hero vidya deserves
>inventing cinematic shooters and profiting off fangames the community made is saving vidya

everyone know Epic do nothing but launder money for the chinese
so they just act as if they want to "save" the industry to bait devs

Someone that wants to actually discuss the thread? Not even devs use the Steam forums 99% of the time.

>Family sharing
PS4 does it for free
>VR support
PS4 also does it
>Linux and Mac
Not my problem. Windows is the only platform that matters.
>All games stores have that
>Shopping cart
Gog, psn, Xbox has that
>Wish list
>Game time tracker
Again consoles and other stores have that
>Cloud saves and controller support

AGAIN consoles and other stores have that. What point are you trying to make?

Consoles are sold at a loss which is why they take more

Steam? It's a fucking program. They're not selling anything at a loss. They're gaining a monopoly on the PC games market and have people like you defending them even though other console platforms have similar/better features for less.
Then you have faggots like this defending the shitty steam fourms where they ban you for bad mouthing their game?


Attached: epic_revenue_1.png (714x1017, 106K)

Because that's the only way they have to guarantee the devs their games make a return in their store.
Yes it's THAT bad. Phoenix Point dudes got paid 3 million
3 million dollars to not release on steam can you believe it?

>He thinks Fortnite devs weren't in a similar "we highly recommend you volunteer for 100 hour work-weeks or we'll have to find somebody else to do it, by the way we're not FORCING you to do overtime or anything" situation

Reminder that Yea Forums also loves FNAF, Undertale, MLP and etc.

Even sweeney himself said they can't keep making exclusive deals forever, its basically just a waiting game while Epic keeps getting bad press and ire from the community.

>owned by Valve
>a private american company
>only work to follow their own private interest
>invest in Linux, VR technology, streaming and other sectors
>customer is king
>anyone can release their game on Steam - Nobody gets left out and nobody gets forced
>"piracy is a service problem"
>if you generate keys on Steam which is free you can also keep 100% of the money and don't need to give Steam a cut which is one reason why Steam created a growing market for third party sellers
>Valve are known for being a very easygoing employer who give their employees a lot of room so they can create their own projects under no pressure

Epic Gamestore
>mostly owned by Tencent aka. the chinese government (40% are directly owned by Tencent other companies like Disney or ICONIQ also invested billions in Epic)
>follow the interests of their investors
>pay for exclusivity of titles they consider high profile
>claim that devs benefit from this even though Obsidian admit that they didn't even know about the exclusivity deal before it got revealed and they also received no benefits from it
>publishers (Whoever is in control) is king
>"pirates are literally scum and rob us"
>only sell keys to partners heavily regulated in order to keep competition out
>Epic devs work 100h a week to make more Fortnite skins and event content so kids do not lose interest - So Tim gets to keep his billions

Factually bullshit you stupid fucking chink shill. Kill yourself.

>hiring developers of fangames that would have only seen a couple bucks otherwise get thousands for their hard work is saving vidya

He saved the indie scene as well. People no longer needed to seek the aid of a publisher to get their games out there. Many a creative spark has been made into multi millionaires and achieved some level of fame thanks largely to the fact that they could just put their game directly onto steam and instantly reach the entire world. It's why that particular market is so damn flooded, lest we forget.

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>>anyone can release their game on Steam - Nobody gets left out and nobody gets forced
>>only work to follow their own private interest

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Are the epic exclusives even supposed to be good games?

>Muh chinese boogeyman
Steamdrones cannot come up with anything other than this lmao. Sad!

fucking lol, no this happens across the industry

>invest in Linux, VR technology, streaming and other sectors
brb joining EGS camp

>Devs are happy
You meant publishers right?

Yeah it's not like a single country has manage to have a healthy indie(doujin) scene since forever even without a DRM platform botnet that collects and sells your data.
It's nearly like Steam is only make it worse, hmm...

fat chance epic is gonna be caught pre-paying sales to a "legally grey" game

>Yea Forums is now full of fucking steam fanboys who will say steam can do no wrong

What went wrong bros?

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You may not actually be a chink yourself but you work for them, you bottom feeding scum sucking shill faggot. You're lower than a jew.

>it's Gabens fault that he doesn't want to go to jail thanks to amerilaws being retarded

Haha it's so based and epic for corporations to admit that they're doing something so scummy and underhanded! Hahaha so based and redpilled! This is definitely not worrisome at all :)))

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>What went wrong bros?
Zoomers that was not there before the age of Steam.

>profiting off fangames the community made is saving vidya

yeah how dare they hire the Mod devs and give them way more money than they would have ever gotten on a free mod.

Watch how Epic shills run away at the mention that Discord has a smaller cut than even Epic. I would unironically buy games from discord store than buy it from Epic, they even have more fucking features than the Epic store.

Good. Steam takes too much from developers/publishers pockets.

Why only steam?

Whatever you say Goldberg.

>Literally shilling for a company
>defending it taking 30% cut for also doing absolutely nothing besides add achievements and other shit nobody cares about


How much do you shills even get paid? Probably some fucking pajeets working for literal pennies. You should literal kill yourselves.

Why do they even bother bribing developers instead of actually getting people to buy stuff through their platform? Here's an idea: keep the same cut as Valve, but instead of pocketing it like Gabe does you sell the game for cheaper. Developers can release their game on both platforms, meaning no risk for them at all, and gamers get to choose where to buy from; of course if the game is cheaper on Epic store people will buy it there instead.
Problem solved. Now Valve has to consider doing something or see people flock off one by one.

Competition is healthy.
But not the kind of competition Epic brings to the table. PC exclusivity is shit.

t. normalfag

Because Steam got oligopoly on the PC market.

Not quite. The kinds of devs that seek out EGS only do so out of fear (more like knowledge) that their game is not good enough to survive on its own merits and will be poorly reviewed. EGS protects the shitty games and shitty devs by making the consumer the enemy and disallowing the users to rate games or even to discuss them. It gives the devs 18% more of a cut per sale and even makes the buyer pay any additional fees.

Sounds good on paper (to them) but if no one's buying the games, 12% of 0 is 0 and all they're left with is that miserly sum of money given to them out of epic's pocket. Shitty goal to shoot for.

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>Discussion forums with devs
>Cancel those services
Fuck no.

>being against epic means you are for steam

>weeb """logic"""

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>ever putting PS4 and Xbox in the same league as Steam when you have to fucking pay them a monthly fee just to play fucking online games

fuck off.

It's nearly like Valve shill on Yea Forums all the time >Discussion forums with devs
NO devs uses that shitty forum.

>PS4 does it for free
so someone else does it for free want to know who doesn't and is the main argument? Epic is
>does it for free
so does Steam i'm not sure what you mean by this
>PS4 also does it
the main argument is Epic not PS4
>Not my problem. Windows is the only platform that matters.
its still someone elses problem user and the entire excuse of why Epic is better is because they fix someone elses problem
>>All games stores have that
not Epic
>Gog, psn, Xbox has that
the main argument is Epic not those other things
>Again consoles and other stores have that
not Epic
>AGAIN consoles and other stores have that. What point are you trying to make?
not Epic that's what i'm trying to say
do you know what you are talking about?
>Consoles are sold at a loss which is why they take more
fair enough
>They're gaining a monopoly on the PC games market
they have yet to gain one quality of pic related

Attached: Monopoly.jpg (500x372, 55K)

>defending the shitty steam fourms where they ban you for bad mouthing their game
Oh yeah twitter where they'll block you for badmouthing their game would be much better.
Kill yourself retard.

I'm sure epic will love to have pedo weebshit shovbelware on its platform. Chomping at the bit to get those, I'm sure.

People here are defending Steam like the savior of PC gaming and that they can do no wrong though.

is this a picture of the Belgian Congo?

He's right though. Just because it's not technically a monopoly doesn't mean people are wrong in calling it one. If anything we can just use another definition change like how we changed literally to not literally mean literally anymore.

As it stands they hold more of a market share than its 3 top competitors combined. Just because it's not TECHNICALLY a monopoly doesn't mean it doesn't have all of the negative effects and executive bloat that comes with one.

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Nice goalposting

They do though. All the time. Their usernames even have a yellow [DEVELOPER] tag next to it and don't pretend like you don't see them interacting with the community on a daily basis.

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that's the goalpost you set up
nobody expects a store to sell illegal shit

see here
People listed a bunch of things Steam does, another user proved them wrong and yet they refuse to admit Steam is not perfect but it does it for "the greater good!"

Nobody denies that the current way they handle their picks is wrong.

They need actual guidelines instead of picking things at random depending on how the responsible person feels on that day.

Just another marketing trick. Epic is already feeling the heat. Will probably bought put by the Chinese soon, which would be sad, since they will probably fuck up the Unreal engine with bullshit.

Based and redpilled

this but unironically

Valve, unlike Epic, is privately owned. Gabe has no shareholders, and thus he has no legal responsibility to increase the company's value.

Granted, he shouldn't cowtow to Tim's wild demand either, but he is fully capable of doing so if he felt like it. Not like he ever would.

>NO devs uses that shitty forum.
Patently false. Also I don't want to talk exclusively with the devs.

>Nobody denies that the current way they handle their picks is wrong.
But if you read the thread that is exactly what people here does, this is why no one trusts anything a Steam fanboy says, as they are fanatically and think that Valve can¨t do anything wrong.

And don't get my wrong, I don't like Epic in any way but I hate when people pretend that Valve fanboys are acting so holier-than-thou when their store is basically the same shit.

does that retard think he's smart? thats a play a ten year old would come up with.

Yea Forums will never ever turn on Valve. Modern day Yea Forums was built and raised on Steam.

>epic shills at the end of every single thread

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Yeah and they fucking ban you for bad mouthing their game. Such a nice forum!

>Fortnite Zoomers will never go against the Steam Zoomers
Reminder that no one that is over the age of 18 and an IQ over 80 would ever use Steam.

Yea Forums is ready for an alternative if its good.
steamgroups for Yea Forums games used to be common. valve neglected the system and when discord popped up and offered something better literally everybody jumped ship.

The problem is simply that Epic is bad as it is.

>hello sir! would you like to try out the demo version of our game? It contains the entire first level and we hope that you enjoy it. You can purchase the whole game after trying it out!

>games are getting more and more expensives and so we give you the offer to purchase the super duper digital deluxe edition which contains pretty much everything you expect except for a few gamestop and amazon exclusive items and quests! Only twice the price it usually costs!

>fuck you you dumb entitled piece of trash how dare you call us out on our shit port and abusive practices! The customer exists to serve us! You need to give us money if you want to play our game there is no other option and we decide how and when you get it! Make sure to pay us atleast thousand dollars in microtransactions because otherwise you won't be able to compete with the other players in the not so new multiplayer mode!

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Shame and sad. This thread is what corperate drones look like. Literally worse than Nintendo. At least Nintendo makes games.

Still better than epic's preemptive banning of ALL USER INPUT WHATSOEVER.

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Reminder that the only way 12% is sustainable is by putting the cost onto the consumer while he lines more money into publishers wallets and not Devs. Also if you live in literally any other country but first world ones you are paying even more ontop of that.
Tim Sweeney is as anti-consumer and pro-publisher as it gets and the fact that you see some many shills defending this is because they want Epic to be a dominant player so the publishers can line up their pockets more.

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I don't imagine they are under any legal obligation to follow through with this even if Steam complies. I imagine that the deals would be more secretive, with developers suddenly deciding that Epic is the best new platform and would continue signing deals with them in private.

From what I see, Steam doesn't have anything to gain from taking them up on this offer. Epic is a company that is trying to become the new market leader after all, and it looks like they are willing to do almost anything to achieve dominance. I say almost anything since they aren't willing to make a platform that is actually competitive feature-wise compared to Steam. They don't give a fuck about the consumer or their convenience, if they did they would have something as small as a fucking shopping cart on their store already. I was actually hopeful at one time that Epic could have been something, they announced that AAA games like Metro Exodus would be cheaper compared to their Steam counterpart. This would give the consumer more choice, you could get the game cheaper on a less feature complete store or get it on Steam and have added things like achievements, reviews and community guides. Then they pulled this exclusivity shit.

Fuck it all. Valve shouldn't back down to these fucking vultures.

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steam is the only gnu/linux friendly store
not even discord wants to help

Reminder that this guy is right, just pirate any game that comes out and if you actually like the game and want to support the games either donate money to them or buy directly from their store.

I'm sure Epic and the publisher agree with that considering that the cut does not go anywhere to the developer and goes to the publisher

>Epic Games Store Agreement says EP can give any data to its (((partners)))
>Tim Sweeney says they do not give any data to Tencent and it's racist to hate EGS because Tencent

Yeah, right

How though? Half-Life 1 and 2 both got console ports, right? Almost every major Valve game has gotten a console port.

lol man. This guy is playing checkers in a game of chess.

Does he honestly believe he can bait Steam into doing something dumb like that?

Someone needs to put a muzzle on this retard and remind him he's not in China.

So has every Epic game.

>Number 8 is SUPER popular in China

Makes me think...


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except that's literally the norm, especially since steam and other digital platforms require that cut for feature development and maintenance
88/12 is not sustainable and even they admitted it

>Valve does not deserve 30% of a game's sale!
>*happily gives 49% of his entire company to China*

Attached: tim_sweeney_epic_16-9-660x330.jpg (660x330, 32K)

>Steam has practically cornered the PC market, which has lead to mountains of bullshit shovelware and policies that fuck over developers
Oh those poor developers. They really need protection over those mean consumers.

Pay them for what? If Valve is interested in a particular developer team they just hire them and absorb them outright so the devs can work on their game.

do we as consumers even benefit if steam lowers the cut? the prices would stay the same and i doubt we would get higher quality games

>This is the norm
For fucking console stores, because the companies literally sell the consoles with a loss.

Does Steam even have the money to do that?

Hell, does Epic even have enough to keep on doing it?

I think it's in their own private interest to not being bashing from Libcucks 24/7 because Rapeday and 6 yo porn games

>100-hour weeks
Jesus fucking Christ. The amount of stress such work loads puts on the average person is immense, these people are shaving years off their lives if they work these kind of hours for prolonged periods of time.

How the fuck isn't this a massive scandal?

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But furry porn games with toddlers is ok according to them?
WTF I love Furries and Valve now!

Some indie titles might become cheaper but we all know big name developers will pocket the difference.

The funny thing is that week long near-release crunch is already a fucking scandal.

But Epic crunch is a permanent neverending crunch with Fortnite being a lifeservice game. The 100h weeks literally never end.

Google China 996

but Gears of War has not gotten a PC port

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Sad but true.

In my opinion, China system is basically State Capitalism, the worst of both worlds.

>slicing someones dick making them lose sensitivity on the dick is the same as someone needing to stick a dildo up their open wound every few hours and ruining their body
fuck off tranny

this, they'd also get more money from me if I could buy physical or at least avoid services like Steam or Epic through direct distribution


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This. What I'd like to see is improved download speeds from the store if possible and a lower cost to the consumer as competition. Not "this game is only on my store and nobody else can have it btw even though we only take 12% from sales you still have to pay full price REMEMBER WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS XD"

No, the whole point of EPIC was to create nVidia specific games. Steam doesn't want nVidia specific games, Steam wants games for PC to run on all hardware. "All hardware" is a code word for AMD/Intel and they're a threat to the business model nVidia/EPIC has created for themselves. EPIC/nVidia has an almost virtual monopoly right now and EPIC wants to push this further to the next step by balkanizing the PC industry into a "console" war of exclusives that run only on one hardware.

>Mutilating your sex is not that bad!
Remember that American "men" are basically half women because they don't have a proper working sex.

9 copies.

it's desperate, more like

>the PC industry into a "console" war of exclusives
But Steam started this, how come no one has not had a problem with the TONS and TONS of exclusive games on Steam that forces you to use Steam and accept their ToS if you want to play them?

Both are not okay dumbass.

Now you are thinking like the Chinese.

they are going to stop doing exclusives once steam stops being greedy fucks. Either they take over and stop doing exclusives once all the big games are on epic store or steam stops being greedy and they get what they wanted.

>A store makes you makes you buy from their store


I notice none of you epic shills actually responded to this guy. Bunch of retards.

>it's ok when Valve does it but if Epic does it they are Chinese bug men worse than Hitler!

didn't say circumcision wasn't wrong what i'm saying is that it isn't a fair comparison
circumcision doesn't ruin your life it just fucks up your dick
while being trans has you need to dilate constantly, makes you extremely unattractive to both genders and naturally makes you weaker.
>but circumcision makes you unattractive
as sad as it is Americans are alright with it so it doesn't really affect them when it comes to other people

Read the thread and you can see it has been addressed several times.

Steam created the cross platform service for all PC users. Even non-Steam games can be used on Steam platform. Before Steam, there were various tiny parts of services around the PC world but all of them had balkanized into their own exclusive corners.

The exact opposite approach is used by EPIC to balkanize the PC gaming industry so they can maintain the monopoly. Steam is fine with EPIC as long as they don't practice monopolistic behavior.

I'm not seeing any major news outlets reporting on this scandal in respects to the game industry. If this happened in any other industry this would be front page news. You just can't subject the average person to these kind of work loads, we learned this fucking decades ago, we know the harmful psychological and physiological effects as well. You have to be incredibly sadistic to put people working under you through this on a regular basis.

I understand China a bit, they're a rapidly developing country, but they aren't completely there yet, and so their workers still aren't in conditions, but Epic Games and other western game companies can't use that excuse. They absolutely know what they are doing isn't right for their employees, yet they still fucking do it. They have to have some psychopaths in charge in order to still be pushing these practices these days.

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>circumcision doesn't ruin your life it just fucks up your dic
Yes it does, it build of tons of sexual frustration and is the reason why America got so many Trännies.

name the exclusives dude

sony, microsoft, and nintendo have hardware gates so you don't really have a choice even if they don't like it. Epic store isn't gated by any service fee or hardware so they are doing gods work.

Point to it right now, asshole. I want to see evidence.

Steam will be banned in China or severely restricted. EPIC will take over the Chinese market.

All you're doing is pushing this predatory market. The result is a harmful PC games industry.

Valve isn't paying publishers to make their games steam exclusive.

not him but basically consoles are sold at a loss
although I have yet to see how people justify EA and Ubisoft

The new resident evil game, Risk of rain 2, Mortal kombat 11, Skiro to name a few new games.

Man I don't give a shit about steam or even the chinese at this point, but sweeney just seems like a massive dick and I do not want to support him

He is clearly talking about artifact

Because normal media do not give two shits about the videogame industry and videogame outlets are easily bribeable pieces of shit who cannot afford to badmouth big publishers or storefronts out of fear of getting blacklisted.

>So you gave our game a bad review and called us out on our bad practices?
>Well, i guess you won't be getting interviews and review copies for our games anymore. Enjoy competing against the other sites who will be able to report and gain revenue

you don't seriously think they're getting paid overtime, do you?

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>only responded to the post when I pointed out that the thread ignored it as a whole

You are pathetic, you disgusting shill.

inb4 "It doesn't count because you can buy it on a Russian CD-key site!"
Then I guess all the Mario games are not exclusive to Nintendo consoles because I can buy them on Gamestop?

>Steamkek calls Epic vultures
The fucking irony. I hope Touma rapes you one day

Steam doesn't force you to only use their store. Heck, Ubisoft throw you from Valve launcher into theirs.

but 996 is completely voluntary, user
people are just really passionate about their work!
no one changed the world by only working 40 hours!

Attached: Awesomeface.gif (600x600, 365K)

>because the companies literally sell the consoles with a loss.
Nintendo has never sell a console with a loss, and the PS4 isn't currently being sold with a loss.

Who do you think you're kidding? Most of the anti-Epic drivel comes from Valve dicksuckers who probably browse reddit as well.

Attached: 1556116921733.png (819x615, 493K)

You absolute fucking retard. You're comparing devs/publishers choosing to sell their game on steam to Epic paying publishers to make their games exclusive to the epic store.

Why would steam want to save epic money?

What about the people who hate all DRM, and think you shills should be thrown off a building for being pro-corporation and anti-consumer?

i don't care what name you give me. I will not be a corporate bootlicker.

And what's the difference for me as a consumer?

Can any of the chink shills here tell me how EGS is providing a better experience for the customer? How is Epic making PC gaming a better experience for me?

I will start doing Epic when they add reviews, forums and score.

It doesn't and neither is Steam.

I think it is more they know they can not succeed long term if steam actually did it. Their route success is a takeoff point where they have enough games/users publishers go EGS exclusive for free, simply for the extra revenue

this is the one of the most upbeat examples of intimidation I've ever seen

>jesus are you guys playing dumb or seriously this inept?
>go do some research first, tim himself said 12% is unsustainable for egs imagine how worse it would be for steam
You goddam mongoloid he said that steams 30% is unsustainable because all the big devs are leaving because it's such a ridiculously high cut.

Not him, but the difference is that you aren't forced to use a less optimal launcher if you want to play a game because the company was bribed to push it.

Epic is not publicly owned, nor does anyone own enough of a share to remove him from the board. He has no fudiciary duty you massive fckinf retard.

>Because normal media do not give two shits about the videogame industry and videogame outlets
But the video game industry has become the biggest entertainment industry on the fucking planet. When there was a scandal (ex. the "#MeToo" movement) in Hollywood there was coverage for fucking MONTHS. Hell, outlets STILL talk about it and bring it up. What kind of fucked up timeline are we living in? Are these people intentionally ignoring the scandals in the biggest and most profitable entertainment industry right now? Jesus Christ.

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Nothing but that's not what we were talking about.
Don't change the subject.

Aside from RoR2 which Steam did not pay them to do all of those games are on nearly every platform
what a shit analogy
Nintendo gets a cut of the profits from gamestop
Steam gets jack when its taken off a Russian CD key site

Steam gives forums, reviews, score and etc.
>b-but Steam changed that review bombing doesn't appear by default on the score
Yes, because of Epic pushing pro-developer anti-consumer politics.

>You goddam mongoloid he said that steams 30% is unsustainable because all the big devs are leaving because it's such a ridiculously high cut.
You know what, you're right. Infact, corporations should never take any cut. Even 1% is too high. These storefronts shouldn't be taking money period. They're greedy assholes and should be giving their services for free.

Thank you for showing me the light comrade. Down with capitalism!

A tiny minority.

You go to the /developerspublishers to get them to publishers instead of whining the valve who has jack shit for control over the games being put up on their store that's not their own. Epic pays others to lock games they didn't create their on game store.

Like I said, it doesn't make a shit difference to me as a consumer. I just want to play games without being forced to use a shitty DRM platform that collects and sells your data. Valve made this impossible for most games.

And now for some reason people are mad as hell against Epic for doing the same thing Valve did.

I buy a game because I want to play it, not use a forum and review gimmick that I can find anywhere on Internet.

Remember to before Steam when all you had to do is install a game and you could play it? You were not forced to deal with a DRM platform that collects and sells your data, you were not forced to patch games that just fucks up mods and things unless you wanted to.

This reads like a modern day woman lecturing her boyfriend.

Negative effects like?

the money the devs get doesn't change based on steam's cut idiot
the publishers and CEOs take the money, the developers' wages are already paid

I don't get this bugmen shilling threads, go away, nobody cares about your botnet launcher

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I wonder what the thought process of somebody who wrote this was. How the fuck could this be received as anything other than a threat of reminding people that they are nothing more than cogs that can be replaced at any time?

I think this is it boys, this is the end of STEAM, I just don't think they can recover from this

>taking a company's word
>we'll stop buying exclusives (under this criteria), i promise :)
holy shit this is amazing

Microsoft has two game stores. Sony also has PS Now.

For once being FORCED to use a DRM platform running and using data resources, collecting your data and selling it and having to give a company a fucking 30% cut of what you pay even if you want nothing to do with them.

They can't compete with steam as a storefront because theirs is dogshit in a direct comparison, so they're slinging money in every direction to get people on their side. Exclusives aside, they're buying so much cheesy positive press that it's long past become obnoxious.

That makes us right then. After all, the majority ar eevil because they support a monopoly. :)

You just have to balance profit and fairness especially when your whole service revolves around the games other people are making. They have done a breakdown of costs and 10% is still profitable for them but they are being greedy and devs are unhappy/leaving.

That IS supposed to be received as a threat reminding people they're nothing more than cogs that can be replaced at any time.

That sounds like a demand.

This isn't real, it has to be satire

Steam DRM isn't forced. The developer opts for it. Also Epic is doing much worse than Valve did.

And if you don't care about those features that's your problem, but that doesn't change those things actually gave an edge to consumers to pressure developers. And you can turn off updating too.

I really don't think the previous time was that great too. We got refunds, not thanks to Valve in this case, in recent years. Before wasn't that great.

Someone PLEASE think of the developers :cry:

>Give developers more money
Why would I care about them?

it is real

Why the fuck would you threaten your employees in such a manner? I think that telling your employees that they are replaceable at any time just convinces them that putting in extra effort for the companies success isn't worth it, since they can be replaced whenever the company feels like they don't need them.

I don't understand what any of this has to do with Steam being a not-monopoly

>Customers being able to express their opinions about a product is a gimmick

Go fuck yourself.

Who cares fuck them and fuck tencent. Fuck league of legends.

That's why all the games that comes out on their platform don't sell well.

If only there was a places on the Internet that has been a thing before Steam that let you do exactly this kind of thing.
Too bad Steam is the only place you can see any opinion of a product.


fucking this. Steam invented the world wide web and it it is only for steam games. Al Gore was one of the biggest pioneers at steam. Also yes customer feedback is a gimmick. Nobody cares.

This thing just reeks of middle-aged woman + Middle Management + HR

Based and chinkpilled.

Doesn't matter. If they don't put in "the extra effort" and work overtime they just get fired and replaced.
Might as well break their spirits while they're at it, so they don't even try and do something about it.

>people are mad as hell against Epic for doing the same thing Valve did
People are mad because Epic is paying for exclusivity which is something Valve hasn't done.

Damn, guess you better go back to that place on the internet that you're suggesting, since you know so much about it.

I guess now I have to believe the cbc is a fake broadcaster to maintain my sanity

Why would you lie on the internet? Valve/Steam never paid anyone to be exclusive to their store. Even in the olden days.

looks like a dilemma for you user.

Nope, 10% is too high. Either they do it for free or I pirate.

fucking based

people are mad because it is a "gaymer" staple be mad about everything then buy it anyway, unless you were always gonna pirate it.

That's some gargantuan bullshit right there.

And why does that matter to me as a consumer?

You know, I wouldn't even give a shit if there were 100s of services, each with their own exclusives, if I didn't have to install a fucking client to play the games.

Because the epic store is shit.
Try and keep up chang.

Because now we have console wars.

Why are you changing the subject?

Either outcome makes him look like a hero, so I would say it's a smart move.

No I'm not. Clearly people has been ok with games been exclusive to stores before(it's ok when Valve does it!) but no they are pretending it's the end of the world.

Honestly at this point I dont understand who's jewing who here
Game companies already make too much money as it is

Foreign coping dicklet detected

Is your goal to repeat the same argument until the your opposition gets tired and leaves, so that you can say that you won? You can read in the thread that Valve never shoehorned their way into any markets. People went to them, on their own.

Shows you how the hypocrisy of Steam drones really

But you are. You said people were mad because Epic was doing the same thing Valve did. I told you, you were wrong and explained why people are really mad and now you're going off about something completely irrelevant.

>once steam stops being greedy fucks
Epic takes a 12% cut of sales
Steam takes a 30% cut

Epic charges consumers an extra 25% to cover sales fees
Steam uses 25% out the cut they take to cover the sale fees

Epic is getting 12% of sales in their pocket
Steam is getting 5% of sales in their pocket
>steam is greedy
You're either a retard or paid to post here

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>People went to them, on their own.
You mean like every single exclusive game on the Epic store?

If you define "Here's a fat stack of upfront cash to help with your decision" as free will, then yes.

>ask epic shills why I'm bad for wanting games on GOG
>their response is literally "DRM has to be put in games, consumers are evil and toxic and can't be trusted with DRM-less games"

You people make me sick, and make me laugh at the same time.

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>You mean like every single exclusive game on the Epic store?
No because Epic is paying them to do it.

Costumers, do in 100 different sides what you can do in 1. That way I'll be able to gain more money with the same effort

lol no idiot, do a better job. Costumers have to be comfortable in the first place, not you

>30% is litteraly the industry standard and has been so before steam.
>Every platform that isn't steam also takes 30% with epic being the only expection.
>the 30% cut doesn't hurt devs as this money goes to the publisher anyway it would only hurt self publishing indie devs.
The only reason you are whining about "le ebin greedy 30% cut" is because you where fed this shit by tencent.
on another not competition is good, but the type of competition epic brings isn't.

There are people who say the Steam has a monopoly, but then say “it’s just another launcher. I already own origin, gog, etc” which is a contradiction

The difference being that online distribution carries a lot of extra fees, which is covered by 25% of sale revenue on steam

Epic doesn't do that, resulting in more money towards the publisher, but instead charges the buyer that extra 25%, fucking them other greatly.

>30% is too much

Yeah that's the reason indie games exploded in popularity for years , poor fucking developers they barely can do their games

>A (((GOG))) fag defending steam
You're not a GOGfag you're a Steam shill.

Hey, can you tell me what game you're developing? I want to make sure to pirate it, you fucking nigger.

So who is backing Epic?

Chink gubmint? Some burger company who wants Steam dead?

Not even titans like EA or Activision/Blizzard would stoop this low and attack Steam.

the only times consoles where sold at a loss was LITTERALY the game industry crash of the 80's which led to you know a fucking industry crash.

Tencent AKA chinese EA

They've bought wonderful companies such as Riot and Grinding Gear Games(Path of Exile), and backed Epic to attack steam.

Epic shill defeated. Bring in the next one.

It doesnt vlavedrones are just mad on a corporations behalf.

Imagine working 100 hours a week without paid overtime on a game for 10 year olds. Imagine spending 10s of hours animating some dumb dance move that's popular among kids just to keep your job.
Imagine doing that while your boss whines about another company not treating devs right

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Engage in intercourse

Shut the fuck up retard.

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>Boss has easily enough money to hire more people
>could lower the workload each individual developer has

No. Gonna pocket those billions myself. You should be grateful to work here anyways. Imagine being homeless.

Saying this doesn't make it true. It's not Pcbros, it's the fact Epic is being more cancerous than Steam. I will be the first to support if a new platform arises where the consumer is the priority.

Tim knows what's up. If he wants his store to gain market share he needs to get games that consumers want and can't get elsewhere. Drones will cry and say he is effectively consoling the PC into console wars but that is something Valve has already done by making DRM a common thing on the platform, the slow and inevitable phasing of physical media for games because of steam being much more financially incentive for publishers and developers and implementing region lock with steam. While his store still sucks on an objective feature-based comparison with other stores, it gaining market share will be good because it may force Valve and other competitors to step up their game and improve their own stores.

Jews vs. Jews II: The Deception

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>because it may force Valve and other competitors to step up their game and improve their own stores
lol, because "throwing money at publishers" is GREAT for improving your store
Should have strive to upgrade their store? Yes. Will upgrading their store sway the decision of publishers who only care about money? Absolutely not.

>being retarded
Yes, it will force Steam and other competitors to take even more pro-developer and less pro-consumer policies.

>Valve has already done by making DRM a common thing on the platform

Yeah. Steam invented CD-Keys, Securom and Starforce DRM you chipmunk

>somewhat notable
You cannot be this delusional. Fortnite is bigger than all games Valve has ever released combined.

>not making instant profit means it's selling at a loss
you do realise the ps3 didn't make any profit the first years of it's lifespan before breaking even.
It's actualy part of a consoles life cycle to break even after a time and not instantly, you're the one being retarded here.

the epic shills are really bad at arguing
since they're using the twisted backwards "logic" that their master galyonkin told them to use

Those were very different times, if you still think like that in the last few years, you're a delusional drone.

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profit is the first priority of every coproation user.

yeah they were times before you arrived on this website shill

Publishers are the ones who own the game, retard, of course they decide. It's not up to the developer.

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>selling something for less than it took you to create it isn't selling it for a loss
Fucking brainlet. I didn't say console manufacturers were losing money, I said consoles were sold at a loss and that they make money via game sales which is true.
Not sure why you're explaining all this shit to me that I already knew. Just shut up retard.

It needs to be stated though because all these droolers think less cut = more money to developers

>dumbshits still replying to this fake story
Consistently the dumbest fucking faggots on the Internet for the last 12+ years.

True, but you can make a profit without milking the consumer.

>Our owner's

Image being intimidated by a superior with grammar like this

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Yeah it's really the cancerous developers that are harming the store. The fact that they think consumer reviews are preposterous means they have no desire to satisfy their audience and just want to get paid for their work.

Publishers are a necessity because as kickstarters have shown over the years, once developers have their money they won't deliver unless someone keeps them on a leash.

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Literally the only exclusive games on Steam are the ones Valve make themselves
Publishers and devs very much have the right to sell wherever the fuck else they want, with Steam even offering free use of their download servers if they so desire

Nothing wrong with wanting to get paid for your work. Most other jobs are like that. T

It's catered to indie developers. Publishers are the ones that fund "AAA" games that require millions to make and market.

Steamlets suffer battered wife syndrome and mistake those who would save them for enemies.

No because that is what the goal is. It's just that if you don't treat your audience well, don't expect them to buy your next game. These developers seem short-sighted is what I'm getting at. Publishers don't seem to be the ones that throw tantrums about customers giving their games bad reviews and they know that that kind of press is bad PR for them.

Epic doesn't want indie devs though. They don't bring in the big bucks.

>sweaty chink

i think people still like gabe to a certain degree

I mean quite a bit of their library are indie games though.

>"30% is too much!"
>Steam's 30% was considered revolutionary when it first came out
>Somehow it's not sustainable anymore

people didn't expect to get rich by doing videogames back then. Now they demand to get rich by doing videogames

Everyone knows? Where do I check what "everyone knows" about EGS?

Square massacre.

>If EA stops buying devs and killing them I'll stop releasing my games with DRM
Examples of statements you'll never live to eat your hat for saying.

this motherfuckers

>Epic is supposed to be pro dev
>Makes the Fortnite team work 70-100 hour weeks and fires them if they take a weekend off sometimes
Nice moral high ground they tried to have there, it really didn't last long at all

This doesn't work if you have an important role as the time to train new ressources for the loss of skill/experience is way worse than having permanent new workforces.
But I can understand that for "drone" jobs, this is true.