What the honest fuck is with this game
What the honest fuck is with this game
It still looks ugly beyond belief. 2.5D was a mistake. Fuck you, Iga. Can't believe I pitched in for this shit.
The best thing we got out of the whole thing
Think we'll get a sequel?
no gog release for it, pissed me the fuck off, ended up pirating the game.
Switch cannot handle anything made in this decade and you know it.
PS4 Pro is a meme. 4K is a myth.
This severely lessens my interest in the Switch version, shame. It looks like the developers generally aren't that great with the engine since the game doesn't look nor perform that well anyway.
How many developers does this game have now again? 4? 5?
they had one job
Making games is hard. Please understand.
How? Graphically, the demo was mediocre.
Post wonderful enemies animation webm
>stable 30 on console is now considered a bad thing
okay, good. great.
play the pc version.
>There are STILL Shitstained apologists
What did you retards expect?
You still obsessed with Inafune? Get a grip.
>a literal porn game looks better than bloodstained does
stop giving a shit about frames
fucking what? Why? It’s just some indie shit 2D. Shitty devs.
APOLOGIZE you fucking faggots!!! Hahahaha, after this trainwreck be released you guys will just run to buy Classicvania collection, isn't it?! Iga is a hack deal with it, Kojima will be next one.
Goddamn it Iga
Everyone already knows that Kojima is a hack.
Kojima is overrated af, but Konami are still squinty slant eyed jews who only care about pachishit so fuck them still.
He knows how to make games, since so far the gameplay is good (i played the demo, its good), its just that the art direction and the coding team seem to be fucking incompetent.
If you fuck didnt stop making castlevania we would have to come to this bullshit.
>splatoon 2 60fps
>mario odyssey 60fps
>smash 60fps
>MK8 60fps
no it doesn't, with those floaty ass janky animations, it isn't even passable.
>buy indie shit
>act surprised when it's shit
why do people still do this?
lmao, how are the stupid deluded Shitstained shills defending this one? They always have an excuse for everything to help them cope with the buyers remorse.
Post yfw when you didn't back this shit
Low poli
Low poli
Low poli
No more than 2 characters on the screen
Just like with everything else in life, you put up with a lot of ugly stuff when your dick is hard.
nigga all those games are more complex than Bloodstained
You sure? Have you ever paid attention to the models?
If you want a new Castlevania you must buy the Classicvania Collection. Remember the Megaman collections and how it lead to Megaman 11? All this shit is just the Mighty. No 9 situation all over again. Can't wait for the Konami Redemption Arc.
I got it on PC
Believe me now?
If the new Casltevania game is just another lazy 2.5D shit and Simon Belmont looks like a Neanderthal, no thanks. Mega Man 11 was boring shit too.
I like how the only negative thing people can say about this game is its visuals. Game does look like ass even if they have improved it, but the gameplay itself is pretty much as expected.
>reveal that most people who backed this were Nintendo fans
>you go ahead and out no work into the Switch version and fuck them over
Remember. No refunds.
you absolute retard, we were getting megaman 11 hints before we knew jack shit about the collections.
you clearly don't understand fuck all about gamedev cycles if you think they're crapping out games immediately after one of their titles sells well.
I really don't think it looks that bad, to be honest.
so why the fuck did they cancel the vita version?
Every single indie release on limited run games gets sold out in fucking minutes 8 years after launch, it's almost free money since they would just run the switch version at the vita res. Unreal 4 even has a fucking vita SDK
Come on IGA step it the fuck up. Please don't become conman tier. I wanna relive the comfy portrait of ruin days but you can't do that on the shitch because lolnodpad
I bet you backed MN9 too.
>so why the fuck did they cancel the vita version?
because they're fucking bandwagoning retards, that's why
Did you not read my post?
Does production stopping suddenly invalidate the millions of units in the install base?
>because they're fucking bandwagoning retards, that's why
that's some truthful wisdom desu
Because Sony went and declare the Vita to be dead. Devs go along with it and stop production for a supposedly dead console. How is this hard to understand?
It's a Kickstarter game. They NEVER turn out good. Whatever did you expect from this?
As soon as Igarashi announced this i walked away forever knowing Castlevania was truly dead.
because bad dev
>snoy said it's dead and triggered the killswitch so the vita doesn't exist anymore
fuck off retard
And so the cycle repeats.
I remember when people in this board said the Vita was dead/shit before Sony even made the announcement.
The bad thing is not 30fps, but that they didn't manage to do 1080p docked, but are going full adaptive resolution FROM 720p.
Shit looks a little above Dracula X Chronicles, how do you do this?
Xbox Master Race gets 120 FPS 4K Ultra HD tho
It does?
>incels and shitposters looking to find the next Mighty No.9
>mfw they will all be btfo when the game gets released
Allright, it looks shockingly worse than I remembered. The looks are still on the low end of last gen, though. The Switch has been shown pulling off much bigger weight.
Huh. Fine then. I thought you were being idiotically hyperbolic.
But I disagree on the last part. The switch tends to get the short end of the stick when it comes to releases, and I do not see why this game would be any different.
You do know you fags are fucking toast if Konami announces an actual Castlevania with a budget, right? This is beat for beat what happened to MN9 minus forum drama.
Sorry for that.
I would love for Konami to try to do so. But we all know they would rather produce more fucking Pachinko machines.
By the way, they are asking people's opinions on Tokimeki Memorial games today.
Sting used to be such a Chad. Father time comes for us all.
nobody cares about the switch and there's no reason for them to spend extra money on it.
the latest video they showed looked abysmal. the game didn't ever come together and they have decided to pull the trigger and release anyway.
in the most recent video, there is no debris or particle effect when miriam hits a lamp. Think about that. Think about what that says about the state of this game...
Konami will just shit out more pachinko machines instead. Why bother putting effort for games when you can appeal to another crowd and get more money with less effort?
>nobody cares about the switch and there's no reason for them to spend extra money on it.
Except for the fact that over 50% of the backers pledged for the Switch version you dumb fuck.
Hey, that might be a little dated but the art design is solid. Looks strangely more interesting than most of what we've seen of Bloodstained.
that's because nintendo users are stupid.
30 FPS just reeks poor optimization tho.
Strong ass consoles were a mistake. Maybe Nintendo should've won the console wars after all
>game is made in Unity
>people lacked the foresight to get the PC version from the get-go
come on Yea Forums
Now over 50% of the backers have remorse.
>nobody cares about switch!
>"50% of backers pledged for the switch version"
>well nintendo users are stupid!!
well that shit was made for the PSP
It looks like a PSX age game.
to be fair they cancelled the Wii U and vita so numbers are a little fucked now
They all have gamecube worthy graphics with pretty shaders and shit. Most games with actual graphics run on Switch either in 12-20 fps or
>Splatoon has shitty models!
>still looks infinitely better than Bloodstained due to proper optimization and artstyle
Why did you btfo yourself dude lol
Where does "50% of backers pledged for switch" come from? I know 50% of CotM's sales were on the switch, but nobody was thinking about CoTM when the original kickstarter was launched, as that was a stretch goal. I'd be very surprised if the bulk of Ritual of the Night's backers weren't on PC.
No, retard. "Low poli" does not translate to shitty models. It means that it is not nearly as detailed.
Look at the clothes. They are jagged. Look at the shadows. They are squares. Look at the limbs. They are blocky.
And yet it still looks better than Bloodstained
Call me up when your devs learn how to sync mouths sweetie
what is it with Yea Forums and hating successful things?
Based and brappilled
I feel the same to be honest. With all the money they got for this, they should have just done 2D sprites. I don't believe the bullshit some people try to sell me when they say Iga wouldn't have been able to afford 2D sprite artists and animators for a project of this scope. Look at the fucking budget.
I'll be a diehard Igavania fan until the day I die, but this whole project just ain't it, chief. One of the greatest tragedies in gaming is a game that's mechanically sound, but is underappreciated because it has a poor art style.
The detail of "on launch" may be important. It will probably get patched later. Personally I'll wait for a sale to get it, it looks fine but I don't have so much interest in it.
>muh graphix
>muh fps
It's 2019 and we are still having these arguments.
>>"50% of backers pledged for the switch version"
where does your 50% number actually come from? because I don't believe in any way that it's true. I think switch has the same proportion, probably 25%.
>Look at the fucking budget.
I *think* Switch was a KS extra goal. Wasn't planned at the start.
60fps was standard for so long in console games
>Docked: 720p (dynamic)
wouldn't you want to say it was a higher res (dynamic)? like 900p (dynamic) or something
Post soulful castlekino songs
It still plays great and if I honestly gave a shit about having good graphics, I wouldn't even think of touching DSvanias with cheap anime artstyle (except OOE), "procedurally generated" corridors and reused shit from fucking turbografx-16. Most eveybody likes these games not because of they look.
We've got quite a bit of Switch only speedrunners in this board it seems.
Didnt sotn run at 60? Been a while since i played it.
This standark shat the bed when PC came into play with big dick cards.
pure soul right here
Sounds more like the switch backers were dumb. You fuck
That's what irks me. Could they seriously not do better than 720p/30fps on dock plus a few effects? I hope they patch the shit out of it.
>unreal engine 4
the only game on the switch that runs that engine decently is Travis Strikes Again and thats a 320p game
Still looks fun fite me.
Hollow Knight had a 100th of the budget and looks much better. Try explaining that one.
But it will be 60fps on xbox right?
The new Yoshi apparently runs at 60fps too. Low res, of course.
Hollow Knight also didn't have to pay the bills of dozens of people for multiple years.
I love Hollow Knight, but don't go comparing characters who look like more complex stick figures to what are they going for here.
Will it even be 60 on PC
>they could only get 30fps on the Switch with how the game looks in its current state
Thank fuck they bailed on a Vita port then, since it would have been an absolute disaster with those devs.
RTX2060 minimum.
At least Curse was amazing
It was only a mistake in the hands of their artists. 2.5D is fine, but their combination of camera, shaders, and artists all clash against one another.
Why was Aria of Sorrow so much better than Dawn of Sorrow, besides art or stupid gimmicks.
It's so much easier to pick up and play and it doesn't feel slow.
You do know that every game released on the platform has to be certified by the hardware manufacturer? Sony has full control in this case, if they said 'no more games on Vita' it'd be literally impossible to release a new game on the platform in any form besides like a hacked rom or something.
the gameplay system was still fresh at the time and more interesting, also more comfy atmosphere
It's gonna be a great Switch Summer.
It's what the ''tru gaymers'' care the most.
Playing it's a waste of time, they only want to watch someone else playing the games for them on youtube.
Why do people always bring up Hollow Knight for visual comparison? As if this board wouldn't have been crying trainwreck about the project if Iga had pitched a successor to Castlevania starring faceless stick-armed bugblobs and expected his staff to work unpaid overtime like Team Cherry did. "What a downgrade" you all would cry.
Now I do like Hollow Knight a lot, and I do think it has superior art direction to Bloodstained, but it also had much different visual goals than Bloodstained, and didn't have to live up to anyone's lofty expectations. With HD assets, once you scale up the detail even a little bit, things become much more of a challenge. Just look at how much time it took WF to tackle a relatively simple game like Bloodrayne Betrayal, a linear game with like, only 5 monster types.
Of course, that opens the other usual question which is why not use pixelart, and while I think a pixel game with their budget would have been a lot more manageable, I can also understand the desire to at least explore modern tools and options.
I'll buy the collection as long as it doesn't have high input delay. Also the western versions of the arcade collection don't have the superior japanese ROMs so I'm not expecting much, Akoumajou Densetsu is so much better than III.
IIRC they actually backed the Wii U because they were so hard up for games then got the bait and switch.
Iga has always ALWAYS been a hack. He had a good team working for him which is why those games turned out decent.
Vanilla ware churns out pretty nice looking 2D games. Why couldn’t this look like Dragon Crown, yes giant tits included?
When is this coming out anyway?
Does it even have a release date yet?
>When is this coming out anyway?
Probably E3.
Arguably this year. No release day yet.
Have you SEEN bloodstained?
>churns out
I fucking love Vanillaware, but what? It takes ages in between each release.
And I mean it's for very understandable reasons, but for the very same reason you can't possibly say that the games are being churned out.
>Switch version's 720p and 30fps docked and undocked
Incompetent fucking retards. What the fuck is their problem?
I just want the game to be stable. If it's stable and doesn't have (more) bugs, then I'll be more than happy with 720p & 30 fps.
That said. It's pretty damn ridiculous that they didn't manage to optimize it better.
> kiddy shit runs great
> any decent multiplat runs 20 fps @ 540p
I can accept the visuals but Christ that performance is God awful. Seriously regret choosing the Switch version.
The last great console from Nintendo was 29 years ago. You goobers deserve what you get for still giving them money
Cuphead runs 1080p60fps
>Switchbros are more than half of the support
Give them the worse port
Holy shit, this is like if shovel knight devs say fuck you to nintendo ports despite being like 75% of sales
And lets not pretend being retarded, the switch could handle the 60 fps if they actually put effort in it, Even MK11 has 60 fps for God sake
Man, the DS came out THAT long ago? Where does the time go, lads?
Yeah seriously, it's the year of our lord 2019 and these retards still think it's acceptable to have an action platformer run at 30 fucking fps?
Can't wait for the pc version and mods.
What FPS is Bloodborne, Spiderman and God of War? Hmm?
Wasn't some guy already working on a nude mod for her?
>ah buh b-buh buh...
Those are shit too, retard.
God, I hope so.
But it might have to be reworked if he's making it now, since that'd mean he's working with the older demo versions.
I want clothes, though.
I hear the people that wanted the nun outfit in the vote lost, so have people mod the game's nun's outfit onto Miriam.
I think his point was that you cannot make a glorified cellphone is able to handle nice graphics at > 30FPS
Another quality nintard thread. Stay assblasted that you bought a piece of outdated garbage.
>the totally random 8-bit game that nobody knew was coming was better than the actual game
Dragonball Fighterz looks and runs perfectly on the Switch too. Don't know what they used for MK11 but that runs at fucking 60fps on Switch. These retards have literally no excuse for having such shit performance for such a terrible looking game.
>nice graphics
based fucking retard
>that nobody knew was coming
But it was a stretch goal on the kickstarter. Everyone knew.
So you cannot refute the argument that the Switch cannot handle a large number of polygons? End of discussion then.
I meant the time they dropped it. It just sort of came out really suddenly.
No way this will be 30fps on switch. How is that even possible? Its a fucking side scroller! I have a ps4 to buy it on but I wanted it on switch. What a blunder, as bad as mighty no9
>large number of polygons
baseder retard
>No way this will be 30fps on switch.
Officially confirmed by the devs, what a fucking con.
>I got it
Kill urself
BotW runs at 30 on the fucking Switch though. Not sure what you were expecting.
Jesus fuck. Its not even 1080p docked and still 30fps. I didn't even back the kickstarter and I'm pissed. Fucking cheap chink devs are so lazy.
Botw is a 3D open world game, not a fucking 2.5D side scroller.
Every fucking thread about this game is a shitfest full of TORtanic posters shitting on it and decrying it as THE WORST THING EVURRR over the fucking visuals. No one ever acknowledges that the gameplay is 1/1 to Iga era Castlevania, and if they do it's somehow a bad thing despite it being what everyone fucking backed for in the first place.
Also Limited Run is shipping thoss physical copies of Curse of the Moon now so that's nice.
How is that in any way comparable, you actual retard?
Are you high? It was never the standard
BotW might be an open world game, but it is flat as fuck.
What did the DS castlevanias run at? I might buy this on PC too if the frame rate is an issue.
>no ps4 pro enhancements
wonder how they managed that, they've forced them for nearly every title that's come out since the pro's release.
Frame-rate is gameplay related, you literal retard. And 30fps feels like fucking trash for an action game, worst of all there's no fucking excuse for it to run so shit, the Switch is more than capable to run this shit properly.
Fucking 60fps, what the fuck did you think?
Is there a reason to be rude?
If Konami announces a new game (and it actually turns out to be good) everyone here will play it. How is that a negative? Are you retarded? You think people won't support it because this game exists?
Don't you know user? You can only like one thing at a time and have to engage in company war tribal bullshit
I backed and chose the Switch version and am fucking pissed. There's literally no fucking excuse for this other than fucking incompetence, and it's too fucking late to switch platforms.
>Switch cannot handle anything made in this decade and you know it.
Except everything made for it that was made this decade some of which include ps4 ports.
You're not proving him wrong.
>They all have gamecube worthy graphics with pretty shaders and shit
>GC average poly counts are in the 1000-5000 range
>switch pushes 10000 as per most HD games
Are you retarded
>The bad thing is not 30fps
Yes it fucking is, you actual brainlet.
Are you blind?
It looks like garbage. You paid for a game that looks worse than the decades old games it's aping from.
I cannot wait for this fucking game. It looks like everything I wanted out of it.
Also looking forward to all the monster girl titties were gonna get. I hope there's a bestiary/model viewer in the final game.
720p docked is way worse than stable 30fps. Insult?
flat is justice
I'm curious what those bunnygirl enemies look like in 3d, and how naked they're going to get on pc.
I don't even think it's gonna be a PC thing if the Galleon boss is anything to go by. They simply don't give a shit.
Also, loving the look of the save room statue after the graphical improvements. They said there's a backstory behind it and I'm curious as fuck. Hope it's a hidden boss or something.
Have you? There's gameplay footage from earlier this month and it It looks like dogshit. The main character look decent, but other models are a mixed bag and lighting is almost non-existent in some areas.
>It looks like everything I wanted out of it.
Except good performance, way to take a shit on the entire thing last second.
performance >>>>>> visuals
Every single time, you utter retard.
Consoles hold back gaming.
How long until the save animation is changed to her lying on her back, fucking herself with her fingers?
So the game is going to look OKAY at best, and is going to run at 30 fps, most likely with drops..
Makes you think.
Who honestly thinks it won't get delayed again at this rate.
Not worse, just different. It's a different aesthetic and obviously a whole different plane so it's not going to mimic the original -Vanias, but it's got the colorful gothic thing down and the gameplay is perfect.
I'm personally playing on PC so I'm not bothered by the performance issues but I do wish it were better optimized for Switch-bros.
Hopefully not long, specially if they also add her sticking the shards in her asshole instead of her chest when she gets a new power
Just play Rabi Ribi if you want pixel graphics.
>Who honestly thinks it won't get delayed again at this rate.
At this point I hope it does if it'll fix this shit fps.
I wanna either mod the shards off her body, or double down and make them lewder.
Turn the boob glass into a heart, or give her a glass-heart womb tattoo.
It makes me think consoles need to fucking die the death they so richly deserve.
Firstly what the fuck does this have to do with anything, you double nigger? Secondly, that game looks hideous.
>30 fps Switch
Seriously? How do you fuck that up so bad? It's a sidescroller for christ's sake. Replace the models with the 8-bit sprites or something. I really hope the PS4 version isn't censored or I don't know where I'm going to play this thing.
Looking forward to your mods, user.
I'll have to learn how to mod, first.
30 frames for this is a joke...
>Not worse, just different
Nah, worse
>It's a different aesthetic
A much worse looking one
>and obviously a whole different plane so it's not going to mimic the original
It's mimicking shitstained bathroom tiles instead
>but it's got the colorful gothic thing down
Except with 0 of the charm or the pleasant aesthetics
Vita version was cancelled despite being funded, so fuck it, but
I'm not even a performance autist, but I would think that 60FPS would be more than doable. It didn't look that demanding.
Not until they make a new Geomon game. You double nigger.
>>No more than 2 characters on the screen
>Splatoon 2 have a maximum of 8 characters on screen
>Mario kart have 12 or more character on screen
Never would've thought someone was capable of having the intelligence equivalent of a fucking amoeba
If these retards can't even get it above 30fps on Switch just IMAGINE how big of a train wreck it would've been on the Vita. Trust me, as a Switch backer you Vitafags got a blessing in disguise unless you chose the Switch as your other option..
why are people surprised lmao the switch is a piece of shit
Still more than capable to run this shit properly.
Nice reading comprehension, retard. Your ignorance also shows.
Take for example Mario Kart. Did you know that the only model with a full geometry is the one you control? And that the rest of the carts use a another type of model with a seriously reduced polygon count?
Talk to me again when you can do more than throw ad hominems.
There are several multiplats that ran better on the Vita than the Switch. Granted, they were ported from the Vita, but the point still stands.
seethe a bit less, tranny
4K was made up by Sony in order to sell, gasp, their 4K TVs which by the way do not even work as they are marketed.
Try reading about it. It is a hideous scam.
>only talks about Mario Kart, which still looks superior to that shit game, and not Splatoon 2 because he knows full well that he wouldn't even be able to win such an argument
>paladins and Smite have more things going on and more models on screen, yet still runs 60fps
Holy kek!
how much more BTFOing will you endure user?
I mean I know that you have the intelligence of an ameoba, but I didn't expect you the capacity of a clownfish.
A serious downgrade of the human evolution.
Please don't have sex
Reviews say Sony 4K are the better 4K TVs on the market.
maybe if they downscaled all the textures, replaced all the models with low poly versions, and disabled most of the effects
Are you thirsty for (You)s? Or are you unable to be critical of your precious squidgirls? I know people here toss their salads to bad renders of children, but I thought there was a limit on how much denial one person could show.
If you cannot take a serious look at the models and admit they are on the low end of detail, I cannot help you.
Who cares this game is shit and should be put into the trash right next to Mighty no 9 and Yooka-Laylee.
That's Samsung. Not Sony.
How hard is it make sprite games seriously, I have a hard time believing they cost more than 3d
>no ps4 pro enhancement
I can't blame them for not giving a shit about pro anymore since even sony doesn't. Even in some games that are supposedly "ps4 pro enhanced" the difference boils down to "nothing".
That's pretty standard practice. Most games have separate models for distance LODs, cutscenes, multiplayer models, etc. It's been a thing for about as long as real-time 3D has existed, and even CGI movies from companies like Pixar use LOD models to improve rendering times. If Bloodstained isn't doing that then the developer is just incompetent.
spritework is a dead artform
there is barely anyone left that does it
>types a fucking essay that says absolutely nothing and continue to skip hard arguments
You know user. Instead writing all that shit, you could've saved us a lot of time by just saying "I'm retarded", since it's basically they're the same thing.
But I'd guess that hurt you amoeba-clownfish ego you have wouldn't it?
That is precisely the issue, user: All of the actors are at the front. Only the backgrounds may use the low polygon models. THink about your average Castlevania game, where you may have 10+ different enemies on the screen at worst.
Things have changed since SotN. The screen resolution is much bigger now, roughly 4 times of what it used to be. That is 4 times more of what may happen on screen at any given moment. I frankly only would expect proper consoles to handle this well, not a goddamn handheld with a graphics chip made for fucking phones.
>2.5D game
inticreates still shits out sprite-based sidescrollers with low budgets and few sales
I don't care about higher resolution crap, anything would've been better than what Bloodstained got
>there is barely anyone left that does it
The first company Iga hired to make the game is among them.
>I frankly only would expect proper consoles to handle this well, not a goddamn handheld with a graphics chip made for fucking phones.
Considering said goddamn handheld with a graphics chip made for fucking phones handles One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, a game with SIGNIFICANTLY more happening onscreen at any given time, at 60fps docked with the same graphical fidelity as PS4, something tells me you're full of shit.
And yet you do not see how they cut corners to do so? Do you not find something mildly odd about this screen?
Then that basically undermines everything you just said, because then they'd theoretically be more than capable of just "cutting corners" to get it to run at the desired framerate, which they apparently aren't, thus proving the onus is on the developers, not the console.
Most gameplay sections are zoomed out quite a bit. Even at 4k you just barely get a sense of what the character's face looks like. You could reduce polygon counts dramatically compared to the cutscene model and no one would notice, especially on a resolution constrained system like the Switch.
So you are fine with a flat corridor with no detail and only one or two types of enemies per level?
I was fine with it in Circle of the Moon. Hell, that was my favorite nu-Castlevania.
>only one or two types of enemies
Do you not know how Castlevania works? Do you not know how graphics work?
You could do that. But then you would have people complaining that the Switch version looks like SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTT compared to PC/XBone/PS4.
Have a cinnamon bun.
Oh, wait a minute, THAT'S what you meant by "cutting corners?" You think Pirate Warriors 3 having like a hundred of the same enemy on screen was "cutting corners" to get it on Switch?
That's what musous are, you fucking monkey. Get out of my sight and take your Dunning-Kruger effect with you.
It is "cutting corners" because it is the number of models you have loaded on memory. Notice how the enemies are all using the same kind of animation when being hit, how far they go. There is no true calculation on how they would act, it is all previously fabricated so the card won't melt.
I find this kind of conversations fun, but you need to be critical too. I feel like I have to explain every single detail to you, and even then you do not listen.
It's already going to look like shit because the Switch can't output 4k even when docked. No one is going to notice if you replace the main character's face with 32x32 texture when they're looking at a zoomed out model on a tiny 720p screen.
Bloodstained looks like a Gamecube game, there is no reason for it to run worse than Bayonetta 2.
Switch version confirmed complete garbage
Cute burger witch.
>looks like a Gamecube game
I guess? In certain light?
It's coming this august.
>Looks like a Game Cube game
And that's a bad thing.
Well, looks like that one user will be able to play it on 4K on his PS4 after all.
Why people only care about that instead of playing anything for once in their lifes?
And of course the backers are total cucks and aren't voicing their complaints. It's not getting fixed and is a shit version.
Where did you pull that from, your ass?
It wouldn't be if the game ran well.
Not him, but devs say that they will release in summer. June, July and August. No way in fuck the game is ready by June. So I assume after 2 months of crunch the game will be golden by August. Maybe.
PachinKonami isn't a videogame company anymore, there's nothing to apologize.
>when they can't even competently release a decent arcade collection
>yfw didnt back it but plan to buy it day one!
Her or cinnamon roll
Just as I thought my interest in this garbage heap couldn't wane any further.
>I Mario N Y
I don't get it
I remember when people were insisting this would be the scamstarter that delivered and Iga was different
They had no bills for years while making hollow knight? How did they pull that off?
The last Castlevania game with budget was The Adventure Rebirth and was made by M2.
Konami isn't going to waste money in another Castlevania (Or in other of their dead IPs anymore), by the simple fact that nobody is gonna buy it.
yeah too bad the devs are incompetent as all fuck
Anyone remember Cryamore?
But they should realize that people will TOTALLY fucking buy it.
Kickstarter is a complete meme. To me it seems like the teams who raise millions end up taking the road of complacency and it results in all these garbage heaps.
There is not one 2.5D game that can hold a candle to any 2D sprite game
Too bad Hamster is doing their collections and not M2.
how is this soul looks like a pure copy of metroid fusion frozen ridley scene in fusion
I envy your faith.
>Netflix shit
Come on, Castlevania has gained relevancy, it just needs a fucking game.
I'm not sure if Mega Man 11 counts as 2.5d, but it looks great. Hell, even Mighty No 9 looked great in beta
Point is, when done correctly it easily trumps 2d animation with its brightness and fluidity. This shitstained game is an absolute eye-sore, though.
I don't expect anyone to get into 30 years old game series just for that.
I want to breed the cinnamon roll.
Don't even think I'd hang out with her girlfriend, though.
And you know that the reason these downgrades happen are because of the fucking consoles.