Seriously, who asked for this?
Seriously, who asked for this?
Probably no one, but let me post some more games no one really asked for:
Bad Rats 2
The Culling 2
The Quiet Man
Left Alive
Jump Force
Crackdown 3
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
Atlus asked for more money from p5 secondaries
Persona 5 is too big for the switch
nintendo fans have been asking for p5s for months.
Imagine wanting a port of a 2 year old game more than something new from the developer
Something like smt v
Here’s your Persona 5 for switch bruh.
A musou copy.
>persona 5 musou
>not Megaten musou
>not even persona musou, just P5
Me, can’t wait to fight SMT demon’s.
>This will probably replace the persona fighting game
Persona fighting game is still coming, remember the Erdrick leak that leaked the Granblue fighting game, it was just delayed because Arc System is working on like 3 different fighting games at the same time.
People are shitting themselves if they legitimately think The Scramble won't be good.
Are you implying that Erdrick is actually confirmed?
The same people who asked for DancingAllNight
I won't care as long as she's in
I didn't ask for it but I like musou games especially the proper omegaforce developed ones.
This is what always happens to Nintendo consoles nowadays. You get a year of badly ported triple A titles, and then nothing but spin offs afterwards. You had the Wii and Wii U to show you what the Switch was going to be like. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Isn't the PS3 ver. like 17GB?
I didn’t, but I love musou and Persona so I ain’t complaining
switch filesize is not a excuse
see dragon quest or nfl
Who keeps giving KoeiTecmo work?
Nintendo and Atlus
I dunno but I'll take it. There had better be a fighting game too, though
I'm like the one person who likes Musous and I am the reason this happened, my bad
Only thing I'm worried about is that it'll just be P5 cast.
I didn't, but I wish I had. Legitimately excited. I hope it's as good as Warriors Orochi 4.
>wrote in persona musuo on survey a few years thinking it was just a random idea idea user
i did
t. ps4 owner
This the fact its titles as Persona 5 and not Persona in general makes me worried its limited to Persona 5 cast.
I have a switch and unironically never wanted Persona 5 to be ported to it because I have no interest in playing the game and it would just mean Nintendo got bribed by Atlus somehow to include Joker in smash to shill their game. P5S actually looks a lot more fun than Persona 5 to me so I might play it
Persona 4 Arena says hi.
Who's ready for Futaba to evolve a fighting persona out of nowhere just like Rise did.
I'm ready for literally anything Futaba.
This is what bothers me the most. I enjoy musou games for what they are, but come on just persona 5? I mean Hyrule Warriors let us play as everyone from Tingle to fucking Ravio!
>mfw she makes prometheus roll around and flatten shadows
I’d be down for that
I, cause its so extremely fun to see switchtards crying in despair after MONTHS of "joker is on smash" or "p5s is switch version". God is litterally the rebalance of karma.
I asked for Crackdown 3. 9 years ago.
Me too user... Me too...
>not even persona musou, just P5
Seriously fuck them for not doing this. I guess Hyrule Warriors will continue to be the musou with the most musoul.
this isn't even about Nintendo, we're seriously asking why of ALL the possible things Atlus could've done for a Persona 5 spinoff, they chose fucking Musou.... and not even a series spanning musou, just one fucking game...
I did, Hyrule Warriors was dope out of this world and you just know it'll be much better than P5 vanilla or P5R
Fire emblem warriors was shit though
Great now can Smashtards shut the fuck up about this shit, worse are the people who own both platforms
>played p5 on PS3
>heard royal was coming to Switch
>get greeted with this
Fuck atlus
>shit voice
pretty much what I expected from this board desu
If this had been some spur of the moment announcement I wouldn’t really care, but they intentionally built up hype for this shit surely knowing some retards would think it was a port. If they’d called it persona 5 scramble from the beginning, people would know it was a spin off but you could still build up hype to the announcement of what exactly it is.
Publishers are so retarded and out of touch when it comes to building hype and doling out info, I feel the same way about them announcing prime 4, smt V, and bayo3 years before release. Death stranding too. If it ain’t gonna be out in less than six months, don’t fucking tell me about it, and ffs don’t try to mislead me with your hype generation, it will only backfire.
>Atlus knows a Switch version of P5R would cannibalize sales
>They know nobody would buy vanilla P5, especially on Switch
>Give them a based spinoff that was coming to PS4 anyway
Sucks to be a nintendokid!
>heard royal was coming to Switch
based retard
>in game you’re supposed to be a stealthy theif breaking into places
Yes, this premise will lend itself well to big musou battles out in the open with one guy versus 50
Atlus probably thought that the successes of Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors means that any musou game on the Switch with high profile thing that people recognize and clap at would make bank.
But I asked for Crackdown 3, just didn't expect it would be shit.
funny how Atlus has treated Persona, the spinoff, as their primary series and their main Mascot Game, while SMT, the mainline game, have now become their secondary, or better yet, tertiary game
We have gotten more spinoff games from Persona, than the entire SMT series combined.
How sad and disappointing
Switchfags will still buy it in place of a p5 port lol. Genius atlus.
Anyone have the edit? You know the one
What would the actual fucking difference be? You're fighting demons in Tokyo, the exact same demons from every Megaten game.
Does it really make a difference whether you're playing as a bunch of Persona 5 characters or a bunch of blank slate SMT protags?
Even if they did Megaten Warriors, who would they put in other than Persona characters and Demi-fiend? Literally every other character is just a guy with an arm computer.
>they intentionally built up hype for this shit surely knowing some retards would think it was a port
oh fuck off, no one other that you switchfags thought it was a port thanks some clowns on twitter claimimg to have "insider" information. we literally went through this same shit in december but you idiots never learn, even with the best buy"leak" the moment p5r was revealed yesterday you should have known a port of the base game wasn't going happen.
If you buy this instead of a proper P5R port then you are the problem with gaming.
Any hot pic of the new girl?
KT holds a poll every year asking what franchise people want to see musous of and SMT/Persona wins every time. Nips asked for this.
They still believed it after P5R was first shown with a PS4 logo "muh kingdom hearts" they said. The entire rumor hinged on the fact that the S stood for Switch, how retarded is that?
Me, I fucking LOVE Musou games, and licensed Musou games are generally higher quality than main series (Dynasty, Samurai, Orochi)
>here's your persona 5 shitchbro, thanks for the ads in smash
>we’re getting another persona fighting game
Source anyone?
>Licensed Musou games are generally higher quality
They're fucking lazy garbage, are you kidding me?
>Wasn't Persona 5 Strikers
fuck this
>and licensed Musou games are generally higher quality than main series (Dynasty, Samurai, Orochi)
>heard royal was coming to Switch
next time, don't listen to smashfags and their "leaks." they're ALWAYS wrong.
Name a bigger jumpscare than the Koei Tecmo logo appearing before the trailer begins.
are you suggesting that Dynasty Warriors 8 and Samurai Warriors 4 are better games than Pirate Warriors 2 AND 3, Band of the Hawk, Gundam 1 AND Rebirth, and Ken's Rage?
cuz you're dead fucking wrong
That would mean they'd have to make new assets
Real question right here. Fuck 5, I want a full SMT universe cast.
>they intentionally built up hype for this shit surely knowing some retards would think it was a port.
bullshit. it's not atlus' problem that retards saw the letter "s" and assumed it couldn't possibly mean anything other than "switch port."
I could do without it, but I'm not upset to have it. The things that P4 spawned that I cared about was P4G and P4U, and for P3 it was just FES and P3P, and so all I particularly care about from 5 right now is Royal and P5U. I might give Q2 a go though, even though I never played the first. The other spinoffs don't bother me one way or the other though, stuff like this is just outsourced anyway so while it might be taking resources from ATLUS, it'll probably make those resources back and it's not taking time from the projects I actually care about. I feel like a lot of people have gotten themselves into the mindset that the existence of something like P5S is pushing SMTV further away, which is just silly, and even people acting like this game means Raidou is dead, which is even dumber, especially considering Raidou died ages ago. Even if this game is just a cheap cashgrab, it's not getting in the way of the other games ATLUS is putting out, it's not like someone at ATLUS told ArcSys to stop working on P5U because they're getting KT to make a game or told the team making SMT5 to stop working on SMT5 because they have KT making a Persona Musou. I could do without the game, but it does no harm.
Why in god's name would you play a warriors spinoff for a game you don't care about?
>Ken's Rage
>Band of the Hawk
Disappointing garbage, can't even play as the neo-band of the Hawk
They all suck
>Pirate Warriors
You know P4 Arena also included P3 characters right? I'm sure we'll see P3 and P4 be featured to some degree in the musou
these types of games are fun. I don't need to play Persona 5 to enjoy it
>hey guys lets make a musou spinoff for our game
>without any crossovers with other games in the franchise like literally every other single musou spinoff has done
you had cross overs with persona q 1 AND 2 but no cross overs for this?
Will the new girl be included?
what did he mean by this
It'll probably be like Persona 4 Arena, where even if 4 was in the title it still had P3 characters. I'm not too familiar with Musous, but I don't think P5 has enough characters to fill out a roster the size of the average Musou's.
It certainly won't. I'm pretty sure Mori already mentioned offhand working on future Persona projects anyway, which would obviously be P5U, but just because ATLUS milk P5 in one way doesn't mean they're not going to milk it in another. ArcSys are just swamped with work right now so it's no surprise it's not coming yet, they're already working on a new Guilty Gear, GBF, BBTAG DLC and DBFZ DLC, and even though they have different teams working on those different games, there is some crossover between the different teams, so they're definitely too busy to be putting out P5U anytime soon. I don't see any relation between that and this Musou though. I expect P5U to be announced sometime next year.
As fucking DLC because you know there's going to be a season pass
Finally a good Persona game since 2
Don't forget:
Mortal Kombat 11
Trails of Cold Steel 1 through 4
Days Gone
God Of War reboot
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
>don't give a shit about fighting games
>absolutely love the dynastry/samurai/hyrule/etc warriors games
Fucking based. last thing I needed was some shitty P5 fighting game
You can keep playing whatever other warriors game you already have and you will be essentially playing this one. They're all the exact same.
Yeah he forgot Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors
That's still coming too. Everyone wins except switchfags.
God did I miss the reveal thread? how bad was the coping?
You’re not making any sense, jus play an actual museum game or a musou spin off on a game you care about??
4 u
>persona 5 musou
>not Persona Musou
A roster of just the phantom theives and the trailer girl and the is going to be trash.
Pre emptive fuck you to Atlus because I know the twins will be DLC
>Hyrule Warriors is still the best warriors game
>no Hyrule Warriors 2 or Hyrule Warriors Empire
Raidou should show up in this game
It would be kind of nice to see, seeing as this will be the first MegaTen with realtime combat that's not a Raidou game, but I'd really like to just see Raidou get his own game. It was nice to see all the Japs on twitter asking about Raidou after P5S was announced, even if nothing will likely come of it.
>hyrule warriors had the majora's mask DLC and whatever others
You can bet your FUCKING ass that persona 4 and persona 3 will be their own DLCs with stages just to fuck you out of more money.
You KNOW this shit will happen
figured I'd make it about nintendo before the switchlets got a chance too. ;^)
I am a member of the Switch Army. We demand the Royal on Switch and we demand an English Dub. You thought you could hurt the 3DS Army by not dubbing Q2 but you thought wrong. We will untie and demand for Royal on Switch.
Vote Switches, not Exclusives
J-just wait for the season pass!
They better have Kamoshida playable
Rhythm games are based and perfect for a series like Persona that's known for its music. Everyone who likes rhythm games wanted Dancing All Night. No one wants Musou
You mean the same leak that claimed that Joker would have Jack Frost as part of his Smash moveset, or the same leak that claimed that P5R would release in the first half of 2019?
Make it like the dragon quest musou and its a insta buy for me
That game was a perfect blend of rpg and musou
I do
Seriously, this roster is going to be even more limited than fucking Fire Emblem Warriors. What are they thinking?
>Atlus knows a Switch version of P5R would cannibalize sales
What in the fuck are you talking about?
>We demand the Royal on Switch
But Why? It's a mediocre JRPG.
I wanted xenoblade warriors stupid fucking tecmo koei reeeee
Look at this dude. And fuck musous.
Wasn't the second one panned for being too different from the first?
Unironically a better scenario than "PERSONA 5" musou
P5r on switch in general would almost double their sells.
I doubt that since Switch owners already have better JRPGs to play
>PERSONA 5 Musou
Shit sucks
>PERSONA 5 Musou Featuring Raidou Kuzunoha from the Devil Summoner Series
Okay, that's based.
I'd rather have something like this than a fighting or dancing game.
Reminder that anyone saying P5S wont have characters from other games because its numbered is retarded
So them making no game would have been better?
How would have other games mean anything? Doesn’t Yea Forums average 20 game backlogs and still buy more? Persona is a bog name, and smash will only make more people interested
Disagree. If even 10% of people playing smash buy P5 on switch via Joker recognition it would be about as much as P5's lifetime sales in the west
Featuring Yu from Persona 4 (Pre-order bonus only)
>How would have other games mean anything
It's called competition? If you're going to pick up a JRPG with 50+ hours of content you're going to pick one up that doesn't fall apart after the second dungeon.
I love musou games so I am excited as fuck. Mindless fun while doing cool shit with characters I love.
I hope none of the P5 characters are characters you love. Your taste isn't that bad right?
That didn't work for Bayonetta, Corrin et al why would it work for
I expected this but I'm feeling less interest for it than a rerelease
Enjoy paying for all of your favourite P4 characters + Aigis after release.
Maybe not even all of them from P4
I wonder if moveset clones will be a problem in this game, not to mention roster size
Can somebody explain the difference between Persona 5, P5R and P5S?
I love Ryuji ;_;
>Bad Rats 2
I asked for this.
Bayonetta didnt have a release on Wii U after an announcement of her as DLC, in fact it was a while after. Not only that but Smash 4 got nowhere near the sales or recognition as Ultimate does currently. Nintendo announcing Joker for Smash was one of the biggest moments of The Game Awards, far more press than Bayonetta got for her reveal and subsequent release
Persona 5 is the betatest
The Royal is the complete game
Scramble is a Dynasty Warriors-ass side game
So being in smash has not helped ANY character before but will help now because ?
I asked for these
these too
Name one Smash DLC character that was given the same amount of attention as Joker, besides Cloud whom is already a ridiculously succesful franchise that just got a switch port which is selling well
>heard royal was coming to Switch
Oh my, was it the same retards that unironically believed that the fucking Grinch was being added to smash?
>Persona 5 Warriors
This game is gonna have a even worse roster than Fire Emblem Warriors and that's really saying something
Raidou reappearing for the first time in 6 years
Playable Jack Frost
Flynn and Nanashi can at least add magic to computer shit
P1/P2 would be nice even if it's just MCs
Plus in the end it's a fanservice game, not like KT isn't shy of recycling movesets
what level of milking are we on?
>will never going to get to play as Akihiko punching through waves of shadows
>will never get to play as Kanji giving shadows T H E C H A I R
>probably won't be able to be Aegis and literally tactical nuke shadows
fucking Atlus being out of touch
At least that had popular games in its main, it was just restrictive
Who the fuck wants a musou with fucking Persona 5 characters?
Laughed my ass off
>r34 is blocked
>Yea Forums isn't
Oh right. Fucking 4 CHANNEL
Will we be told to go to bed after every map completion?
>can't visit r34
What country your in?
yeah they're totally just gonna have a base roster consisting of JUST the phantom thieves + goro + maybe shido or some shit
that's not even a dozen characters, you know they're gonna have to dip into P3/P4 for a decent base roster
HW launched with 13 characters, plus 7 unique alternate movesets for link, lana, impa and zelda
DQH also launched with 13 characters
FEW launched with 24 characters, some unique and others clones
musou all-stars had 30 characters, some reused from other musous while most were new
koei tecmo hasn't released a musou with a base roster as pitiful as what you're insinuating since maybe PW1
Ah. While my Switch catches more dust, I will be the ultimate Persona fan with both of these games on my PS4 where they belong. Damn it feels so GOOD.
Musou. Gotta somehow offset the Sony exclusivity by selling multiplat shit.
More than something new like SMT V? nah.
More than I would murder for a new golden Playhouse game? nah.
More than a shitty Musou game? yes.
You are dumb
>Shooty Marine from Strange Journey
>Ubergestalt Gore
>Raidou Kuzunoha
>Rei Reiho
>SMT4a party like Nozomi or something
>Devil Children Protagonists
>Devil Survivor characters
>Important demons like ODIN and Krishna from 4a
>Akira from SMTif...
>Other DDS characters
Basically they have tons of variety, and just the fucking Phantom Shitters
This is sad. Fatlus treats the first Personas the same way Bethesda treats the first two Fallout games.
If it’s running on the DBFZ engine, then I don’t fuckin’ want it. I’m more than happy playing Boober & patiently waiting for Adachi, 2D ArcSys > 3D ArcSys.
That is a pretty dumb comparison when you factor in that Fallout 1 and 2 are actually good. But also that Bethesda still sells the interplay games.
wont need to worry because Sega vs Capcom will be announced this year
>'persona musou' sort by oldest
>someone asking for one in second post
Well there you go user
>implying they will give up any milking opportunity
>expected a port
>get a musou game
Sorry but after the gundam games I'm musoued out.
but what about P5
>pe teacher represents lust
>artist represents vanity
>yakuza represents gluttony
>corporate president represents greed
>politician represents pride
These cutting edge unique characters that have NEVER been done before and the connection to sins that has NEVER been done before? You don't understand how DEEP persona 5 is. The final boss is god lol so fucking deep FUCK ADULTS XD
>Days Gone
This needs to be emphasized
you realize you can literally emulate P5 right? or just get a dumpster ps3 and pirate it for 0 dollary doos
cool story bruh but physical is better and original P5 is obsolete now. suck it
Will R fix the story, narrative or themes the game explore? Will it fix the characters?
No? It will add more shallow content and another Marie? Ok skip it.
actually it might fix it all
I really doubt it
You guys wanted Persona 5 on the switch and you got it.
I don’t understand what the problem is.
It doesn't take much to have higher quality than Dynasty/Samurai/Orochi garbage.
>who asked for this?
Are you guys going to pretend there wasn’t any switchfags begging Atlus to put P5 on the switch.
>nobody asked for a new god of war
Imagine being this delusional
>Are you guys going to pretend there wasn’t any switchfags begging Atlus to put P5 on the switch.
exepct it's a fucking dinasty warrior game, not the real one. nobody asked for a fucking muso, and don't pretend I'm wrong
So what the deal with Persona spinoffs anyway? changing the entire genre and all that.
Why cant they just make spinoff rpgs instead, i guess it doesnt matter because Personafags plays the games for the girls and not the actual game, but still.
nigga what I'm getting p5r
waifufags dance simulator take like 5 minutes to make and are cheap
>like Persona
>love Musou
I asked for this. Get fucked, OP
The problem is I didn't want Persona 5 on the Switch
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad
I kind of wanted it. granted I wanted an action game but a musou is close enough. I like the style of persona 5 and the cast and I feel like this group inparticular has more potential in them, plus I think this style of game would be more condusive to atlus story telling than a fighting game. I'd love to see a persona story told mostly through proper cutscenes for once. i'm more interested in this than royal, but I'll need to see some real special stuff to get me on board at launch. i'd love to see confidants become playable and get their own phantom thief outfits, like Iwei and Hifumi. though honestly, I'm just happy to get more of my boy ryuji.
The people who wrote it in on the KT survey obviously.
Honestly an Open World Persona game would be sweet it would be what Final Fantasy wished it could be
Unironically it could make a good musou, just let us use lots of personas and add in fusion mechanics, give the enemies weaknesses and strengths so you can't just spam the same attack and actually have to switch personas around, maybe add some social stuff from persona in like FEW did.
Of all the things to make, why a fucking musou game
Even a racing game would be more suited
The two Persona Q are rpg spin-offs.
i did
>he thinks people didn't ask for this in the last survey
And personafags hates it because its an actual game and not a school-sim, really makes you think
It's because the characters are the most flanderized they've ever been and the combat is not balanced, like just use naoto and the random mobs don't stand a chance, physical skills are so much better than magic that I don't know how it even got to that point.
You are a dumb ass nigga
Persona is a spinoff rpg already
This is going to bomb harder than Q2 and Dancing Endless Night. P5 isn't as strong as a brand as P4 was mainly due to how boring and shitty the cast and story were.
I think it'll bomb too, but if you think P4 is more recognizable to people than P5 you are out of your mind
P5 is the best selling persona game out
Musuos haven't been selling well for years.
it's a fucking gameboy. the issue is processing power
Q2 and Dancing games bombed because they themselves are boring and uninteresting, it has nothing to do with the brand, P5Kusoge will bomb because it'll probably lazy boring shit that the fanbase is not interested in.
>P4 gets a fighting game by ArcSys
>P5 gets a musuo by KT
>persona 5 S
>shitty hack and slash where enemies stare at you and barely fight
alrighty then, I held on to my ps3 specifically incase this happened.
>P4A sold over 40k
>P4GA sold 10k
>P5A sold under 9k
>P4D sold over 200k on the fucking Vita
>P5D sold 100k across two platforms
>Makoto and Yu beating out Joker in the Q2 poll
But yeah P5 is the more recognizable brand.
Because its coming after P3 and P5. Hell P1 sold better yet nobody gives a shit about the characters in that or even remembers it.
>nothing to do with the brand,
Of course it does since Q1 and P4D had good sales despite how shit the games were. Fightfags hate P4A yet its the best selling console fighting game of all time in Japan.
I mean, I'd argue that P5A isn't selling well because it's really bad by even Persona anime standards. P5D flopping may have something to do with its dual release (because I assume you're putting both P3D and P5D together), I know it stopped me from picking the game up at all. Even if Persona 5 characters aren't as compelling, as soon as charcters from P3 and 4 show up (they will) the tune will change
Or what? You're going to buy it anyway?
>I'd argue that P5A isn't selling well because it's really bad by even Persona anime standards.
None of the anime are good its just the prospects of a P5 anime is redundant since the game is paced like an anime anyways so the adaptation felt much more lazier in that regard also disc sales has been dropping across the board so its not a fair comparison to make against it and the fact that it sold that much on brand alone is nothing short but a miracle.
>P5D flopping may have something to do with its dual release (because I assume you're putting both P3D and P5D together),
Yeah that was real scummy and it doesn't help that the package is bare bones as it is.
>Reveal Persona 3/5 dancing game.
>Persona 3/5 dancing game bombs.
>Reveal PQ2 featuring P5 cast.
>PQ2 bombs.
>Reveal Persona 5 musou.
No surprise they went from "Our main focus is the new fantasy IP" to forcing out a redux of P5 as fast as possible.
KT survey results
>Game IPs
1. Touken Ranbu
(Comment from developer: We'd really like to play that so we want to consider towards realization, but right now we're focusing on PC and Smartphone versions)
2. Type Moon (Fate/stay night series & more)
(Comment from Takeuchi: I'd like to see a game where Saber sweeps an army of seaweeds filling up the screen)
3. Fire Emblem
(no comment from nintendo)
4. Neo Romance
(Comment from Koei staff: How about if we seriously start proposal planning then)
5. Final Fantasy
(Comment from producer Kitase: The Forgotten Capital quest could be very exciting here)
6. Tales Of
(Comment from developer: Thank you, but we don't have any plans for now)
7. Atelier
(Comment from Gust staff: If we include harvesting and mixing features it might be more like an RPG)
8. Kantai Collection
(no comment from developer)
9. Shin Megami Tensei
(Comment from producer Yamai: I'm waiting for the contact anytime)
10. Persona
(Comment from PR staff: If it gets realized sometime it'll be interesting)
>Anime IPs
1. Precure (Pretty Cure)
2. Fairy Tail
3. Tokyo Ghoul
4. Kingdom
5. Gintama
Why'd it have to be a musou?
Honestly it annoys me how blatantly they've given into cash cowing the hell out of shit. Before Persona 4, they'd push out a couple new major games a generation, and maybe with revisions. After Persona 4, literally an entire generation of spinoffs, ports and side games besides fucking Devil Survivor and Strange Journey, Catherine if you really want to count that. Now we're almost at the end of this current gen and they've released a grand total of two new 3DS main SMT games, surrounded by three dancing games, two dungeon crawlers, two fighting games and a crossover with other fighting games, and ports, ports, ports. And every single port typically falls into the same formula of "here's an extra waifu and a new bonus story route".
If everything but main Persona games are failing, then they only have themselves to blame because they're flooding the market with second-hand "upgraded" ports and money-grubbing spinoffs all over the goddamn place that devalue everything. But as a result, they'll just go deeper into whoring out Persona.
Make a Persona musou only focus on P5 instead of 1-5
>Touken Ranbu
Dunno anything about the franchise
>Type Moon
Not KT, but it happened so its done
>Fire Emblem
>Neo Romance
Characters were in All Stars and that likely all we'll get on that front
>Final Fantasy
>Tales Of
Dont see it happening
>Kantai Collection
I dont see KT making it, but maybe
>9. Shin Megami Tensei
>(Comment from producer Yamai: I'm waiting for the contact anytime)
and here we are
When was this survey?
Whelp, can't wait to kill myself
back in 2015-2016
ok. I assume they approached koei early-mid 2018 so that makes sense
It was on Famitsu's website, I remember specifically asking for Star Wars, Precure and YuYu Hakusho
based. I enjoy musou-shit sometimes, hyrule warriors was good. I hope its this year
Least EO got a fair release schedule amidst all of the Persona milking
Even then with mainline the numbered titles of II, Nocturne and IV had huge gaps, but II and Nocturne had the justification of them releasing so much varied shit in terms of megaten spinoffs. Same with IV, game released just as the milking really got into full swing
>they hyped themselves up for months despite everyone telling them they were stupid and it was NEVER coming to switch
>the day comes
>to absolutely no one's surprise except for tendies, P5 is not coming to Switch, neither the original or Royal
>but then, as if to rub salt in the wound they are thrown a musoushit consolation prize
my sides still hurt from how much I laughed last night, schadenfreude like this is what I live for.
And the best part is, they're STILL telling themselves it's coming. 'W-wait for E-E3, y-youll see!'
bahahahahahaha it's too much
personafags deserve this
just waiting for the real Nintendo exclusive named Shin Megami Tensei V.
Enjoy waiting until 2038
Maybe we'll get more information next year, right? Right?
Fuck you, I wanted a Crackdown 3
Man im not gonna lie i was getting my hopes up, playing persona 5 on a handheld sounds really nice, now im gonna have to wait until Royal, comes out and then bring my ps4 and my vita so i can use remote play,
is just that i live alone and i don't have a TV the switch is way more convinient
Musou ga Gotoku when?
user honestly im really scared about what could happen with SMTV i do now want another KOWASHITA
I actually have something to say about this. I'm okay with the idea of this game coming to the Switch as this could mean something. It was an recent interview with (I believe it was the Head of Atlus) that he was ok with Persona 5 coming to the Switch, but it just depended on the fans. This game could help show that maybe people do want it on the Switch, but I could wrong, I mean, Atlus have been shown not to be the most Multiplatform company there is. With, I believe, Catherine being the only game that have actually been multiplat.
What I found the most interesting is that I went to 2chan today and I even saw the Japs talking about how they want SMT on the Sony machine if it mean if Persona is on the Nintendo machine. I truly do found it amazing that Japs have almost no console warring as they also believe that Atlus could make these game multiplatform but don't for some reason. I mean look at Persona Q and SMT 3, those are game that are not on the console they are suppose to belong on yet here they are on a different systems.
At the moment right now, I just think that people only want the game because of Smash which right now causing a lot issue in the all of the fanbase. I think things just need cooldown before anything from Atlus should be release.
>make the spinoff musou clone a multiplat
>not the main games
I can't even begin to comprehend what Atlus is thinking.
Where's PC?
The only thing lesser than a Nintendie is a PCshart, so never ever.
atlus is seriously the most archaic game company around right now, splintering their franchises meaninglessly between platforms like it's still the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era and architectures were fundamentally different. It's always bizarre to watch, but anyone who actually cares about Atlus games (not the people shitposting about consoles) knows that the exclusivity isn't some kind of slight, it's just how they do shit. I do think not releasing on the switch is stupid from a business perspective, but whatever, you do you Atlus. personally, much like Catherine on PC, any sort of porting that happens to Persona games will be done by SEGA on their own terms
>I don't think P5 has enough characters to fill out a roster the size of the average Musou's
It doesn't but what you need to keep in mind is that so far, every specialty Musou like this, be it One Piece, Hyrule, Fire Emblem, DQ, etc, has stuck to roster sizes of less than half the size of an average Musou game. I highly doubt they'll bother putting in characters from the other Persona games, especially since we know there are OCs and playable villains as well since they'll easily have enough from P5 alone to meet the slim quota for a specialty Musou roster.
No reason to show PC in a Japanese trailer because they don't care. When / if they announce it for PC it'll be directly to the west. Maybe the PC Gaming Show similar to how Yakuza games got announced for PC. Since it's Koei who has been releasing pretty much every spinoff that isn't Nintendo on PC, I'm pretty sure it'll happen
Asian niggers love musou games sadly so anything x musou is guaranteed to sell.
Musoufags, which is why all they do is make Musous
This is what really bothers me, the only fun thing about Musou is that you usually get to have ton of characters, and aspect Raidou is the perfect man to bring everyone together, hell if he wanted he could even bring the persona fags to fight he just doesn't bother because the persona world is basically the only one in the entire network that isn't constantly dealing with demon outbreaks
>9. Shin Megami Tensei
>(Comment from producer Yamai: I'm waiting for the contact anytime)
I'd rather have Raidou first reappear in another ARPG, but the interesting thing is that Devil Summoner and Persona take place in the same universe. A time travelling Raidou or a future descendant would make perfect sense if they want to include those elements for a spinoff
i did
Musou games are insanely easy and cheap to make, they're the single most appealing cash in option for game companies.
Also, don't complain, they generally result in the best models for porn.
>this but with the twins
But they're just reusing P5's models
Q2 bombed because it's on a dead system. No one pays attention to 3DS games anymore.
P5's models are impossible to use because of how much extra styalized shit there is. Ones in musou games are generally the most cut and dry and are detailed at every angle.
You are retarded, those are separate spexial effects
Not to mention that the musuo has the exact same visual style
So what you're saying is the P5 models are getting ported to the Switch?
They already were with SMTV
At this point really, it just baffles me on how the nintendo userbase is blaming Atlus for their own stupidity of believing baseless rumors.
Your own damn fault. Don't blame them for your assumptions
How does it feel knowing it's shit?
It just seemed like a logical thing to do.
>put Joker in Smash which the majority of Switch owners have
>soon after release P5, introducing a whole new market to your game
>every other Persona game is playable on a handheld device (P3 got P3P, P4 got P4G)
Couple that with the Best Buy "leak". It's understandable people got their hopes up.
MGS4 didn't come to Wii when Snake got in
SFV didn't come to Wii U when Ryu got in
I mean, come on.
Maybe there will be multiplayer. I watched my gf play the entire game and it seemed cool. I can experience it a different way with her.
If not dlc, then rereleases. I was chatting about it with a friend last night. At most, we'd probably only see the most important P3 and P4 characters at launch, like Yu and Aegis, and that's if you're lucky.
I mean, Hyrule warriors launched with 13 characters. This game could have Joker, Morgana, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, Akechi, Kasumi, The Velvet Twins, and maybe one or two OC characters. Bam. Full roster. DLC for anyone else.
I kinda did. I've always wanted an SMT Musou. If the enemies are mostly demons it might be worth playing even if its persona shit.
If you count multiple weapons it had 21 different movesets though
i'm not buying it unless best girl is in it.
>It just seemed like a logical thing to do.
it's only "logical" if you think the entire industry's business decisions revolve around a casual party game's roster, which is batshit insane.
who cares? i dont, hope your gf dumps you
So glad I got to wake up to delicious Nintendie tears over this today. Mods deleting threads laughing at them because mods are nintendies too. Hilarious, really good day
*actually gets to play P5*
>Advertise your product in a game only available on one system
>Do not allow people with that system to buy product
It doesn't make sense from either Nintendo's point of view or Atlus's point of view to advertise Persona 5 to Switch owners.
Before you start, it doesn't affect me because I've already played P5 on PS4.
The fact that any of you buy Atlus games in the first place honestly makes me scratch my head.
All Persona games are fucking TRASH, anime simulator bullshit with boring reptitive gameplay, cringey dialogue, garbage localizations that take YEARS to come out, and their games look like shit with GARBAGE animations that always release way too late in a console's life.
I asked for this. I asked for Persona 5 on Switch.
user, smash is fucking massive. 5 times bigger than persona 5 is. Including him was the most marketing the games have ever had
i disagree
>Advertise your product in a game only available on one system
you mean like how they advertised a 3ds exclusive in persona 5?
I can't fathom the butthurt sonyers felt when they saw joker smash reveal, it literally broke them into shitposting even after months
it's actually pretty scary how mind breaking seems like a hentai thing but it actually happens irl
yes, and they happily took the advertising when it was offered to them. that doesn't mean they're now going to give all their games away to nintendo.
enjoy saving your money
>advertise your own less popular game
>advertise a third party in one of the biggest releases of that year
Yes, exactly the same
You're right, they dont have to. But theyb probably should, theres no advantage to Atlus keeping a game to one platform at all. They dont think playstation owners have earned it or anything so im not sure why people are proud of it. Its the same shit with SMT, they just arbitrarily split their franchises between platforms for no real reason
>Jump Force
Everybody asked for Jump Force
>so many buzzwords
Here have a (You)
>But theyb probably should, theres no advantage to Atlus keeping a game to one platform at all.
obviously atlus disagrees with you.
>trying to rewrite history this hard
For months its been nintendo faggots insisting P5 will be released for the Switch and getting BTFO time and time again. It was something like 5 debunked leaks before this final deathblow. Enjoy your musou game, faggot.
can we talk about the game
that was a new girl at the end of the musou trailer right?
Thanks seethie
How about this for sense? Nintendo release popular character. Nintendo make money from dlc purchase. Atlus make money from license deal and also good publicity for upcoming announcement. Both parties win.
Also maybe Massive Hero Soccer Guy just really liked P5 and wanted him in, boys, just like Snake before him.
Nah, I just think Atlus doesn't know any better. They've been doing this shit for years. I have no clue whats going on over there but whatever it is it seems really fucking stupid
Still doesn't refute my last point.
>give all their games away to nintendo.
You sound heavily biased when you act as if only Nintendo would gain anything from this.
Who? At worst, people seemed indifferent. I don't think there is a single P5 fan who got mad at Joker in Smash
Yes, OC donut steel
What point? The leak? How is that a point? A leak is a leak, false until proven true. There's no logic in believing something so easy to fake.
>shit meme
why do you think anyone would willingly listen to someone with the mentality to post this shit?
No, that every other Persona game has been released on a handheld device.
the switch literally censored cleavage in a platform brawling game
you expect P5 to edit out the entire plot, including suicide arcs, because nintendo are babies about censorship? not happening.
The absolute state of snoy
The switch didnt, nintendo as a publisher did for the ratings board you idiot. SEGA/Atlus wouldn't have to alter the game at all unless they wanted a lower rating from CERO or ESRB on switch for some reason
If you want to use the logic of strict patterns, then you must consider both handheld AND the fact that all mainline games have only been on PlayStation, handheld or not. So no. I don't buy that line of thinking either.
correction: every other persona game has been released on a SONY handheld device.
since sony isn't making handhelds anymore, they're back to doing it like p3fes from now on.
They censored it because Smash is rated E. There are shit loads of rated M games on the Switch. Nintendo doesn't give a fuck what third parties do. SMT is on 3DS and coming to Switch for fuck sake.
excuse me?
look what baby treehouse did to fire emblem
and they censored CLEAVAGE on camilla, because they are fucking babies. this is what happens when you market your system to 10 year olds.
>Nintendo doesn't give a fuck what third parties do.
the last time atlus put a game on a nintendo home console, nintendo literally censored it.
joker has a fucking gun but a boob window is apparently the worst thing ever
okay. makes sense.
I'd be down for a SMT musou but just having P5 stuff is super lame.
It reminds me of how FE Warriors was 90% nu-FE shit.
Whatever happened to Artifact
I wonder if we’ll only get to play as the Phantom Thieves or if we’ll get to play as stuff like Shadow Kagoshima
ask the people who rate games, not nintendo. Also DLC id a loophole and isnt rated
>Nintendo censored a Nintendo game
>that means they censor games by other publishers too!
Sorry kid, this isn’t snoy we’re talking about.
On what planet is cleavage worse than a gun you shoot people with
Oh right, Nintendo Land
Why would we want to play as Kamoshida?
Only because it was published by NoA.
People are saying playable villains are confirmed but I have no idea where that comes from. Even if it was true, I doubt Kamoshida would be one of them kek
oh did you come here for video games
theres none to be found in this thread
What the fuck are you even on about you mong?
I’d be interested in what they’d do for him
The villains usually provide more creative stuff in these types of games
people think censorship is a one company issue when it happens all the time
because Yea Forums is stupid
The ratings boards are what decide that. Sakurai has even mentioned in interviews that they are a pain to deal with. Meanwhile Sony is making third parties go through their own inspections on top of the ones done by CERO and the ESRB.
Yeah, but HW's actual roster is half DLC, unless you're playing Definitive Edition, which was the second rerelease of the game which also came 4 years after the Wii U one.
I hope it’s true. Would be fun to play as, like, Kaneshiro and have the awakening be the Piggytron or something
I wonder if Haru’s dad’s playstyle would be focused on summoning his workers similar to Cia’s Dark Links in Hyrule Warriors
>Mortal Kombat 11
People has been begging for it since MKX ended.
Ded game, Valve finally promised like last month to start fixing shit but it's WAAAAY too late
Short of some massive relaunch like A Realm Reborn, it's gone
Both Sony and Nintendo have bent over and people act like one is worse than the other. Both are shit.
Only PC is immune from the censor mob.
Yeah but it has to deal with having ports that get ignored by the devs or come way later than console
>Only PC is immune from the censor mob.
Yeah, would be rad. But I wouldnt get your hopes up too much. If they did say playable villains, theres a good chance its whatever OC baddies are in the game
Spike Chunsoft censored some PC games a couple of weeks ago
you'll have to learn japanese user
I hope not, in P4A we got playable shadows so the game villains should be playable in this game
>Boring high school simulator or an action spin off
Based Atlus saving Nintendo from having more trash on the system.
I guess they made fucking adachi playable despite everything he did, so you never know. People keep talking about Atlus making people shell out for DLC but I mean, pretty much all of Atlus' spinoff games have had a pretty complete roster so Im not sure why. I bet we will find most of the characters we want from P3-5 are in
>Only PC is immune from the censor mob
Oh how very gullible you are.
Dude, PC literally had nude Lady/Trish mods on day 1 for DMC5.
I guess we’ll see
I just hope it’s as good as Hyrule Warriors, that game is kino
I just want Ninja Gaiden 4 already
musoufags, soulsfags, whoever is buying Nobunaga's Ambition
>tfw love musou games but think persona is cringe shit for faggy teenage boys
Persona 5 is alright it just looks faggy
Nintendo, Square and now Atlus
It is
Hit the nail on the head
There is an interesting controversy you never hear on Yea Forums about the Switch cartridges. I'm not going to type a thesis about it. But the gist is that publishers by tiny little 4gb cartridges for 100gb games to save money. You take home the 4gb cart, then download the fucking 96gb patch to your own SD card. They are making YOU pay for the storage so they don't have to.
Basically, file size doesn't mean shit. Because your paying for it.
>Only PC is immune from the censor mob.
lolno. valve is sjw central.
>PS4 gets it AND every other persona game, Switch only gets this
I never saw it comin bros
I've seen a decent number of people asking for Mario, Pokemon, FE and Persona musous ever since the original Hyrule Warriors release. HW proved the genre can be fun if they actually put some fucking passion into it, sadly FEW saw none of that passion and it's boring as fuck to play as a result. I'm sure Mario would be treated right if it ever goes down that path. Persona could be great, but if they're focusing purely on 5 milking then the roster is likely to be as phoned in as FEW's was.
>Shitty Musou
>Not even the full Persona series
Should have just done Arena 2.
Sour grapes.
An arena game? You mean the ones labelled 4 but had characters from 3? Why would the 20 seconds of footage tell you its exclusively P5 characters?
>mfw it'd only be P3-5 anyways
Who is the target audience for your high school harem game then little guy?
I'm fine with a spin off instead of a port of a game I already played. But why a musou? Where's the Persona 5 Arena game?
People who can afford more than the Switch
You're delusional if you seriously thought no one asked for a new Mortal Kombat.
Already played on PC
cope harder weeb
No you didn't.
triggering VN secondaries: the post
Persona 3 & 4 characters canonically crossed paths.
You know the canon in P5S?
>Leakers have been getting BTFO left and right lately
You can win 2 with autobattling and starter Personas secondary.
>This pathetic as fuck samefagging.
c o p e
Arksys is really busy this year. It should have been obvious a fighting game wasn't coming.
But you didn't.
You're in for a surprise.
Now that would be interdasting
Not him, but I had fun with it desu
If its not canon how does that prove or disprove that previous persona characters will be in the game, you know, like every single spinoff so far that wasnt a dancing game
>Thinking Atlus wouldn't find some way to make it canon
Phantom Strikers doesn't sound like an all stars cast to me.
I mean, neither does Persona 4 Arena considering its literally a numbered game. But it did
I love Warriors games I am gonna pick this up.
Well it wasn't Persona 4 Yasogami Investigation Team Arena.
I don't mind it but
>fucking P5 onry
At the bare minimum at least make it P3-5. Ideally I would want all Megaten, or at least SMT x Persona, but fucking P5 only?
We better at least get a Hitler boss.
and this isnt Persona 5 Scramble: Phantom Thieves, its Phantom Strikers which takes place on city streers despite how P5 worked and, apparently, being non-canon which I'm sure is just more useless conjecture as well
It can expand on the Persona 5 cast and story.
It was called Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena
So close enough
Phantom Strikers becasue they aren't thieves.
Usually these are based but this is just awful
They already not only have a recent mainline game, but are the "main cast" of Persona Q2.
Hey looks fun hopefully they add characters from P1-4
i played persona 5 with remote play and vita, it ran smooth and was super comfy.
Great, P3 and 4 cast arent thieves either. As
P4A's original name was Mayonaka Arena, which, being under Persona 4, infers the Midnight Channel. It also had Persona 3 characters visiting the midnight channel. Theres no reason to think it has to be P5 only based on a one minute trailer and title.
Third release *
>Great, P3 and 4 cast arent thieves either
>infers the Midnight Channel
And what infers anyone with a Persona can't go?
It's P5 only because that's all normies know.
Q2 did great it topped the charts for awhile
>its all normies know
They just released a new crossover game & Persona 3 Dancing game, clearly they're still marketing the previous games' characters and this is a fucking musou title.
>And what infers anyone with a Persona can't go
And what infers from what we've seen of P5S that it can't have characters from previous games? Can the old cast not become phantom strikers for some reason? You dont know you monkey, all you have is assumptions, and assumptions which are incorrect compared to everything Atlus has done in the past. I dont know what to tell you
>They just released a new crossover game & Persona 3 Dancing game
They all flopped.
This is just crazy, I've never seen somebody fanboy a game with nothing but a logo before.
>They all flopped.
Source: Dude just trust me
Go look it up. I'm not responsible for you not following news.
Im not fanboying the game retard, I'm just telling you that you dont know. Dont they jokingly incorporate the P3 crew as part of their detective crew in P4A? You are dense
>since maybe PW1
PW1 had 13 but they had a lot of combos.
There is no one that predicted a p5 warriors game; maybe p3-5 warriors.
Atlus is telling you to eat their stinky poo switchfags
>p3-5 warriors.
Let our boys fight with them
I'd love for that as well but be realistic
Sold less than a asset flip etrian game lmao
They did well you double nigger.
Q2 was the biggest 3DS release in Japan of 2018
I did
It literally wasn't
No they didn't.
Nobody asked for you either OP, yet here you are