Who is the best combat system developer.
Itsuno or Kamiya?
for me, its Todd Howard
You are shitposting if you don't think it's Itsuno.
Itsuno used to work on fighting games tho
Itsuno without a doubt.
Kamiya is one of the few devs in the same tier as him however.
Kamiya only makes shallow action games or rip offs of Itsuno games
Oh my god... why Kamiya? Why? You were one of my favourites
Cory Barlog easily
>looks like quintessential onions
>his game is all about alpha manhood
how did he do it?
Power fantasy. This time for real.
Kamiya by a mile.
Itsuno has been getting worse since DMC3.
Especially when he improved the combat system so much in 4 and 5 since 3 right?
Itsuno peaked with DMC4. His fighting games are good but unlike DMC4's gameplay they're not top tier. Kamiya has been making one interesting combat system after the other, so he's my pick.
>Kamiya has been making one interesting combat system after the other
Can't agree with you there.
I'll say that inertia is cool though.
>Kamiya has been making one interesting combat system after the other
Are you sure?Because every Kamiya game post Bayonetta feels remarkably similar and only slightly different
You've never played a Kamiya game and it shows
I can see when a game is as shallow as a puddle, sorry I have taste and didn't pay money or waste bandwidth to play Korra, Transformers and TMNT
Well, the only game after that was The Wonderful 101 and I wouldn't call that "remarkably similar and only slightly different" to his previous games; note that I'm only considering the games where he's director, but even then the only game where he had relevant participation other than TW101 is... Bayonetta 2 and it makes sense that one is similar. Oh, and Scalebound I guess.
Bayonetta 2 is shit, that dragon game was most likely going to be shit (the gameplay videos looked like ass) that's why Microsoft cancelled it
Just imagine, DMC 6 directed by both Kamiya AND Itsuno
Kamiya obviously.
>Viewtiful Joe
>Astral Chain
>le epic DMC4 man
Go kill yourselves, wtf. And Dragon's Dogma is probably the most overrated game of all time with the most retarded controls and grinding to unlock basic skills.
Would be a downgrade for Kamiya. Bayonetta is objectively better gameplay, controls, camera and even level design wise. DMC is repetitive shit with camera and dodging mechanics out of PS2 hell, literally not retouched ever since.
Only good Kamiya games are re2, dmc1 and bayo
Just like only good Itsuno games are dmc3 and dmc5
baste and /thread
loved RE2 combat system
itsuno makes better combat but his punching bag enemies are horribly outdated and boring.
Kamiya makes much more interesting fast paced enemies but tends to fuck up his combat systems with OP shit like witch time or extremely staggering combos
>note that I'm only considering the games where he's director
The why say this
>Kamiya has been making one interesting combat system after the other
If we're going by the combat department of games Kamiya directed vs games Itsuno directed then Itsuno should be superior overall
>Only good Kamiya games are re2, dmc1 and bayo
>"Hello I have shittaste and love to spout objectively false statements, look at me"
Epic. Have a (you).
It wasn't supposed to have any complex combat system, low-IQ retard.
Kamiya didn't direct Bayonetta 2 retard.
>Bayonetta is objectively better gameplay, controls, camera
Wow qte gimmicks really a superior gameplay wow
>muh dodge button
lmao kill yourself
DMC1 is literally his worst, lol. Nothing is particularly good about it from today's perspective, you have like three different moves that are worth spamming, enemies and bosses suck ass and the world is just boring corridors.
DMC fags are mentally ill. One of the shittiest franchises that's still meandering around.
Lemme guess, you enjoyed playing as V?
>lmao kill yourself
You know that DMC has a dodge button as well, right? You just also have to press another button at the same time, which doesn't make it any more complex. That's not what makes its dodging worse or better than Bayonetta's, what makes DMC's dodging utter garbage is 1. that it's camera-sensitive for no fucking reason whatsoever (even Monster Hunter allows you to disable that) and that the animation is still clunky as shit.
DMC fans are literally 90-IQ people.
No i didnt
In fact i hated playing that goth faggot
>You know that DMC has a dodge button as well, right
Thats why It doesn't need a dedicated Dodge button you casual resetera nigger
>even level design wise
Yeah bro, remember that great 10 minute shooting section before Jeanne's climactic final battle? Remember the insta-death QTE after you beat the final boss? Remember backtracking through levels and having to do secret missions every time to get platinum?
Amazing level design!
Cory didn't even design the combat system for GOW 2018. It was some black dude whose name I can't remember. He was featured in a Game Informer video showing behind the scenes shit, and he was the lead combat designer
Itsuno because he doesnt shift gameplay genres midway through the game and half ass them
Heh... great combat.
>1. that it's camera-sensitive for no fucking reason whatsoever and that the animation is still clunky as shit.
You know that jumping is an intended method for dodging that isn't camera sensitive and is essentially instant
>both are 48 yet Kamiya looks like 60
what garbage taste, as I expect from the philistine on Yea Forums. nearly every move is worth using and the bosses are top class. to this day there are action games that still don't understand what made dmc1 good despite advancement of the genre.
Mikami didn't design the combat.
Kamiya has been able to branch out a lot more with different genres and gameplay styles than Itsuno, but then again, he made Dragon's Dogma which is one of my favourite games, so I really don't see a reason not to choose both.
>Astral Chain
He's only supervisor or some minor role like that. Takahisa Taura is the director.
Kamiya. Itsuno just builds on Kamiyas foundations with DMC. Itsuno on his own makes dogshit combat. See DD.
Based Yea Forums baiter
>DMC5 Dante weapons
>Every weapon has transformations and an ingenious design
>Every weapon has two buttons with whole movesets each
>Each weapon has unique ideas with unique inputs
>If you don't want to focus on weapons you have the same amount of guns, royal guard and SDT
>No designated dodge button, yet Dante has 4+ different types of dodges
>Bayonetta weapons
>Every weapon is just a weapon with some element
>Every weapon uses the same combos based around wicked weaves with some gimmick on top
>Allows you to equip two weapons at once but it's completely pointless since you're just doing the same combos
>Game requires you do dodge and dodge-offset
>Can't even equip a different gun despite there being plenty of usable firearms
>Designated dodge button, plus jump button while locking on
Dmc3 has fucknothing to do with dmc1.
Kamiya's just a better director overall. Itsuno's still decent though.
Santa Monica.
Kamiya obviously? In Bayonetta you have all the options Dante has but you don't need to break your fingers with retarded styleswitching on d-pad and multiple weapons cycling. Kamiya made fun and elegant control scheme. Not even mentioning how many combos Bayonetta has instead of 3 TTT, TT->T or TT->TT. Itsuno clearly has no idea how to improve DMC3 combat and just keep adding stuff on top of it, turning it into a total mess of unnecessary complicated inputs.
>Bayonetta you have all the options Dante has
It feels watered down though.
DMC gameplay feels smart and tight.
Bayo feels smoother and more streamlined yet boated and dodge offset is annoying quite honestly.
I just wish DMC had better enemies.