Sekiro: 16gb

>sekiro: 16gb
>monster hunter world: 21gb
>gtaV: 85gb
>black ops 3: 180 fucking gb
what the fuck is wrong with western game devs? how fucking hard is it to compress their games?

Attached: sekiro_shadows_die_twice_gamescom_screen_3.jpg (1728x972, 306K)

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sekiro plays good, but it looks like a ps3 game, though

gtaV literally is one

its intentional
by taking more of your harddrive space, the less inclined you are to downloading other games.
I'll post the article if I find it

Attached: 1554403203739.jpg (1280x720, 131K)
here it is.

its all marketing. Enjoy your EARLY stage capitalism. Its only gonna get worse from here senpai.

Attached: 1553623091385.jpg (241x299, 16K)

sekiro is about 30 minute long it's already way too big.

Vile but funny

Sekiro is a great game, but it's also fucking tiny

I always thought the big sizes were to deter poorfags from pirating because it eats up their datacap.

>sekiro is about 30 minute long
yeah if you use skips, get the bad ending and rush everything. like 70% of sekiro is optional
I can't think of any other game with the amount of content and graphics that uses that little space. seriously, just think about all the locations combined, 16gb is impressive