WTF bros weren't ps4 exclusives supposed to be good

WTF bros weren't ps4 exclusives supposed to be good

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There's been only one good PS4 exclusive so far

trusting jornos lol

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This but ironically

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>low seventies

called it

>still higher than most other zombie games released recently
How? Isnt everyone fucking tired of open world zombie survival shit?

I legit didn't even know this game was a thing and i own a ps4 and several games

>low scores because of straight white male protag

so much for the "Sony Bonus" theory

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It's a shame the world itself looks interesting, too bad it's wasted on a shitty zombie game. Not enough rural america games

The order 1886 is actual realistic shit tho

cope you nintendie

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I guess I'm gonna have to throw my PS4 out the window again.

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>game that was so shit not even journos liked it

>b-but Nintendo
Like clockwork

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This was ok for $3

Wow, I feel like a prophet even though all I have said about Days Gone is "why am I excited about this?" only to get no response.

This game pissed me off, it had a lot of potential to be great if they actually made gameplay for it instead of just a QTE cinematic mess.

From what I've seen in the reviews they're just whining about a shit story.

From what I've seen in the prerelease gameplay it's a shitheap of a game.

I always thought that the reviews were basically like schoolgrades where 60% means passed and everything below is a failure.

This one looked like shit since day 1.

Was there any hype for the game?
I don't remember a single thread on Yea Forums about it but I could be wrong.

>all the Shitch kiddies mad their tablet can't handle thousands of freakers on screen at once review bombing our game
Like clockwork

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>shitty kirby game not even fans or the usual nintendo shills liked
>still higher score than high budget AAA exclusive
I'm all for shit posting but c'mon user..... try harder

There were countless "Nintendo wishes they could play this game" posts, but little else.
Usually with that pic.

wowie zowie a zombie game! so current SNOY and definitely not played out

You are but one of the many retards who think that; and that mindset is why reviews are so fucked nowadays.

The only threads about the game on Yea Forums I can recall were just people asking how hard would the game flop.

Bend should make a new Syphon Filter game

I dont think Bend is going to be making anything else after this.

>review bombing.
That's the journo score though, retard.

>But Nintendo

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony puts them down after this

you've read average nincel reaction

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>What they should be
Absolutely not. Anything under 6/10 is a failing grade. 60 - 70 is almost failing, 70 - 80 is mediocre, 80 - 90 is good, 90 - 94 is excellent, 95 - 100 is near perfection.

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Persona and Bloodbore

Yes, I understand you're just going to reply with

>Shitty game for kids is a point higher than big budget mature zombie game
Lmao, based retard


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Don't act like anyone was hyping this garbage up.

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Also on PS3*

it is after the bonus. The Order is genuine a 20/100 game.

74 is bad? Since when?

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The exception to the rule

Since we entered this state of mind that anything under 99 is a colossal failure.

not even this nintendo cock slave liked the game, and it still scored higher than the Sony exclusive, what point did you try to make here ?

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It's open world survival crafting with zombies, of course it's shit.

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I mean, no one ever pretended that was going to be good.


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In this gen exclusives are usually bad

I mean im all for shitting on Sonygros but this is just nitpicking. A 7/10 means its a good game. Not great, not amazing, not bad, good.

oh the revisionism...

People were going through the roof when they announced Platinum and Nintendo, with Miyamoto as main producer, were working on it.

And the score has the +20 Nintendo Bonus applied to, it deserved a 49 or less.

>oh the revisionism...
I'm not even going to read the rest, I'll just correct myself.
I never pretended it was going to be good.

>Platinum Games working on a Nintendo exclusive
>thinking Yea Forums wasn't hyping it up 24/7 up until game play videos were released

Why are Nintendo fans such liars?

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Very unclear message in the picture, who's the one losing the argument? Ofc it has to be the PS user because there literally is no defending consoles

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Because I'm a Sony fan.

It feels like Days Gone is getting a more honest approach by reviewers because there isn't as much shilling and marketing behind it than the triple A's on the platform. Every game out there, god of war, RDR2, bloodborne, the scores have been incredibly bloated, the more there's marketing on a game, the higher the scores are, there's literally paid extra of 10-20 points, none of them are masterpieces, the last time Playstation had literal masterpieces was during PS1 and PS2 eras.

Still far better than anything on Xbone and Nintendo, kek. Sony's "bad" games are still well above everyone else's "good" ones.

Spoken like someone who hasn't played it yet, or ever.

Absolute state of you lad.

>12 hours until game release
Damn, i thought this game was going to come out in like 2~3 months. How hard is it gonna flop?

Got a better image for you user.

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You don't even own a nintendo console, you haven't played any nintendo games, you don't have a say in the matter if you haven't even tried the alternatives
Seems like being a fan of Sony is default for double digit IQ
Xbox lost the moment they opened their "exclusives" to PC, because PC is ultimately the best choice for everything. Nintendo on the other hand has tons of games better than anything Sony has released for over a decade.