What a fucking waste of a slot.
If he wasn't meant to advertise Persona on Switch than what is the fucking point
What a fucking waste of a slot.
If he wasn't meant to advertise Persona on Switch than what is the fucking point
Shut the fuck up, you dirty nintendonigger.
Celebrating vidya
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad
Entitled pussies.
I’m more upset that we didn’t get an SMT rep if SMT V is meant to be on the switch. If they would have bit the bullet and ported Persona 5 then I could understand.
maybe characters getting into smash isn't just to advertise other games? You ever thought of that?
Because SAKURAI WANTED HIM IN. THat's ALL THAT MATTERS. He DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK about what the fans want.
>Not owning both
Yea Forums is full of poorfags
I for one can't wait for exciting new fighters like Nathan Drake, Kratos, Master Chief and Marcus Fenix!
stick thin numale with glasses and dark hair? just nintendo sticking in a character their fanbase can resonate with
>If he wasn't meant to advertise Persona on Switch
but he is.
O yea, celebrating a nothing franchise that barley anyone knows about as opposed to the countless amounts of franchises that fans are clamoring for....Yea....totally celebrating videa games. Moron.
What’s the point of having an extra character that’s a cool cross over? Idk I guess what’s the point of a “Wario” character in smash. I don’t see Warioware on my switch. For that matter the fuck are earthbound characters doing there? No game on switch right?
>mad that DLC slot was used to advertise
>mad that DLC slot wasn't used to advertise
Fuck, this shit is so funny
He wasn't even Sakurais choice. Last fall Reggie said that every inclusion for the DLC is Nintendo's choice
>Switch begging for fucking months praising the Persona series
>Suddenly SMT is now a nothing franchise
Hey at least you guys get Nintendo Labo 2!
>nothing franchise
also I doubt most smash players have even heard of much less played a good portion of the franchises before smash
lmao more like some more Japanese no nothing nobodies that nobody wants but shitkurai.
Why aren't you angry at Snake then? This is a coping strategy, user.
i wish mods would make another containment thread for smash autists
This, except literally everybody fucking said it was coming to switch you fucking retard
even if persona came to switch it would feel like a bad advertisement.
shouldve been a jack instead.
OI you fucking dope.
There's one for Sakurai wanting him in
akurai wrote:
“Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan.”
There's a tweet SHITKURAI MADE stating HE DECIDES on weather or not a moveset can be created, IE HE FUCKING DECIDES THIS SHIT>
Are you saying you would be happier if the new DLC rep was an advertisement?
Shake at least has a recognizable and strong History with Nintendo consoles.
I am excited for the Musou. I loved hw. And i plan in giving FE-W a shot once i have smash out if my system.
Snake's a legacy character at this point, and his inclusion was definitely because of Twin Snakes. All in all I think Joker's a cool addition to the game.
Isn't the Switch getting that Musou? So if you want to play as him on the Switch outside of Smash you can.
>celebrating a nothing franchise that barley anyone knows about
you mean like banjo-kazooie, golden sun, or the other literal whos that rosterfags beg for?
Nintendo decides, and then he picks based on what Nintendo says. It's Nintendos choice.
Music to my fucking ears. Getting flashbacks of when all you faggots said persona 5 would be WiiU exclusive now look at you, history repeats itself.
sure, whatever you say.
At least then the inclusion of someone who clearly doesn't belong in Smash would have been justified
Joker is a literally who and was a shit pick but you're a fucking muppet
thank god that characters can get in without having to advertise an upcoming game or something. might've just saved the pass.
To bring a franchise with a big following outside of smash over to the switch, you dolt. It'll be the same with the next 4.
Exactly. It says a whole HELL of a lot when a franchise is recognized by their inclusion in smash as opposed the their actualy fucking franchise.
I fucking HATE Sakurai. He's a shitty director that puts his and his fucking sons wants before the fans. Fucking stupid fucker(not you, Sakurai)
It could still be coming to Switch via a Direct announcement. I’m not hopeful or anything, it’s just not off the table. These games do well on handheld and vita is dead
He's a fun character, why are you so mad for? Did you want your Bear mascot who has only one good game, or puppet man who nobody knows? If you weren't such a roster fag and instead just enjoyed playing the game maybe you wouldn't be popping a blood vessel right now.
Easy to fake
Press D to dab on BingTendies
Shut the fuck up attention whore, Joker is badass, fuck your switchport bullshit poor retard.
You are a brainless moron. If those characters are whos than why the fuck do they get top 5 in every fucking ballot, including Japan?
are you also implying more people know who the fucking JOKER is than Banjo-Kazooie? GGo to a fucking doctor, seriously, I think you brain is calling it quits.
But of course, to dab on basedboys
OI you fucking dope.
There's one for Sakurai wanting him in
akurai wrote:
“Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan.”
There's a tweet SHITKURAI MADE stating HE DECIDES on weather or not a moveset can be created, IE HE FUCKING DECIDES THIS SHIT>
Appealing to Japanese zoomers.
Was it straight up confirmed to be a PS4 exclusive? Or was PS4 just listed as the only console?
Sony tried to use the same slimy tactic for Crash Trilogy so I wouldn't be surprised if they are just trying to manipulate their audience into thinking a timed exclusive is perminant again. They are snakes, after all.
Hiraoka: “This time, Joker joining Smash Bros. was mainly thanks to Masahiro Sakurai from Sora, Ltd.’s invitation, which led to this partnership. Sakurai-san is a big fan of Persona 5, and we are fans of Smash Bros., so when we received the invitation, we thought, “That’s great!” We’re happy to establish such a great working relationship.”
Yah totally was because of Nintendo
>I fucking HATE Sakurai.
Get a life, loser. He and his team simply pick who they think will have an interesting gameplay style and would be fun to work on
>If he wasn't meant to advertise Persona on Switch than what is the fucking point
Hackurai favoritism pick, just like Corrin
>more people know who the fucking JOKER is than Banjo-Kazooie?
This is almost certainly true in 2019.
Yea totally, because yea.
>btfos leakers
>btfos insiders
>btfos everyone's predictions
>btfos text leaks
>btfos port beggars
>was my personal most wanted
>is now my main
I don't know about you, OP, but I'm loving all of this.
no shit, it's a fake "leak." but even when it came out that it was a blurry picture of a photoshop from reddit, people still unironically believed that user in every thread and asked him questions about the switch port. that was the sheer level of desperation.
>Nintendo says he can choose between Joker, Duke Nukem, or Winnie the Pooh
>Sakurai settles on Joker
>"There's a tweet SHITKURAI MADE stating HE DECIDES on weather or not a moveset can be created, IE HE FUCKING DECIDES THIS SHIT>"
Take your meds
>He and his team simply pick who they think will have an interesting gameplay style and would be fun to work on
*adds another fire emblem character to smash*
>tfw PS4fag and Switchfag
>mfw I get to enjoy P5(R) and Joker in Smash
Give me one good reason you're not an idort.
Like most things, it was just listed as a PS4 title. Besides, nowadays plenty of companies label these things as “exclusive” even when they KNOW it’s only a timed thing
>He and his team
Wrong, it's just him. ANd how is a copy/paste moveset interesting? How is a generic swordsman moveset with a counter interesting?
The world is big a beautiful, so getting Sakurai's abdomen out of your face would be something I highly recommend.
Fucking sick of the Persona 5 praising when it's a bunch of crap compared to the previous ones, but at least is more known than the garbage most people asks for
But you're the one begging for Persona 5...
O, I didn't know you could tell someones mood from printed type.
If that's the case, then why does B&K always
Because it's fucking Persona in Smash you dolt.
why do people act like fighters in smash bros are ONLY for advertising
If that's the case than why does B&K always score higher than Joker(who never appears on a ballot BTW)
You're too based for these threads. Just enjoy your life and play games, user.
>If those characters are whos than why the fuck do they get top 5 in every fucking ballot, including Japan?
the only official ballot that we have results for is the japan-only melee one.
back then, at the absolute peak of banjo-kazooie's relevance, banjo got less votes than toad and only one more vote than gooey. the franchise has been dead for a decade now. nobody other than rosterfags care.
>are you also implying more people know who the fucking JOKER is than Banjo-Kazooie?
hate to break it to you, but they do.
I'm gonna have to agree. Third party fighters should be historically relevant. Shill picks should be first party.
That doesn’t discount any of what I said. Robin has the most unique moveset of the Emblems, Corrin was different but underwhelming (the team had to convince him to add Corrin anyway, and they’re aware of the backlash), Chrom was a clone and purely for the fans (the thing you’re complaining about). Stay mad.
>what is the fucking point
To announce Persona 5 The Cope (Switch exclusive).
>doesn't belong
Tell me which obscure Nintendo-owned character you wanted.
>I'll believe my own made-up nonsense over reality because I really need to win this argument!
I feel the same exact way, I'm fucking living for it.
20+ years of sony exclusivity and still not even a hint of any other platform getting it. atlus takes console exclusivity so seriously that they still refuse to port p4g from vita to ps4. when are you guys going to give up?
I don't remember anyone bitching this hard about fucking Cloud in SSB4 whose game never appeared on a Nintendo system until this year.
Hell, Joker was the protagonist of PQ2 which was on a Nintendo system; Cloud only appeared in a few spinoffs on Nintendo platforms prior to this year.
Donkey Kong JR and Jimmy T were my big first party choices
Litteraly doesnt even mention Nintendo
Face it that how the rest of it’s going to go to
I don't care about console wars he fits in cool with the other characters in smash, Sakurai made a good decision adding him imo
>celebrating a nothing franchise that barley anyone knows about as opposed to the countless amounts of franchises that fans are clamoring for.
Nobody outside of Japan knew what Fire Emblem was prior to Melee.
Look at it now.
>Robin has the most unique moveset of the Emblems
You mean he has the only moveset of the Emblems that actually represents the series he's from
Literally over half of the FE characters could fuck off and nothing of value would be lost
You know... maybe the Persona mechanic was different?? Also he’s barely a swordsman, literally playing more like a rogue, and he only has a counter when Arsene is out. Also it’s possible that being fans of the series it would be a lot of fun for them to work with it, right? Please take a break from the internet
PS4 has no games other than BB and Spider-Man, and I already beat BB so I gave my PS4 to my little brother
Still have an Xbone, Switch, and PC, might give the bro the Xbone if Rare Replay (the only good Xbone exclusive) gets ported to Switch and/or PC.
>wrong, it’s just him
Yes look at it now, a franchise that is consistely derided as ironic weeb waifu bait and/or gachatrash.
What a fucking waste of a slot.
If he wasn't meant to advertise Final Fantasy VII on Wii-U than what is the fucking point
>If he wasn't meant to advertise Persona on Switch than what is the fucking point
But Persona5 IS going to Switch...just not the P5 you wanted :^)
What a fucking waste of a slot.
If he wasn't meant to advertise Metal Gear Solid 4 on Switch what is the fucking point.
That being said I hope it gets ported to switch so I can play it but I might buy a PS4 but other than persona I'm really only interested in god of war
So is smash just slowly turning into advertisements for other games?
Not OP but I'm more confused at why Nintendo bothered considering how much smaller Persona is compared to most series. There's basically no benefit to them. If it was just Sakurai fuckery I wouldn't question it. But allegedly it isn't.
Holy based.
>guy has a knife
>Yea Forumsirgin retards immediately start screaming and farting about their "generic swordsman" boogieman for the millionth time, deliberately ignoring every single other aspect of the character
So now you want every fighter to be a shill pick to advertise something?
There really is no pleasing you sadomasochistic fucks.
Why not, Mario Kart's been doing the same thing.
That is LITERALLY what it's always been, from inception.
Don’t u have people to push into TV’s?
Arrest yourself
>smash 4 came out almost 5 years ago
>still no word about ffvii remake
I want everything so I can be angry about everything. This is what the Yea Forumsirgin do.
Why does it have to be an advertisement? Isn't Sakurai liking the character a good enough reason?
Honestly don’t know if you are a sad sack of shit or a falseflagger at this point.
>might give the bro the Xbone if Rare Replay (the only good Xbone exclusive)
>bought an xbone for a bunch of roms of and 360 games
I dont think the problem are the consoles, but the moron who buys them without doing research first
So unique! Thanks Hackurai!
Let's not forget how he has a down special counter just like almost every other anime swordsman!
To crush the hopes of Switch users, lmao. I don't care if it goes to Switch, but this is pretty funny. Just buy a used PS4.
Neither option is a good thing to be
shut up
You do realize Persona Q2 exists, right? retard.
I'd say early on it was more like attempts to revive dead series.
This but unironically
I'd honestly rather see more new actual Nintendo characters in smash. Enough with the 3rd party crap already.
>characters have similar normals, something certain smash characters have shared since their inception
Epic meme, my dude!
>Why would Nintendo put a popular character in their game? It doesn't make sense
Omg sakuri added him because he is a fan and had the chance to
Not everything has to be an advertisement or about you
It’s still his game
Ur not the one delevoping it
Grow up
I mean, who is even left as far as MAIN protagonists of first-party series that are still alive.
Sakurai is a vindictive liar that detests the people that play his game
He 100% chose Joker because only characters from series that Sakurai personally likes are allowed to get in Smash, neither Nintendo nor fan input has had any relevance on the game since Melee
While I'd be happy for either of those to make it it, you have to understand there's a big difference between "forgotten DK arcade character" or "one of Wario's sidekicks from his mingame collections" versus "FEATURING JOKER FROM THE PERSONA SERIES". At this point, Nintendo mixing with Nintendo is old hat, I know that's how the series started, but things have escalated so much that they don't have the same hype power as insane, seemingly impossible third party reveals do anymore. "Not belonging" becomes the appeal in of itself.
>After 30 years nintendo is still cucked by Sony
Why does it have to be a main protagonist?
They don’t have to be. I like when smash adds long-unused characters.
>Yea Forums: all these third parties are just shill picks. None of these are in because people actually wanted them
based atuy poster
Because nobody is going to spend 5.99+tax for a side character like hat Goomba, Tingle, Epona, Kass, whoever the fuck you want.
Dixie Kong
Captain Toad
Spring Man
>Every thread
This is just getting sad
Specifically for DLC it would have to be a fan favorite like Geno or something. Paper Mario, Toad, etc.
>Sakurai is a vindictive liar that detests the people that play his game
gee, i wonder why sakurai can't stand smashfags.
Sakurai favoritism pick
Video games were literally the only thing Sony had left that was of relatively decent quality but now even that's gone to shit. Sony needs to fucking die but of course they never will despite their garbage products because they're owned by infinite money Jews.
>Dixie Kong
Nobody would spend 6 dollars on this character. That's a base roster pick, not DLC.
Honestly the only one of these that would make a splash, but he's an Assist Trophy.
>Captain Toad
You want ANOTHER Mario character after Piranha Plant?
Possible, but most likely deconfirmed.
>Spring Man
Assist Trophy.
One that is widely known and makes money. The state that it is in is irrelevent to both of those facts.
>K. Rool
>Spring Man
He already said these didn't get in because timing
>meant to advertise Persona on Switch
what other games advertised a port this way?
Why do they have to be main?
You can have some fun
K. K Slider
Midna and Wolf Link
Even Skull Kid could be interesting especially if he had something to do with dropping the moon in his attacks
Tom Nook
Just a reminder to control your butthurt lads
Being and idort in these times is great.
Why are video games so bad now?
>PCfedora can't understand the appeal of a 30 dollar collection of both Banjo games at a stable framerate, uncensored Conker with online multiplayer, and the best game of the last generation, Viva Piñata 2 + fun behind the scenes stuff
Rare Replay is the single best game collection that exists
Forgot u could use nooklings instead of Tom nook they could be interesting and everyone likes them
Sony is bigger than disney they own so much media shit they dont even have to make a profit on consoles for 15 years.
>Dark Samus
i don't give a fuck what sakurai thinks, i'm paying $60+ for this piece of shit, and it should be done right.
Same here. Console wars are for poor Indian men
>a nothing franchise
nigga, wat
loss of SOUL
Smash was a mistake
>Game designer hates people that play his game in a way other than the way he likes to play his game
Mashedpotato "Taking my ball and going home" Sackolies is truly based and did nothing wrong!
Smash fans unironically look more into Smash character inclusions than Nintendo or the third party companies do.
I said main protagonists. Aka main characters or mascots, not side characters.
Nobody's going to spend 6.00 on Bandana Waddle Dee.
Did you scream and shit yourself in a rage this hard back in 1999 when Mario, Luigi, Fox, Kirby, and Jigglypuff all had the same Down Air?
they also jerk off over rules that sakurai made as if they are the word of god. im sick of it.
I fucking love the salt
play melee online stop giving money to these bastards
The fuck's up with her gun there? Why is it blue? Shouldn't it be the nova or regular power beam in that cutscene?
I like the idea of the Persona 5 universe but I never want to touch that game again after spending 150 hours with it. I'm much more excited for smash joker and the musou than I would be to replay a JRPG
So your personal idea of how a game should be made is the only idea, and you think you're a special snowflake for thinking that.
Piss off
I'm just glad we can finally move on now. I'm so burnt out on all the endless rumors and "leaks" on what might or might not come out.
Even Sakurai can man up and just buy a fucking PS4 to play the exclusive games he wants. He talked about how during development of Ultimate he was playing P5 and fell in love with the game. That's why Joker got in, to celebrate the Persona and SMT franchises and because Sakurai has a PS4 with P5 at his house.
Yeah, it seems like this announcement has shut up almost all of the few leak believers there were left. Now people can actually talk about what characters they want in Smash, and people can stop begging for ports.
His inclusion was because Kojima wanted him in
Sakurai has owned a ps4 for fucking years. he even said he loved Spiderman. Console warfags are the lowest of the low. Dumb kids.
You didn't have to pay 5$ plus tip to play as any of them
I'm still waiting for travis touchdown I want to see if they put in heavenly star as stage music
Console wars are for literal children. True manmores have a Switch, have a PS4 Pro, have a decent PC and have a fund set up with their bank with about $1500 set aside for the PS5 and PSVR2 launch as well as the Switch Pro. I'm buying both consoles on launch day and enjoying my huge library of PS4 and Switch games on them.
The game does not respect your time at all, it’s so long, and now it’s even longer. I get it though, it’s comfy and atmospheric, and it’s perfect for Japanese Teens with a ton of time on their hands
could have dimentio
stevengenjo does not apply
you know the entire point of the post is DLC right
I've actually wondered that before, I think they just left the arm cannon in hyper mode and forgot to change it back
based idortchad. imagine only owning 1 or 2 systems.
But both of them are right
>Spider-Man swings into battle!
Pls Sakurai
Nintendo literally encourages its staff to buy other consoles and explore what other devs are doing successfully
Yes, but nobody would pay 5 dorra for spring man
Made up? Fucker read this shit, dumbass.
im pretty sure sakurai just likes playing games, unlike half the tards on here.
>tfw my pc at home is 10 years old and the one at my office has a 1080
I want to play some of this pc shit but only have time at home
Nice bait. You've never played smash
>tfw this was getting banned for spam before today
>now that the port is deconfirmed it stays up
I'm pretty sure more people would pay for a nintendo character on a nintendo game for a nintendo console as opposed to one that's not on the switch, especially when arms and P5 sold around the same amount (despite P5 having a far larger install base)
Ah yes, I still remember the faggots claiming that Cloud was added to Smash because the FF VII remake was going to be released on the NX.
>If he wasn't meant to advertise Persona on Switch than what is the fucking point
Mayday Parker echo when
>Nobody outside of Japan knew what Fire Emblem was prior to Melee.
Wow....Just wow....You are seriously dumb. I just can't, holy shit.
Well that’s true, but Nintendo really does encourage staff to play non Nintendo games on non Nintendo consoles.
Alright here's the thing you little shit
Sakurai likes persona
Sakurai doesn't like ARMS
That's all there is to it
It's been like that since fuckin' smash 4.
he's not wrong, the fuck are you talking about?
one of the biggest cases of moving the goalpost I've seen in a long time
It's almost as if neither Sakurai nor Nintendo give a shit about who's picked for Smash DLC at this point because they all know that it'll still sell anyway REGARDLESS of who the character is, which is EXACTLY what happened with Sm4sh.
People hated the FUCK out of Corrin, but by God, it still sold.
>deliberately ignoring every single other aspect of the character
O what? You mean the rest of his copy/pasted moveset? You mean the generic anime swordsman down B counter?
And he's wields a short swords, not a fucking long dagger. A dagger would be FAR SHORTER than your forearm.
hopefully they pick characters people actually like for the last 4. no steve, no gay ass fe character.
then they wouldn't choose third parties due to license fees
Spode has been in a fighter already. Capeshit pls go.
>*adds another fire emblem character to smash*
*adds another Marth clone because Sakurai clearly wants the Marth lineage in this game for no reason but his wanting.*
And people think there is no bias lmao
Corrin was the most blatant shillpick ever, even worse than the obligatory shillmons, I want his faggot ass out of the next smash alongside all the Marth clones at the very fucking least
Camillia would be the best pick evar :D
any fe character after Marth is a shill pick
>Also he’s barely a swordsman
If he's barely a swordsman than explain why he has a short sword? Explain why his moveset is literally copy/pasted moves in which he swings his sword? Explain why he has a generic swordsman down B counter?
No way
Besides not vidya
Hello kitty or goku is More likely
Besides the moment a non vidya gets in everything goes to shit
>maybe the Persona mechanic was different
What's the difference between this and clouds limit break? I'll tell you, nothing.
Yes because his counter acts exactly like everyone else’s, and he doesn’t use ANY new mechanics as a fighter
I still dont get why Joker is in Smash. The last time I checked, Yui is still the most liked Persona 3-5 protag, simply for being a chad
He's meant to advertise SMTV.
>It's not a counter because you still take some damage
Actual argument they use
There is a Persona game on Switch now.
What's your thought process before typing this up? There IS a game with him in it on the Switch.
Well, what about celebrating fucking actual SMT instead of just one of its fucking spinoffs?
If anything, this is the exact opposite of celebrating vidya
Sorry but Sony always wins.
And are you such a whiny faggot that you can't see the differences in damage, frame data, hitboxes, effects, etc between the attacks? Samus, Mewtwo, and Lucario have a similar neutral B, but they have much different properties between them that greatly change their uses and functions. "JOKER'S GOT A GUN LIKE BAYONETTA DOES!!" means little when how he uses it is very different from how she uses hers.
SMTV is vaporware
That was the first game in the series you moronic jizz stain.
Complaining about Joker is like complaining about Snake.
You're just butthurt there's not P5 on Switch. Admittedly, it was pretty scummy, but you don't have to be such a faggot.
>If he's barely a swordsman than explain why he has a short sword
It's a knife. Tons of characters punch.
>Explain why his moveset is literally copy/pasted moves in which he swings his sword
They're similar, they aren't copy pasted. That webm is shitty quality specifically so you don't see the differences in their moves to suit a narrative.
>Explain why he has a generic swordsman down B counter
He doesn't. For one, it isn't a counter until Arsene is out. For two, his counter, when he has one, is the only counter a "swordsman" character has that reflects projectiles.
Yes, SAKURAI, not Nintendo.
I'm sure it will come eventually.
If it has not been announced by the end of next year I will burn my copy of 1-2 switch.
Ridley was added in to get fans to shut up, Sakurai says this.
And I'd bet K.Rool was added in because Nintendo FORCED him to.
Does Inineroar have a counter?
>so blind he can't see the differences
>so stupid he doesn't know the differences between knives and swords
>so angry that instead of actually educating himself he just screams and shits
Fuck, forgot the picture
I actually wouldnt mind an smt/persona musou game.
Yea, like I said. Persona is a franchise that's barely known. It being "popular" does not equate to well known.
>Geno still not in
>Anime faggot with reused animations introduced instead
>game now has shields being overused due to 3.0 shield buff
This game became trash within 4 months
So was P5 for ages. Remember "2015 for PS3"? Atlus just doesn't say much about their games until they're ready top be shown off.
So? Why couldn't every single character be absolutely 100% unique in every way when there was only 12 of them?
After Chrom (aka Marth clone number 3) it wouldn't even surprise me
I had a ps4 and I sold it because its the worst console I ever owned.
>and SMT franchises and because Sakur
BINGO. Sakurai is a hack that just adds what he wants, and he has a huge hardon for crappy Jrpgs.
>It being "popular" does not equate to well known
the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people.
Dude, atlus doesn't give a flying fuck about SMT, it's all persona now. The only reason they even put that short trailer together is because Nintento asked them to.
Tell me about it, when I saw that garbage EarthBound faggot shit in Smash 64 I swore never to touch Smash Bros.
What's Sakurai's opinion on Taiko no Tatsujin?
Kek, why are you so mad about him? Talk about seething to the max.
In Persona his weapons are literally labeled as Daggers and Knives. All of Cloud’s, Ike’s, and the 4 Marths attacks rely on their sword. He uses his dagger only in some standard attacks and smashes, which is still less than Robin uses her sword.
I should have realized it was bait sooner.
>he's not wrong, the fuck are you talking about?
Fire Emblem became SUPER POPULAR in Japan after THE VERY FUCKING FIRST Fire Emblem game. Which was a WAYYY before Melee. Use the fucking internet to looks up facts before spouting them, numbnuts.
Not him but user I don't see the words well-known in that definition. :^)
You mean you're too retarded to understand FE was exclusively a nip series until Smash and Advanced Wars brought it to the US?
>this post
im surprised you're still alive with that much poison in your veins
He said outside of Japan.
>by many people
people were probably more ok with Cloud because he's a truly legendary character that people know to this day.
doubt anybody will give a shit about joker in 20 years.
meanwhile they ask for Erdrick just because a leaker said he's in
It charges and depletes differently, and it affects every single thing that Joker does once active, as opposed to just move speed and specials. It changes the behavior of his specials more as well. It also clutters up the screen when active
Show me these new mechanics and explain to me how his counter is different than any other counter in the game?
barely anybody gives a shit about Joker right now, kek, most people have already forgotten about him in Smash.
>Sony is bigger than disney
This is just delusional.
>mfw I'm a musuofag and have both PS4 and a Switch
Wouldn't be surprised. Joker fans are fucking stupid.
Yeah, this. The same people who complain about anime swordsmen want an anime swordsman for le epic btfo culture.
Don't see those words there. ;^)
>it’s all about advertising
>it most certainly isn’t just a VIDEO GAME celebrating VIDEO GAMES by having VIDEO GAME characters fight for fun
I honestly would be surprised if we didn't get another shitty generic anime swordsman from FE that has counter. It's clear Shitkurai has an extreme hard-on for FE.
Smash fans hate shill picks until a character that isn't a shill pick gets in. Then they question why they aren't getting shill picks.
>still complaining about anime swordsmen
>So moronic you can't even come up with an argument and instead throw what I said back at me like it means anything.
Joker wields a SHORT SWORD. You probably call an axe a big hatchet.
Play the game. It’s clear you’re bitching about something you’re woefully uniformed about
smash fags just throw autistic fits when their made up rules get broken. expect many more of those rules to get broken, and autism fits to be all over the board.
Bro Smash Bros isn't even that fun. I was expecting P5 on the Switch because the marketing tool was there.
But nope, the marketing tool is there to marketer a game in another console.
What's next, Master Chief?
Looks cool but I don’t want another Femblem
Let me remind you Shitkurai really didn't have THAT much to work with for these character BACK THEN. What the fuck did Luigi have that Mario didn't BACK THEN. And even then, there's what ONE clone in Smash 64?
smash bros isn't a marketing tool, its a fucking video game. don't whine when characters that don't advertise shit get in for the next 4 slots.
but joker is one of the least iconic persona characters, and with a bland moveset too (except for having a persona, which is wasted on one with a shit cluttered design, that only powers up moves rather than bringing anything new.)
I honestly can't fucking wait for pic related to get in and watch everyone fucking seethe when their rules get broken for good.
Sakurai and Nintendo don't care about your fucking rules, dumb Smash fans.
fuck anime swordfighters in smash, ike, marth, and shulk should be the only characters
>tfw the same
>tfw I still wanted a portable P5 port like golden
I'd even take a vita port at this point...
>Making me take a screenshot to prove your idiocy
You’re being too business minded that
So you can play as Joker. Not ever character in Smash has to be an advertisement.
lmao ok, so are you gonna answer my question or continue proving I'm right?
>but joker is one of the least iconic persona characters
Absolutely not, user. People would recognize Joker before Yu or Door-kun. They would also recognize him before Teddie or Koromaru.
>secret power
oh boy another dragon lord such originality
IS, you may slow down or else you shock us all with your creativity
How based would it have been if we got Flynn instead? What a waste of a slot I reckon.
no one said any of these though
sonies larp-falseflagging as assmad tendies doesnt count b t w
>Sakurai and Nintendo don't care about your fucking rules, dumb Smash fans.
Yea sure, that's why we haven't gotten a western rep yet. That's why we keep getting what Sakurai wants as opposed to what the fans want.
Yes it is. It's no fucking coincidence Joker was announced around the same time this Atlus event happened.
No one asked for Joker to be in.
>Shilling your smash/persona thread in another smash/persona thread
>Smash bros isn't a marketing tool
>Was used to shill FE since Melee
>Shillmons are reserved picks for every game, Brawl and onwards
>Games like Brawl had 50 second demos to make you buy virtual console shit
>All of the OC shit in Brawl was just a prelude to KI Uprising and Smash 4 was littered with shit shilling that said game
>Characters of said games skyrocket in popularity when included in Smash
ok bro
or maybe it was the Ballot and Ridley / K.Rool scored REALY high in those.
Both got trending on twitter, speaking volumes about their reputation. Simon/Richter and Isabelle didnt.
A long knife is a short sword jackass.
how can you enjoy the gerne that stagnated ever since its conception? Something tells me you also like Dota/LoL
To put it simply, it doesn’t counter anything. Holding the special allows him to absorb some damage into his meter (and negate any knockback) to activate Arsene faster. If the player lets go, he pushes people away. It doesn’t cancel an attack, it doesn’t scale its properties based on what hit it, it can be held for quite a long time, and used repeatedly without being punished for doing so, among many other differences
>What a waste of a slot I reckon.
It wouldn't have been more of a waste than the nobody Joker.
>the cooler Marth
I would be okay with this
based ascended multi platform chad
no point being a king when you can be a god
>Brawl and onwards
>implying that smash 64 didn't start with the biggest shillmon of them all, which also "coincidentally" happens to be the most op character in the game
genwunner detected.
>dragon lord
It's actually a skyrim cross promotion, he's dragon born., dovakin
Absolutely based.
A God that pays up the ass to play online.
When will you guys admit that he wasn't a shill character and was just added because Nintendo and Atlas have very good relations
I don't even like Pokemon aside the porn.
Git gud
Even if so, which is just semantics (that you autists love so much), he wields it differently than anyone else. He uses it like a dagger, like a thief would in any sort of media. It is treated like a dagger, and may even be exaggerated in size simply for character design readability. No one’s using a pocket knife for a reason.
Sony is a garbage company. I'm not buying shit from them.
The PS4 Pro is a shitty upgrade too. A waste of money if you ask me.
Because Joker and the P5's 2 million sold copies needed to be forever celebrated in a fighting party game.
If it wasnt Joker but instead was someone like Master Chief, Doomguy, Crash Bandicoot, Gordon Freeman, GLaDOS, or any other Character that stood the test of time, I would agree with you since those are iconic (even tho its impossible for any of them), but you didnt. You defended the current Boytoy from Atlus.
by the way, here is a little funfact that will make you angry : Yui is still more popular than Joker
I don't care if they give mutual blowjobs to each others. That doesn't benefit me. Why am I seeing a PS4 character in a game that supposedly to celebrate the union of Nintendo characters and games on Nintendo? We've teased with Joker and Persona the past few months and all for just a shitty Musou?
Nintendo deserves the backlash.
Get over it. Corporations aren't your friends, sorry you feel "betrayed."
I feel betrayed as a consumer, not a friend.
Ah, so your problem is the SIZE of Joker's weapon and your own personal opinion of "Fuck what the actual definitions are, -I- say it's a sword and MY opinion is fact! FUCKITY FUCKFUCK!!".
yes, and therefore he's mad about Joker's addition. Meanwhile people are having fun with him in the game.
You demand 75+ characters be absolutely 100% unique in all ways but you defend five characters having the same Dair back when there were only 12 of them.
The only unique attack that Joker uses with his blade is his up-tilt. If he had more flashy shit like that with differing hit boxes, I don't think anyone would be calling it "just a short sword."
Which Nintendo character would you have wanted in Joker's slot?
After you build up your Persona, yes. Play the game. It's more of an absorption attack that makes you stronger, just like Incineroar's down + B.
based mentally ill RetardEra
>The only unique attack that Joker uses with his blade is his up-tilt
I'm sure you can put together a video showing how all of his dagger attacks except his Utilt are exactly the same as everyone else's attacks.
>I dont think anyone would be calling it "just a short sword"
I only see a nobody saying that, so no one is.
Wrong, when you let go of the B button after taking some hits Joker releases a swirl of energy that knocks the opponent back.
>I can't into game mechanics
This is why wise game developers ignore the general public
Why don't you play the game?
Yes, and it does set damage and does almost 0 knockback. If it's a counter, then it's a really shitty one.
Maybe that's why women will talk to me.
That doesn't behave like any proper counter in the game. It's more of a pushaway to prevent the move from being as easily punishable.
So many of you ITT are retarded
>Why didn't they choose an SMT rep
And who would that be? I vaguely know SMT from...guess what...getting into PERSONA (when 4 came out).
This isn't the 90's anymore, no one gives a shit about SMT, but Persona is hot as fuck, in and out of Japan both.
>But Joker isn't the most famous Persona character
He is up there along with any other main protag and party member. Might be hard to beat some of the P4 cast at the moment, in a few more years though P5 cast may surpass. P4 did have like 8 years to build up notoriety...
>Hurr but not on Nintendo
Sure his main game isn't but now he's on a couple of different Nintendo games. You all sound retarded with your arbitrary, made up rules.
>Why am I seeing a PS4 character in a game that supposedly to celebrate the union of Nintendo characters and games on Nintendo?
>What is P5S
>Who is Cloud
And before some braindead cunt replies HURR FF7 PORT, Cloud was released years before that.
Don't worry friend, Joker's time will be up soon.
Not that user, but Kamek.
>Magic user
>flies through shit
>still used by Nintendo as a minor Antagonist or Major Antagonist when it comes to Yoshi
Wouldnt have made headlines, but it also wouldnt give Nintendofags a false hope.
Also there are quite a number of other Nintendo exclusive third-party characters they could have used, like an Viewtiful Joe or Wonderfull 101 rep or something else crazy.
I would also say "an Advance Wars rep" but that is too much, even for a fantasy. It would also create false hope, which is something we would avoid with the replacement
I want Porky, but I also wanted Joker. Don't try to do this shit.
Nobody would pay 5.99 for Kamek.
Viewtiful Joe is my most wanted but he's not Nintendo exclusive by any means. Wonderful Red was a viable option owned by Nintendo, he had a small shot at being an underdog pick in the base game.
It's too late, user. Joker is dead.
>People complain when characters are added just to advertise games
>People complain when characters are added without games to advertise
People here will never be happy
Are you retarded? This would be an example of a character getting in SOLELY to advertise the new game(s). Otherwise, it would have been Jack Frost or a SMT rep. So basically, the polar opposite of what you say is true
>Most popular character in a series gets in
OP never said he didn't own a PS4. It's still a fucking stupid inclusion even if you have played P5/don't own a Switch
Speak for yourself. People who have played Persona 5 and also own a Switch, in general, are happy with Joker. Even most people who haven't played P5 are happy with him. Don't spread this narrative that everyone in the world fucking cares about console wars.
>If that's the case than why does B&K always score higher than Joker(who never appears on a ballot BTW)
Probably cause nobody expected a character from a Sony exclusive as opposed to a classic N64 character
mario luigi yoshi starfox kirby cap falcon and link all had games and didnt need "reviving" the only character from "dead" series at the time was Samus and Ness. I guess it sort of worked out for a bit because 7 years later mother 3 released and Samus got some new games eventually. But it was far from a series about reviving dead series. It was literally a fighting game that they thought might sell better with nintendo characters over the oc donut steel they would have had to create for it.
Jack Frost should have gotten in. He has been in both Nintendo SMT and Sony Persona games.
Eh, dont say that. The Plant is fun to play as and if the character looked like he would be fun, People would buy it. After all, I cant imagine how he/she/it would play as. A lot of originality could be added in.
Also he is recognizable by normalfags.
Also I havent bought Joker yet, I was waiting for what Atlus planned first. Not to mention he doesnt realy look that original in terms of playstyle, like every basic move of his is recycled from another Character
Didnt Viewtiful Joe debut on the GameCube? Not Nintendo exclusive, but atleast a mainline game was playable there.
YOU'RE NOT GETTING GOTY 2016 BABY : ^ ))))))))))))))
I will say that. Think of the reaction to Joker at the Game Awards. People were excited as fuck.
Now think about if it was Kamek instead.
This. He was fucking robbed.
very few people give a shit about Jack Frost or even recognize him as anything other than a generic enemy from the series. I doubt anything other than a small minority of people even know he's Atlus' mascot since he's so low-key in that role. Joker is much more recognizable, it makes sense they'd add him, though I had figured he'd make use of multiple personas, including Jack Frost.
It's shilling because it's not the character I personally wanted.
Every Viewtiful Joe game was available on a Nintendo platform (not counting his appearance in MvC3)
That's like asking for Chocobo over Cloud lmao
at least p4 fags got their chance stolen, Im fine woth that.
I would have and I don't even actively want him
I have yet to buy Joker and I have no plans to do so because I don't play weebshit
This basically. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
There are people who still think that
Retardera literally started the rumor that P5 was even coming to Switch, lmao
The “leaker” came from there and deleted his Twitter after getting BTFO
Yes, and you're the only one. MOST people in the world today don't care about M- MUH NINTENDO CROSSOVER PURITY or some shit like that.
But Joker literally is a character in a switch game now, so they were advertising it.
>people are complaining that a character is added because the devs thought it would be cool instead of shilling a game
Where did we go wrong?
You are crying about a DLC character in a fucking CHILD'S game! xD LMFAOOO!!!! *cry laughing emoji*
Now that it's definitely confirmed Sakurai just picks whoever he wants no strings attached who do you think the other picks are? What else is Sakurai a fan of?
People were excited about the prospect of P5 coming to the Switch. I cant proove my point because I didnt made any screenshots , but youtube faggots like Vinesauce and Maximilian immediatly concluded with a "Will it come to the switch now?".
True, people didnt expect a Sony Mascot to appear on Smash and that cause a reaction aswell, but people mainly went into port begging.
People just fucking HATE the idea of non-shill picks being included, and the idea of shill picks being included. Every Smash game should only have safe picks in them from now on to appease these people.
Could you imagine if we got Rex and Spring Man in Ultimate instead of K. Rool or Ridley? These same people would be fucking furious.
They could have revealed Crash, Banjo, Doomguy, Erdrick, Crono, Sans, Steve, Kamek, Scorbunny, Vileplume, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Microsoft Sam, a rubber band ball, Plato, Pluto, Play-Doh, Bluto, Popeye, Brock's jelly doughnuts, Dark Daisy, Brentalfloss, or my mom's toucan at the game awards and the reaction would be exactly the same. You cannot name a single character reveal that the TGA crowd wouldn't have soifaced and screamed for
For this, it has to be a mix of
>who would Nintendo put on a list for Sakurai to choose from
>which would Sakurai pick
Yes, the Game Awards crowd would have screamed for any Smash character. The question is would it be an interesting or surprising enough character to warrant paying 6 dollars? Kamek, for example, would not be. Some of those on your list would be.
>Waaah, why didn't Nintendo sell me an advertisement for $5.99
The point was never to advertise, it was always to add interesting and beloved characters.
Do you think they put in Cloud to shill, what, Theatrythm sales on the 3DS?
>I'm the only one
>Implying I care about Nintendo purity
I didn't buy Joker because he's a boring, literally who Sakurai bias pick, not because he's a 3rd party
I also would not have bought another Fire Emblem or Xenoblade character
After seeing how well Piranha Plant was received for the most part I'd think any basic mario enemy would get hyped for.
Come up with a unique stage and ~15 unique songs to come with Kamek, as well as ~15 Spirit Battles.
>Come up with a unique stage
Bowsers castle/ an area from a yoshi game
whatever mario songs aren't in the game yet
>15 spirit battles
you got me there but considering it's just uploading pngs to the game it shouldn't be that hard.
And no one cares faglord
>can't even come up with concrete examples
This is why all of the DLC characters will be Third Party. Maybe ONE will be first party, like Corrin in 4.
imagine being so assblasted about not being able to gloat on how you got a port of another console's exclusive that you start crying about it and saying how you didn't need it but it needed you.
As much as I'm certain we're getting a DQ rep (not because of any leaks), if we had to get a short anime kid I'd prefer Chrono, just so that series gets some love. I like when Smash pulls back old shit because it can. If we HAD to get a DQ rep I'd prefer Slime because of how iconic it is.
I don't know what to tell you if you can't honestly believe there's 15 more songs and pngs to work with in Mario games.
I didn't hear anyone complaining when MGS5 didn't get a Nintendo port. How's this any different?
There are more things to work with, but are there 15 songs and Spirits that would specifically have to do with Kamek? Face it, third party reps are going to be the majority.
>Bowser's castle stage
>Music from Mario RPG (with Mario & Luigi songs available on the stage as extras)
>Characters and enemies specific to Mario RPG as spirits
BAM, baby.
You cared enough to reply ccuucckk
THIS. except I don't have a PS4 because I'm a poorfag. Got a Switch instead for Sonic Mania.
MGS5 would be a fucking slideshow on switch's weak hardware
haha gottem
so would p5.
He's Atlus's Slime
Yes, but much less recognizable. My fucking friends who only play Anthem and shit recognize Slime
>Sakurai only cares about himself, he never adds characters the fans want!
>what about all those times he did though
>well obviously he hates them and didn't want to!
Considering P5 is also on the PS3, and the Switch is more powerful than that, it's perfectly doable.
Why haven't you niggers killed yourselves yet after getting btfo time and time again
this is bait, yeah?
You guys are so fucking dumb.
Stay seething turbonigger. Keep crying for every new FE and Furkemon that gets added in.
Kinda other way around actually. Nobody else at Nintendo was convinced K. Rool was so desired and Sakurai had to twist a lot of arms to get him after seeing his ballot results.
>Celebrating vidya
>Persona 5
>The whole Yea Forums is seething over jrpg which is mediocre at best
Really makes you think.
I don't think arsen affects jokers attack he does when getting up after hanging from a ledge.
You can stop falseflagging now
>Add Joker in Smash
>See how audience reacts
>Release P5 spinoff on Switch
>Further test the waters
Just buy the spinoff and Atlus will probably give the port.
Do you really need to test the waters for something people have been begging for.
there are no rules, you can expect the unexpected. Microsoft's rep will be Master Chief
If you don't think Joker is fairly recognizable at this point, especially for a recently released title, you're fooling yourself.
>Nintendo should add characters to advertise games they don't own
Enjoying your persona "game"?
I kind of want to see some of jokers airiel gunplay integrated into bayonetta in the next game.
Still better than Dark Pit.
Eigo ga wakarimasen, baka gaijin. wwwwwwwww
Who knows with Atlus
>it would be ok if he was meant to advertise a fucking port
>but Isaac and Big Daddy where laughed at for doing this in PS All Stars
>same for Dante and Spike using the newest game alterations in it compared to it being ok for Link
>Nintendo knows that they already have the buy-in of Nintendo/Smash superfans
>have data from Smash 4 showing that the guests sold extremely well even on a dead console
>add guests from popular, fresh installments to turn the attention of those who don't normally buy Nintendo
not crazy at all
So who do you think should be in the game?
free sony advertisement lmao
bad execution but I laughed
because its promoting pq2 you idiot.
The new Musou game is on Switch, so technically it did retard