Post yfw mustards cant even emulate The Royal because its not coming to PS3

>post yfw mustards cant even emulate The Royal because its not coming to PS3

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>tfw mustard and ps4 owner
wouldnt mind if persona came to pc though. consolewar autism aside

>not being an idort
Cringe and poorpilled

There's a switch emulator brainlet.

>there is a switch emulator

nobody tell him

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>emulated p5 and loved it
how different are the persona games when they get an expansion like this? Would it be worth buying a ps4 for?

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Having Kawakami in your party is so good

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>how different are the persona games when they get an expansion like this?

ooof user, put it this way, better start saving for that Pro now.

not him but i dont think you need a ps4 pro for persona 5

not interested on rereleases because im not an autists who plays these games multiple times. thanks for the free game though.

>implying PS4 emulation will not be a thing eventually
lel, enjoy your beta testing

do people really emulate current gen games? so people can afford a 400 dollar cpu but not a 200 dollar console? makes no sense to me

>Not eating lunch with Kasumi with the highest visual fidelity

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This will blow up all the sudden just like RPCS3 did.

The main guy developing it is a super genius.

He's also a Linux user and this can only be compiled on Linux right now, good because fuck Windows.


Hmm did they improve on the graphics? My persona 5 looks like ass in game compared to that. But I understand that it was originally made for ps3 hardware.

I saw your post earlier. don't fucking backpedal now. just emulate it, i guarantee there won't be enough changes to warrant the full price of a ps4. if nothing else wait and get a ps5 and play royal on that because it'll be backward compatible

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she looks shit

Oh no can't emulate a post-2018 Sony game.

she does look kinda bland.

I’m not giving money to sony/microsoft. Getting jewed on a CPU/GPU is the lesser evil.

You take that back.

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Problem is people don't want to buy locked down hardware consoles just so they can play some exclusives held hostage behind a $300 paywall.

There's a Switch emulator called Yuzu that has games in somewhat playable status if you have 16GB of RAM

There's an early stage PS4 emulator that is actually just a QEMU/KVM virtual machine (because the PS4 has an x86 processor like a regular PC) that will likely always work better on LInux.

so 200 dollars and what, 2 games worth playing in the entire library of ps4? thats 300 bucks. 2 games aint worth 300 bucks ever.

She is the very definition of plain

Sell it after you're done if money is that much of an issue

It’s worth it because it makes them feel engaged in exclusivity shitposting.

W-Whatever, I'll just buy a PS5, probably.

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why would they buy a console they can barely afford if money is an issue. are you underaged?

it isn't an issue really. I have enough disposable income to buy all consoles if I wanted I just don't see any reason to spend thousands of dollars to play the very few exclusives I have interest on in each of their libraries. it's not like I'll die if I don't play a video game. there's hundreds of titles I have already missed on previous generations and I feel indifferent.

yeah she's bland as fuck

Imagine getting this defensive about your financial situation when posed with a calmly asked question

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Just do what I do and watch let's plays of the exclusives. Most snoy games are movies anyway so there's little difference

i couldnt imagine because i already have a ps4. you just come off as a moron no offense

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P5R better give me more Kawakami scenes.

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>giving money for Marie 2.0

Plain doesn't mean bad.

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How is RPCS3 doing? I'm gonna emulate P5 since it's not coming to switch and I don't have a PS4/ps3

well that's the thing as well. I despise youtube gaming. I lose interest in lets play videos in few minutes because I'd rather be the one playing and the lack of engagement throws me off. besides I have very little interest in movie games anyway. emulation is a godsend though.

>+1000 USD PC
>2 fps
>2025 at least

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Why do faggots always say "just" right before they suggest something that is way more of a pain in the ass/inferior/compromising than getting the real deal. They always downplay it with "oh just"

As opposed to the guy that flies off the handle, is unable to control his emotions, and immediately goes for baseless ad hominem for literally no reason whatsoever?

>e-enjoy your b-beta testing!!1!

>ad hominem
he was just asking if you're underaged dude. it's a yes or no answer. pretty simple stuff.



It's pretty ironic you say anyone else is going off the handle when every post you make consists of a defensive projection
But alright my dude. Keep sperging out

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I know right pretty funny stuff. I wonder if it runs on yuzu so I can steal that game as well.

>"moron" isn't ad hominem
nice education my dude

at least
Orbital will be fully functional in a couple years tops

oh no want me to change your diaper?

you can sell it within a few days. are you guys really this dysfunctional?

>i completely lost the argument, better show my immaturity and throw around incredibly childish insults

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if calling someone moron is someone "flying off the handle" then I think you should close your eyes sweetie and turn away from the screen before you get exposed to all the meanie heads of internet.


You'd better be able to eat lunch with Kawakami.


mustards aren't so starved for games as console player so it's really no problem at all.
I know that's a difficult concept for a console player to understand, but mustards have way too many games to play. we like to call them backlogs.

>heh I'm being a tough guy on an anonymous forum, god my dick is hard

what an odd projection

Who cares? we getting spoiled about everything by 2020.

All of the big ingame cutscenes in the original had some fancy post-processing going on compared to the rest of the game. It looks like there's a bit of extra post-processing everywhere now.


So why isn't it just DLC?

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because you make more money by doing a re-release? and they know consolefags wont protest or boycott, they'll happily buy it without any disdain!

oh yea, it'll be able play ps4 games too

more money

>Not coming to PS3
I was hoping to play it on PS3 like I did with Persona 5. I can't justify buying another console. Is the Japanese version being released on PS3 at least?

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PC users, one way or another, will eventually get to play any console game. Console users will have to take what they get.

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