I was actually looking forward to this game...

I was actually looking forward to this game. But with all the nonsense I’m looking for a new fighting game to get into instead for less money and fewer money grubbing schemes.

Any suggestions?

I already tried MKX, Injustice 1 and 2, and street fighter 5. Considering ultra SFIV, Tekken 7, or Samurai Shodown V.

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Any Arc system game

Of what you listed, tekken 7 is the safest bet. It's hard to get into but the player base isn't getting anywhere. SS5 is probably gonna be fun and all, but it won't last a year.

MK9 was the last one I bought. I want an MK game not a fucking injustice clone. I wont be buying anymore MK games till they pull their finger out of their ass.

Tekken is probably your best bet, feels similar to MK. Dont listen to

Yeah I was definitely leaning toward Tekken. This is grear confirmation of that


Attached: sc6 game-logo_97.png (1000x448, 59K)

Don't believe the bullshit memes. Yea Forums just loves to piss and moan about a game for a week, then moves on to the next thing to get outraged about. The game is good, the game is fun. Play it for yourself and try it out, don't let a bunch of dweebs here turn you off it.

Don't listen to this worthless discord tranny, games a shitter.

I would say it's worth it, once it goes on sale. I pirated it and even then, Mk11 is leaving the same sour taste in my mouth that Mk10 did, not enough content unless you binge the online, that could be said about any game tho

I only wanted it to figure out combos and such in a fresh brand new game. So if it’s too good enough to buy day one I’d rather get a complete game today and not support a game that charges you for costume color changes. Injustice 2 was already exhausting to keep up with enough.

Not* good enough to purchase day 1

Furthermore, on the topic of microtransactions, is it so much to ask for a truly and completely self contained game? That’s all I want.

SamSho is a slow paced boring game with no combos or hype. The novelty will wear off fast.

If you care about gameplay and netcode, MK11 is pretty good, it's the arcade stuff that's trash. Usually its the other way around with NRS.

If you want mk11 just pirate it or wait until the special edition

Yeah that is what I want but at the same time I don’t want to support this way of monetizing games. It just doesn’t feel right.

Dragon Ball Fighterz is easily the best game on the market right now

Yeah that's fair. Tekken or soul calibur are good alternatives

Under Night In Birth
Tekken 7
Samurai Shodown
Soul Calibur 6

LMAO I'd rather play SFV

>like Tekken
>doesn't like Arc
Oh, I get it, you just have shitty taste

fighting games play very differently from each other. 3d: soulcalibur for weaponry and tekken for martial arts. dbfz for team based madness. guilty gear for crazy 1v1 anime with unique characters.

>Tekken feels similar to MK
I have played every Tekken and every MK, these two games feel nothing alike.

and also unist for more grounded but unique anime.
this has to be the dumbest post ive ever seen. i dont know why so many retards on Yea Forums pretend to know what theyre talking about.

Tekken 7 is mad fun but sometimes it feels like homework if you don't know shitloads of moves that have been the same for decades. Shitty moves can be overpowered moves if you don't recognize when to duck or low parry etc.

Shilling should be illegal and shills should be fucking killed, along with their dipshit parents

Watch out, a janitor is very mad the game is selling well and he's deleting threads.

Stop lying. There's input delay with every combo despite turning the release check off. Why is that even an option to begin? And dashing only works half the time. Have fun getting zoned out by Jade.

It's funny because all the endless shit posting threads about it bombing, and being Muslim Kombat were allowed last week.

>lootboox grind bonanza
>incredible shameless moneygrabbing schemes
>terrible storymode, awfully written
>boring tower system is a chore
>overly convoluted custom variation system
>said system ends up being completely pointless anyway because you can only play ranked with the variations NRS made for you
>simplified gameplay, characters have less options
>dumb mechanics like guaranteed, safe, resourceless cinematic supers with no thought or strategy required, so every match now lasts 30 extra seconds of super animations
>lame roster, missing more classic MK characters than ever
>only a few newcomers and they are mostly boring or lazy
>lame character redesigns, dumb "realistic" look which is just incredibly generic and not like classic designs at all
>characters faces still look fucking ugly, it's the fifth NRS game and they still can't get faces right unless it's a monster or they wear a mask
>already a day 1 balance patch because NRS can't playtest their own games
>PC version is garbage and near-unplayable, again for the fifth time
What were they thinking?

>Censor outfits
>But put the uncensored ones in ingame sequences

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