Who is also playing AIR

who is also playing AIR

it is actually not that bad, it is so trippy how everyone can start flying right from the start, i've never seen this done in a game before

Attached: AIR.png (1920x1003, 2.68M)

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is this the latest korean meme mmo or something

>korean meme mmo

Post the furry race you can play as and I'll join

i bet there is a loli race and a furry race xD

Two of the most based races.


Attached: file.png (660x123, 69K)

What is new about this? Isn't it like two years old?

I hate being addicted to trying these MMO's I think I have played everything and even now I wanna try this out even though it appears just from that screenshot like a generic korean mmo.

Attached: Ein.jpg (945x532, 75K)

I bet they aren't playable

Is it out? Or is it in closed beta?

they are

thai beta with the english patch

They look awful

post the huge tits race.
then ill think aboit it

>it is actually not that bad, it is so trippy how everyone can start flying right from the start, i've never seen this done in a game before

this is the most shill sentence i've ever read

in no way i'd shill for bluehole, they are garbage

but this game was in a really rough state 1 year ago, like, worse than bless, and they turned that around, they made many changes based on feedback, and this emphasis on air combat is definitely something different, i bet it won't do so bad when it hits the west

huge step back from tera
>steampunk is a shit setting
>tab target combat in 2019
>no elin
>runs on UE3
>fucking UE3
why would I even bother with that trash

Attached: 1554789272043.jpg (2306x1706, 1.51M)

wait, I thought they got them to use the engine Pearl Abyss made for BDO since bluehole was teaming up with kakao to put out A:IR?

oh you little baby boy you
Kakao doesn't own Pearl Abyss and relations between those two has not been great for some time
They've said multiple times it's UE3 people just assumed they'd use the BDO engine cause they're optimistic about the genre


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i didn't play a lot of it so i don't know yet if it is a downgrade from TERA but as for your points

>steampunk is a shit setting
your opinion
>tab target combat in 2019
vehicle combat is action

land combat was reworked, now it's not pure tab target anymore, it is something in between, it is very digestible if you ask me, you still need to aim over the target with the crosshair, just like in TERA
>no elin
>runs on UE3
so did TERA and right now it looks and runs better than TERA

i also noticed that there is a level of polish that i didn't find on TERA, this game is nearly a cyberpunk ctrl+c/v of TERA with shitty combat but lots of little improvements

sounds like it's gw2 levels of shit combat yeah even more reasons to not play

I asked because I only have old information. I completely lost any and all interest in the game the first time any beta footage from KR came out.

I don't know why anybody is excited, it looks incredibly boring.

>He lies and shills for korean developers for free

I still don't know why they put out that beta footage, it was awful
But then again I'm still wondering why this game was even made. Outdated tech, outdated combat, brings literally nothing new, looks horrible compared to older games even. Like why does this even exist? Just make TERA 2

Post loli from this game and I'll sign up

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it reminded me of wildstar, definitely not ideal but something i can tolerate

what am i lying about

there aren't any
even though this is made by the tera people

Then I'll block their website in my host file

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