Ok we all know it’s happening, you would have to be an idiot to think otherwise, so what is the reason they have chosen not to reveal it yet? What is their game plan here? Serious replies only please, no console war bullshit.
Persona 5 Switch
Ps4 is the superior console
Let go, user. Some things aren't meant to be.
>Ok we all know it’s happening, you would have to be an idiot to think otherwise
no shit, they announced it already.
you were told it wouldn't happen but you didn't listen
It's not going to happen because they obviously have an exclusive contract with Sony. If it does happen, it will be years. Just accept it already, Christ.
Jesus christ you people are deluded cultists.
It ain't happening.
It would be like porting Bayonetta 3 to PS4, plus I'm pretty sure Sony is tying Atlus down so one of their most popular console exclusives doesn't get taken from them, hindering P5R's sales numbers.
There's no way switch can handle the p5 engine, and if by some miracle that it could, the battery would drain faster than XBC2.
There's still one more day of the concert. Still not expecting anything.
Retards think Smash is about promoting what games will come to their console. It's really not about that user. Smash is about getting popular or classic Vidya characters in one game so they can fight. I hate that ever since Smash 4 everyone just assumed that a character being in means we will get their game when that never was the point.
Being 60 dollar DLC will be all the hindering it needs, no console war faggotry necessary
Bull fucking SHIT
It was on the fucking ps3!!!
this is what happens when you don't just give the consumers a normal fucking console with hardware. actually feel bad for the nintendbros and just want them to experience the fucking game. if the switch wasn't so god damn behind in specs all for "portability" with a 2 hour battery life, we could have persona threads, but instead we have to get games like this to them all this blind fanboyism over consoles and always praising the worst parts of them
>so what is the reason they have chosen not to reveal it yet?
They have chosen not to reveal it yet because there is nothing to reveal. There is nothing to reveal because P5 isn't coming to the switch.
Sony Entertainment owns the rights to the Persona franchise
Also it's about advertising Playstation games and exposing Nintendie's hidden love for Sony.
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad
the switch hardware is worse than the wii u, let alone the ps3. it would melt trying to run p5.
Because it's not happening
Where the fuck is SMTV?
Also this
This is coming from a Switchfag. I wouldn't mind if Bayo's 2 and 3 went multiplat. I actually want and end to all exclusives. This includes Nintendo ones as well.
the ps3/xbox 360 are better hardware than the switch. even the wii u has better specs user. you forget one thing, always. the switch, is a MOBILE console. it is not as strong as those.
Go away.
PS3 is a stronger machine than the switch
Do you not remember DOOM is on switch?
>INB4 muh graphical downgrade
No shit there'll be a graphical downgrade but it's still DOOM, not Diet DOOM
That's actually untrue though.
If that were the case, BOTW would run worse on the Switch version than the Wii U version.
Same with Bayo 1 and 2
It's a matter of time and optimization more than hardware.
Hell, fucking Detroit looks better on base PS4 than most games on high tier PCs
Joker in Smash was to shill that Dynasty Warriors type of game coming to the Switch. Just let it go for chrissakes. Most of you wouldn't even give a shit if Joker hadn't been announced for Smash.
>Ok we all know it’s happening
just emulate the vanilla version or buy a ps4 user. I waited for so long thinking p5 was coming to switch. It's not coming. It's never coming. It was never coming. If you want to play the game that bad just go and play it finally.
>Ok we all know it’s happening
And Persona 5 is a PS3 game.
Stop falseflaging and shitting up catalog.
user, you can't just say
">inb4 muh graphicl downgrade"
As if that isn't a completely VALID reason, to not get a game. If the game runs like trash, and is a game based on FPS, ya know? What do you expect? You can't just go "YEAH BUT IT'S ON IT."
If it plays like shit, whats the point? Just get the other versions, surely? The better example would of been to use that FF15 chibi mini shit. That is the true diet version.
BOTW actually did run worse. But that's because of bad optimization.
>Ok we all know it’s happening
>S-so why won't they fuel my confirmation bias g-guys help
It doesn't play as bad as people says it does. I own DOOM on switch and love it.
>Sonybros get Persona 5 The Royal AND Persona 5 Scramble
>Switchbros/Nintenbros only get Persona 5 Scramble
It feels good to be a Persona fan and PS4 owner in a time like this.
It is absurd to me, that the fanbase who are most dedicated to there console, don't realize just how far behind it is, even behind the supposed "worst Nintendo console ever wii u"
Stop begging for ports of a 3 year old game.
I think they excuse a lot of it because of blind fanboyism. Also it's portable so they consider that worth the compromise. Ihave my gayming pc for everything and only use my switch as a vita 2.0 for super weeb shit.
the worst bit is, persona 5 may still likely come to switch, but heres the true worst part. one, it'll take at least another year or so, so by then it'll be a 4-5 year old game, and two, it's going to run x10 as bad. Nintendo lads are going to just, for some odd reason, WAIT out, the worst version, just to play it on a ninty console. It'll have worse visuals, worse music possibly [see dark souls remaster, and if you fuck with the music in a persona game, well that is a gaming sin in itself] worse controls, all for
is it worth it? is it truly fucking worth it? the 2 hour battery life?
Just stop you fucking obsessed literal autist.
user, give it up. It's okay.
No it's not
>inb4 cherrypicked digital foundry framegraph
>If that were the case, BOTW would run worse on the Switch version than the Wii U version.
nintendo gimped the wii u version on purpose to make it have parity with the switch version. and even then, the switch version still actually does run worse.
>It's a matter of time and optimization more than hardware.
"optimization" is not a magic wand that developers can wave to make every game run on switch. if nintendo wants to get major third-party games, they need to make hardware capable of running them. last-gen hardware (which will soon be two generations behind) isn't going to cut it.
Why does even the mere idea of P5 being on Switch make people upset?
I mean seriously how does this affect you? Also if it doesn't come to Switch, who cares?
how can you be so retarded? lol
The absolute state of switchcucks
>nintendo gimped the wii u version on purpose to make it have parity with the switch version. and even then, the switch version still actually does run worse.
Now this is tinfoil hat shit right here, got a source for your claim?
I don't even own a PS4 but it's funny to see nintendies btfo
not that I'd buy P5R or P5S
Nintendo is fucking done. When Sony buy them out this year you can play it then. And yes I have proof they are being bought out
I only own a Switch and am indifferent about Persona 5, but you people know that you can buy a PS4 to play the game and sell it when you're done, right?
Lol, it's a troll baiter that repeats this shit in every Switch thread. Just ignore him.
read it and weep. they outright removed features from the wii u version so that it would have "the same gameplay experience" as the switch:
also, remember when zelda was going to look like pic related? then the wii u turned out to be a flop and nintendo had to change the whole art style to cartoon graphics that could run on the switch.
Cope harder. People said that every step of the way. Let go.
O-okay? We still doing these threads? Chill out bro, shitpost in 3 years when Nintentards forget that they even dreamed this up.
So Yea Forums?
What did we learn today?
> so what is the reason they have chosen not to reveal it yet
Because they won't, at this point you have to be a retard to not get the memo. Atlus mainline games are exclusive to the brands they were first released.
Persona is PlayStation, SMT is Nintendo, period.
The Switch is not significantly weaker than the Wiiu, if they wanted it to look like your .gif, they could have done that. They chose not to.
Good, fuck touch screen bullshit.
Also that gif was a tech demo it was never ment to be a actual game much like the GameCube spaceworld video.
timed exclusive. Just you wait, it will be released everywhere.
t.idort. Going to buy the inevitable deluxe edition of P5R and pirate Scramble.
Never ever nincels
Absolute retard. Look up the technical specs of the tegra x1 and see it is a big step up from the wii u. The Switch can absolutely handle the graphics in that gif
>if they wanted it to look like your .gif, they could of done that.
Please, for the love of everything, this Is bait, right user?
>if they wanted it to look like your .gif, they could have done that. They chose not to.
ATLUS has never done timed exclusives. Once the game is out, it's out.
I actually kek'd at the worst
lads, they just CHOSE not to do it that good, it was shit on purpose, everybody go home. They made it look like garbage, on purpose. idiots. Nintendo are based.
Nintencels are seething, mods are seething
The absolute state of this board
>Also that gif was a tech demo
so was the final product.
They fucking chose not to alright.
will be announced along SMT in E3
>if they wanted it to look like your .gif, they could have done that. They chose not to.
who the fuck would choose to make their game look this ugly?
>comparing 1080p output to 720p output
the snoyboy seething knows no bounds
>comparison of two Nintendo consoles
>snoyboy are seething
And persona 5 R isn’t
Just realized how shit the colors are. Why did they tint everything white?
SMT 3 on ps2 huh
Based retard.
I see a lot more details and more polygons on the Switch side. Is there something I should be shrieking like a dental drill about?
PERSONA 5 POCKET EDITION (also on mobile)
Nocturne is a spinoff, it’s not a mainline game like 4 and 5.
the ps3 also didn't have a power limit
>Persona is PlayStation
Meanwhile If...
>PS5 comes to switch
>its the ff 15 pocket edition version, all chibis
IMAGINE the cope.
You’re a stupid ass nigga huh? So 1 and 2 come out, then 3 is a spin off for some reason. Then 4 is mainline again? The nintencope is real for a game that came out over 10 years ago, didn’t expect that
I waited long enough for these faggots, if they wont port it to switch just pirate it and fuck it
They dont want my money , so fuck them anyways
>you would have to be an idiot to think otherwise
That image only really shows that Xenoblade 2 is an unoptimized mess of a game and should be played on an overclocked Switch.
>was going to get P5 a couple of months ago, hold out for P5S announcement
>P5S is just some shitty musou, but P5R is coming and I have to wait until next fucking year
I fucking hate video games, I'm almost considering finding a cheap shitty used copy without a case just so I can play the damn game.
not sure if it is now, but i think it was on sale for like 20 dollars a few days ago.
You're aware that the Switch cannot handle P5 right?
Come on Atlus, throw Nintendo a bone here, the Switch deserves at least one good game.
It’s $20 new tard how much cheaper can it get for 100+ hours of gameplay. And don’t wait for P5R, just play 5 and wait 2 years when p5r is $20
It’s 20 all of the time now
They should make that their official slogan: "not as bad as people say". That would make everybody run out and buy a Switch.
Aww look, a retard
it's okay atlus
i know you don't actually remember making this series
ps4 is a PC with forced DRM and no mods or controller options
oh seriously? assuming you're the same user, you might as well get it than.
P5S is on Switch too.
>$20 new
Oh, neat.
Had to do it to them, Round 3 baby.
No there isn't. Today's show was the last one.
I’m a snoy faggot and even gotta say when SMT V comes out persona 5 R BTFO
That just describes all consoles.
This is just sad. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Who cares about Persona 5 when Switch is getting SMT 5?
>switch owners are still begging for a port of a 4 year old game
I never gave a shit about smash but now I love it just for the amount of faggotry and butthurt this whole Joker thing has created. Months of P5 on switch discussions, all for naught.
>Persona 5 a PS exclusive
>SMTV a Switch exclusive
>>SMTV a Switch exclusive
*also on PC
I'm a PCfag and only have access to whatever games I can emulate.
You're aware the switch is much more powerful than the PS3 and even the 360, right?
If is more to the SMT mainline than Persona side
But Switch is an android tablet
His ass
You can't take a ps4 with you tho? How is that better?
This proves that they're clearly hellbent on keeping mainline persona on Playstation. I'm not sure why people where still holding out after the first P5R teaser that had the PS logo. It's definitely not gonna happen.
If mobility was the deciding matter then switch would be regarded as better than PC. Obviously this is not true
Don't ask me why, Atlus is retarded. They released a SMT exclusively for the Xbox and never ported it to anything despite the game bombing like a super nova. They probably skipped the GC because It wasn't selling enough, but them again then chose to port P4 to the Vita over the 3DS.
Like I said, they're retarded, but the main Persona and SMT games probably probably getting out of their birth brands anymore.
switch emulator will be fully functional by the time smt v releases
coping AND seething
o-oh you thought I meant officially? HA. fuck atlus, I'll pirate that shit the day it's playable on yuzu like I did with p5 on rpcs3.
I hope
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