Where you at, Mortal Kombat 11 fans? We fucking won.
Other urls found in this thread:
So much for "Get woke, get broke"
>dudebros not caring about actual quality
What else is fucking new? McDonalds makes better burgers than Gordon Ramsay?
MK10 had a stronger launch than MK9 but ended up selling like a third of the copies. This doesn't mean shit.
>Make a million articles crying about the game going against muh boner culture
>Meme "Get woke, get broke" non stop
>Audience doesn't give a shit
Has he finally realized he's worthless?
Lmao what MKX was their best selling game ever
>Recent information released by American market researcher NPD has revealed that Anthem was in fact the best-selling game of February, and is now the second best-selling game of 2019. The figure means that the mech suit shoot ‘em up RPG is BioWare’s second best selling launch title of all time, losing out only to the critically acclaimed Mass Effect 3.
guess anthem was a success too
The biggest problem it has that isn't part of superficial taste is the games rate of awarding you Koin, souls, and hearts.
Finish like 8 towers and I got like 20 fucking hearts. That's Trash.
Oh no no no no we were supposed to be in charge of this industry, /pol/bros
>best sales start
If only you niggers were able to read
AAA is never affected by get woke go broke
MKX was the best selling game of the series, you retard. MK9 sold around 6 million copies, MKX sold 11 million. And MK11 is off to a better start than MKX. The idiots who thought MK would flopped were just delusional. MK always sells well.
Oof, that's a "cope" from me, dawg
I don't have to, since I was smart enough to not buy this piece of shit.
It's almost like "Get woke, go broke" is a completely worthless meme that has never meant anything.
Honestly, that woke ending is hilariously cheesy in a series known for its cheese. I honestly don't get what all the fuzz was about, a huge part of MKs appeal is how over the top retarded it is at times.
>That whole list
So Tekken 3 was the best selling fighting game ever for about 10 years until Brawl was released. Neat.
I like the new females designs a lot more desu. Like, I like them a lot, and I never liked the old designs except for Mileena.
Too bad this is MK and MK is always shit.
Doesn't matter. The game is successful despite it being woke. The audiences for the game are there and Mortal Kombat will go on without having to pander to incels like you to get by. You lost :)
>Get woke go br-
X hit 11 million recently you moron
he didn´t mention sales or numbers in general. but I doubt anybody even would have those numbers in 24 hours already
>d-doesn't count
> anybody cares about the hive-mind transformed in a blog outside Yea Forums
The citation in the article you found this information in only includes MKX sales figures for 2015 lol
Sucks about all the pay to win shit because the women in the game finally look hot as fuck. I liked the retarded playboy model shit when I was 12 and playing MK on my sega but it's so fucking lame and outdated now.
Friendly reminder:
>m-m-muh c-customer b-backlash t-tho
It's almost like people in the real world aren't pathetic weebs that get asshurt over a lack of virtual tits. You guys are a minority and absolutely nothing you do will change that this game is a success. So continue to whine pointlessly online because that's all you can do.
>The game is successful
That's for time to tell. Not you. Now stop attempting to anger troll me because you should have realized by now it won't work.
>customer backlash
That's mostly memeing idiots who didn't play the game.
RDR is not a SJW game, why the alt right is saying that ?
As a muslim, this game really appeals to my sense of morality
Isn't it weird how it's always X's best sales every time they get woken up? Same thing happened to Nike, HMMMMMMM.
Oooh, he coping, lads
An unironic retard
How is it pay to win? The only thing you can spend money on are skins and easy fatalities. Mind you, you can't use the fatality until you actually win the fucking match.
Archive that shit.
This shit is like 3 years old. Ed Boon just stated a few weeks ago that MKX sold 11 million copies.
Genuine question lads, is there anything wrong with the fighting mechanics itself? As far as I can tell, most complaints are either about micro transactions(and rightfully so) or character designs.
>Black Panther is included
You have to help feminists and there's an interracial marriage. The main character is progressive for the time.
After weeks of /pol/ crying about the tits and how Ed Boon is gonna pay, I have to admit that SJWs winning feels a bit satisfying... What the fuck? I think I'm turning into a discord tranny...
It's selling well because MKX was good and they hid all the woke shit. Meanwhile every person who owns it on PC is furious, along with every long-time fan and everyone who doesn't love grinding and microtransactions.
I'm glad that it's a success because it means that more people will start to turn against this shit.
My bad, I was just parroting what I had heard. I guess money grubbing would be a better word. Then again what game isn't these days.
Every character's movelist being kind of short is the thing that annoys me the most
did you forget always online on top of DRM
>SJWs are now unironically preferable and less obnoxious
I said: I'm so sorry
To have kept you waiting around
I wish I could've come up
I could've shouted out loud
But they got exits covered
All the exits underground
I wish I could figure it out
But the world's upside down
The game itself is fine.
Every review you can find will say it plays well. Only bad is the god awful grind to get loot in the game. Of course incels bitched non stop about "muh boner culture" and their backlash had zero impact on the game. People buy MK for cool ninjas and blood, not tits.
>there are actually people in this thread who believe that /pol/ has ever given a shit about video games
This place really is just nu-reddit, isn't it
sony niggers ruin everything, they buy the most garbage games
Games in a series are a success when the precious one was a good game, megaman BN4 was the best selling in the series, its the worst in the series by a lot but 3 was amazing, 5 sold like crap even though it was ok
MK12 will be a total flop
>wtf? p-p-please stop pretending you're mocking us based /pol/bros. g-g-go back to being an ironic magapede
You don't have to help them, you're here for the informations, Arthur is even leaving the reunion before the end because he doesn't care
It's the natural progression of being attracted to the (you)s while being fed up with culture warriors.
The only thing you can really fault the game on is the censorship (easy to look past it, though), and the abnormally large grind to get cosmetics (being fixed this weekend or early next week).
>it's another Billy shilling his clickbait site
Imagine creating a blacklist for games like those resetera trannies lmao, Horseshoe theory alive and well.
This just further proves that Playstation is a console for normies and trannies.
Even Americans have better taste, yikes!
>They don't even care about videogames.
I'm sure this line works from time to time, but not when I'm around. I always have the pic to prove it wrong.
>251 replies
>162 IPs
Can you stop applying "alt right" to literally anything that isn't SJW garbage, you braindead retard?
Another win for progress.
Not sure how it is elsewhere but I saw at a Walmart that the game came out the gate selling at $50 instead of the usual $60, might have something to do with those numbers.
Honkler is seriously for kids taking a high school English class.
What the fuck? Last one that seemed relevant in any way was 3. Where the fuck did those other 7 come from and where did they go? Is this a hoax?
lol Janny deleted my post that said the below and had pic related
What did Janny mean by deleting this?
both mass effect,anthem and battlefield 5 all said the same thing and they all flopped
so now copies who sell at 10 $ also count? you don't make profit from them, only if you care about
>muh numbers
>hid all the woke shit
What exactly was "woke" about MK11?
Because only thing I keep hearing are the girls costumes being toned down (That started in MKX) and Jax's non canon story ending. Is that really all you faggots are complaining about? The bullshit microtransactions should be the main issue with the game, not the lack of massive bewbs.
Underrated post
>nu-Yea Forums in 2019
Truly pathetic..
Damn, it literally has no self awareness at all. Wonder if it's even capable of conscious thoughts
Why can't you faggots just admit it should be "go woke, go broke"
Also imagine it being current year and buying MK9 with a worse roster
I've been playing games for over 20 years, DRM and always online has never inconvenienced me since its inception. What are you doing wrong that it becomes an issue?
>Turning into
You always were.
The gameplay has to many optimal options so each fighter only has 2-3 strings they use making many fights feel same-y. You have tour whif punish string your poke, ect.
I personally kinda like how meter works however.
>One Angry Cuck
>another mk thread
>go broke get some cringe
Thank you for proving the point.
Breitbart called themselves the news for the alt-right so it follows that logic.
Because only guys from the alt right can be enough stupid for calling a game like RDR2 "SJW"
It's about the comic, you moron.
This, retards saying everything they don't like is alt right literally have no mental capacity at all.
Better yet, what did the guy that reported your post mean by that?
kill yourself sjw fag your game failed and /pol>
/ does not care
that's because you never notice
unless I see real numbers, not gonna buy that.
I mean its dead on steam and twitch, for a fighting game thats laughable.
And then they tell me "everyone loves it"?
>SJWs are trying to push the NPC meme on everyone else
Cute projection
>Implying I wouldn't welcome all of ResetEra here if I could
Time for /pol/faggotry to get counter-balanced. Burn it all down.
It's a bad feeling but still very satisfying.
Are those guys even still around?
>b-b-b-but they were s-supposed to go b-broke
/pol/niggers on suicide watch
you are to stupid to live
Been asking for people to define what is a "flop" for MK11. Put a number on it...2 million.. 4 million. Because it will sell at least 7 million which is high for a fighting game, and make back double its budget. SFV was a flop, SC6 was a flop. DOA was a flop. MK11 will more than likely outsell all of these games combined.
So is this the list of movies and games that I'm not suppose to play or watch, otherwise I will become a liberal tranny?
Just stop replying to trolls retard
what criteria do they use? these claims are never backed up by anything.
Post yfw Yea Forums was wrong again
Yeah why can't it be a console for us socially stunted losers that don't shower or leave our houses?
>nu-Yea Forums
Jesus Christ. Crawl back to your Smash threads, faggots.
No, it's the list of games that are supposedly SJW and also failed to sell as a direct result.
That guy is fucking crazy lol
SJW loser coping from NRShill
>normies go about their lives without any clue about controversies
>buy game
Why are they so desperate for a win? It's so sad.
Mortal Kombat somehow survived the jump to 3D after constant shitty bombs
It’s like the Sonic of fighting games but suddenly people decided it was good again
>call RDR SJW
>That's fine.
>call journalist that calls RDR SJW alt right
>That's not fine.
There's something wrong with you.
>Based on the same interview from yesterday where they refused to release sales numbers.
Why are you treating this as a new?
They won the battle but we're still winning the war. Have faith my bros, they'll fall. They will all fail and fall..
I'm right wing and I like Idris Elba quite a lot, actually.
>best sales start
Yeah, like Anthem, right?
Sage and hide.
>>normies go about their lives without any clue about controversies
No shit? That's precisely why "Woke games" don't go "broke". No one gives a shit about these meaningless controversies. No one gives a shit about the developer's politics. People just want to play games that look good to them. /pol/tards got too cocky in thinking otherwise.
Just swap Fifa for Madden when it comes to burgers, user.
That sucks but its not really surprising
>most sjw games sell like absolute shit
>this one sold good
>"/pol/ btfo!"
Go dilate your hole leftypol tranny.
Das rite white bois, your babies and sheet gonna be half black nigguh. She want that bbc, not that little white boi shit.
Man you are trying so hard to try and convince yourself that it didn't sell well. How many fighting games the past 3 gens have sold over 10 million copies? Name 2 of them.
Didn't they have the advantage of discount prices to add more copies to their lifetime sales numbers? MKX is the best selling fighter this and last gen, this is fact.(unless you count Smash, and it's still the second best seller)
>haha it'll bomb because of no tits screencap this
>it doesn't bomb, has the best opening sells for the series and anons laugh
Jesus the shilling on Yea Forums is getting really bad.
Stop advertising your shit site Billy you faggot.
Yeah, even after blatant trolling, getting picked up by the president, and dropped by the president, they still are relevant enough for conservative news to cite their sources and studies.
Jax is pure he would never have such degenerate thoughts.
Yeah, that's a pretty good point.
>D-doesn-t count
>G-get woke, go broke
you're a joke you've always been a joke
the last MK game worth playing is 4 and only because it's so bad it's funny. americans fucking suck at making fighting games, no gamefeel, no "snap." pure clunky trash.
Isn't this old news? He is citing the same interview from yesterday with Eventure. Is there anything new?
Again, it's almost like the REAL world doesn't give a shit about your pathetic whining about muh wokeness or muh lack of tits.
You're not superior because you're a loser that shiposts all day on a video game board. You're a minority. No one gives a fuck about your existences. But please, continue to fight the good fight against da ebil SJW'S by doing nothing but being a punk ass bitch online lmao.
>most sjw games sell like absolute shit
>Pokemon Sun & Moon
>noooo my yboi ass is getting roasted abloobloo
I thought you said bullying is good for you?
I can't, 8ch found out that I got cucked by a transsexual and now boycotts my site. I need the clicks user c'mon don't be an sjw cuck
>Because it will sell at least 7 million
wont matter because your dealing with WB they are every way similar to EA games they will expect at least 10 million in certain amount of time
Anthem didn't have a previous game that sold 11 million copies, MK did. So it didn't have another title to live up to.
Battlefield V proves you wrong.
>y-you're a tranny
So this is the only insult /pol/niggers can come up with eh?
>pokemon sun and moon
For the love of God let this be true so I can respond to all his shitty threads with it.
Mortal Kombat 11 proves me right :)
Shhhhh, you can stop coping now. It's over.
Generalizations are always wrong. Which is what he’s saying and you’re not.
>sun and moon
Are you fucking retarded?
>got woke
he an idiot
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
I just bought my copy to celebrate this victory.
it's statistically likely you are :^)
You didn't win. We didn't lose. This will probably be the last Mortal Kombat ever made.
Holy fucking basedola
Based and redpilled.
RDR2 was woke as fuck, and did trigger many right wing incels. Yet normies didn't give a fuck and just wanted to play a cowboy game.
Yet you still obsess over us every waking moment of your existence.
oh wow Witcher 3 sold more than Witcher 2
that's so fucking unexpected
same thing happened with Metro
Anons called it SJW for having a dark skin option when you choose your gender.
Read his diary. He's impressed by them and by them willing to try to change the world, something he stopped doing a long time ago
Anthem sold well at start too. Look at where it is now.
GOW, RDR 2, Spiderman are not SJW
You expect the autists who hold on to pepe and wojak for a decade has any creative ability?
Stringer was the best
Yes, clearly you are. You're touting supposed sales you have no way to verify. Your game is D.O.A.
There was no organic hype for a new Mortal Kombat, so they rolled the die on going woke.
This is a really small list especially when his criteria is so Large, like solo and ghostbusters made money at least a bit so I don’t see how it “went broke”
GOW isnt a SJW game I cant fucking believe just because "lol wife's son" shitposting it changed everyone's opinions only to release and it be his biological son and themes about fatherhood and teaching your son properly instead of coddling. Yea Forums is so fucking garbage these days
It's the new buzz insult. I guess "soi" and "NPC" got old. What will these pinheads come up with next?
>you don't make profit from them
It's fucking software, basically hot air, retard. You make a profit with every cent collected after you earned back the development costs.
I don't care if you guys already won, that's not my thing.
Also The Last of Us is fucking garbage.
No it wasn't. RDR2 shat on socialism hardcore. Dutch's gang was as socialist as they come and it shows how such a society would never work.
You could kill the feminist if you wanted too as well.
>Mirrors edge
>Mass effect andromeda
>Watch dogs 2
I always thought it was “get woke, go broke”.
>being able to "choose" your gender
And they pretend this isn't sjw as fuck..
You aren’t on the winning side unless you’re a CEO making the money off this
Until then you’re just a screaming pleb trying to get someone else more money
Not sure if serious?...
Soul Caliber is probably dead.
Dead or Alive is probably dead.
Street Fighter may not even see a sequel for a very long time.
Mortal kombat always sells well, and survived the shitty 3D era they had. MK12 is the only fighter that is a lock for a sequel next gen.
So much coping
And it's statistically likely you are a nigger or spic larping as a white man :^)
smash faggot, over 5 million in 1 week, that's a succes, not 11 million in 4 years. That shit will not make you money, the developers/publishers make money only in the first few months after a game is released. after that they barely make pennies, you can say. So stop calling that shit a succes.
Last time I purchased a Netherealm game was Mortal Kombat trilogy for PC
Damn, now I feel old
>RDR2 was woke as fuck
Wait what ?
>things that never happened
holy fuck trannyera is desperate. go ahead and find me on thread where people bitched about this.
I did not buy it, and also know no one who has bought it. So I think you're a lying faggot OP.
Why would anyone want to pretend or even actually be a white “man”?
Are NRS shills desperate to treat this as a new? It is the same interview from yesterday, without sales numbers.
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Bloodlines 2 will milk money out of degenerates after calling them mentally ill while keeping tit monsters
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
>woke activist "journalism" - the catalyst behind all this bullshit - is slowly dying, with tons of layoffs at VICE, HuffPost, and Buzzfeed. Cracked fired everybody last year, old Gawker sites are struggling after being bought by Univision and Mic.com shut down. The Escapist is already collapsing after being bought by Russ Pitts who quit a few days ago.
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
>Anons called it SJW for having a dark skin
for all we know that could have been you
>Chose your gender
>Only two options
It is amazing how Yea Forums manages to get even worse with time, you'd think we hit the bottom already but no, threads like this keep proving otherwise
They have no thought for themselves. They're like programmed robots only able to say the same pathetic insults and memes repeatedly. This is why I assume they're friendless losers that are trying to fit in on what's popular on the board.
That was years ago before the term was defined by white supremacy. I don't think they'd associate themselves with that now.
Dude, MK games are always dead and buried one month after release.
ding dong diddly based
And those people still look more well-adjusted than leftists. Sad!
Amerimutts, they don't like having goblino blood
>the women in the game finally look hot as fuck
we really don't want your kind playing this. be respectful or don't play at all
LMAO all these butthurt culture """"warriors"""" trying to derail from the fact that their meme magic failed
yes you are keep it up NRShill your master cant save you
The coping is unreal and very satisfying to read tbqh
The PC port wont even last that long its a absolute shitshow
>Dutch's gang was as socialist as they come and it shows how such a society would never work.
Funny that the redneck racist Micha was the reason the gang collapsed.
>Dutch and Hosea has a diverse gang that lasts well over 20 years
>Micha joins
>gang is destroyed 6 months after
Wew lad.
>Are NRS shills desperate to treat this as a new? It is the same interview from yesterday, without sales numbers.
This is shady though. But this is the same studio that sold a DLC character that can be unlocked freely
Gow was called cuck shit and anti-masculinity, RDR2 was called sjw for having natives,KKK you can kill you couldn't kill and because it had a black man also feminism. Spiderman has Miles and a gay flag
>Some of the media may see the strong sales as a good sales indicator, but, uh... fucking sjw censorship maaaan
Stop posting this dweeb.
starting sales you retarded shitskin smooth brained fag mk11 is failure like yourself
well its already lost a third of its playerbase on steam, they must all be consolecucks paying for online and playing with wifi warriors
your time is almost up white bois (and that's a good thing)
PC games sell a small fraction of console sales. Honestly, it is clear that they almost didn't even bother, and they really shouldn't.
They parody both the feminist and the radical white guy.
So like Dragon Age: Inquisition, then?
Look at all the coping ITT, though. This dweeb unironically represents a significant portion of Yea Forums.
It does better than the other games I listed, besides SF. Tekken, SC, and DOA are all dead right now.
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a SJW
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is alt-right
Two sides of the same faggy coin, one cuts their dicks off and the other attaches it to their 2d anime girls.
It doesn't, though. You said people don't care about the politics of a game but Battlefield V sold badly precisely because of politics. MK11 has some SJW talking points in it but it's still overall very much a mindless fighting game about mindless fighting.
you're retarded, you know that right ? you do not take into account cuts from sony/microsoft/steam/epic, pic related, taxes etc? i mean i know /v is full of retards, but still.
I like MK11 but "won" what? Why is everything a contest on this board? It's never "we all love video games" it's always "my games are better than yours". The insecurity on this board is ridiculous.
you morons actually deserve everything coming your way
plebbit niggers get gassed you have no value alive and Mk11 failed since you retards cant read
theyre just using retail stock to damage control. its not actually selling to consumers as well as they predicted, so theyre cutting prices due to overstocking.
>get broke go woke
>muh trannies
This is embarrassing
In GOW, you teach Atreus that crying is for pussy and the importance of being strong , can't find more masculine than that
There is still hope
NRS used to sell easy fatalities.
You had to rebuy them.
Losing playerbase =/= losing the sales, they probsbly lost players on console already but that doedn't change the fact that they all bought the game
It's not because it is bad for /pol/ that it is any good for you.
This game ram the ass of everyone including you.
I hope you enjoy paying 20$ per character on the next MK.
No, I'm not kidding. I'm willing to bet this will be the last Mortal Kombat ever made. Look at who made the game. This was a last ditch effort to make some quick cash.
said the tripfag
>Funny that the redneck racist Micha was the reason the gang collapsed.
Confirmed dumbfuck. Micah only helped accelerate it. If you didn't skip the cutscenes or ignore the dialogue, the game heavily hints that Dutch was going off the deep end and being more paranoid for a long time. Arthur and the Native chief said that people don't change, they become who they are.
Dutch's society was very flawed. It's exactly why socialism does not work.
sjw fags like you belong on a cross
Please stop citing PC numbers when it comes to fighting games. Every knew that 70% of the playerbase was going to be on PS4.
But i am a mk fan and i'm gonna buy it once they release a full version... What do you mean?
why are you responding to your own post?
No they didn't.
I just realized that these sales will not reflect the drop in online play population. Casualfags will always buy the newest game with market value. No one cares about your woke wars shills.
Smash always wins babe
I love how this post always scare away the 40%
>posting 3DPD
Embarrassing indeed.
Wasn't it a white nationalist who coined it though? It during the time Hillary said that fucking stupid "deplorables" thing which she was using to frame half of Trump's fans as sexist, racist, and homophobic. Alt-right were the types who identified with sexist, racist, and homophobic groups, which is also why the label failed; they weren't going to openly unify based on that.
Woah... We really live in a society.
Oh, they do sell a lot of units, enough to ensure there would be always a sequel.
But its the userbase which dies in one month. MK games never manage to get a solid comunity of players. They behave as single player games, people bought them, see the story and some fatalities, goof around online for a week and then move on to the next game of the month
It's always good to see the /pol/ manbabies get proven wrong and seeing them screech like little girls over it.
You mean the GOTY Dragon Age Inquisition that is currently getting a sequel?....