Nintendo wins again, baybee

Nintendo wins again, baybee.

Attached: IMG_20190425_185047.jpg (1024x655, 200K)

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And it comes with actual panties!

woman hating tranny

Where's the censorship when we really need it?

>“Warning! NO HENTAI contents in this game! All you get is funny and stupid panties!”

>As the Warrior of Love, players are the only hope for a human race being transformed into panties with a vengeance! Experience this action comedy full of panties, love and passion – with epic battles between underwear! Fight for what you love on your path to becoming a true panty pro!

>japanese """""""""humor""""""""""

bow panties are the worst
animal pattern panties are superiror

is that a brap cloud on the logo

Aw shit, here we go again.

Good game:

This game is made by /agda/ guys.

Weebs are seriously such bottom of the barrel trash for buying this garbage. Literally just as bad as the Fortnite audience but at least that is free.

>it's a game about panties beating each other up, nothing to do with the girls
Not sure how to feel about this

What do you do at a "Panty Party"?

You switch panties with your friends and talk about boys you like.

can i wear the panties?

I had clear Switch won the month they announced this and the crab battle game.

what kind of people plays this kind of game?

>literal cringe panty quest console now
Remember when people gave the PS3 shit for being just that? Times sure change.

>Underage Panty Quest was a real game all along
Maybe things aren't so bad after all

Dumb gentile.

Goddam it, how could they miss the point so badly

GOTY 2019 confirmed.

The people who buy this are on the same intelligence level as the people who buy FIFA and Madden every year

Child diddling weebtrash

So this is a blatant case of false advertising
Why isnt Nintendo getting sued for this?

Too old


Attached: 220.gif (300x100, 29K)

Oh this actually happens then

Attached: underwear swaping mechanics.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

I didn't think I would ever pass on a panties-focused game, but I guess I need them to be on a girl's butt

Someone post the image

>anime game not made by japs
somehow you can just tell by the art

sauce for the love of God and all creatures sauce

Sony has them to appeal to all the sensitive blue hair fucks

What a time to be alive
This is the game that's like some sort of Twisted Metal isn't it?

Might want to work on your detector there, pal.

Twisted Metal, meet twisted knickers


Not really the kind of gameplay I expected

sauce post sauce

Blue Reflection. It's available on PC and PS4.

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

is that scene with the panty swap real tho or it's a mod?

>Nah-uh! You!

The subhuman neckbeard, ladies and gentlemen.

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

You are a pedophile and you are projecting

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

answer me niggers this game is expensive

Attached: 1517228376837.png (400x400, 114K)

>likes loli trash
>get called a pedophile
>"you're projecting!"

Be honest. user. Whats it like having to notify the people in your neighborhood knowing you're a sex offender?

>Underage Panty Quest is actually a thing now.
This is absurd.

My penis is filled with yellow bile and women keep rejecting me

probably kinda like how you feel every time you make a post and get called the retarded faggot that you are

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

I've heard it's real and I've also heard that is the lewdest part of the entire game.

is this the one where you play as senient panties and shoot shit

Literally BANNED on Snoystation 4

thanks I'll just pirate then

>comes with actual panties so you can become a trap faggot

Wow, what a great idea

>PlayStation protects women, POC, and LGBTQ

weak bait

>nintendo literally got panty quest before sony
What timeline even is this?

no one can cnotrols what you do with the objects you buy

if you insert your controllers in your asshole there is no way to forbid that
they just put some rating and warn the parents when some parts can asphixiate children

How does body shaming good looking women count as protecting them?

I see now that Nintendo is a company of culture.

I look forward to the thread where some mad lad actually buys this and posts pictures

is this pretending that character is streaming?

Attached: 1521958306453.jpg (250x250, 12K)

Real people matter more than what a white supremacists draws

It's mocapped. Her actress is playing.

It kinda looks fun.

Attached: that guy that calls you pedo on 4chan.jpg (662x677, 73K)

they arent people

Imagine how funny it would be if this happened again with retardera.

Motion capture. Virtual idols are a big thing right now for this sort of thing - Kizuna AI did a whole playthrough of Resident Evil 7 doing it.

you literally cannot make this shit up

No, it's you leftist NPC scum who aren't people.

>it's literally just living panties
>No anime girls
>Literally JUST flying panties


Then instead of screeching at polygon tiddies, those cali should start doing something against sexualization on real children

>muh buzzwords

not an argument

so streamers btfo

no one needs to show their ugly faces online anymore

I didn't use any buzzwords.

neither this one so why care?

Pretty much. Granted, lots of them won't do it because they refuse to change. But you can literally now be a SFM big titted perfect skin model and be motion-capped. All you need is a good radio voice.

That was just me stating the fact that you aren't a person.

As the Warrior of Love, players are the only hope for a human race being transformed into panties with a vengeance!

Is this an elaborate hoax? This is not what people mean when they say they want to see parties

>Lucas pic
Somehow I'm not surprised at all

Based if it was made by japs.
Cringe if it was made by americans.

>no qt switch bro who will buy the game
>No qt switch bro who will try out the panties as a joke
>No qt switch who'll want you to fuck him in the ass to see what it feels like

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It's funny how any old trash game that like unlike any other weeb game on Steam gets 10x more attention and is suddenly 10x more important when it's on a stupid console. It's like people need justification for their purchase or something.

Nope, it's a legit game. It's been out for a few years on other platforms.

Nah, I'll just buy this game on Steam where I have trading cards and will be able to get a good discount and make some money back from trading.