Why aren't there any games about the winter war?

Why aren't there any games about the winter war?

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>all the dead bugmen commies
seething trannies on suicide watch and finland sterilizes them too lmao

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based binland

Because ruskie commies cry at anything that doesn't paint them as heroes.

Reminder Soviets eventually smacked Finland once their military was no longer retarded and forced fins to fight the Germans.

There was a game but it wasn't very well made, flash tier. You control five soldiers with different weapons, having a reserve to choose to take territories.

because you cant portray soviets as evil since they were allies at the end world war 2 and they dindu nothing. you cant portray finns as evil either since winter war was a confirmed war of aggression by soviet union.

>eventually smacked
>63k finns deaths to 250-305k commie deaths

finland kept its independence and remained capitalist. it's a first world nation while russia is a mordor-tier shithole

kys retard lmfao

Is this the one with the sniper dude?

Except Finland was allied with the Axis powers, almost one of them too. Finns were fascists.

Fuck off /int/

>can't read the rest


>Headed by Finnish-born politician Otto Wille Kuusinen, the Finnish Democratic Republic was Joseph Stalin's planned means to conquer Finland.[1][2][3][4] It nominally operated in the parts of Finnish Karelia that were occupied by the Soviet Union during the Winter War.

>The Soviet Union argued that it was the only rightful government for all of Finland that was capable of ending the Winter War and restoring peace; however, before the end of the war, the Soviets gave up this interpretation to make peace with the preexisting government of Finland, which was still recognized by the rest of the world.

Go dilate your hole tranny subhuman.

Because you're stupid, lazy and can't bother yourself to search for one.

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>finns were fascists
wtf I love finland now

>lost access and rights to arctic ocean oil sector
>lost nearly 30% of its total fertile farmland with karelia
>installed kekkonen the kgb agent as president to play soviet handpuppet for half a century
oh no no no no

okay not K/D argument
But Finland is still a nicer place to be then Russia.

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werent allied during winter war dumbo. that was continuation war

Because no one cares about a country with 5m people

This is coming from a Finn

see Finland still kept its indepedence and remained capitalist. Otherwise it'd be like Estonia and the rest of the ex-ussr, backwards economically-stunted shitholes. Gas yourself leftypol.

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>finland kept its independence and remained capitalist
Yes, but they gave much more land that the soviets originally demanded. Also helping Hitler put them on the axis side so they didn't get any reparations, they had to pay them to the soviets instead.


My Summer Car put your place on the map for some.
Which is nice.

gas yourself autist poltard

>no arguments

there's a mod for rising storm 2

Most game devs are commies.

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Do you know how many people still count nowadays Finland as a part of the East block when talking about the Cold War?

>Impliying trannies wouldn't end in an asylum in the USSR

I already listed my facts retard. saying finland came on top unscathed and listing meme k/d ratios is downright retarded even if independence was kept. with the oil sector alone the nation could easily be norway tier faggot welfare central instead.

Maybe japs could make one if they're still salty about Manchuria.

We already have enough games about asiatic feuds

Because a story about an insurgency being defeated doesn't seem possible today.

Too bad Japan doesn't make realistic games. We'd get some proper Axis power perspectives for the first time.

and I already stated mine retard. considering the soviets wanted the FDR to rule over finland and turn it into an estonia/poland, it still kept its independence.
yeltsin tried selling karelia back in the 90s and the finns said no because it was a 5th-world shithole. to this date russia is still an absolute shithole while finland is developed :^)

Well, Valkyria Chronicles 1 is heavily inspired by the Winter War.
>small country vs super power
>most of the armed forces are made of millita
>norse mythology
>simmilar location on the map

While Soviets couldn't conquer Finland, that doesn't change you guys had to pay humiliating reps and lost a lot of land. You may call that a victory, but it's commemorating the neighbor gang took your wallet but left your iphone.

I always thought they were dutch or something

I always thought that it was more like playing as Belgium in the WWI


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More like they took the wallet with maybe 20 bucks in it, in the process got stabbed, collapsed lung and both legs broken along with both rows of teeth.

yeah lets look down and laugh at the retards that are worse off. instead of looking above and realizing how far down you are. you're like a reptile brain nigger but I wouldnt expect anything less from a poltard.

I'd say keeping your indepedence is more important than a bit of clay. Again see Now fuck off commieturd.

When two ants die in my backyard do I care?

You are pretty stupid if you really believe the soviets lost more. You could have killed five times more, it didn't even scratch soviet population.

>far down
>one of the highest living standards in the world
>can't even type /pol/ correctly
just fuck off tranny

Too bad Finland today is a nation of cucks.

nice bogeyman reptile nigger

Commies died, staling got mad, I am happy. Shame more of the red fucks weren't killed.
Also a shame the americans didn't nuke russia right after nuking japan, would've saved a lot of trouble down the line.

Russia to Finland power ratio has increased so much though that Russia could wipe out all of finnish population with a click of a button without even using its military while Finland is basically a german vassal at this point so I'd say it's pretty even

True, best example is Germany till the 90ies.
One was a nice place to be the other was the GDR.
Independence > communism under soviet rule

>I'd say keeping your indepedence is more important than a bit of clay.
A bit of clay is a region larger than alsace lorraine? You are getting mad at me pointing reality.

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>vatnik fantasies

It wasn't independence though, they had US military base right on their territory, please learn some history

meanwhile finland is an extremely successful country, while all the soviet countries are complete shitholes

>Commies died, staling got mad, I am happy
Happy about signing a treaty giving land, then signing another treaty paying war reparations and lending even more land for fifty years?

too embarrassing for r*ssoids

What are some games with kino plot twists and reversals of loyalty?

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Sorry if you don't know what icbm's are, majority of finnish population is concentrated in few cities

Yes because again
>keep your independence and the great majority of your land
>remain capitalist
The first two goals are far more important than a bit of clay. Seethe more.


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based Finland

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Idk, 2-3 people with severe brain damage and don't know basic history?

>Forced to let 4 million turks in by the USA

finland isnt a post soviet country why compare it to them? compare finland to other nordics and finland is utter fucking shit. and it isnt going to get any better thanks to retarded decisions like joining euro and privatizing the most bizarre shit the state can think of making a quick buck off.

how exactly is finland shit compared to nordic countries?

Czech here we doing okay i would say
still i have massive respect for the Fins
Socialism/communism is cancer

>while you are the one upset when I point out that the war was a pyrrhic victory and not a triumph

>Utter fucking shit
>Despite it being one of the happiest nations in the world
>Despite having one of the best education in the world

I'm a Finn who's lived in both Norway and Sweden, and I'd much rather live in Finland.

Why is Finland range banned from posting images and making threads? It's not fair bros

Why'd the Finns even do that though?

You're the one who began sperging about karelia retard. It was a pyhrric victory for the soviets because they wanted to conquer all of finland and lost a shitton of troops in the process.

If you can pardon me for going /tg/ in here, pic shown is a great board game about a battle in the winter war.

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Because it wasn't as exciting as anons make it out to be. It's always hyped to be some kind of Doom cover with spurdo and commies in place
of doomguy and demons.
You have shit like "guy ODing on meth and running away" and even that needs to be overblown . Or a guy who took potshots at freezing ruski peasants and praised as bestest sniper in the world.

Because they lost the war twice

They had no airforce and limited artillery, were vastly outnumbered, and it was only a matter of time before the Soviets would overrun them.
The Soviets agreed to it because they were worried about British intervention, otherwise they would have kept fighting.


Because they lost.

Thinking better, I used phyrric victory wrong. I could says you guys got a limited defeat.

Soviets losing troops is not really a problem since they had a much higher manpower base and industry to replace it. While their hidden goal may have been to take the entire Finland, they managed to replace their original proposation of swapping a large piece of their land for a much smaller piece to demanding entire provinces. It was pretty much a moderate success.

Taking into account that Finland had a much smaller population, that war happened in Finland and destroyed infrastructure there, besides damaging the local economy, the word pyhrric doesn't really fit here. Soviets could have waged other five winter wars, losing troops doesn't mean much if your power base haven't been hurt in the deal.

And again, keeping your independence is much more important than losing some clay. Basically the commies changed their objective midway through the war when they realized they couldn't achieve what they originally set out for. Go away commieturd.

Because of me

True. I was just contesting the idea this was a victory. If you want a teaspoon, you guys really couldn't defeat one of the biggest countries in the world. Even if you slaughted their entire army they could just draft a new one. You technically did what you could at the moment and conceded when necessary, so congrats.

By this retarded logic, Burgers won in Vietnam

Vietnam was pretty much the opposite of the winter war. Burgers killed many, many times more enemies than they lost soldiers. They could have totally won if they hadn't lose the support back home.

Technically the Vietnam war ended in an armstice. They marked territories, signed documents and then the american troops left.

The commies only took Vietnam after the US troops had retreated and didn't fulfill the terms of the treaty. They stood silently, then took a village or two. Only when they saw that the americans weren't coming back they advanced and took the country.

I still find it funny that technically, the hippies were responsible for the genocide of 2 million south vietnamese when the north decided to do a typical commie purge after the US was forced to leave.

The US would never win in Vietnam because they would have to go back home eventually like we are seeing in Afganistan

have won*

Then the US should copy what communist countries are doing: annex and colonize. Just like the old days.

Too late, the US isn't the country full of country boys that it was in the world wars, now is the chinese age