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>make a Bloodborne machine
>surprised when other games are not good on it

Don't worry, Last of Us 2 will save Days Gone

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>even Sony's "bad" games are significantly higher quality than all of Microsoft and Nintendo's games


sorry sweaty but you're wrong :)

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It's going to be the worst lgbt movie ever.

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>b-but nintendo!
like clockwork

Tbh did anyone actually expect this game to be good? From the start it appeared uninteresting and a nothing game.

So why's the game bad?
Please no meme responses

Not a lot of story which critics seem to think is such a huge negative

isn't the strength of the game supposed to be the exploration

>too many technical issues for a triple A game
>repetitive missions
>boring characters
>weak gunplay

not a lot to explore either. full walkthroughs already out, check it at random parts and try to differentiate locations from one another

>Fallout 76
>Crackdown 3
>now Days Gone
Another big budget western game down the shitter. It warms my heart to see.

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I'm surprised it cut the 7, the game is clearly a mish mash of random ideas and it seems barely held together. Not sure why anyone was excited for this, especially after seeing gameplay footage.

the remaining reviews are all negative with Waypoint saying it's literal shit
would be funny if it ends up being below 70

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Jump force says hello

I feel that I'm clearly approaching a turning point.

fallen of WESTERN AAA OW
Regulation of American sexual expression
China's over-regulation
Entry of Apple and Google

I do not know what the future of the game industry will look like.

AC7, DMC5, RE2, KH3 and Sekiro say hello

Why is this pic so fucking cringy?

Left Alive says hello

>a cash-in made by a dev known for making shit fighting games is comparable to the "Dev Giants" of NA making shit after shit game
uuuuuuuum yikes!

The Quiet Man says hello

>racing game number 14539409315 literally same as all the others

That thing is supposed to be big budget?

>still higher score than Anthem
not even the worst this year but holy shit

kill yourself console waring faggot

>a game that literally nobody cared about or thought would be good isn't very good
holy shit


Still better then generic open world zombie survial crafting game number 54436764334888

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but NINTENDO
like clockwork

>3 years of waiting for this shit

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Name 1(ONE) good western game that released in 2019

Metro Exodus

If it's the same as all the others how come it gets much better reviews than Gran Fartismo or NfS games

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that's mediocre in clown world game review terms


Agony was kind of OK once they fixed and uncensored it. Hopefully the sequel will be better though.

>battlefield v
>fallout 76
>now this
great to see really, I hope to see even more AAA western garbage flop so we can have a western gaming renaissance after these fucking dark ages

>i get to decide what's western or not based on the situation

It is in the video game industry, to be fair.

Define western then.

>A4 Games are russian
At least get it right, faggot.

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I don't care for this game specifically but I do feel bad for Bend Studio who haven't released anything in seven years and are getting their ass handed to them with basically nobody to defend them
It's not an EA or Activision situation where I enjoy seeing the trainwreck, it's genuinely sad

RDR2 wait that was last year fuck

Isn't that slavic? Doesn't really count as Western.
Granted I think a lot of the devs on came from that area.

>Mentions Microsoft and Nintendo
>Only focuses on Nintendo
like clockwork

hope they don't get fucked by sony and actually get to make another syphon filter

You forgot crackdown 3


What do you mean? Don’t you know video games are supposed to be an avenue for throwing parties and fun events for women to feel comfortable in?

For the most part, I love zombie games. I wanted this to be good, but the more I see of it, the more it looks like just a generic open world game with mechanics we’ve all seen done before (and done better). Plus the zombies seem totally unremarkable and not much of a threat. There’s just nothing that draws me in or hooks me.

Ukraine is part of Russia, dumbass.

Just wait for the user scores, it's going to be hilariously sad

Shut the f*ck up xbot

Even worse is that they were relegated to making portable spin-off titles for years before that, making it even longer since their last original game.

>American geography education
Maybe back in the USSR, and even then Ukrainians never liked them.
Also, I would argue that Russia is it's own thing, parts like Moscow and Saint Petersburg are way to western to be considered Asian, even Kazahstan.
But also, the most eastern cities like Vladivostok aren't that alike to Asian cultures.

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>make a Bloodborne machine
Games been dead since late April 2015 mate

>I do not know what the future of the game industry will look like.
PC SJW DLC iPhone games

Not him but Eastern Europe is neither Asian or west, it's it's own thing.