Is MHW Iceborne vaporware?

>announced over an year before listed release
>only a teaser trailer that shows nothing and vague af info ("new moves, new monsters, new locales")
>after 6 months, nothing has been revealed yet
>update promised in Spring, still nothing
>nothing shown for the 15th Anniversary
>no new events for the base game since February
>game is dead at this point
>going so bad they just put MHW for free on Game Pass

I'm starting to think that MHW wasn't such a great hit and its success was very short-lived.
Now, with all the competition rising this year, like Borderlands 3 and The Division 2, they have decided to just cancel the project.

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>nincel trying to deflect attention away from no persona 5 port thread

Don't try to think.

>>game is dead at this point
It's constantly active though

Nintendies are literally looking for every possible out since the P5S annoucment.


No, but capcom is dumb. They should have more than a teaser trailer and should be looking at putting out a price and release date by now.
Also it's obvious they've been holding AT Nerg back from the consoles just to release it at the same time as PC so they can pretend they finally reached parity between the versions when they very clearly never did.

>Iceborne will release on both platforms at the same time
Would be cool


>game is dead at this point
What is it with zoomers and constantly saying this about anything that isn't Fortnite

It won't though, which makes it even worse. Remember, when they did the Iceborne announcement they already said that the PC release would come out after. This is just to save face.

>MHW is revealed 8 months before release and gets a second full trailer less than two months after E3
>the expansion is announced like 10-11 months before release and after 6 months we have no second trailer

The timing is super fucked up

E3 dude, E3.

What and they couldn't spare us a 1 minute teaser with some footage of the new Nargacuga running in the World engine?

They announced this expansion too early. Shoulda fuckin' waited if they weren't gonna show us anything for so fucking long. That fucking teaser they announced it with was offensive too. Fuckin' Rathalos is going to an icy island? Big fuckin' whoop.

What are you mad about dude ? chill
The expansion is coming, be mad if the reveal is a lackluster.

The one thing I think is reasonable to be mad about is that PC might be delayed.

>What are you mad about dude ?
I'm mad that game devs are still overexciteable fuckheads who reveal and announce shit too early.

I thought Capcom had learned. I really did. Seeing the short gap between announcement and release that we got on MHW/DMC5/RE2R I figured Capcom finally realized that they look better and please the consumers more if they keep that gap as small as they can.

Iceborne was a top-to-bottom fuckup. The announcement showed nothing and then they went dark for a super long time and still haven't shown anything. They're doing EVERYTHING wrong when it comes to the pre-release marketing period.

They literally said "Spring", they stated that again recently and said they don't really consider June part of spring, so it's May or nothing at this point.

is that a real trailer? i cant find it on youtube

No. It's not.

>people STILL falling for that fucking pic
It was debunked like 2 weeks ago

havent checked monster hunter threads ever since iceborne was announced, so cut me some slack my dude.

It's just the snake from the AC set in Egypt shopped in the Rotten Vale and made into a youtube thumbnail.
It took anons like 8 hours to figured it out in thread.

>world is dead
>people are still playing 3U

>MHW on PC is more alive than fucking GU on Switch
That still amazes me

Uh it was revealed back in January, wasn’t it? It’s not been 6 months.
What monsters are you guys excited to see?


He's my alltime monster-fu and he is often placed in icy zones almost more than he goes to Volcanic ones so him being part of Iceborne makes sense.

It was revealed December 10th
Also Chameleos, Tigrex and Zinogre
But it would be interesting to see more endgame-tier new monsters

Sounds like you're just too autistic to wait. Do you literally have nothing else going on in your life besides MHW? Get a fucking grip.

you are abandoned, by god

>Sounds like you're just too autistic to wait.
No it sounds like I'm a normal consumer who doesn't like being cockteased. They've shown us nothing but a fucking logo and a general sense that one of the two new zones is an ice one.

There's some Monsters in the game I haven't fought yet, but are locked behind the fucking events. Also, getting the trophies are monotonous chores.

Not him, but I'm kinda afraid for the final product.
At the very, very worst, game is going to be released in November.
If it's almost May, and they have nothing worth to show 5 months after the teaser, how much content will there be in the final release?

You need to pay to play online for Switch which is fucking gay since the 3DS version didn't need this.

>20$ a fucking year kill online
Nice excuse fag

They've set out a pretty clear timeline for this release and so far they're sticking to it. They got ATKT and Witcher out and are working on AT Nerg to be out soon. The Festival is today and I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of it (mid-May) we got AT Nerg and a trailer as a send-off on consoles.

They're probably holding off on saying anything because they're trying to get consoles and PC to parity and don't want to announce any dates until they confirm they can do it. Right now, I think all PC is missing is the Witcher content and that comes at the end of the Festival. Then it'll just be waiting for AT Nerg and then Capcom can focus on trying to release Iceborne at the same time on both platforms.

>world killed MH

Imagine my shock. That the casual western pandering trash has killed the series despite being this best selling game of all time

It's literally the most active MH game right now. What is this meme

Paying a dime for peer to peer multiplayer is a straight up scam and you know it.

My point is, 40/60$ for Xbox or Playstation never killed online, why 20$ or less would be a problem?

Xbox/PS+ offers way more features and actual dedicated servers for voice chat without the need of daisy chaining a phone together.

>no Iceborne news until mid-end May
They fucked up

Attached: Untitled.png (491x374, 8K)

>they stated that again recently and said they don't really consider June part of spring

I ask this out of complete sincerity - is MHW your first Monster Hunter game? Iceborne is perfectly in line with the company's previous expectations.

>no new events for the base game since February
Monster Hunter is not a live service game
>game is dead at this point

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How long have they been working on it? That’s my biggest question. It had to have been in development since Jho’s release, I’m thinking. Surely to god that long at least

>Monster Hunter is not a live service game
Then why lock all the fun content behind time limited events? Why the constant power creep DLC gear? Why the drip feed? Why the awful Kulve grind?


Wow, I didn't know there gap was that big. It's nice seeing this series being truly successful. It's too bad so many purists can't enjoy it.

they treat it as live service by having events be limited time instead of downloading them to play whenever.

Well yeah. It's pretty obvious to anyone who'd played Monster Hunter that the mobile format was really holding the game back.

This is often difficult to understand on Yea Forums but discussing how things ARE is not the same as arguing how things SHOULD BE. And the truth is the sudden online pay wall killed a lot of small and midsized online game communities. I won't pretend to know why since there are a myriad of reasons but that doesn't mean I'm arguing that's how it should have been.

It was the last japanese podcast of Ryozo, last month. Gaijinhunter tweeted about it.
He just said that they weren't really ready to show anything, but that new statement regarding new in the Spring was still valid, even if they were vague.

Listen user, I'm on your side but MHW is absolutely a live service. Event Quests, log in bonuses, constant updates, etc. all make it clear this is a game Capcom intends for players to continually return to because there's some time sensitive item they have to do.

I do hope the current Event Quests become permanent fixtures once Iceborne comes out but I'm not counting on it. As it is, my life is going to be dedicated to getting a FUCKING IRONWALL DECO for the foreseeable future because Greatest Jagras and AT Lavasioth are temporary quests so I need to do them as much as possible in that period.

Because it's a live service.

>XX/GU sold that bad
How? Isn't it like the best MH game?

>It's nice seeing this series being truly successful.
Monster Hunter didn't become successful, Monster Hunter World became successful. They know western normies hated the old games, and they even tested 4U with western audiences and they hated it. The majority of those additional people who bought World are the same idiots who complained about the old games being clunky, archaic and full of artificial difficulty. The rest being the existing series fans who were going to buy it anyway no matter what.

Fuck no

>Monster Hunter didn't become successful, Monster Hunter World became successful.
MHW is the new standard for MH going forward, so it's the same thing. All the old titles may as well no longer exist from now on.

It's insane to me that it took this long for Capcom to realize it. When I'd complain about no MH on consoles back in the day, most people on Yea Forums would claim a console version wouldn't sell and it's a portable focused series. I always knew they were wrong but it's weird how much some people were convinced by Capcom never ballsing up to make a proper console entry that it simply wouldn't sell.

Yes, but quality isn't always rewarded with sales

its almost like shipped does not equal sales or something

It doesn't really add much new, it runs like trash, and it's easily one of the most poorly balanced titles in the series.

It's also insane if you think that MH Frontier has done very well on PC since fucking 2007, and it's still going.

>same idiots who complained about the old games being clunky, archaic and full of artificial difficulty
I liked the old games a lot but those people are right

When a single game boasts almost the entire sales of the nearest three entries in the series, it's simply no contest. This game made Monster Hunter a household name for people. Yes, MH was always doing well in certain markets but it's now a phenomenon and that will only resurge with Iceborne and Master Rank.

this shouldn't be true, alot of the original charm from the games were lost in going for the realism approach. I hope Iceborne brings back the great weapon and armor designs from past games.

Attached: MH4-Hammer_Render_016.png (655x828, 357K)

So what are they adding to Iceborne? How many new monsters? How many areas? Are they adding a hub that doesn't blow goats?

The weapon and armor designs are coming back no matter what, they were cut because of time constraints, not stylistic reasons.
Every first game of a new generation has these issues. MH1 had pretty shit weapon variety, MH2 had barely any paths for the new weapons. MH3 removed half the weapons from FU and still had to resort to recolors and SA got fewer paths. MH4 mostly recycled weapon models from the older games, and IG and CB (which couldn't reuse anything) got stuck with very few weapon models compared to other weapons, and no relics at all.

Portable games and G rank expansions always expand on weapon model variety a ton.

Frontier has been pretty dead for a long ass time now, there's only a tiny crew working on it, content updates are low effort, and it's mostly just making money off of constant new gachas. It also became way more P2W with the MHFZ update.

I don't get why people have so much trouble understanding this. The prior games could generally build on assets and content from a previous release or multiple releases. MHW had to do everything from scratch and in a higher fidelity than the series ever had.

I'm sure Capcom is aware of peoples' complaints about the same-ness of weapon models and will address it in Iceborne.

Isn't it crazy how mainstream your game will get when you water down every single aspect to appeal to casuals?

I mean, they already have a system made for it. Recycled and unique weapon models are treated differently in game, with recycled model weapons allowing upgrade rollbacks while unique ones don't. They also have different naming schemes.

Of course, that doesn't mean that EVERY path will get a unique design in World. But there probably will be more of them.

That's an exaggeration and you know it. It's mostly quality of life improvements. Monster Hunter isn't Dark Souls. It doesn't need in game systems actively working against the player to be fun and engaging.

>Temporal Shroud

fucking delete this MHW was supposed to kill the series

No normal person gets this upset because a trailer was dropped to early

Not him but to be fair showing off something too early can kill hype pretty hard, the excitement wears off after too much time passes.

>MHWorld is not a live service game
>events, limited time quests, seasonal festivals, collabs that come and go

Are you retarded?

It's not exaggerating to say that World is absolutely nothing like the traditional games before it.

Temporal Mantle lasts for a fraction of most fights and mostly just gives breathing room. You still get hit by smaller attacks, which on Tempered and AT fights can still do a lot of damage, and doesn't protect against DOTs like Teo's fire aura or Vaal's miasma. It doesn't casualize the whole game and it's not an invincibility cloak.

It certainly doesn't support your argument that EVERYTHING IS WATERED DOWN.

Attached: temporalmantle.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Holy shit yes it is. It's changed a lot from previous entries but to say it's NOTHING like previous entries is the very definition of hyperbole.

Most weapon movesets are extremely similar to prior games, with tweaks and improvements, many monsters behave similarly, the gameplay loop is still focused on hunting monsters, using their parts to craft better equipment then use that equipment to fight stronger monsters, etc. There are gamplay changes but the game is 85% the existing formula.

There was a lot of worry in the community about expansion at the time so they had to step out and make things clear instead of sitting with their tongue up their ass like some apparently want

Oh no, the Mantle is being used to counter one of the most bullshit moves in the game otherwise, in a clip that represents five seconds of what was probably a ten minute fight, for five of which the Mantle had to recharge.

Oh no.

This, also Sony probably wanted them to show something, since Playstation is a pretty lacking period.

>who needs skills ive got mantles

>it's balanced because you can only choose to become invincible whenever you want for a little while

>some shit that released at the end of actually meaningful content drip with only things after it being unique gimmicky monsters which pose threat that isn't covered by it
That said i hope they remove that garbage with Iceborne or make it not work in the master rank

>only MHW is on PC
>worst MH in series
guess what

You realize the other primary way of escaping that attack is to Farcast away, right? It's a bullshit move that needs bullshit tools to counter it.

1. You're not invincible
2. Exactly.


You are functionally invincible. Only damage over time and small hits get through, things that pose no significant threat. It's not like you have to """risk""" healing them off because if you're going to get hit out of your heal you'll just autofly half way across the zone unscathed when the monster looks at you.

Theyre underage on top of having the lowest attention span in the history of mankind. A month in their add riddle brains to them is 2 years to us.

They unironically believe if you dont play a game at launch you might as well never play it as well.

>You're invincible
>You take damage
>But you're invincible

So are you invincible or not?

>It's mostly quality of life improvements
Like nerfed monsters and massively more powerful weapon movesets?

You auto-dodge all dangerous attacks, making you functionally invincible, my semantics-obsessed friend.

>lasts for a fraction of most fights
With the gear you'll have by the time you actually get the mantle, you're killing any non AT monster in 3-4 minutes, time spent actually getting to the monster included.

Your two mantles will basically last the entire hunt in that case.

Yes, for 90 seconds. Then you have a five minute cooldown. Most fights last 7-10 minutes so you usually only get to use it once. It's helpful but it doesn't invalidate the game.

It's the same formula but the mechanics are completely different. Movement is different, the way the weapons feel is different, monster behavior is completely different, and as a result, the style of gameplay is also completely different. The old MH style of cautious, almost turn based play centered around careful positioning and exploiting of openings does not exist in MHW.

let us fucking transfer our saves from PS4 to PC so I dont have to restart my progress on the delayed PC release, capcom you stupid faggots

>Most fights last 7-10 minutes
Sure if by "most fights" you mean ATs, Behemoth and Ancient Leshen, and even then only if you use bad weapons. Literally anyone can sub 5 ATs with a bow.

So what you're saying is that you don't earn the mantle until you're skilled enough to be able to kill high end monsters in sub-ten minutes anyway?

Then what's the problem?

If you can still die with it on you're not invincible.

>All this bickering over the temporal mantle
1. This mantle was introduced long after MHW broke sales records so to use this as an example that MHW only sold because of this kind of casualization is ridiculous.
2. If you hate it so much don't use it, that's why it's optional. Unless you're secretly a shitter and feel compelled to use it.

The problem is that it shouldn't exist to begin with. It adds nothing of value to the game other than making the farming process for decorations even more mindless and boring, and ruining high level play entirely unless you straight up ban the thing and all the others like it (Rocksteady, Evasion, Impact).

>is x game considered ebin neon elevator meme music

Attached: pound of steel.png (1280x720, 435K)

So then your argument is either the fights are long enough that you can use it multiple times, which again lends to what I said about being able to use it a fraction of the time, or that they're short enough that you can use the mantle for most of the duration of the fight, which means you were already capable of killing the monster efficiently anyway.

The thing is balanced just fine. I think you've made that clear.

>This mantle was introduced long after MHW broke sales records so to use this as an example that MHW only sold because of this kind of casualization is ridiculous.
It's just a more extreme example of casualization already present in the base game like Rocksteady and Evasion mantles and general mobility increases and monster nerfs.

>If you hate it so much don't use it, that's why it's optional. Unless you're secretly a shitter and feel compelled to use it.
Being optional doesn't make it not a stain upon the game. It's also not optional if you play multiplayer because you have no control over what your teammates use.

Well thats how all previous monster hunters were, with event quests.
And they had the same sorta player fall off.
Its just how monster hunter is, I personally dunno why capcom does it, but I guess it does something for em.

>Spend 15% of a fight invincible

Also, using the mantle effectively can net you a lot of extra hits since you can keep attacking until yore hit. You can reasonably get 5min hunts using the mantle, which translates to a 3rd of the fight being invincible.

Coupled with the fact this is one of the easiest games in the series already, yes the temp mantle is busted

Are you actually using the fact that you have more control and mobility as a player as a complaint?

A minute and a half of near complete invulnerability is broken no matter how you try to spin it, but the mantles in the base game are actually maybe worse because rather than being just a crutch for bad players, they outright enable degenerate play that has nothing to do with what Monster Hunter is supposed to be. Rocksteady + health augment letting you entirely ignore monsters' counterattacks and just loop your highest DPS "rotation" with nearly no risk at all, and Evasion mantle giving the biggest damage boost in the game on top of making your evasion nearly completely invulnerable, removing all focus from actual positioning and letting you freely dodge roll through everything imaginable like the lowest tier trash action games.

To be fair, rocksteady is far more balanced due to risk. I cant tell you the number of times Ive seen people die cause they used it incompetently.

Sure, its busted if you know how to use it, but thats the real issue with the temp mantle. Theres no knowing to use it, it just works

Yes, because none of the monsters are actually properly designed around it. They have massive wind ups and recoveries on every attack, which would be fine if your hunter controlled like in the previous games, but they don't. They're fast as fuck, they can reorient themselves during a ton of actions, rolls have almost no recovery, meanwhile monsters are actually slower than ever. MH has never let you just run circles around monsters like this before, and it basically removes any actual strategy from the game.

You can get 5 minute fights without the mantle. It still doesn't break the game. You can still die wearing it and it wears off in 90 seconds.

Is Health Regen on weapons an issue for you too? To me that's had a much bigger effect on my hunting than the Mantle has.

>series based off commiting to moves and positiong being the core of the challenege
>add options that trivialize positioning
>not a problem

I like mhw, but you have to be retarded to not see why someone could take issue with that

>Is Health Regen on weapons an issue for you too?
Fucking yes it is, it's broken as hell

Health regen on great sword is busted. Especially combined with rocksteady mantle, I've traded at no penalty with that combo tons of times and it never becomes any less braindead.

>series based off commiting to moves and positiong being the core of the challenege
And MHW isn't based around that, it's based around figuring out strategies and setups to wreck monsters as hard as possible. So why should its options have to respect old, outdated tenets?