Think they will learn their lesson?

Attached: 222.jpg (3016x3720, 2.31M)

Turns out that young males like attractive girls in their violent video games.
To be fair, no one could have known that during development.

probably not, the microtransactions will probably make it a financial success.
Just play Japanese games

there shouldn't be human characters at all in fighting games

the gameplay on the right is still better

Funny enough DOA started to censor

Attached: 1556202984247.png (900x315, 549K)

Hahahahahahahahaha I love western bugpeople

the "cucked" designs are better objectively speaking

I think MK11 Cassie is cute.

oh no think of the children

Attached: hahahahahahahahaha.jpg (800x800, 329K)

"Nice" photoshop.

so we are just gonna act like doa 6 wasnt a flop either?

burkas and mom bods are not good character design

They have the gacha game to bring back the losses

At least post a good jap game like Soul Calibur or Tekken

>new mk is shit
Yes it i-
>therefore old mk is good!
wait? No. Not at all. MK was always shit.

MK2 and MK3U are objectively good, wether or not they are to your taste is subjective.

Literally in-game


There was nothing wrong with MK9
