I am forgotten
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I forgot why she killed her classmates
was it unironic autism
She did it for me
iirc it was because that girl was bullying her
she was diagnosed with tism afterwards tho
Grinman likes to grin!
Wasn't she released from the mental institution years a go?
>they finally executed the Sarin gass Attack cult leader
Why is Japanese death row justice even slower than America?
I don't know if she did in fact kill the girl. She cut her, but the girl may have lived.
And she did that because the girl bullied her a lot.
/jp/ had this thread a few days ago but it was much cuter
>tfw death row inmates in Japan don't even get to know when they're going to be executed until like an hour before
Japanese penal system is maximum trolling
>bullying her
There was zero evidence of this.
t. satomi
fuck off back to the grave
Why do asian countries have such rampant bullying problems?
no shit, most people here weren't even born then
They needed to make sure that the cult wouldnt launch another full scale attack and gather all loose ends during the late 90s to mid 00s. They actually did round up all the members that were directly related to the attack but it did take several years. Remember, the Aum shinrikyo was a powerful cult during the 90s so it was best to not be hasty lest you create a martyr.
because the perpetrators always get away with it
Cliques are stronger over there because of curricular activites and administration don't do anything about it.
>so it was best to not be hasty lest you create a martyr
That's actually really smart
For the sake of cruelty. Death row inmates spend most of their lives in horrible isolation and don't get notified of whether or not they're gonna be killed until the morning of that day. I imagine there's a certain level of justice in that the murdered didn't know their lives will end that day, so why should the killer, but living with the very real knowledge that tonight might be the last night you have on earth for every single night must be psychological torture. In general the Japanese penal system is definitely quite brutal.
Read what happened to her a few weeks ago. I genuinely wish I hadn't.
Way stronger groupthink/bandwagonning to the point where if a kid is bullied by someone, the entire class is compelled to bully them
This. Brb gonna shoot up my western school
It's not as bad as you think and America has it way worse.
Wouldnt that be better instead of dreading the day you die? You just live your remaining days until it finally happens.
With all the clamor for social justice and anti-bullying movements, dont the West have it easier these days?
Kids are just assholes anywhere, but asians are drones without empathy to begin with.
I think knowing when you'll die probably helps come to terms with it. In general people take bad news better when given time to cope. If you're told you have 3 months to live then you'll have a hard time, but you know you have that time left and you can make the most of it (harder to do in a jail cell but you understand). If you know you're going to die, but not when, and not like in real life where your death is a small possibility but here it's a guaranteed event, then it's bound to fuck with you more.
Social justice isn't a thing outside of the internet. Not to mention that most people who end up in the social justice discussion are bullies and bullied.
what movements?
its exactly the same as before. and i dont see why bullies would give a shit about a movement anyway
oh wow, someone told me to stop being a dick, ill stop right now guise
Considering how many bullied kids shoot up their schools? No, I'd say quite the opposite.
I could never forget you Nevada-tan
But you already know you're going to die, user. All of us are going to die someday - and few of us will know the day. Might get run over by a truck tomorrow, might gargle your last breath in a nursery home at age 99.
It's the same reasoning in Japan: why tell the condemned we'll hang them x days from now, let it be an unknown just as it is for any other human.
In addition, they're convicted criminals, they don't get the same rights as ordinary citizens.
but in america is basically along ethnic or religious lines
I can't believe some fucking retard user was complaining that 2ch was harassing the culprits a few threads ago.
>Cliques are stronger over there because of curricular activites and administration don't do anything about it.
I’m from Japan and I can conform this.
If someone bullies you, you only have 3 choices
A get used to it .
B show them who’s the boss (like her).
C you bully someone else with them.
I don’t know what it’s like schools in america. But in here bullying is daily routine and nobody wants to get involved, and entire school system ignores it because it’s bad for schools reputation. and if students suicide because of bullying they open a press conference and say “sorry we didn’t know ” and just move on. Only the family and students himself Carries the pain for entire life.
based 2ch
>I genuinely wish I hadn't
If it's any consolation the murderers are known and people keep fucking with them. They are hopefully NEVER going to escape from this.
Now if only the Internet could focus on them and people like them like they focus on Chris-chan.
Did her classmate actually die? Either way there's a lot of rumors ranging from bullying to fighting over some kind of social media thing.
Aren't there instances where it's shit like the kids of Yakuza or something?
How old is Nevada-tan now?
yakuza are already outcasts/foreigners, their kids would never be popular in school in the first place
Depends which part I guess. East Asians have it way worse. South East Asians have it better, teachers usually intervene when bullying gets too far, sometimes parents get so mad when they find out their kids got bullied they'll either charge to the school and make a scene or if theyre total hotheads, go directly to the other kids' parents and fight it out. Of course you have asshole kids who get away free because their parents are schoolboard members or something, but making a scene usually works.
God this was a fucking ride, i would actually think of killing the murderers if i ever see them irl.
Being also bullied for not being PC just creates even more bullying
This reminds me of this one story, I don't know if it was an user or another website entirely, but apparently this person went to a Japanese school where these two or three people would just absolutely lay into this other girl nonstop. Physical and verbal abuse just CONSTANTLY.
And then they just disappeared, because this girl was the daughter of a pretty high-up yakuza member.
She was also super nice to everyone from what I remember.
Might not have been Japan but I'm not sure.
Yes, but their kids would likely be bullies, wouldn't they? Like father like son/daughter etc.
I kinda like that, but at the same time that's terrifying.
Who owns the sky Yea Forums?
Thrust vectoring is not a "who", you fucking bandstanding newfag.
I forgot to mention that everyone knew who she was the daughter of, it wasn't like a "they picked on the wrong person" kinda thing, they did it on purpose for some fucking reason.
>calls someone a newfag
>doesnt know who Cracky is
man if my kid was such a bitch he got killed with a damn box cutter I'd just up and move out of shame
It's nice to see a fellow user that enjoys Tom Lehrer.
Oh, you got me with your bait. Congrats, user, you're very good at seeming retarded.
The Aum shinrikyo did nothing wrong
Wasn't nevada-tan supposed to be released a few years ago ?
What happened?
Basically, she went for the play shit games, get shit rewards philosophy.
She also got a diploma for her reintegration to society lul
a yakuza's son and his other 2 friends kidnap a girl going home from work and proceed to rape and beat the everliving shit out of her for 44 days
it all happened in the house of some non-yakuza family that did nothing because they were too self centered to actually deal with their son comitting a crime
after the first 20 or so days the girl's so fucked up she starts smelling of rot and the dudes proceed to torture her instead of fuck her
when she died one of the kid's brothers put her body in a can and filled it with concrete
Man, junko was fucking resilient
atta girl :(
Where is the proof?
There's nothing cute about fat hairy smelly dudes gathering around to jerk each other off
"In July 1990, a lower court sentenced Hiroshi Miyano, the alleged leader of the crime, to 17 years in prison. He appealed his sentence, but Tokyo High Court judge Ryūji Yanase sentenced him to an additional three years in prison"
I don't think I've ever seen an appeal to sentence end up in a worse one, but I'm also pretty ignorant about the topic. But if this isn't a common thing to occur, then fucking lmao, good riddance. Still fucked up that this didn't end up in a life sentence or death sentence.
yeah but they're all free.
How could you even be on Yea Forums and not know about Junko? Fucking hell.
kill yourself
Figured as much. This is the kind of stuff that makes you wish you had the resources to find scum like them and make them go through the same.
I miss when Yea Forums was a fun board and not a dumping ground for porn
>if only the Internet could focus on them and people like them like they focus on Chris-chan.
IIRC, 2ch used to keep track of them and always expose their case to their would-be employers whenever they tried to get a job.
Dunno if they're still doing it though.
The guys did nothing wrong. They were Yakuza, its in their blood
Yakuza don't fuck with civilians, you fucking retard
Epic, simply epic
everyone who goes to UNR fucks goats
I thought it was because he was responsible for a lot stuff beyond the gas attack. It was a really messed up cult.
Well they sure fucked Funko
Don't act like like you yanks are innocent.
You guys should get guns.
Yeah, let's give the country with one of the highest suicide rates in the world firearms.
>Survived all that
>survived being fucking burned
it's scary how tough the human body is, poor girl
This reminded me
>In high school, we had this exchange student from Japan
>No clue why the fuck her parents put her there, she was either a hikikomori by nature or disliked being here and chose to be on her own the whole way through
>Didn't know English at all either
>Teachers didn't even bother with considering her a student at all, basically just sat on her computer all day
>One completely braindead female classmate one day decides this Japanese girl needs to interact with others and unplugs her laptop, demanding she start talking to others
>Obviously nothing damaging, her laptop is still on
>Still, this Japanese girl immediately loses her shit, screams and looks at her with the most violent eyes I've seen
>Braindead girl gets scared and backs the fuck away
>I call this classmate a fucking retard who needs to fuck off
>I help the Jap girl with plugging the charger back in
>Back to business as usual, never say a word to her
>Months later she disappears, probably her parents finally made her stay at home or went back to Japan
>Likely had Asperger's
>Incidentally, this girl was at her laptop all day together with a drawing tablet because she was goddamn talented like all fuck for drawing manga and what at times appeared to be doujinshi whenever she was mostly alone
>Somewhat wish I could meet her again, especially now that I know Japanese, and see how it'd go
What's wrong with that?
Talk shit get hit
that's quite a zesty meme you've got there, but in reality they are human traffickers. where do you think they get the humans? these types of shitbag gangsters wouldn't hesitate to cut your throat if they could get away with it, the main reason the "yakuza doesn't fuck with foreigners" meme exists is because they typically do not harass western tourists since it's a lot more easy and profitable to kidnap malaysian women and sell them, or bully kachinko fags into paying their racket. you're not even worth the effort. but make no mistake, they will fuck if you they end up in a position where doing so makes sense.
I feel like reading about Junko is a rite of passage for anyone on the internet to TRULY understand and respect the infornation that exists out there. Since then I've certainly been more cautious.
yeah, I've never been a hot HS chick after reading about that
what in the fuck are you talking about
>Considering how many bullied kids shoot up their schools?
That has nothing to do with how many people are bullied but instead the fact that guns are easily accessible. You barely have any school shooting because of bullying in France, Spain or Italy. At most once in a decade. It's not that there's less bullying in yurop than murrika, it's probably just as bad, but at worse things here are going to lead to one person being stabbed or people committing suicide themselves instead of shooting everyone in their school.
>not that there's less bullying in yurop than murrika
>implying I'm not a varsity cheerleader
there are stranger things on this earth, user
In my highschool things never got worse from silly jokes because people wanted to have a clean expedient and public opinion is againts bullying
t. european
Europe is mostly above the US or at similar levels. Yet we don't get a weekly school shooting in here maybe because.... your average bullied normie weakling is unable to access guns easily? I'm not saying that we have no guns at all (actually there are a decent amount of firearms circulating in countries like Austria or France) but it's not easy to get your hand on them unless you're part of organized crime / doing some drug trafficking and what not.
europe is more racially homogeneous, multiculturalism basically makes people stir crazy for a whole host of reasons. mutt countries like america are the equivalent of those weird rat social experiments, life was not meant to be like this and the results are disturbing
>what does that have to do with some white kids shooting up a mostly WASP school?
everything, even white areas suffer under the mutt paradigm, the currents of insanity are subtle but ubiquitous and drive peoples behaviors in ways that would require a psychiatry degree to understand
when camwhores actually had vaginas...
there's no yakuza anything in the story, not sure why you kept barking that . He did it at this familly's place.
first time I've seen this pic, it's the only one I've seen of her in 10 years where she doesn't look like a burned out skank
>europe is more racially homogeneous
Not in big European cities where majority of population is concentrated. You are right about rural areas however. If you went to school in a small village in the middle of nowhere in France, chances are that everyone in your school is white. But in large cities like Paris (and its suburb) that's not the case. Schools are really mixed. It's the same in London or in Berlin.
Not having guns readily available plays a major role in how frequent shootings are. I'm sure we get just as many crazies in yurop than you guys have have murrika, but it's way harder to do large damage when you don't even know where and how to find a gun. You average student has really no clue how to get their hands on one. Your best bet is using your Dad's rifle if he's a hunter that's as far as it goes.
there is no "bullying" in Europe, those reports are wrong because they assume all school social issues are bullying, while the actual social structure and actions of people are completely different. It's just that each language has different words, and English only translate everything with the same.
it's funny how we have more registered guns in finland than in the US
that's total numbers, not per capita
but the US has like 400 million unregistered guns
>especially now that I know Japanese
No you don't
Fuck you dekinai-chan. Maybe I'd become more proficient if I met a native Japanese cutie.
You can't even speak English.
Don't worry nevada-tan, I haven't.
have you ever even been to the US? it's actually difficult to get a gun as a bullied NEET high school kid unless like you say you get your parents', but plenty of parents in europe have guns.
you are wrong about the overall accessibility but I will meet you halfway: I think the actual main issue with gun accessibility is gun shows, as much as I like muh freedoms and think gun shows should exist because murricans gotta (ameri)bear arms, gun shows probably result in people getting guns who shouldn't. you can just fucking walk in there and as long as you don't look 12 years old, some boomer will sell you some heat, no questions asked and no paperwork. however, I will take the increased gun violence from this as the loss of freedom to self defense is worse, just like I accept the loss of life involved in car accidents because not having cars would be shitty. anti-gun fags don't view self defense as necessity like cars because they imagine the cops will do everything for them (despite those cops being ebul racists) but for people who live in shit areas where the threat of violence is real, the idea of getting your guns removed is chilling.
Junko was a saint. She beat the yakuzafags at mahjong while being beaten, mutilated, and bloodied. What a shame ;_;
Natural Selection
looks like she got what she deserved