This is Kait. Main character of GoW 5

This is Kait. Main character of GoW 5.

Attached: kait.png (538x600, 419K)

Another fag haircut

Lets not be coy.
She would be raped instantly, by both sides.

She's got a very long ponytail. What's fag about it?

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Honestly can't wait. Gears 4 MP is the best so far

> GoW 5

How does Kratos get to modern times, let alone the future?

i love laura bailey so fucking much guys how do I learn to cope?

How did we get here?

Yes I love strong women. How could you tell?

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gears of war 5 coming to steam

haha epic BTFO

She always had a fag haircut, it was just covered up by a beanie in GoW 4.

Looks outdated since this her in-game from E3 2018.

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I didn’t ask, but okay

It's the same haircut she's always had. She just doesn't have her hat

>not loving short haired girls
>wanting to deal with hair clogging the bathroom sink and it always being in your face during sex
what a loser

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Seriously why does every stronk female character have to have this hair now? Its so fucking obnoxious I already know this characters personality just by looking at her.

look like if I do get it I'll be sticking to multiplayer

Another crying kuckold

She and the whiny black dude were the worst parts of the last gears game.

She's dyke. 100% guaranteed

Jesus, she's beautiful.


>liked playing Sam in 3
>felt like a faggot because females had smaller hitboxes
For this reason alone I say 4 is better since they standardized hitboxes and fixed savage kantus' jank ass head hitbox

It really wouldn't be practical for a soldier to have long hair.

Gears 4 is the best in the series. Multiplayer wise

They have a lot to explain since this looks like a wide ass time skip, I almost thought JD was Adam/Marcus durring the initial trailer

short hair is hot
long hair with the sides cut is absolute cancer

>tfw longer hair
>tfw guy

>tfw get confused for a girl on the regular without even trying
trannies on suicide watch


Actually pretty hot for a western game, or at least she is here. Also why are people ignoring that she has a ponytail?

Too bad she is a cunt unless they decided to fix that.

Isn't this the woman that immediately disregards orders given by a superior officer after she had an emotional breakdown over her father or boyfriend?

Stop drinking soilent

>horizon zero dawn is a massive success
>new gears protagonist is a girl
Gee, what a coincidence.

Microsoft is so pathetic.

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