This single-handedly killed Minecraft

This single-handedly killed Minecraft.

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Other urls found in this thread: home/type/op/

minecraft isn't dead you moron

for you

Minecraft is basically better with every update because more blocks = a better building game. It's easier than ever to survive in 1.13 and 1.14 and hunger is not an issue. I've been playing since January 2010, and you fags are worse than Genwunners in Pokemon

Minecraft was most popular after hunger, though
If we wanna talk about things that actually came close to killing Minecraft, pic related is the answer

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i havent played in many many years, what's so bad about that update?

More like single-hamdeadly

You gotta wonder whats going through the heads of retards like OP who say that Minecraft died because of hunger mechanics
>find animal (plentiful unless you're in a desert)
>kill it
>cook it
how hard is it for these people to do that? is it because they just want to build? I thought thats why creative exists?

Mod it out brainlet


Added new combat mechanics like cool down between swings, blocking, sweeping attacks as well as wings that let you fly in survival. Fags didn't like it because apparently it broke the balance of PvP because apparently being able to block arrows is bad and counter melee attacks is bad

yes it is lmao.

Shame all the good mods never update

Even if you’re in the desert just survive off zombie flesh until you’re out

>chisels behind you
heh nothin personnel kid

these things

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>unless you’re in a desert
I’m in a desert and a fuck ton of salmon spawn every day. Hunger is just a minor annoyance.

well then user the burden of proof is on you since you're making the claim. Feel free to show minecraft player numbers and actually back up your point :)

I don't see how Minecraft was ever ruined. It reached its maximum potential around the hunger update so maybe it feels that way but the only significant thing you could add to Minecraft would be micro blocks.

Just mod it if you don't like it, dipshit. Or play creative.
Setting up a farm for unlimited food is easy though, so I'm not sure why you're buttfrustrated.

>gee it sure is boring around here
>I want an excuse to stop playing this game, but I can't find one
>oh here it is - hunger
>no I don't want to build anything in creative mode, I want to play survival
>no I don't want survival mechanics in survival game, I want an action game
>vanilla Minecraft is shit anyway
>no I don't want to mod it and play without hunger, because reasons

Just get some sleep retard.


Speaking of Minecaft, why isn't Steve in the Village and Pillage artwork? What is Mojang up to?

Phantoms should be fucking removed from the game, or at least given the option to not spawn. I hate these bastards so much.

what the fuck was the point of these

phasing out men, like the rest of society

it's HER turn

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Fucking truth. This is EXACTLY when myself and all my friends stopped playing. Hunger is so fucking gay and ruins the immersion.

Didn't this cool down get added because "pro" minecraft pvp'ers were using some wrist shaking technique that could cause permanent nerve damage?

>you actually have to survive in survival
>ruins immersion

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It gives incentive to farm, you big ol' retard.
You know... a reason to play the pile of shit.

You're just being a faggot for the sake of being a faggot. There's literally no detriment to adding hunger - but in fact gives motivation.

Nah, it was notch, and I HOPE he used both hands for that.

>more blocks = a better building game


Eatting a fucking porkchop every once in a while is "survival"
>Don't have to drink, sleep, or any other basic need
>Just shove a pile of ham into your mouth, wait for it to heal you, and you're good to go

Look... I know you probably think I'm a retard.
But, that's the thing; I AM...!

Imagine failing to be able to find food in a piss easy kids game

yeah well im going to notch his block sideways for being a fucking bastard

>Don't have to drink, sleep, or any other basic need
you do have to sleep and those other things can be modded in.
even if they were officially added I bet you'd still complain about it though.

It was never called "survival" back then, it was just Minecraft. Minecraft was never a difficult survival game, it was a game where you built cool shit. Creative mode was a cheapass way to make people not wanna play the game legit. Hunger was a MAJOR fucking annoyance and literally ruined the entire game. I can go so much longer without food than that hippie Steve it's not even funny, even if you were to scale the days to real time.
Also this guy sums up the rest of my complaints with """survival."""

The reason why its hard to explain the effect of hunger on the game is because its a wide sweeping change to a feeling you get playing the game. I'll do my best to describe it.

When I played minecraft I felt like a god of the world. Creating, destroying, surviving, and exploring. I would dig for hours creating intricate tunnels and fighting monsters. I would take breaks deep underground, creating small underground homes. Eventually when I felt like it I decided to explore and make a home. I always felt like a nomad until I felt like it was time to settle down.

With the hunger update everything feels more tedious. You need to settle down first so that you can eat. You can't be a nomad. You can't dig forever. Hunger feels like it controls your gameplay negatively. At least when my pickaxe broke I already built more pickaxes using the materials I gained from the pickaxe. It felt right and of my own doing. Hunger just feels annoying and is completely separate from the main gameplay loop. It feels forced. Hell it feels like real life hunger. Playing video games all day but having to stop to eat is fucking annoying. Cooking, shopping, and washing dishes are all so different from what I want to do. If I could play videogames to generate food then maybe I wouldn't hate eating so much.

So either remove hunger or add a way to get food from mining.
>hurr durr then that makes hunger pointless
That's my point.

Beta 1.7.3 was peak Minecraft. Prove me the fuck wrong.

Why would they call it "survival" implying there were more gamemodes as opposed to leaving it as just create new world?

lmao what

Why do you retards even watch that crap?

Finding food isn't hard you fucking retards, hunger makes the game tedious and annoying therefore less fun

>holding right mouse button for 2 seconds is tedious
I hate to think about how """""tedious""""" everyday living must be for you

the game was fun when there were no hunger bar and you could spam bow.

and enchanting should have never existed aswell.

I guess that's it more or less, I'm not fond of sprinting aswell.

>you do have to sleep
No you don't
>those other things can be modded in
Not an argument
Don't pretend that minecraft's survival mechanics are immersive or even serviceable then turn around and say "well you can just mod it in :^)"
It's poorly implemented and it makes Fallout 4's survival mode look good.

People actually having problems with food, lmao. I don't think I ever had problems with having, how do you fuck up that?

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>what is multiplayer

>Finding food isn't hard
>hunger makes the game tedious

Having to find food literally removed the chill factor of the game. Minecraft used to be about finding materials to constantly build and create before the concept of "Survival" was a thing. You can't just hang out in the place you created indefinitely anymore. Not that nu-Yea Forums would know about that.

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I see what you did there

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Oh is that all you had to do? I didn't realize we had infinite amounts of food already in our inventory as soon as we spawn that take up 0 space
Fucking brainlets I swear, retards like you seem to get dumber every day

Don't @ me


>friend actually said Minecraft would be more popular if it was on steam

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It made combat so bad that servers got split in two just so people could avoid it
It would be great if "blocking arrows" was all that happened, but in trying to do so, they made bows and skeletons even more powerful.

Why would you be holding space, anyway?

You do know you can carry a shit-ton of food?
Like a lot.

How retarded do you have to be to not have a unlimited surplus of food.

>you do have to sleep
>No you don't
see >Not an argument
Dont complain about it if you're not actively seeking to rectify it.
>Don't pretend that minecraft's survival mechanics are immersive or even serviceable then turn around and say "well you can just mod it in :^)"
no ones saying its immersive. and if you remove hunger what makes the game survival oriented?
>It's poorly implemented and it makes Fallout 4's survival mode look good.
non-argument. Fallout 4 is not comparable to minceraft at all.


Only retards have a hard time with hunger

To Yea Forums, maybe

>get woke go broke
What did Microsoft mean by this?

Nah, the lack of development killed minecraft. The hunger update and others could have been polished correctly if they cared. They put in "its good enough" content and throw a few new blocks at people and call it a day. The survival mode could have been such an amazing thing, at least microsoft forces them to do SOMETHING but its clearly not enough. Maybe hytale will be good.

im sorry its so difficult for you to make a farm or get a stack of easily obtainable meat.

What are the best mods for someone who hasn't played the game in a long long time?

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I think you should get some rest

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minecraft has changed so fucking much. before hunger, you had uncooked pork or cooked pork, and it didn't stack, so your max carry was dependent entirely on how shit you are at avoiding damage. if that's really how you want to play the game then go play that version.

i say you all burned out on the game and blamed it on hunger because that seems to be the median area where the bulk of you quit playing.

>It would be great if "blocking arrows" was all that happened, but in trying to do so, they made bows and skeletons even more powerful.

I'm still angry about this and mobs in general. Who the hell thought that making skeletons extremely accurate was a good idea?

>brainlet replies anyway

Stuff literally stacks up to 64 how hard is it for u to make a simple farm?

Just turn peaceful on if u just wana hang out in ur house they literally already added something that lets u do this
I swear u shitters will complain about anything even if it already has 100 simple solutions

fast leaf decay
some storage mod like storage drawers to drop off all your stone types that don't stack with each other.

>"pro" minecraft pvp'ers
dont fucking mock us faggot.
bet I can beat you only using leather and stone so watch youre fucking mouth


What if I don't want to make a simple farm

Brainlets, my god. It's like you don't even know what tedious means!

I've got a server up and am using these with a friend. It's pretty fun so far, but we've not touched most of them yet.

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no ones laughing at your bait

Difference is that food was only needed when you took damage.

Now the game is designed so that if you constantly jump (you need to in order to travel around) or sprint you have to stop and keep eating the 3 or 4 stacks of food just so you can actually explore.

is there a way to easily add mods to MultiMC? i grabbed it but im still a bit lost.

i saw that theres some ingame mod downloader thingo now?


Then punch one of the millions of animals or just steal from villagers. I value fucking coal more than I do food. You can make an automated chicken farm that auto cooks the chicken if you felt like it but that seems like more trouble than it’s worth. Because ya know, food is so plentiful

hunger is fine, gave more value to making a comfy farm.
the new world gen is what actually ruined the game

All these cunts saying hunger is so easy to manage
Let me ask you, what the fuck does hunger add? It doesn't make the game any more fun, and in fact makes it worse.
I remember how hated it was back then, but here we have a bunch of under 21 autistic twats who I'm betting are angry that they're childhood game is in fact a load of shit.
I can't believe you assholes are actually defending it. Fuck you. Fuck all of you

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Why is minecraft porn even a thing? What's wrong with people?

if only there were other consumables that make traversing the world easier after you've put some progress into your character.

Can't believe that average Yea Forumstard's age is in the negatives now so the majority here actually defend the shitty implementation of hunger. Look at all of the arguments in this thread, it's like a fucking preschool.

>make fishing afk machine
>let it run once overnight
>have large chest full of fish
>never run out of food again
also their are mods that remove it

You press add instance, then load from .zip.
Something like that at least, I'm on a different computer at the moment.

It keeps the kids playing for longer hours which in turn means more active players you can report to your stockholders.

Those are the rules.

>tfw hanging around my grand project #341
>hanging around for a day
>hanging around for a week
>hanging around for a month
>see hunger bar go down by half a bar
>uninstall the game and complain about hunger on Yea Forums for years

rule 34 faggot

Then just kill animals or something not their problem spending 10 minutes making a simple farm is to much for u to handle

hunger is shit but it was far from the worst thing to kill the game

Who said I wanted anyone to laugh, retard.

>Dont complain about it if you're not actively seeking to rectify it.
Then I might as well just mod out the fucking hunger bar, right? Why bother criticizing any aspect of the game when you can get some 3rd party fuckhead to fix it for you?

Sorry, I read that as modpacks.
Add forge to an instance, then drop mods into the mods folder. Much easier than how it was in the olden days

yes you can. just make an automated farm at your base. not hard.

I get that it has to exist, but why is it so popular and abundant? It's just blocks.


I guess spelling words correctly is too much for you to handle, lmao

Put it on peaceful, faggot.
It's not that hard

I got your argument right here, pal!
*dabs on crotch*

This making a cute farm with animals and a barn is peak comfy

What do enemies add? What does needing different tools for different ores add? What does anything add?
If you want to just fucking play with lego blocks you can do that, if you want to play the survival exploration game then hunger comes with the territory.

it added the fact you have to actively keep on top of your needs so you could survive in your survival world?
like for the 50,000,000th time you faggots need to be told creative mode exists so that you can build without hunger or you can downgrade your game. Your entire argument revolves around something that can be fixed if you put in even the tiniest bit of effort.

>before the concept of survival
It was always survival though

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>Hurr-durr what's the point of playing the game if you will only win it

It’s a fucking board on the internet sperglord
Cry moar

>Have to use an unintended exploit and let his game run for hours before he can even play.

minecraft is among the most popular games of all time. other extremely popular games don't need porn - for example, tetris doesn't really have porn potential, and gta V is basically real life so people will just watch normal porn.

>that they're
Minecraft is a survival game with hundreds of food options. The game went from slapping a steak in your face to heal instantly to slapping a steak in your face to survive, possibly regenerating health or the ability to sprint. If you hate hunger so much then play on creative. It's a fucking survival game by default.

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Sorry meant to type it like this
"""pro""" """""pvp"""""

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More like "Jeb's" turn. Remember when "she" was revealed he tried to past it off like it's ambiguous because he was mostly self inserting as it. Take that as you will, but this was quite some time before the era of "she" persona we have today.

Most now just consider this a girl, and Steve the male, which even Notch tried to pass off as genderless.

Infinite world gen ruined it.

What’s the point of that hey did u know at the bottom

my hot take
hunger needed to be more aggressive and harder to manage
dont want to survive then go play creative mode

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Just turn peaceful on
You know it exists right?

how about i jitter youre fucking asshole kid


I assume they'll sell it on Steam once the sales finally dwindle down after the the heat death of the universe so they can grab all the double dippers.

only people who deserve human rights in this thread

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Because the whole point of the game is to survive besides there’s tons of easy food options
It makes food more useful and adds another layer of depth to the game

That's too easy of a solution.
So forget about it.

what even is this?

wrong because it makes the game less fun

>hurr-durr the only things in a game are winning and losing
the gameplay was fun
hunger is not gameplay

It's like Sonic's homing attack problem. Or how the Pokemon physical split happened
Hunger is just executed poorly, too many things make it drop instead of at most, being time based and damage based. Running drains it too fast, taking fall damage shouldn't make it change at all, and food is either too OP to make it anymore than a "set and forget" or useless like most vegetables. It seriously needs a revamp, most of the issues I think people have is you slow down when eating (in real life you don't stop in place to bite into an apple), and it takes too long for the health effects to happen (Terraria and old Minecraft it was instant).

minecraft died when notch left and jeb started working on it


Play on creative or peaceful you gigantic vagina

A mob that spawns and attacks you if you don't go to bed. They made this so they could try and "stop" people from making afk automatic farms.

Minecraft Cliff Racers that spawn if you don't sleep for 3 days

>adds another layer of depth

>the gameplay was fun
>hunger is not gameplay
Hunger is, in fact, gameplay.
You use the tools in the game to overcome hunger.

You know that nofap shit is promoted by paid trolls, don't you?

What Minecraft needs is a balanced-diet options. With hydration, too. As you eat one type of food, the reticule moves towards that corner of the hexagram, as it gets closer to that corner, the more your character takes on a class-like characteristic. Say, if you only eat sweets, then you'll get faster but take damage much easier. Say you eat only meats, you become more of a "tank."

The layered hexagram would be the "hydration," slowly receding inwards as you fail to drink water. As the hydration "edge" moves inwards the reticule would reach the corner sooner. The hydration edge would be the hard limit. If you were woefully dehydrated and at a single cookie, you could push yourself right into "glass speedster mode" but being so close to dehydration, you'd basically need the use those last few seconds to really find water. Because obviously when your hydration drops below to the smallest inner hexagon, you die. On the spot, you die.

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You're the one going to hell for casting your seed into the wind, user.

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>peaceful exists
>creative exists
I enjoy making meals, growing crops, and managing my SURVIVAL.

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Massive autism. Please make a mod for this.

what in the actual fuck?
i havent played in years but what the fuck?

First version of the aether mod is still the best Minecraft experience.

Is it tough?
Does it shoot shit at you?

steve is preparing for smash ultimate

I LIKED the game before hunger.
I liked playing the game naturally but still having challenge. I liked getting materials and crafting my own shit. I liked fighting mobs. I liked exploring. I liked playing the game as it was.
Know what slowed everything down and made it more tedious and hampered it? The fucking hunger update.
I wouldn't have minded it before, I played it during the fucking alpha days.
In fact, Im willing to bet that if everything BUT the hunger system was implemented, I would have still been having a lot more fun playing this fucking game.
I don't want to play on creative. I don't want to play on peaceful.
I want to play the game without the shitty fucking hunger bar.

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>didn't watch the webm

Why would they do that, that doesn't make sense?

Technically yes
It gave food more purpose
And another layer of survival
It may not be the best thing but technically yes it added more depth to the survival part of the game which is what the game is about to begin with

It turns invisible and swoops down on you then back up really quick


Hunger was added when sprinting was added. And it regens your health when full. Now try activating your pea sized brain and realize that in regular gameplay hunger doesn't go down by much, but when you're surrounded by enemies you have to chose to run while losing regen or to stay and regen. Also remember that before the update you could just stand near enemies eating shit to get instahealed, making any enemy a joke.

I didn't need too.

Just have a stack of food in one of the fucking inventory slots you massive autist.

Steve literally looks like a generic man

I have literally only ever seen people on Yea Forums with this level of vitriolic hatred for hunger

Can you just sleep to get rid of it?
(After the 3 days have passed)

Are you assuming his gender?

wow, please don't assume Steve's gender like that.

You only have to jump in a bed, you don't need to sleep through the night

alright you're right hunger is gameplay
its just not good gameplay
you use the tools to overcome hunger
the only reward is not being hunger

while every other part of the gameplay rewards you for overcoming obstacles. You fix your pickaxe you get to mine more. You mine more you get better pickaxes. Better pickaxes means mining faster and exploring more. Exploring more means finding cooler places. Also you get more blocks which means you can build better homes if you want. You fight monsters so they don't kill you but also because they drop things that help you mine/build. You see how the common theme is rewarding or adding to the main gameplay loop but hunger is isolated.

Yes they're there to force you to sleep

>talking about minecraft outside of this shithole

but fuck the combat update, fuck the adventure update and fuck the upcoming updates.
as an OG player i can also say FUCK minigames and FUCK hypixel

>Can you just sleep to get rid of it?
yeah it's a complete nonissue just like hunger
autists are just being themselves

Is it really that hard for u to get like a stack of food?

but you literally do need to watch it to understand which you clearly don't

But i like the farming mods

>You see how the common theme is rewarding or adding to the main gameplay
>not feeling the satisfaction of filling up a bar

What if you kill it?

Minecraft didn't need anything beside Creative mode and sponge block, prove me wrong

Your reward for overcoming hunger is not dying, retard. Then you're free to do everything else.
Just kill a pig dipshit. You can even survive on zombie flesh. How can you be this fucking inept?

Even deserts have a block of water to make a farm or fish in

He has a mustache and is named Steve
Fuck off
That’s because they are unironcally actually retarded 12 year olds

Minetest is proof that kids need their survival autism to play with.

You get some shit. It's a regular monster usually spawns 6 or so at a time so it'll respawn


You are acting like a nigger, that's for sure. Mod it out if you don't like it.

It doesn't do anything. It doesn't kill you.

Thanks for proving his point.
Mintest with mods is unironically better than Minecraft. that 64,000 block height with monumentally better performance due to not being written in Java, but C++ instead is really a kicker.

You're fucking autistic unless you use pots.

>Join a UHC game
>Immediately rush Nether
>Get blaze rods and potions instantly
>Make as many splash potions of poison as possible
>Use them to assassinate everyone with my bow as the final kill
>Get reported for "cheating" (Poison isnt against the rules) cause I killed some 13 year old
>get banned for a week
>come back for next weeks session
>Splash potions are now banned

Seriously why do pvpers never use poison and instant harming? Are they too autistic to realize it's stupidly op? It bypasses all armor. With it and a speed 2 pot you can stall out anyone.

I think that I just figured out how to make huner work.
Stat boosts. Not anything game breaking, but beyond just sprinting.
When full, mining faster, natural walk speed faster, getting exp faster, etc. I know someone isngonna say sprinting exists, but I mean just beyond one thing. Something that rewards you for being on top of your game.
Then towards middle ish hunger you go back to default settings, than when at the low end you start to suffer from drawbacks. And for hunger as a whole to last longer
It's not much, but it would make it a hell of a lot better for me and others.

>minecraft pvp

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I believe it encourages basebuilding as a first priority -- which I don't mind, and kinda prefer.
Building up a base to acquire the supplies necessary to go on long-winded adventures.

Why don't you just put it on peaceful?

Because u get hungry In real life and need to eat to survive how hard is it to understand that the whole point of survival is to survive
It literally just is adding on to that
That’s why they added it
Isn’t hard to understand
Don’t like it put on survival
Want to just build stuff?
Play creative
Your crying about nothing

its because i am a nigger and i wish minecraft wasn't ruined because its just another example of how my hobby is dying

Instant healing from eating was too overpowered.

There's a mod like that, hunger overhaul i think

>animals literally everywhere
>too lazy to axe one or two a day

Nothing is dying you fuckin sperg.

I wish minetest had more of a following. We would probably see more major mods and possibly a better survival-esque mod than the entirety of minecraft.

That's it's a spoiler to a movie which I zero intention of watching?

You get a potion ingredient that let's you get an effect called "slow falling"
Removes the threat of all fall damage and you dont sink like a rock. Super useful against the ender dragon in my experience

make a shield noob, it cucks skeletons hard

Fuck I meant put on peaceful but u get it

>i suck at games

>adding actually interesting to hunger
fuck off to peaceful or creative mode fgt

Does current Minecraft get modded at all?

Any time I hear about Minecraft Mods it's always 1.7 or something.

Steve doesn't have a mustache, what the fuck are you taking about?

Difference is that you don't immediately starve after 15 minutes in real life. Didn't read past the first sentence.

Can you tame it?

there's been a lot of mods that have been updated to 1.12.2

Forge is currently on 1.12.2
I have no idea why modders are autistically glued to 1.7.10 like the plague. Shit like tinker's construct are infinitely better on 1.12

also its drops are used for potion making and elytra repair

>real life
I got some news for you, buddy. A 3-foot by 3-foot by 3-foot block of stone is heavy as hell.

Now go effortlessly carry 2,304 of such stone-blocks in your goddamn pockets.

The minecraft day cycle is 20 minutes you fucking retarded child

yeah but its a fucking videogame, i'd just play real life if I wanted to pointless struggle for hours as everything one and everything got in the way of me enjoying myself

It does but I enjoyed exploring first.
You could build up a base first, if you preferred, and be rewarded for it but now you have no choice. Why remove choices?

Only if they remove negative effects of being hungry.
Instead of a hunger bar you just get a buff timer after eating.
Cooking better meals creates better/longer buffs.

It's undead

No shit it’s simply emulating the idea
Obviously because u can go like days without eating just as u can go like few day cycles in Minecraft without food

Can you capture/trap it?

You can go like 20 minuets without eating in Minecraft
Which is a day cycle it’s not like u have to constantly be eating

dying as we speak

if you think battle royale games and mobile games making money means gaming is going anywhere then you're wrong.


>20 minutes
Last time I played I was hungry within 5 minutes of doing anything. No exaggeration, I would sprint and mine something and was down a couple ham things already.

*Kills off minecraft*

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Shit will die in a week if theres no way to mod it or if you can get banned for toxicity.

I see...

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To be honest, i can understand his anger. It does kinda stop the flow of the game when you have to eat something when you are trying to explore the world.

>All these people saying that the point of Minecraft is survival
The point of the game was about building things and exploring the randomly generated environments. Survival was a tertiary aspect that involved fighting off some enemies, and nothing else. The idea that Minecraft is a survival-centric game didn't even begin to emerge until they added hunger, and then they went full-in on the survival aspects. Anybody saying that hunger contributed to minecraft's survival-centric gameplay is either wrong, or never played the game before hunger was implemented.

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What is this piece of shit?
So I may come to my own conclusion whenever I like it of not.

Tame a horse. You dont lose hunger fast when on it

What if you are not at home and exploring?

Worst part is that it completely broke the AI for skeles, they'll suddenly sprint at mach speed, spin around and fire a lot faster if you get in melee range. They're pretty much unbearable until you get a shield and even then if there are two of them you're basically locked down with the fire rate.

A pay to win minecraft server got cocky and is making an entirely new game

Its coming with a modding API, a mob editor/animator, and a mine-imator clone.

You do know peaceful mode exists...?

MC combat was already absolute aids though. It's literally just potion spamming and rapid clicking forever and ever until your armor gets worn down, then replacing the armor, chuging more pots, eating golden apples etc etc. until both players are out of items and it can finally end. Then when it ends it's just a matter of who got lucky with positioning and got 1 or 2 more clicks in. There's no skill in an actual duel. And anything but that is just unbalanced as fuck because of the ability to build and escape easily from combat.

Is it hard? I never got the point of that update.

Cautiously optimistic it will be at least decent. At the very least it might force mojang to do some major content updates in the short term.

What webm?

No. Horse taming is easy

This desu


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We used to hate this shit game. Fuck off you bunch of zoomers.

It's to give you a material with which to repair the elytra, but they implemented in it in the most retarded way possible

>minecraft clones are still being made
>cautiously optimistic
Who the fuck actually pays people to shill stuff on Yea Forums
it's such an exercise in futility

Meanwhile I make games for Minecraft audience and about 2% of global population is counted as unique users.

You're a busta

Attached: ryder.png (617x715, 264K)

Looks decent.
But looks can be deceiving.

Hope the melee combat isn't a autistic spamfest where "skill" just means your tap speed.

Just sleep, retard

You’re the same kind of screeching sperg that cries about hunger

>constantly make game better with updates
>Yea Forums throws a shitfit and claims that the shitty alpha version or some shit is still the best
You fags are insufferable


Can we stop screaming about shit that was added nearly a decade ago and start a Yea Forums server already?

What if you are exploring shit and you aren't any close to your bed.

bring a bed with you

Then die, retard.

Its almost like as if you can have shitty updates. See Oldschool Runescape and soon WoW Classic

What if I don't have enough resources to spare for another bed?

>3-4 stacks
It takes ton of time to go through 1 stack of meat.
1.7 have better perfomance, with is important when you add 100 mods at once.

You know peaceful mode exists...

This why you retards are no better than hungerspergs

Cant even handle the simplest thing without crying...

I haven't played with any version past the combat update, is it really that bad?

It will be exactly that because that's what the community wants and Hytale is very much a community game. Minecraft fags don't like anything but click spamming until you get carpal tunnel by age 13

What is the true nature of peaceful mode?

Fuck if I know.

If that's correct then consider this game dropped.

I fail to see how spamming is entertaining after 10 minutes.

>Its almost like as if you can have shitty updates.
Please, by all means explain why Minecraft updates are bad.
>See Oldschool Runescape and soon WoW Classic
WoW Classic was shit. You'd know this if you played back then.

Single handedly killed the player

I'm cautios about this, it looks stylisticaly worse tgan "story mode"
>game has literaly "hi Yea Forums" easter egg
>used to hate

Reminder that 1.5 beta was the last good update

I only do nofap to experience greater results later.
Delayed pleasure tends to be the most pleasurable.

There are no greater results, you just end up with blue balls for being a dumb shit.

The only people who don't like the new combat mechanics are spamclicking pvp faggots. The interactivity and feedback bonus from literally just having to wait a quarter of a second between swings to hit at full power again isn't a problem by any stretch of the imagination. Hunger was also improved upon more recently by giving you a big burst of healing whenever you eat and a small trickle for as long as you're full.

You're obviously retarded.

Nuff fuckin' said!

>WoW Classic was shit. You'd know this if you played back then.
Yea you are in. See you on Classic friend. Also way to dodge RS cause you know you have no arguments on that.
>Please, by all means explain why Minecraft updates are bad.
For every one or two good things it comes with a slew of bad ones.

>Update introduces boats. Fun to go around. Even more fun to make water elevators
>Next update makes them super brittle and break apart. They also jetison away from you when trying to get off them. Rip elevators.
>After many years of being yelled at the community they finally made them no longer brittle, but the fun aspects like water elevators is gone.

>Diamond swords use to do 5 damage. Made them actually powerful and you can feel the difference between it and other materials.
>Enchanting gets introduced. All items get stat squished and shortens the gap between all material tiers.

Shit just goes on and on how the game changes and not everything ends up better.

A hexagon looks like a cube from a certain perspective.

You're not autistic enough for Minecraft pvp

A lot of companies, I'm sure. Yea Forums gets a not insignificant amount of views, and is well-known for being a trendsetter. Seems smart to shill here, I think. (That being said, I think shills and reckless shitposters are burning this place to the ground, but that's beside the point)
Sony shills for the psp, old but relevant.
Here's a link of companies/entities engaged in shilling/astroturfing, and is by no means comprehensive, but it's a start.

Also, next time you see a thread and think "Huh, is it just me or have I been seeing this a lot lately?" Well, it's probably the later; you aren't imagining things: home/type/op/
Just search op text/imagine and you'll have your answer. It's a shame mods are tight-lipped about this. I wouldn't be surprised if there's bribes/deals being made, but that is just my conjecture.

Forgot my filthy redditard link

The cube of life.

Hold my hand...

>get close to dying
>become stronger

>Yea you are in. See you on Classic friend.
>Also way to dodge RS cause you know you have no arguments on that.
Uh yeah? Never played RS, never will.
>For every one or two good things it comes with a slew of bad ones.
Oh wow two whole things before you go "and many others! trust me!"

Adrenaline desu

Surely, they must be aware of the skillness nature of the combat?
They don't actually believe they're actually "good" at Minecraft PvP?

Sure, it would be linguistically incorrect to say skill in Minecraft PvP is absolutely absent. But, realistically the only presence of skill is spam and accuracy, which is pretty unsatisfactory.

Jesus Christ why is Yea Forums so fucking insecure about their skill at videogames holy fuck. The reason nobody likes hunger is because it’s a constant resource and one drain that slows the game down. Wanna travel a long distance? Better bring a stack of food so you can eat every 2 minutes while sprinting. Wanna fight enemies? Better bring food to regen and sit in a corner while you wait for it to go back to max hp.
>lmao peaceful lmao creative
fuck off, nobody is complaining hunger is too hard to manage, it’s just fucking annoying. If anything food management and keeping your health up is easier now, since food stacks now. By the end of day one you should already have a wheat farm large enough to sustain you for the rest of the fucking game. nobody thinks managing hunger is hard, it’s just fucking annoying to constantly stop what you are doing to right click a piece of bread and hear the most obnoxious sound effect ever for 5 seconds before going back to what you are doing

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this could actually change the game for the better I think

U can go 20 minutes without eating

>1.14 is broken

OP is correct but not all is lost, for there is a solution:

set an effect for hunger "saturation" at 200 with max 99999999 duration and set true so there's no annoying graphic effect and now you'll never need to eat in survival mode and with no annoying side-effects

of course you'll need to re-do this upon death but if you copy-paste the command from a document then it's easier if you die a lot

it prevents health regen and sprinting can't be used, both vital to not dying so NO, IT DOES KILL YOU

I think people just didn't like how food in minecraft became a constant necessity

This is fucking great but really doesn't fit a game like minecraft

>Or how the Pokemon physical split happened
how was this executed poorly ?

I don't mind it, and actually prefer it.

Look no farther than

Hunger was a great addition, though maybe it should be optional.

Adding hunger was like drilling a fucking hole in a boat.

Sure it's not a big deal. Just bail the water out every once in a while.


>I don't like game therefore it's dead.

It was not made do counter afk people. The mob can't go through blocks.

just download a mod or downgrade to pre-1.8.1

Why not just play in creative mode or mod it out if you hate it so much?

I hate faggots that are too retarded to handle hunger or waiting a few seconds between each sword swing.

How can there be pvp meta if all combat it had before it was just clicking and jumping?

I have downloaded mods before which added a stamina bar and changed food into health potions, which is the perfect fix, imo.

Sadly, minecraft is not worth playing single player and no server supports those types of mods nor any of the older, superior versions.

>tfw tnt used to be dangerous and disarming it complicated
>tfw minecart boosters used to require some actual engineering
>tfw land masses used to come in different shapes and sizes and weren't cookie cutter biomes
>tfw impossible survival maps were a thing
>tfw flaot

as another user that was an OG player
why can't we just have simple servers, i just want small under 100 player servers with factions and small modpacks instead of fucking huge ass 1000 player servers that are just hubs for 20+ other servers.

I should say, the hydration is a real part of this that I always forget about. Hydration is the death-limit of this system but also factors to regeneration. Water, obviously, but certain foods would have hydration amounts associated with them. The health regeneration speed is associated with the corner you're closer to. Having a balanced diet would make your health regenerate fastest. A perfectly balanced diet would be equivalent to "full" now. The "ticking clock" we now accoiate with starving would be how thirsty you are. Each level down of hydration is a knock on regeneration. So yeah, you'd get to a status faster the less hydrated you are, but it's traded-off by being close to dying and having shit (or no) regeneration.

I admit, I haven't given this as much thought as the overall premise in a while; I wrote this all down like 6 years ago and repost it from time to time in Minecraft Hunger complaints threads, but I've lost my notes and sometimes forget concepts that either did or didn't make sense at the time.

Why the fuck isn't this a HG sim thread?
Fuck it, post 24.

i wish we could still download the Beta 1.7.3 server files desu

Autism speaks.

We've now come to the point that autists refer to MC as if it were the good ole days.

Ruined the game? No.
Bad feature? Absolutely.

Why it it OK to say hunger ruined Minecraft but if I say weapon durability ruined Botw I get dogpilled.

Also the core crystal system almost ruins xenoblade 2, it just barely managed to scrape though as a good game.

quality post

Steve represents the evil notch boogeyman.

Beyond Based

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Minecraft? More like dumb crap.

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Pvpers are a bane on every game with pvp

Pvpers are great in mmos.
Fucking ruined dark souls fan base though, even putting it in the game was pointless

Hey guys, I just found a really great Desert seed that starts near a large desert with a Desert village as well.
The seed name is unironically "Desert".

Pretty damn nice user. If you try a different set of mods, you should seriously check out Betweenlands.

>change to peaceful mode
>install hunger strike mod
/comfy/ now

Because you want to win without any effort?

Radda Radda

Check if dimensional doors mod doesnt crash everything

Yes. Now you have to time your attacks in order to get max damage otherwise spamming does shit. Shields make PVP more "interesting" by hard countering arrows (the only good part about it) but makes it so that you have an axe at hand, attack, then switch to your sword and attack or just cheese it with harming potions. It is so bad that most servers just take out the combat bar entirely and why Bedrock version actually has players.

kys retarded niggerfaggot

Old minecraft PVP: you land the first blow, you win
New Minecraft PVP, you blocked an attack successfully first, you win

Honestly there should be a thirst bar. You replenish it by drinking water with a bottle (easy to craft)or by swimming in it and there are different types of water. The best water is filtered by using cobble and sand while the rest can cause effects like poison or hunger. Maybe a mod of it would be cool

I've played before , and i have to say, its barely affected gameplay.

Just make a basic wheat farm nigga. Its not hard to be fed.

Also, they should include a "AIDS" meter.
The more you have unprotected blocksex with animals it blackens your skin.

Because sprinting is faster than running. This does not apply to horses though.

>why can't I just spam left click to win lmao
>this was way more interesting

Why don't they just use an autoclicker? Not like Minecraft has an anti-cheat.

your just a faggit ass noob

based raddaposter

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It was Avengers Endgame spoilers that was odvioulsy fake.

Cause pvp servers implement some anti-cheat mods that specifically target autoclicker. They honestly expect you to do rapid clicking legitimately.

confirmed retard

if you pvp in minecraft you better be 12 and it literally better be the only multiplayer game you own

What does that have to do with masturbation?

Just configure the autoclicker to get around the anti-cheat lmao if you put enough time or random delays between inputs it can't tell the difference between legit and cheat.

>timing attacks
its super fucking annoying because of server lag making you fuck it up 75% of time, they could have increased attack cd but keep DPS the same.
the real reason minecraft combat is shit is the knockback along with low attack cd, because it does become point and click adventure if you can endlessly knock the mob or player back.
shields were a required counter to incredibly OP sniper skeletons, but even then they trivialize them too much.
when in doubt just nig mount & blade mechanics.

I just started playing again after years of starting it up every year, playing for a few in game days and quitting til the next time. This time I'm on the W10/cross-platform version. Everything past entering the nether is new to me and I'm having tons of fun now that the endless piles of sand and gravel can actually be used to make concrete, actually useful as a decorative and solid material to build with. Not even mentioning the stuff like glazed terracotta and living off a million fish once you kill 3 spiders

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"WHY" it happened, before it was done is was poorly implimented, hense why it was changed in Gen 4.

If any of y'all played stuff like Ragecraft, Super Hostile, RenderXR's maps, etc. This is right up your alley.

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Minecraft would be 100x better off had the dev team focused on engine improvements, a mod API, and mod marketplace/launcher. Extra blocks, machines and creatures are trivial shit that can be left to modders.

Minecraft's entire success is due to it's unique engine allowing emergent gameplay. Talk of 'content' shows a complete misunderstanding of what makes the game great.

Whatever shall you do?

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Only reason hunger is in the game is to give you something to worry about
if there was no hunger you might accidentally find out you're playing a shit game with no real content

This post has been brought to you by Terraria Gang

Everything in minecraft that limits player expression and distracts from it detracts quality. You might think "just ignore the shit you don't like" and that works to a degree, but making an effort to ignore is not fun.
In the beta minecraft was a perfect builder/explorer. It was simple, nothing in it distracted you from what it was. Now it is a clusterfuck of weird choices and designs that force them selves on to you, keeping you from building and exploring.
Also go fuck yourself you nigger kike loving faggot

lack of a modding API and each meaningless update that added nothing interesting killing all mods killed minecraft


>Pvpers are a bane on every game with pvp
You don't even have the effort to read.

Or just retarded.

You're asking too much questions.

i like hunger and growing crops n shit though

I'd honestly go with indev.
That's what was the most fun (with Yea Forums).

No one asked for YOUR fucking opinion, dickhead!

Wrong. It was the change in world gen that did it. Even now, the world generation is just flat and boring compared to the insane structures you would get in earlier versions.

>retards can't plan ahead in their expeditions and are absolutely unable to find food in the wild
Looks like Hunger was the ultimate pleb filter.

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But, it's discrimination against retarded people looking just to kick-back and have some harmless fun.

Imagine if someone said "if you can't solve this question regarding quantum mechanics, then I will stick my dick up your bum and cum three times." Bet you wouldn't like that - huh?
Unless you're gay, which you probably are, faggot!

This is objectively wrong. You could immerse in vanilla for hours and never worry about hunger. Now you will eventually be dragged out of your immersion because of hunger.

what Minecraft needs is a complete fucking overhaul of the core game mechanics, it's still not much more than just a huge tech demo/sandbox builder

luckily someone is doing that, and it will be a separate game entirely so you don't have to deal with Mojews anymore

Can you quantify what you mean by: "immersion"?

it wouldn't be bad if they werent so FUCKING stupid to fight, literally have to wait 10 years to kill these shits. if i wanted to wait everytime i got a hit in i would play a zelda game.

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Best mod pack to add more ores/things to build? I remember something called industrialcraft or similiar was pretty good, but that was like 6 years ago

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>release date not even available
Hytale will remain vaporware until it proves otherwise.

what the fuck does hunger have to do with immersion

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Go back to 2011 and play vanilla on your own dedicated server with your best friends. Then you will understand.

So nostalgia it is then.

But, I was born in 2009.

I don't think so but I also don't really understand what you are getting at.

Why not just make the hunger system a fucking toggle?

You are seeking a feel good feeling for your what I will assume is either your childhood or teenage years. You are trying a fit about Hunger because it interferes with your "chasing the dragon".

>chasing the dragon
I haven't played any mc since 2012 lol

You are chasing nostalgia, you thick headed exceptional retard.

Getting at that you're a moron, a simpleton, a waste of space, a piece of shit, and most importantly: you should get the hell off my board


no u

There was no need to take it THAT far...

>one of the most succesfull games ever
>shaped the culture
>decade after release it is still played more then most devs.wish their game was played at its top

> killed

fuck off you edgy fag

unironically my favorite game

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You have yet to disprove my statement.
I'll be sitting with my penis until you do.

If you love it so much why aren't you playing it now, asshole?!

this is somehow more autistis than that guy who make loli kidnaping simulator

i actually am, was making some snacks and meanwhile checking the latest 4channel memes :)

Microsoft taking over killed it, are you fucking retarded?