Crossdressing in JRPGs

Why is crossdressing such a popular trope in JRPGs?

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Because only homos play JRPGs.

I don't know but Miss Cloud is the best female in FFVII

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female fashion is cute
male fashion is just square


There was a time were trasvestism wasn't taken so seriously and it's prime use in culture was humor, because it's what it is. A man dressed as a woman was funny.
Take for example bugs bunny. It used a great deal of crossdressing for jokes.
In japan, it was a little more serious due to theater having male actors historically. As a male, encarnating feminity even better than a female was considered worth praising because of the difficulty involved in the interpretation. It was art.

Rean's cocksleeve haha...

This only flaming faggots play JRPGs.

This is the only real answer you will get

Trannies are funny

Give me at the very least 10 JRPGs with crossdressing.

i dunno how observant you are of all the characters in a jrpg but every single jrpg has a man who either dresses as a woman or every other person thinks is a woman (sometimes even including the players)

because it's a straight way for me to imagine gay sex

Dragon's Dogma

You can count JRPGs with crossdressing with fingers on one hand and it's always treated as a joke.
In Trails it was also used to make Estelle understand that if she's not careful she can easily lose Joshua since the entire female population of the academy was creaming itself over him including a princess of the country.

while both cultures have humorous drag queen type of crossdressers, japs also have kabuki which glorified crossdressers

The funniest thing is when they kill themselves. lol gets me every time.

Trails in the sky
Persona 4

That's all I can remember.

I dont know and I dont care, give me more cute crossdressing pics. Actually, lets turn this thread into a cute crossdressing thread now.

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>i dunno how observant you are of all the characters in a jrpg but every single jrpg has a man who either dresses as a woman
I play more games than you, unlike you I also know JP so don't pull that shitty argument on me, manchild, you're on the losing side.
Now give me at least 10 JRPGs with that.
>or every other person thinks is a woman
Nice copout but that isn't crossdressing, now answer my question.

And mind you that I'm being generous too, I can name ten of those games too if you want, which is still an insignificant number compared to just how many games are there.

haha it’s funny

It's a popular trope in every non-American/muslim media.
The embarrassment from the character is funny and another character mistakenly believing it's a girl/boy creates a comic situation, that's why.

Puritans are a plague on this world.

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In Japan it's still part of their culture through Kabuki