Yea Forums is collection of loner gaming autists

>Yea Forums is collection of loner gaming autists
>never play coop shit/ PvP together
Why is this?

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Have you somehow forgotten that /vg/ exists for this purpose?

Yeah I'm sure there are people here who appreciate overwatch for team based gameplay and would try hard with me, but fuck having to sort through retards

because coop is only good with friends
PvP is a dead normie gamemode these days

all the games I like are single-player focused except TF2, which I have no friends that play

>startup game with Yea Forums
>90% are insufferable meme spouting autists
>More than half suck ass at the game
>Everyone is begging for ERP or free shit
>Some Reddit fag gets butthurt over swearing or slurs or some pathetic shit
Yeah, nah

what a waste of weed

>he doesn't join Yea Forums party van tf2 servers
>he doesn't play RoR. Host when?

Loners are scumbags inherently
So why would loner scumbags associate with other loner scumbags?


/vg/ was made because people would not stop talking and making threads about online only games that get continuously updated

dude sneed lmao

>Yea Forums is collection of loner gaming autists

speak for yourself

>loners are scum bags

Speak for yourself.

Played risk of rain 2 with a few from here
really scummy desu

What makes you say something so spiteful? People like me in social settings but I enjoy having time to act silly or indulge in my interest without judgement from others. I do everything I can to treat everyone with respect.

>play pvp game with Yea Forums
>they play like a fag and are generally unfun to interact with and sore losers
>play co-op game witj Yea Forums
>zero teamwork and always looking to fuck over everyone else at any opportunity (bonus points for le epin memelord trolling exde)
You guys are, and have always been, faggots

Every time I tried playing something with someone from here they turned out to be one of those insufferable faggots who base their entire personality around the fact they browse Yea Forums.

>play pvp game with Yea Forums
>they play like a fag and are generally unfun to interact with and sore losers

This was my same experience when I played Kid Icarus Uprising with Yea Forums some years ago

>>never play coop shit/ PvP together
>Why is this?
Because Yea Forums is a collection of loner gaming autists, dumbass

So many factors at play for me.
I grew up with divorced parents and my dad would move to different counties every 2-3 years for various reasons so as I grew up, the computer became the one constant in my life that I could depend on and almost felt like a parent because neither of my parents ever really helped me with anything. After so long, I went from being an underweight teen with a 6 pack who'd spend every day outside to an absolute shut-in with man boobs and anxiety during High school. I became incredibly depressed and stopped trying to talk to people or make friends.
Now that I'm in my 20's and living on my own, I am much more social now, but it's a struggle to be fun/funny anymore and I've just kind of learned to be a friend to myself.
I don't know if I'm alone on this, but it hurts me to lose friends, so I've kind of become my own.


I sincerely can't stand people who think mimicking pop culture somehow gives them personality of any kind. At least I'm honest that I have none at all.

Yeah, you're just too smart for the anyone to really get along with.

My time doesn't with you idiots in-game boils down to extremes. Either this or they're super chill guys/girls who are too shy to make the multiplayer a habit; never in-between. Also, I get endless shit when some discover I'm black. Which is usually funny until someone had to bring it up within every sentence when they speak.

That's just you, not every loner is like this, in fact, most aren't, learn to behave with respect and stop projecting

i'll play if you're on oce and diamond or higher

>Yea Forums used to play Mario kart every week
>now it doesn't and only shitpost
really makes you think

Because people are generally shit, and even if we have the same tastes in vidya at a given time it doesn't mean we won't find each other annoying in every other aspect.

Ask me how I know you're a scumbag and a loner.

You think I want to actually play with you autists?

Being an intelligent recluse is suffering

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playing videogames with Yea Forums is fun until you realize they spout memes, type in futaba quotes unironically and fucking SUCK at videogames.

I'm the latter I think. It's not that I don't want to play and I always have fun doing so, but it takes so much effort for me to convince myself to go through with it and sometimes I just wake up and feel like total shit all day not wanting to play anything.

>being black
That’s a yikes from me
No one cares what colour u are shitlord
But leave it to the black person to make it a big deal and bring it up

Was this intentional?

Nah I'm dumb as shit and probably would do half the things in that list. I just don't want to be in a game with 20 other people exactly like me.

Well considering I didn't even mention skin color, I'd say it was just coincidence.

trust me you dont wanna play with Yea Forums

Oh, now I get it. Man, I sure am retarded sometimes.