What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Holy clickbait
i blame the jews because that's who owns warner bros.
Nothing. Objectifying women is wrong on so many levels.
Remember that faggot from yesterday that called her "busty"? lmao. The absolute fucking STATE of westcucks
Look at her ugly fucking face oh my god.
t. ugly bitch
>putting quotations around ugly
I don't even care about the other shit, they are fucking ugly.
Video game characters are literally objects by definition; they're blank slates on which to place whatever traits the designer desires, and obviously have no claim to any sort of rights.
Fighting for the "rights" of fictional objects is genuinely pretty insane; anybody who does this needs to be tested for schizophrenia.
What if I told you that the media influences the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of the people that consume it? This is a well researched and documented assertion. If ideas of objectification are constantly being reinforced then people start to think a certain way.
Leftism is a fucking cancer to games.
wtf is wrong with that bitches face? what cuck designed this shit? and why does she wear high heels if shes supposed to be "realistic assassin" or whatever?
problem is most the women in this game are 100% bald
She looks figuratively and literally like shit
Sounds like video games cause violence dribble to me
To anything enjoyable you mean. After all happiness is oppressive
>Get mad that men are pissed that a game doesn't feature scantily clad women like all the previous entries
>Cries about how the game shouldn't cater to male "horniness"
>Rubs their homodick and roastie cunt to all the shirtless men that are muscle bound and jacked on roids in the very same game
Remember kids Marxists want to destroy the family unit. Nothing less.
>What if I told you that the media influences the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of the people that consume it?
Then we have quite a case against the jews.
I blame fags
Awwww what's wrong, game not selling?
Sounds like you've no idea what you're talking about.
What has Socialism to do with Mortal Kombat, what?
>Media showcases women who are fit and desirable
>Fat women still get laid
>Media showcases men as musclebound and masculine
>Incels still exist
Trust me bucko, featuring hot women in video games isn't going to change the fact there are mentally ill men into fat whales.
But they do. We just had an example of it a few weeks ago.
And that’s why violence is ok?
Based femcels
If your country is raising people who are low IQ enough to be susceptible to media entrainment, then you have bigger issues to worry about than sexy vidya females turning people into rapists.
Like, ohhh I dunno... how the news media trains people to jump at the opportunity to sacrifice themselves and slaughter citizens of other countries en masse at the whims of their rulers and their wallets.
But nah, removing attractive women from video games is a far more pressing matter.
Then /pol/ is right.
>gaming ''journalism''
>giving a fuck about Mortal Kombat in the first place
ha hahahahahahahahahahaha
Another /pol/ propaganda thread. Persona shitposting threads are better.
it's a heavily dying series, its been going wrong the past few games. I had 0 interest in this one after finishing the last, then they bombed the characters
Were they ever really wrong?
thats true
but its also true that featuring only impossibly good looking women in vidya will make less and less men attracted to average looking women, ending up in said men not getting fucked ever due to their idiotic and unreal standards set by the media they consume
>Yea Forums keeps chanting SJW since the first couple character reveals months ago
>screeched even louder over a non canon gag ending that got revealed because they’re still not able to get over Black Panther.
> hides behind the pretences that they’re complaining ONLY about “legit” issues like Kyrpt grind (which was only an issues a few days ago when the game came out) while still rattling about the SJW boogeymen hiding under their beds and pissing period blood over their games.
I don’t even have a pic good enough to convey how tired I am of the bullshit.
>game has ugly female characters
>"i dont like ugly women so i wont buy it"
>game has attractive female characters
>"nice, i'll buy the game"
Sex sells hopefully at some point game companies will realize this when their sales go down
Well these comnpanies want money? Theres micro-transactions all over these games, no?
Then where's the "Sexy DLC" PATCH being sold for 50 dollars? Its easy money? Monetize your perverted fans?
>what went wrong?
Socialism, communism and commifornia.
It's not socialism, it's the hyper sensitive selective puritanical pc culture.
It just so happens that most of them happened to be socialist and/or communists.
Regardless, there's really only 2 atractive female characters in the game, cassie and kitana.
Making ugly characters doesn't effect AAA. Its indies that are fucking it up because theyre playing by AAA rules and not providing the much needed competition to triple A
>hyper sensitive selective puritanical pc culture.
which happens to be propagated by people who are interested in or support socialism
its great to see journos defending their megacorps when it was just revealed that NRS literally worked people to death in crunch.
or when it turns out that they made the game unplayable for a decent chunk of the playerbase.
or that the game is filled with the worst kind of gacha grind and costume system that would put DoA to shame.
Has DOA ever beat an AAA game that censored tits yet?
Fundamentally false. As mentioned men are still having sex with below average and very below average women. Women, on the other hand, are only flocking to the top 10% of males thanks to Marxism and the whole "women rights movement". Since sex for women has become more about a competition to be appealing to those top 10% of men even the fat whales slut it up and throw pussy at that top 10%.
Men will be having sex with unattractive women until the end of time. Average women are still having families. Average men are not.
I suddenly want to play Dragon's Dogma
And yet niggas are only complaining about tits and blacks
Remember when they changed Urien's man thong into a suit for his default in SFV? It's the same reason why the mika butt slap and chunner titty physics got censored. muh money and muh sponsors.
I like titties and ass in my fighting games but also being able to beat other players with the most homosexual looking characters possible just to rub it in. I guess I can't have either.
real niggers like us complain about everything. there's multiple threads about all the ways NRS fucked up.
metacritic is lower than I've ever seen.steam reviews are shitting on it hard.
??? Urien can always go naked in SFV and its not even a skin you have to unlock/buy. Its always there.
Fucking retard.
Well that's good then, anons need to stop complaining about blacks for anyone to actually listen but thats impossible
If MK11 really as socialist we wouldn't be dealing with the biggest problem the game have that is the whole microtransaction system.
There's a reason why gommunism usually ends up as an oligarchy used to enrich the few party members at the top who proclaim to "spread" the wealth while siphoning it from everyone else.
people should complain about blacks too.
people should also shit on game journos. its clearly working, their reputation has never been worse. if they choose to focus on things they feel are nonsensical its their own fault when nobody gives a shit about them.
Strap in boyo, I'M sure journalists are already making their oped to label anyone that criticize MK11, and drones will eat up those headlines at face value.
I want to read that fanfic he has of stalin being saved by Hitler with the help of superman
Freedom of speech blah blah blah, free market economy, alt right statement here, some something blame the Jews, something something patriotism, and MAGA.
They blame society for their unhappiness and want everyone as unhappy as they are
Not going to defend communism.
Im just saying that the systems that hurt MK11 the most are inherently capitalist. The pc culture identity politics bullshit is just a mask the put on to deflect from any real criticism.
My argument wasn't that is not there jackass it's that they just change shit to be sponsor friendly. Which they did.
anons should complain to whatever they want to complain about, regardless if they're right or wrong.
Leftism is what makes video games in the first place. Conservatives don’t give a shit about video games because their pastor said they were tools of the devil to teach children evolution.
No. Its just that these people aren't capitalist they care more about the virtue
They would and know they would make more money making the game with better looking people and less WOKE story shit
Its comicsgate tier shit where marvel comics is selling shit but still push PC trash and hating fans
If they were true capitalist pigs they would have skimpy sexy titty girls and such. Yet to them pushing agendas like post modern take on beauty and WOKE is more important
Money is beneath their virtue signaling
have sex
Odd. How did leftism have beautiful women and strong females before and now they have trash characters and ugly women?
So either your right and the Left has gotten more extreme . Or you are a faggot. . .
You dont think they will sell sexy skins or older costumes?
*Tips fedora*
Also I bet my ass EA and pretty much every Big videogame company is pretty right learning when It comes to their wallet.
Of course left has gotten more extreme. Overton window has now shifted far enough to remove voluntary genital mutilation from the list of mental illnesses.
Have a family
Have a job
Have someone who loves you
Stop having abortions or celebrating them
Stop being a whore or creepy Male feminist
you first
Ok bend over and bite the pillow
So LOL Ism [dabs]
my waifu is not just an object. fuck you
>hello, me and 99.999% of all gamers are hetrosexual males. Threrefore its a good idea to cater to us
>Game flops
Every time
>What if I told you that the media influences the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of the people that consume it?
Then all the people who talk about globohomo and the bisexualization of the general population are right.
>I can’t actually argue against the replies to this post so I will strawman their replies even though no one mentiones these buzzwords
I guess they were jealous of all the sales that Lawbreakers had
Nothing. I'm gay and happy we still have buff shirtless men in MK11.
They don't care about money or fan love. You know these people will get their cash from government bullshit. Game flops but the CEOs will still make money and the little guys are pawns.
Just do not buy. Do not pay attention. walk away from dev's who do this. don't feed them anything
How is making women attractive objectifying them, but having them completely covered up and void of personality are not?
>Game flops
It didn't. It had better start than its predecessors
I am a straight man, and I am sad when my games that were traditionally filled with escapist sex appeal decided to tell me to fuck off. Pixel women are not real women. I literally have a wife for that.
>every time
>when this has never happened
dumb cuckoldfrog
I'd rather play some shitty MK MUGENs like Chaotic over MK11.
if you think Warner Brother cares more about being virtuous than making money then idk what to tell you.
Hate it or not, this Woke shit is what is selling right now, the shift from making games with overspecialized female characters in them, to making games more inclusive comes from the realization that a lot of women play games and there is a chance to make more money that way.
MK11 ended up being WB biggest release ever, in fact. For a fighting game that's pretty damn huge.
society is told to actively discriminate against white and asian men
>boobs bad
>gratuitous gore good
People who prefer boobs surrendered few days after the war started.
People who prefer violence won that war and saved your sorry asses.
But objectifying men is good!
He's right you know. The average age of fighting game players are 14. The right age of hormonal puberty.
I'm 30 and have never seen this in my lifetime. Now switch "White" with "Black" and it's up to Violence. Thing is, it will never get to Mass Murder with blacks because they will lose so badly in a race war.
It is the biggest embarrassment of being American. People think it is only SJW/ left leaning fags but in reality it is also the evangelical christfags/ the right as well.
Being unable to differentiate reality from fiction is a sign of mental illness.
Imagine being a leftist and supporting Sony. Sony’s homebase is in California now, which means you literally have a bunch of white people telling Japanese people how they can and cannot express themselves artistically in their home country. It’s imperialist, colonialist, and ethnocentric across the board by the standards of the left.
>Hate it or not, this Woke shit is what is selling right now
But it isn’t.
Out of every successful “woke” shit that there is (which mostly comes from brand recognition and sôÿ buying hundreds of copies), there are 5-10 that fail.
Not to mention that the most successful game right now is Fortnite, where every character is attractive and there is no woke politics.
Socialism? dafauq?
that's like blaming Facism for not allowing lebron to make the nba playoffs.
How about all of the above is a problem you stupid faggot.
You guys hear of this rumor?
>the trail for this lead I had went cold. so i'm >going to make the tip i received public.
>Feel free to label it as a RUMOR and nothing >more. I don't care. The situation with Sony is >dire enough to warrant it.
>RUMOR: Sony's censorship got as bad as it is >now because "a pair of SJWs are now part of >[Sony's] standards and practices office."
>THEY WON'T WRITE OUT GUIDELINES >because it "might trigger someone" and be a >"micro-aggression."
>Leaving GAME DEVELOPERS in the dark.
>It just so happens that most of them happened to be socialist and/or communists.
>It just so happens that most of them are unemployed and have nothing better to do
>move SIE hq to commiefornia
>SJW and censorship start to run rmapant
It's not really a big suprise.
>MK11 ended up being WB biggest release ever
Leftism is a fucking cancer to everything.
>What if I told you that the media influences the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of the people that consume it?
What if I told you one particular group of people controlled virtually all forms of media?
the right hates video games too retard
>Mfw have a gf and I still have consistent sex
>Mfw whenever I'm told "have sex" for complaining about censorship or anti sexuality sentiment I still don't know how to respond to it
We live in a society.
>What went wrong?
1. phoneposters
2. phoneposters reposting shit editorials from literally who cares websites
>Spyro taught him politics
>Fortnite taught him how to handle a weapon and how to dance
Videogames are great.
many things
Damnit that sounds epic as fuck.
Imagine actually being a journo
Both of them are legitimate criticisms of the game, one is just mostly looked down upon from a certain hypocritical group.
The problem isn't so much that they are 'ugly'. Some are more than others (Sheeva), but that's often been the case for characters in MK. The problem is how big a deal they made of how women should have more 'realistic' bodies and shouldn't show skin, while all the men are half-naked and perfectly chiseled.
Make a video of yourself havign sex with her WHILE replying to the "have sex" poster.
>Ana Valens
All of the Christian pearl-clutching in the world didn't really have an effect, did it? And that was with all of the power of Columbine. The right has been calling D&D satan worship but the right is inept. There's no way you can sit there with a serious face and tell me granny panties being slapped on characters in a fighting game is the preferable option.
You're thinking of old school conservatives, modern conservatives are mostly just classical liberals.
Have more sex.
The one on that "consent condom" seems pretty agreeable. I have no idea what the fuck that thing's gonna do to stop someone from beating you down and pounding your pussy raw.
Have her cosplay as a Kharacter in skimpy outfit while filming a sex tape
>Literally everyone is a white supremacist
this is literally why you have these problems happening in society right now. The person normalizing this shit is you.
When you have white-as-fucking-snow rich kids standing around a black woman screaming that she's a white supremacist, then society is fucked, and you made it this way.
Okay Gramsci
>corporation cynically uses identity politics to pander to young consumers to increase sales
>this is socialism and totally not capitalism
>What if I told you that the media influences the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of the people that consume it? This is a well researched and documented assertion. If ideas of objectification are constantly being reinforced then people start to think a certain way.
Great, then get this shit out of the media then
The idea that only you should be allowed to have media influence for your political ideas and everyone else who uses it for the things they like are evil is cult mentality.
The character designs are far from the only problem with the game and NRS is hardly the only western studio that can't make an attractive female to save their lives.
At this point it feels like they're using the backlash against the designs to deflect from the more pressing issues, such as the game's garbage PC port and the exploitative microtransaction unlock system.
You didn't get the memo? Once you have sex or get married, or have kids, all impure thoughts vanish from the mind, you must be defective.
Hey guys, I'm one of the authors of that article, and many others. Thanks for giving me all of your hate clicks. Without you I would be drowning in student loans, but thanks to your incel rage, I'm able to afford a fantastic apartment in one of the richest cities in the world, and will never have to work a real job for the rest of my life! Thank you so much for supporting me and allowing me to live the privileged, luxurious life I deserve while I systematically insult and destroy everything that you like.
You guys not only don't criticize it but support it too.
When people say conservative they think Alt right faggots who want a violent uprising because they're hollow failures with nothing to feel proud about but their own genes but most conservatives are like 90s libs desu just the stigma the media portrays about conservatards heiling hitler and shit kinda destroys their image among brainlets
>there was an issue with the server please restart the game
I still can't believe how the whole gaming community fell for those shitty Sekiro articles.
I'm really happy to learn that these people won't reproduce and that they will be in constant turmoil from the hormonal imbalance they're imposing on themselves.
>What if I told you that the media influences the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of the people that consume it?
So you are a brainless drone programmed by video games to treat women like objects, and to shot-bang people on the street? I would shoot faggots like you in the head for spreading this kind of mind cancer if I wasn't a stable human being.
you must have gotten lost on your way to reddit
Friendly reminder the term "alt-right" appeared specifically because people thought old school conservatives had no place in our world and they didn't appeal to younger conservatives. It only took one or two glow in the dark CIA faggots to co-opt the term to mean "Nazi"
Ugly characters. Who the fuck wants to look at ugly characters?
Why are people mad? It has been shown time and time again in the last few years that these games are flopping and the companies go bankrupt sooner or later.
>CEO that managed Battlefield V told people not to buy the game while shitting on the fanbase for being entitled gamers
>The game was a flop
It doesn't need to be political:
>We want another Half Life, Portal, original IP from Valve
>"No, you guys want a card game from a shitty MOBA"
>"No, we want-"
>"Here you go, buy Artefact now and buy the booster packs, it's not like we make literally billions with Steam and could make any game we wanted"
>A few weeks nobody plays the game
90 IPs in the thread. If every single one clicked your article is that really worth anything?
Pfff all people are objects.
imagine actually believing this
you're a fucking joke
you tell those bitchboys to bend over.
just flip it into a your momma joke
>have sex
>dont worry, your mom just left the house
hey guys, how come you never see any older trans people? do they grow out of it or something?
you spelled "Gaymers" wrong.
You could say that the phase doesn't live that long.
why is this faggot wearing a dress?
man the actual mass suicides havent even started yet.
the new tranny trend tricked and ruined the lives of thousands of teenagers.
its gonna be a massacre in a couple of years.
Struck a nerve faggot?
>hey guys, how come you never see any older trans people? do they grow out of it or something?
But you do? You know the average age for transitioning was 50 years old until like 2013 right? Trans people weren't invented yesterday.
i've literally never seen a 50 year old trans person, and all of the trans people on twitter are under 30. what's the deal?
What's wrong with a beautiful young woman wearing a dress?
To be fair, it does look like she's wearing a push-up bra
If I recall alt right was for anti establishment conservatives for trump then got devolved into faggots thinking they're saving the white race by being undateable goblins who cry themselves to sleep when stacey sleeps with deshawn
nigga who do you think were bitching about identity politics used for profit
That's a totally believable and not insane take on it.
maybe because twitter is extremely popular with under 30 year old transgender persons, you prune.
way more people lurk this thread though
gamers have all the right to judge games the way they want, since it's literally their stuff. Don't like gamers? Don't make video games.
No one has ever said that.
nothing, however that's guy doing it
fucking creep
Is socialism is meant to cannibalize it's own culture?
they kill themselves before they get that old usually
Honestly after 2016 I've come to realize that american politics are a fucking joke It doesn't progress or set us back its just policy to make the other side mad, Liberals and alt faggots just do shit to make the other side mad and not for the "future" or whatever. It's a pissing contests with faggots who think they're national heroes. One thing I can agree on is that both sides sure love pay pigging their favorite ecelebs
>mfw I am literally gay and still think they are ugly
No. Just your opponent's.
I'm straight and don't think they are ugly, what now?
>blaming socialism
>Ana Valens
Game journos don't even try to twist the truth anymore, they just flat out lie. And whats worse is that the devs seem to listen to them which is what has us in this censorship shit fest to begin with.
This is just what sheboons look like.
this is the first thing I thought of honestly.