Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am playing Ar Nosurge right now and Ion is CUTE!
Because I cant take Xenosaga's shitty gameplay anymore
What's the best dungeon crawler on vita and why?
I have to go to work from morning to night and I'm too exhausted to do anything but post here before sleeping.
Did you play Ciel before?
I just beat Caligula Overdose a few hours ago,what I need is a break from JRPGs.
But I am. Chrono Trigger NG+
this game would be good if I wasn't expected to spam X on random ass NPCs for eternity
You removed lewd from the OP, that's not fair. Now I can't answer.
I need to finish Digimon Story Hackers Memory but I keep autistically doing every case which makes it kind of slow. They're skippable and revisitable I believe, but they have story so it's hard to convince myself to skip them.
I'm pretty close to getting that one Digimon that's just a giant fucking train. Got Lilithmon and Mastemon recently too so steamrolling everything.
Not sure what to play after this but I should probably really get round to DQ11.
Dungeon Travelers 2 because of the perfect balance between fun gameplay and fanservice.
Wasn't it pretty shit I heard even though the music is great? Give me your honest unironically opinion user.
Dungeon Travelers 2 is not a jrpg
What makes the gameplay fun?
DT2 is still my favorite one after all this time. The main story is basically a 20 hour tutorial, but everything after that (which is several times the size of the main game) is DRPG kino. Lots of stuff to play around with, like party compositions and equipment that actually affects how your characters play. The level design in the postgame is also some of the best I've seen in the genre.
>posts DRPG
Class customization and post-game dungeons/bosses
Because I can get the same experience just much better by just watching anime.
Why is her skirt so short?
Cool, is there any grinding or worthless random fights? E.g. if I spec my characters wrong how do I fix it?
And is there a major tradeoff between nice costumes and good classes? Any tips?
Replaying FF7 for the first time in 20 years. I forgot how goofy the story gets at times. It'll be interesting to see how/if SE handles things like the crossdressing bit, Hojo trying to get Red to breed Aeris, Cloud stealing Tifa's underwear in his flashback, damn near every interaction with Cait Sith, and etc for the remake, if that's even going to happen.
Just about to do THAT part too.
Well, there are a lot of repetitive random battles while doing the actual dungeon crawling that's for sure.
If you mess up customization somehow you can always revert back to specific levels (15, 30, 50, 80, etc) and re-stat. Of course gaining those levels again would be a pain... I never had to do it anyway
Is that from the artist of Utawarerumono? What game ?
grinding in Meal Max Xeno to kill the final boss on Goldy mode
pic is from fighting it the first time
There can be some grinding, but the random encounter rate isn't terrible. You can refund all of your skill points and whatnot by resetting their levels, but you aren't forced to have them go back to level 1. There's several milestone levels that you can choose to reset back to, so it doesn't take much time to have them catch back up to the rest of the party.
Costumes are mostly tied to the class.
I'ma play EOV in a minute
I'd wait for DQ11S
Sweet, so if I want to switch a fighter to a mage at level 15 there's no penalty?
Because I am busy with replaying Dragon's dogma again but this time on the switch
I'm sick as a dog
>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
I'm taking a break from xenoblade 2 and currently busy with travis strikes again
But I already played 3 hours of botw today
Because most modern jrpgs, much like most modern anime, are shit in every way.
I'm playing Akko's game though
I was at the gym this morning doing elliptical.
A combination of things. It has fairly good character customization, with a lot of different classes and party setups to try out. Random encounters are infrequent and often pose a serious threat rather than just being fodder. The dungeons are large, well-designed, and each one generally has a unique gimmick or theme. The game has a huge amount of content in general, and continues introducing new stuff even far into the post-game. It's just a really well-designed dungeon-crawler.
i cannot decide with one play first my backlog is full so instead of playing anything i shitpost on Yea Forums
Class selection is tied to characters, actually. So for example, Alicia can't become a mage, but she can access any class in the warrior class tree and freely change between them with each respec.
You should really play Ciel, I literally 100%'d Ciel and still felt confused at the plot developments in Ar nosurge for the entire first phase.
oh fuck I actually understood that sentence I'm impressed with myself
Same. I quit Japanese a year ago though
I'm playing Phantasy Star Online 2 at the moment, does that count?
screw backlog and Yea Forums
go play Ar Tonelico.
I was about to play this after seeing it mentioned in a previous thread but I gave the soundtrack a listen and I found the nigger chants intolerable. Wasn't this supposed to have good music?
I'm recovering from myoclonic seizures that made me fall down three or four times and cut up my face on the carpet, so I don't feel like playing much of anything.
But I’m playing one right now.
This, but with all games in general.
Because I like PLAYING my games, not reading or watcing.
How do you cut up your face on a carpet? Are you playing on Hard?
Then play some action JRPGs, duh.
I've watched youtube.com
What is strange to me is why doesn't Ion question Kanon's resurrection at all? She was converted into energy with Cosal in Ciel Nosurge after all.
Also, pic related is Pegi 16 on SNOY console.
>tfw we will never return to the good old days
That's a lot of bird poop
I got up to the caveman era in Chrono Trigger but am close to dropping it because of how boring the characters, gameplay and story are. Please tell me it gets way better. How is this rated among the best games of all time?
no shitty taste on Yea Forums will ever top this abysmal taste in music
The singing and the instrumental music seem nice but this is terrible.
Same with einhander, a nice soundtrack ruined by an awful blemish. Hopefully japs have clued in and stopped doing this.
most jrpgs suck
also, I couldn't stand dt2's art or music. It really put me off the game.
The thing about video games (and jrpgs I particular) is that the actual content of games barely matters to reviewers at all. Tell people a game is good and they'll make up reasons to convince themselves it is.
I always found the caveman era to be the least interesting part of the game.
The game picks up again when you return to the medieval era to fight Magus. The region after Magus sucks, but the one after that is the highlight of the game.
Seizure made me fall backwards onto the floor, started getting up, had another seizure that made me fall forward while getting up, face hit the carpet with force and kept going forward for a second. The carpet's a little rough.
The rest of the soundtrack is not like that one song. From what I remember it's a battle theme for a fairly short part of the game.
You have epilepsy or what?
Just be glad you don't have a concussion from the fall.
Honestly just ignore them, the boosts you get from individual NPCs are very minor and the game is easy as shit anyway. I probably completely less than 10 and I was still pretty much winning all battles on autopilot for the last third of it.
on android
to be fair I already finished it on ds years a go and the remastered soundtrack is pretty baller
But I am, some user told me I should experience the original one istead of the remake for the 3ds, its going smoothly, I guess. I named my team after the charachter from Dai Gyakuten Saiban, other than exp, is there any reason to not always play with 6 charachters?
Hmm, what a faggot.
Who's this slut?
Because anime for pedos and trap enthusiasts.
You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
What's a jrpg that isn't just an anime with boring gameplay padding it out?
>muh oversexualised teenagers
>You have epilepsy or what?
Not exactly. I think myoclonus is a type of epilepsy, but I don't get lengthy seizures, just stuff that suddenly makes me jerk around like crazy for a few seconds. It gets worse if I'm stressed or haven't slept properly.
>Just be glad you don't have a concussion from the fall.
Yeah, I just barely avoided hitting my head on something on the way down. Before that, I also fell in the bathroom, where there wasn't even any carpet to protect me. I can usually keep enough control to avoid hitting my head directly on something.
Alisia isn't a slut you absolute shitstain, now kneel down and drink her piss you worthless cunt
That's a relief. Is there anything like it in AT2?
Who's the girl on top
TWEWY’s soundtrack is honestly JSR tier just for how fucking great and varied it is. I wish more JRPGs had randomized battle themes that change for every encounter. Would make grinding a lot more fun.
SJW buzzwords.
I feel that
They are not oversexualized. They are the right amount of sexualized.
>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
I'm straight
I'm playing Neptunia rebirth 1.
2-2 translation when? Is it good?
>non-argument strawman
>little girl lover is SEETHING
But I am.
He said jrpg, not kusoge garbage
Make sure you're not taking anything that interferes with your antiseizure medication
It wasn't a strawman, and as I never said anything anywhere about being a "little girl lover," it means you're a pedophile and you're projecting.
>I wish more JRPGs had randomized battle themes that change for every encounter. Would make grinding a lot more fun.
Goddamn I hated persona 5 for that.
>tfw never heard the bass on the shitty ds speakers
I don't think so, no.
>Is it good?
Dunno, but there's no way nuSony would ever allow it in these dark ages. The ecchi from the CGs seems 10x worse than in DT2.
way too much skin exposed, where's the tease?
I don't have antiseizure medication. My doctor didn't want to put me on anything.
I know what you mean. Last Surprise is great and all but I can only take listening to it for so long.
Salsa please?
Yeah it makes me wonder if I’m the one missing something
Ok thanks, I’ll continue. You know I sort of dig the game, but it’s not the GOAT I was imagining. It’s a comfy storybook game in a way.
Find a better doctor, unless there was an obvious provoking factor that has since been removed you will have a VERY high risk of further seizures.
What the fuck the hips and thighs look all wrong. What an awkward drawing
>unless there was an obvious provoking factor that has since been removed
Well, as I said, it usually gets the worst when I'm stressed or haven't slept enough. It's not very predictable otherwise. Apparently a lot of people have jerks like this when they're just about to fall asleep or have just woken up, it's just that mine are more frequent.
I'd have to find another doctor in any event. The last time I saw my doctor was over five years ago, so if I tried to make another appointment with him, I'd technically be considered a new patient, and he's not accepting new patients anymore.
if you meant 5 members, there are a few late bosses that fuck you over when you have too many buffs overall, but unless you really know what you're doing you should just use a full party.
Read the very first post of this thread
>It’s a comfy storybook game in a way.
That's what most JRPGs are like.
Why the fuck is this utter slut eating cum off her fingers? What sort of shitty game is this?
>The pedobot from before is still broken
Oh, and since I didn't mention it: I do appreciate your concern.
I'm playing the very first MT though
She dresses like a slut and I only drink pure piss.
You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
But I am. Playing Trails in the Sky for the first time. Not even a big JRPG fan and it's already one of my favorite games ever.
side-tie panties are NOT slutty
Everyone is stressed and no one sleeps enough, now find a doctor asap
Then come back and post about jrpgs
You mean Shadow Alley Disco Kata?
If you can kill the Saurus couple you're good to go for that, it's not even hard, maybe even easier than the Sauruses.
Ironically, Donald was a bigger wall than anything else in Xeno, too bad that once you figure it out nothing else in the game stands a chance, Xeno dropped the ball on too many things, what a disappointment it was.
Yeah, you're right. Thanks again for the concern, user, hope you have a good day.
>You mean Shadow Alley Disco Kata?
No. The one where you fight it at the same point of the plot but with the HP modifier that Godly difficulty gives.
It does not help that upgrading the mechanic class makes you LOSE the skill that slaps a defense down debuff on mechanical bosses.
Should I play the early metal max games? Seems like the combat is really boring and basic relative to xeno.
How about metal saga?
Godlike boxart. I actually bought a copy of this shit off ebay for like $5 and it was practically pristine
Currently doing a bug only run on Pokemon B2. Rate my team
What's the best JRPG on PC?
Ayana is cute. CUTE!
Its pretty good
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force
>le goofy nicknames
Fuck you.
Are there any JRPGs with actual interesting and challenging combat? EO and smt are both nice, but there has to be others.
I beat Yunica's story in Ys Origin. I'll probably get back to it to finish Hugo's this weekend. The magic feels a bit weird at first but its still pretty fun.
Any mod to fix the graphics?
Rance X
>No. The one where you fight it at the same point of the plot but with the HP modifier that Godly difficulty gives.
Dude, just literally spam missiles like you would on anything else.
Make a bunch of tanks with five missile pods, Sub Weapon Rush chip and go to town, or just make one tank with a three pilot seat and spam shit the same way, though it's riskier if you don't have enough firepower for a one/two turn kill, max up your Nephilim Missile Launcher and buy four Sakura launchers or whatever they're called from D'Annunzio.
>Should I play the early metal max games?
You should.
>Seems like the combat is really boring and basic relative to xeno.
Not really, the break gauge in Xeno doesn't add much and makes the game more braindead, if anything it's less mechanically complex than its predecessors given how tank building got streamlined by removing proper CPU customization and finer tuning, many status effects also got removed in Xeno.
Though the new Shoot! mode was a good addition, Xeno lacks a lot of stuff from the previous games as it was meant to be some sort of reboot meant to test the waters on where to bring the series next after 4 bombed.
Moreover, Xeno is a literal corridor, defeating the main point of the series, which is free roaming and non linear progression, Xeno doesn't even have vehicles like bikes or biotanks either.
>How about metal saga?
It's good, more or less a Metal Max: Returns on steroids, though I don't like it as much as the rest of the series.
i'm going to play star ocean 3 in a little bit
how do you like my choice of jrpg?
I don't think so. There are some alternate portraits that are a little better.
The SaGa games are the best you'll get without entering indie territory.
Isn't that a harem version of neptunia? Is the gameplay good?
Does Sekiro count as a jrpg?
Cause I'm playing that
No, Utaware is mostly Amaduyu. DT2-2 has 4 illustrators and this is Kawata Hisashi. Amaduyu loves big titty monsters while Kawata prefers small sized.
No, you conciosuly work towards which girl who's sub-ending you want
It uses the same visual novel cutscene format of Neptunia, but the story is head shoulders and cock above the bullshit meme 4th wall breaking garbage of nep. The battle system is superior too as it has separated magic/skills, as well as a launch chase system
Since it is porn I expect that you are memeing. Why is the combat good?
Heard of those, any good entry point?
And I am willing to venture into indie territory if you have any recommendations.
I am.
I thought the characters, story, gameplay and environments were all inferior to Neptunia.
SaGa Scarlet Grace has a simple yet exciting and engaging combat. The balance is also pretty good and even mob battles can be quite tight.
There's nothing much else though.
What's with all these anons suddenly playing JRPGs in moon?
>dude eggplants lmao
>hey person playing the game, we're aware we're in a game lmao
>noire has no friends lmao
because I need more than the absolute minimum of intellectual stimuli to be entertained
Genius of Sappheiros
>he doesn't know the Rance series
Go back.
Anyway, what's cool is that every party member you field represents the army of one of your factions. Every card you collect adds to this faction's strength, and the leader you field (which can be any card) adds a modifier and has specific skills. Getting cards thus always has meaning. However, the missions of the game are tracks with splits that you can't go backwards on, and the amount of missions you can do is lower than the amount of turns in a playthrough. As such, you can't grind at all and it becomes mandatory to get as many cards from each mission as you can.
Every enemy encounter has a chance to drop a card, and that chance is modified by several factors that describe how well you did in battle, and how much overkill damage you did to the enemy. In battle, the enemy weakness changes on a turn by turn basis, so every encounter becomes a puzzle of trying to inch the enemy closer and closer to death without killing them, so you can save up AP for a big elemental wombo combo on a turn that has that weakness, while also taking as little damage as possible because healing is limited.
There's a lot more stuff, but whatever it's just a porn game.
How can it be a rpg with no elements of that genre
This desu, ecchi needs to provide maximum stimulation.
You're right, stories should always be super serious and grimdark like Fairy Fencer and with no recurring character gags.
TWEWY comes to mind. One of the most unique games I’ve ever played.
I can read that. Can I play DT2-2?
Man, Gen 5 was so good for Bug-types.
Saga is basic as fuck, people just like pretending its complex so they feel special.
>wow you randomly learn new skills!
>wow you get stronger with the weapons you use!
Why didnt you mention lewd
Well, its been 2 month since the last jrpg that I've played. I can't find a good one in the laptop to play. Wished I can play FFF:ADF but its not working in my machine.
Just messing with a Romhack called 'alter' in Aria of Sorrow in GBA for now.
>super serious and grimdark
It was neither, it was just not a retardedly effeminate garbage piece like neptunia. Also "grimdark", really? This isn't Dark Souls.
>no recurring character gags
It has a few, the perfect amount, not overused forced-down-your-throat shit like constant tsundere BS or "no friends lol"
>any good entry point?
Play Frontier or the DS remakes, they're good for beginners and don't kick your ass for making mistakes while still teaching you the core mechanics and fundamentals.
SaGa games are notorious for being a testing ground for experimental mechanics and unusual narrative choices though, so be advised, they're amazing games but it takes a particular mindset to enjoy them, most people dislike them and the later, more abstract mainline entries got a lot of flak from people for being too weird or the fact that they do not explain anything.
Avoid Unlimited or Minstrel Song as entry games because they're far too complex or weird to deal with for the average player, Frontier 2 is also kind of a dealbreaker because it was the game where they decided to focus on the narrative side more than the mechanical one while not discarding the Kawazu-ism of it all.
Also, you might have played The Last Remnant already, or maybe not, that's a SaGa game too, just under a different name due to "reasons", if you've already played that you'll also want to get back to it after a few SaGa games so you can get all the references.
>And I am willing to venture into indie territory
Unironically play the Touhou RPGs like Mystery Dungeon or Genius of Sappheiros(Mind you that this is, unsurprisingly, a SaGa-like), Elona+ is also a must.
>referencing more CHshit for an example
what about an actual well written balance as seen in kamige in utawarerumono or rance you fucking retard
CH's writers are as bad as their code monkeys at their jobs
it's fully voiced anyways, you should replay DT2 in japanese first though
Yeah it was just a regular piece of garbage for retard nigger subhumans like you.
>what about an actual well written balance as seen in kamige in utawarerumono or rance you fucking retard
Where did I make any reference to those games you fucking retard?
>no argument
>ad hominem
Ah, feels good to triumph over detritus once again
The only detritus here is you and your shitty nigger game.
lol look at this mad faggot
Durant is my boy
Niggers don't make games user.
Put on some panties
>being this angry about Compile Heart
anyway if anyone cares about my faggy opinion, I really liked the vidya culture influences/references in the Neps. Especially Cave and the shmup jokes gave me a good laugh.
look at this nigger projecting
Imagine being this buttblasted
Garbage advice. Nopan goddess a best.
Because it's easier to find a game I like that is not a JRPG than it is to find a JRPG that does not contain any things I hate.
>Turn-based combat
>Cooldown-based combat
>Unavoidable damage
>Slow progress regardless of skill
>Bad characters
>Unrealistic dialogue
>Cliche plotting
>Shitty mainstream-anime tropes
Find me a JRPG with none of those and I'll consider it.
What's a good, solid JRPG with good waifus and romance?
Imagine projecting this hard.
Persona 4 Golden
dragon's dogma
I know of rance, but I can never be sure if anons are honest when they proclaim a games exellence or if their dicks are playing tricks on them. Needed more information before I was sold.
Anyway, sounds interesting. No grindan is always a plus. Though you say that there is a "chance" of cards dropping, does that mean that the game can randomly screw you over by not dropping them?
And sengoku is the one I heard anons liking before. Is it the same?
Never change, brainlet-kun.
>this post is extremely low quality
No, yours is.
Suck my cock faggot
Back to your containment board, you overweight diabetic French faggot. Inject yourself with air immediately.
Any suggestions?
Ones where you can have qt waifus like your pic?
>shitty gameplay
How fucking bad are you? Unless you're doing something retarded like abusing the guaranteed 9999 damage dealing kosmos super, it's probably one of the more thoughtfully crafted jrpgs we've had lately.
Yeah, the % chance for a drop is shown. It's about consistently maximizing your chances as much as you can more than it is about getting salty for every failed drop.
Sengoku is fantastic but very different. It's more like Nobunaga's Ambition than a traditional JRPG.
>no you
c'mon son, apply yourself
>wanting a man to fellate you
whoa.... so this is the power..... of neptunia
I didn't come from any containment board and never gave any indication of coming from any particular board, which means you're projecting. I also never indicated anything about any diabates or what my nationality is, i.e. you are projecting.
Why do you dumb fucking niggers make some shitpost and then act all shocked when you get a "no u" response? This happens every fucking time. You're so full of yourselves that you expect people to write fucking dissertations in response.
HA! Don't even try to fool me
Everyone knows Aqua posters are huge fucking boysluts
You would be even grateful for me once I'm done using your shittalking mouth as an onahole
>it's probably one of the more thoughtfully crafted jrpgs we've had lately.
I take you misread his post given how you say lately, not like Blade games are much better.
That's some mighty fine projection my dude, but whatever floats your boat
but im playing hyperdimension neptunia rebirth 2 and i regret everything , nothing will heal my soul after seeing he conquest ending
also this is awesome:
>i play a preffered way so no one else can
Youre just useless
I agree. Also gen 7 did it right with bug/fairy and bug/water
Thought nobunaga's ambition was like total war. Interesting departure from a jrpg, assuming I haven't gotten the wrong impression of the games.
Anyway, thanks for the thorough explanation. If I am to bite the bullet, where would I get the games? Or is it just piracy and fan translations?
Neptunia games are not rpgs
You can buy an official translation of VI from Manga Gamer's website. I haven't played it yet so I can't guarantee it's as good as Sengoku or X, but I'm assuming it's at least solid from what I've heard. Sengoku you'll either have to pirate the fantranslated version or wait for the official translation. X has no translation and will probably take years.
>a bunch of noise with lyrics
I'm playing Coven of Dusk on Steam.
I want to fuck Luca with my book-penis.
The World Ends With (You)
They're JRPGs.
more like GAYrpgs lol
I have been using the mobile storm spam strat using the maxed out Nephilim cannon and so many triple headers.
I might try the missile spam stat.
Yeah I'm sure it's just a projection and the fact that you are posting Aqua as your reactions doesn't mean anything
You little faggot
Honestly bite the bullet I saw the rance ova when it came out and just about half a year ago I tried the official english translated games and absolutely loved them. Played the fan translation of 02 and currently playing kichikuou and it’s worth it.
>no catchy rhythm or beat in any of the tracks
>layered upon layered synth shit masking any rhythm/beat that may actually be there
it's trash and it's obvious they were hired because the game director had no objective understanding of what makes music good
>having taste this shit
I want Yea Forums to leave
>posting tsuntrash
Guess that makes you a black dick lover? I mean, were clearly playing a game of "random mental gymnastics" after all.
I would rather have something new that I hate than something bland, so I'm willing to give them a shot. Can only find DS releases in japan though, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right places?
By Mystery dungeon do you mean genso wanderer?
And I though elona was just a weird roguelike, does it have actually good combat? Haven't really fallen for any roguelikes before so forgive me if I am a bit skeptical.
>literally just lifts Nirvana's most notorious rift but changes the speed
is this a joke?
>shitting on TWEWY’s music
>implying Twister and HAPPY GO LUCKY YO isn’t catchy as fuck
Go fuck yourself.
Says the guy posting a gif of his fav anime girl who he used to represent as himself with reaction pics seeing a dick
But sure it's just random mental gymnastics
No I read it right, I mean lately as in this millenium, it's still one of the better games we've gotten, the blade games are infinitely worse, but the fact you think they're even close just means you're probably a faggot who doesn't even play jrpgs and just likes MUH ACTION MASH MASH unga bunga faggot shit.
Is trails in the sky kino?
It doesn't have JP audio, so no.
It’s comfyjank
But I am, I'm playing Nier Automata and FFXIV.
>>layered upon layered synth shit masking any rhythm/beat that may actually be there
holy shit lmao being this much of an earlet
I am, playing .hack gu remaster.
Alkaid best girl
>X has no translation and will probably take years.
Fuck me then. Gonna look into VI a bit at the very least.
I’d say your taste is the joke here, pal.
>"represent as himself"
>posts noire
>i-it's not like i like suckling shares from old men cocks or anything!
I'm playing through Digital Devil Saga right now, it's really fucking good.
>doesn't even deny that who ever composed that travesty of a "song", just lifted Nirvana's most famous work while putting it on a loop and added shitty lyrics on top
If they remove the humor and goofyness they will kill FF7.
>It doesn't have JP audio, so no.
isn't there a patch?
>shitty lyrics
Neptunia poster is based, Aquafag should take the loss already.
>continues replying and giving non-denials that his work is just lifted, derivative grunge shit a bunch of teenagers in seattle shat out
>defending yourself in passive-aggressive posts
>I have been using the mobile storm spam strat using the maxed out Nephilim cannon and so many triple headers.
That's not going to work on higher difficulties due to the HP bloat.
The maxed Nephilim Cannon is a bit better than Dora's cannons but you still have a five shot limit, even with a triple header you have a max of 15 shots, moreover it's the only cannon muzzle outside of Dora's that lets you five 5 shots, and Dora's own muzzles weight 220 t. or so, which means you can have two of them and a nephilim cannon at best, which means a maximum of 25 shot salvos including Triple Header.
Missiles though, they're worlds apart, even with a slightly inferior raw multiplier you'll get 8 missiles instead of 5 shells, the maxed nephilim launcher has 16 iirc, and since they weight MUCH less than cannons you can easily outfit a tank with five of them and never have to deal with load issues and low armor plating.
Add triple header, SA-Rush and the mechanic skillset and you'll have an unstoppable death machine that will fire around 80 missiles per character turn.
>but maybe I'm just not looking in the right places?
Possibly, iirc Nicoblog has the patched ones.
>By Mystery dungeon do you mean genso wanderer?
>And I though elona was just a weird roguelike
It is, the combat is good by virtue of the extents of the system itself and the sheer amount of options you have, especially since you can also interact with the environment, like demolishing walls.
SaGa games are tighter and more on the galaxy brain side in terms of learning mechanical nuance and depths, but Elona simply offers you more roleplaying options which makes it just as interesting despite being mechanically simpler, you might start a run with a simple human wizard with familiars and the next one you'll roll as a dumb golem that literally punches through walls.
That said, if you don't like Roguelikes it might be hard to get into it, especially since Elona is more on the sim side.
Yea Forumsfags need to be gassed.
Any ideas when it releases in English? Cannot interpret moonrunes as of now.
>literally stealing Nirvana's most famous riff and then looping it for an entire "song"
>not quintessential derivative grunge fuckery
>being that easily cast aside via implications that nothing else is required
>Missiles though, they're worlds apart, even with a slightly inferior raw multiplier you'll get 8 missiles instead of 5 shells, the maxed nephilim launcher has 16 iirc, and since they weight MUCH less than cannons you can easily outfit a tank with five of them and never have to deal with load issues and low armor plating.
>Add triple header, SA-Rush and the mechanic skillset and you'll have an unstoppable death machine that will fire around 80 missiles per character turn.
now to locate a tank that has a missile pod in the first slot
Not really interested in a poorly-written linear soap opera with pedophile jokes and 100 of the same girl copy pasted everywhere.
Seriously how do you weebs even tell characters apart?
>You were issued a warning for posting .
>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Stupid fucking tranny janny nigger. We all know you don't enforce rules evenly and just use them as excuses for when you want to take down something you don't like.
Check out my dubs nigger.
Does Kokatsu count as a JRPG?
>all this fail in one post
Automata is not a jRPG
Is there anything with cute girls (like neptunia tier 2d art and/or good 3d models) with good gameplay that doesn't feel like a chore to play?
No dubs, better try again. Maybe if I post a dubs themed image it'll work.
All this tranny janny cocksucking in one post.
>now to locate a tank that has a missile pod in the first slot
My dedicated missile spammer was one of the Rommel Ghost variants, the gray one iirc, or maybe the pink one?
I don't really remember anymore, it's been ages since I finished the game, you should check those and see how you can modify the various slots in Jingoro's garage, some of the variants also have subvariant chassis mods or unique alternate slots, the Bisonte Mario/Luigi being perhaps the best examples of that.
Fairy Fencer F and Atelier Arland series
>Playing FF9
>Reeee zoom zoom camera
>user here told me i could turn it off
Holy fuck this game is 100% better
Doesn't seem like Elona woould be my cup of tea, but at least its free.
>Possibly, iirc Nicoblog has the patched ones.
Only find a "nitroblog", and it doesn't seem to have any of the remakes. But I might still just be a brainlet and missing something obvious.
based Maika poster dabbing on these shitposters
I found one, it's King Rommel
Give me a yuri or futa on female one, then we'll talk. That male MC self-insert shit is pure cringe.
Want to play it but the shadows are busted when I emulate it.
>yurishitter seething
As I said, it's hard to get into it, it's more on the Dwarf Fortress side of things so you might not enjoy it if you're looking for something more conventional, but as you know, it's free so it's worth trying at least.
Use a VPN if it doesn't load, it's been blocked in various regions.
iirc it should have Triple Header preinstalled in its CPU so you can put other chips, check if it's the one I remember, but as long as you have five sub slots anything goes really, you should have plenty of triple header chips by now either way or characters with enough Hunter/Mechanic levels to get around that.
Imagine being this asshurt.
>iirc it should have Triple Header preinstalled in its CPU
it has Cannon Storm pre installed and 3 chip slots
I don't think there exist any game without at least one of these
Not him but you’re fucking deaf, nigga.
Currently playing Malosblade Chronicles, it's so wholesome
I don't want to
Why did you use a dungeon crawler as pic when you are talking about JRPGs?
Dev replied definitely in progress but I don't know why it's kinda slow.
Joltik is the cutest bug pokemon devised.
>I'm so upset theres no yurishit game, b-but YOU'RE the angry one
>alt timeline where rex is a girl and Malos is love interest
>Hikari is evil
Why do I want this?
please stem your cocklust for just a moment
Did you forget to take your assburgers pill, son?
This one to be exact:
But to be fair it hasn't been one year and this one has several platforms to handle.
I am playing dragon slayer: legend of heroes
A pretty simple game, the battles are lighting fast
Literally who
>denying undeniable, absolute reality
>claiming I'm the one without ears
>and buy four Sakura launchers
I can't find them? Is my tech level (19) too low?
Because you know it would feature evil is sexy, and a wholesome bro adventure with your best buddyblade Malos (assuming Rex stays male)
yurishit will never be popular or mainstream :)
Was blend s any good
That was the site I meant, but i cannot find any DS games at all on it, let alone a saga remake.
Again, sorry for most likely being completely fucking retarded.
not really, i just love maika
Yep, you’re deaf. If anything, the latter song sounds more like Carry on My Wayward Son.
what is it then?
Straight busta
I was playing .hack//G.U. vol.1
lead dude ruins it
>literally smells like teen spirit riff bit-by-bit
>compares it to something that sounds NOTHING alike
>doesn't even pinpoint the riff he's talking about
Your being retarded on purpose.
Why not call it what it is, an action game? Nobody calls Metal Gear Rising a fucking jRPG
What if you can choose whether rex is male or female and you can still fuck evil Homura regardless?
There are games with no story where you move around and sometimes attack things. Those rarely have to worry about anything on the list besides "cliche plotting". I find most of them more fun than JRPGs of any type.
I've heard this game's bosses are slow and plodding but I haven't played it. Won't judge.
Yeah, no, you’re the retarded one
And as a sidenote, it also has bits of Shock the Monkey
>what is influence
>what are similar styles
You disappoint me.
I've started too many to keep up with.
>11 hours into DQ8 (and slightly afraid after hearing it's an 80 hour game instead of 40)
>persona hype got me into SMT4A again
>bought FFVII on switch
>still haven't finished Chrono Trigger
DT2 looks neat too and once I hack my Vita that will go on the list.
>Fairy Fencer
Yeah people die and shit but it's the usual Shounen speel you see in anime.
Galdo did deserve better though.
You play the role of raiden and the game is japanese, ergo JRPG
No he didn't, he betrayed his old boss
>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
I'm put off playing Zero no Kiseki because I don't wanna grind for the same shitty early skills again like in the previous games
Your mom plays the role of my cocksocket, so shes an rpg
>Imagine thinking this is the what defines a RPG
You play a role in pretty much every fucking game in existence, you dumbfuck.
Taking a famous riff and adjusting the tempo isn't style or influence. It's lazy and derivative, regardless of how the last decades of the industry has been completely inundated with people who only do this. Japan on the other hand just patently steals shit more than anyone.
Once again posts another song with no timestamps. Sounds nothing alike and isn't the exact riff. Not even similar.
Why would I play shit games?
>persona hype got me into SMT4A again
Nigga SMT4A is nothing like Persona outside that you can summon shit.
I'm playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory, after finally Platinum-ing the original. My save file says 101 hours, but that doesn't count the dozens of hours of soft-resetting trying to get the Agumon (BLK) Property mission to show up.
You do though.
Man, imagine being such an earlet that you can’t even hear it. Again, you disappoint me, user.
I have DT2-2 in my vita, but I don’t think my jap is good enough yet so I’m just playing pokemon now.
Because I'm reading a book
>wester rpgs
>posts his favorite song so people listen to it in the guise of proving someone wrong
your taste a shit
>can’t even hear the similarities
>accuses me of having shit taste
Remind yourself to get those ears checked out later, grandpa.
>it's like guitar and shit, like the same
>ignores a literal bit-by-bit replication
>he still can’t hear it
Well I mean the gameplay is similar enough if P5 got me to play IV and DDS last time while I was craving more
If anything, they're undersexualised
>forceful agreement that it's lifted, derivative shit
thanks shitposting user
Only if shitty anal sex with your parents counts, babby.
In your dreams, fag.
God I want to suck the shit directly out off Alisia's ass
Hmmm, maybe I'm remembering wrong, but as I said, it's a minor inconvenience at best.
Give it a try and tell me how it goes.
I don't really remember the exact name and I don't know whether the localization changed them, I think your tech level is high enough those, they're the big boxy launchers with the flower decals, best weapon in the game bar the Nephilim launcher.
He might have taken the section down then, I remember he took the 3DS section down too at some point.
You can get the browser script to download from Emuparadise's mirrors then, I'm not sure if my other sources have the patched versions, tell me if you find them, worse comes to worst I'll temporarily upload them on a folder for you.
Friendly reminder the Lucifer's Call is still unsurpassed.
Recommend me a JRPG with a lot of big tits and fanservice, please.
Demon Gaze and DT2
Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
Atlus alone would butcher the game as well like they did for the first game.
Piss off nocturnebabby
Agreed. Yesterday I was listening to the unreleased music on Youtube like an autist. That game is just unique in every aspect.
SJ is unironically superior in every way
They edited 4 cgs while there was way worse content in the game. I could deal with it.
Butcher is what they would do if they had to localize 2-2 today.
SJ is more of a mainline game than Nocturne was.
Is that a JRPG?
>Give it a try and tell me how it goes.
I am about to, tried it on the Sarus ships in the Dark City. It does fast work but I am worried about the ammo count
>they're the big boxy launchers with the flower decals
I have those but I have other weapons (S Tornadoes) that are stronger, same ammo count, but heavier
>Attacking a training doll with a real sword
Is she retarded?
>Is she retarded?
Unironically yes, that's a pretty big part of her character.
If you played the game you would already know the answer to that question, which is yes.
Can only find unpatched on emuparadise, but cdromance luckily seem to have a translated version.
>I am worried about the ammo count
With Triple Header and whatever other chips you have you can demolish anything effortlessly since your DPS per salvo will be absolutely insane, granted you're doing nothing but launching missiles from five pods, if you play with three tanks you have more than enough ammo to take down anything, I can guarantee it.
If you give me a few minutes I'll reinstall the game and look at my exact build.
>S Tornadoes
The slightly higher attack doesn't warrant the higher weight, you'll want as much plating as you can get at max difficulty since enemies can easily melt through it in a round or two, especially Kata, which is all about blitzing.
But I am.
And fuck Working Designs thinking they were clever with rebalancing games liberally.
>No press turn
I'm not a complete neckbeard yet
I tried with a single tank and I only managed to get it down to 68% life on it's final form
but it's progress so I am going to go all in and use THREE tanks
also, do you advise to lower weight of weapons for more shields?
>alt timeline where rex is a girl and Malos is love interest
that's certainly a excellent way to take a interesting idea and make it completely unappealing
>also, do you advise to lower weight of weapons for more shields?
Absolutely, the attack malus from weight reduction doesn't mean much when you get more survivability in return.
Perhaps you should farm some saurus for their super tile packs too, if you're soloing bosses with a single tank it's mandatory to have loads of those for repairs.
Hardtype is better. Nocturne has lots of flaws
Piss off nocturnebabby.
They should've added press turn to SJ Redux
What game is this? I need to play it.
I am going to try the 3 tank strat and see how it goes.
Plus I didn't realize that the missile launchers with the flowers can get upgraded in terms of power (3606 to 4640)
Ar Nosurge
>removing the only good cgs in the whole game
I'm playing Tales of Legendia though.
>search kiseki
exactly this. Im playing some platformers and shit before i get back into this.
You didn't upgrade them to begin with?
Bad move, but now you'll see their real worth.
>You didn't upgrade them to begin with?
I didn't bother to check since I rarely used any weapons for the past 10 or so hours that weren't Neptech
now I am just grinding to get the cash/drops needed to max upgrade these things
taking a break from this cause I got my ass handed to me while looking for a mushroom.
what is the most open-ended jrpg?
Eh, Nephilim parts are overrated, they're also ugly as sin, I only ever used the missile launcher because missile launchers are broken in general, the other parts suffer too much from being unreliable in terms of DPS, they can't break either so things like the gatling are completely worthless.
If you need fast grind money kill these guys, you can break and instakill them on map if you have some decent napalm throwers, you'll make loads of dosh by killing them and selling the cannons they drop.
ah, those things. I remember farming them on my first run
What do you mean by open ended?
As in multiple endings or endings with many variables?
RIP my PS3, is Ar Nosurge worth the effort to play?
Yeah, they're the fastest way to make money, otherwise you'll have to try your luck with turtle spawns near the subway, which is not as efficient.
Because they re the most generic kind of games that exist today.
Plus I hate those games' magical pseudo-European aesthetics, those horrible and ridiculous outfit designs and the names those characters tend to be given.
I'd like to. Is there any jrpg, dungeoncrawler or whatever - atleast some gameplay with satisfying romance? some fanservice/ecchi be nice too.
And the personality troupes those characters tend to follow.
open-ended as in lots of choices and customization
I’m playing Digital Devil Saga.
Okay, my setup is:
Rommel Specter
Powered Jaws
Powered Jaws
Nephilim Megaton
Maxed out ATM Hibotan X4
Chipset is:
Grand Slam
Triple Header
Grand Slam
Grand Slam
S-E Support
S-E Goddess
This is by far the best tank I've made, it just melts through anything, though you can be even cheaper and add one more Grand Slam chip by taking out S-E Support.
>open-ended as in lots of choices and customization
SaGa games, or Metal Max other than Xeno.
Xenogears or Trails in the Sky would be my best bets
always wanted to try trails in the sky. guess i am gonna check it out, ty.
>Rommel Specter
>Powered Jaws
>S-E Goddess
I don't think I ran into any of these
What JRPG can I play as barefoot babes with sexy legs?
What JRPG am I supposed to play?
based and adventurepilled
if you play ciel nosurge before it's a pretty good timesink far more detailed and with better characters than it has any right to be
if you have a vita lying around or find one for cheap you can play both games in it
The Last Remnant.
Pirate the game because Squareshit removed it from Steam for no reason.
Hmmm, then you've missed blueprints, you do know that hunter mode adds new loot in all dungeons for each difficulty level, right?
The Rommel Specter blueprint is one those, Powered Jaws are engines dropped by Megalodon and S-E Goddess chips are dropped by various bosses.
Really? I even used to have it on my wishlist
No wonder I never got around buying it.
Playing FFXV, getting on a chocobo gave me the biggest fucking smile I've had in a video game since a long time
>playing mary skelter
>do about 1.5 hours worth of exploring and fighting
>run into nightmare fight and lose because of misses and enemy criticals
>have to start over from last save
too bad, I was enjoying it. I’m not going through that again though. Time to never play it again
>Hmmm, then you've missed blueprints, you do know that hunter mode adds new loot in all dungeons for each difficulty level, right?
I ignored most dungeons in my Godly playthrough but I did find where the tank is located.
As for Powered Jaws, the boss has never dropped them for me so I use Tonal Engine V+15 and the max Neptech Engine for my engine setups
Because i work, you know? Like most adults, you stupid ass bitch.
Cuz anime games are for fucking nerds bro
what are you fucking gay why the hell would i play a video game if i have to use math to understand what the hell is going on
Are atelier battles really considered good? I basically mashed a to win in totori's game
I love it for its 4th wall breaking
Books are for fags
Read a VN instead
Here's some REAL high literature for ya
but i am user
*if you speak moon
getting the true end and post-game content is no joke, try playing it again
Persona is a glorified dating sim.
reminder that even a retard like onsokumaru learnt moon
literally no excuse
I just started P4G the other day. I feel dumb. I'm just fusing personas all Iver the damn place and I am about to finish up Yukikos castle.
Would you recommend that game to someone that does not have autism?
>tfw her VA does eroge
>playing persona for its battle mechanics
its a waifu simulator
>and why
To the Metal Max Xeno guy who has been helping me, the final boss on Godly has been slain.
Granted I got stupidly lucky and managed to get a Fever Mode which just tore the boss to shreds
I am, Dynasty Warriors 9 is a good JRPG.
>Dynasty Warriors 9 is a good
It certainly is. But I have a vita and figured why not. Never got around to it on ps2. Or any of them.
If you played the first one, it's like you're playing a background NPC who suffers from the actions of the first MC.
If you like FFX's combat system, it's pretty similar except there's a type weakness wheel (Data
That's nice.
As I told you, missiles are super strong in Xeno, they usually are in most MM games but in Xeno they're plain retarded.
Consider playing the other games if you haven't already, they've vastly better than Xeno outside of the music, which is admittedly some of the very best of the franchise.
Its good you started with 4, its the best in the series
Because I'm translating one instead.
fuck off ross nobody cares
>As I told you, missiles are super strong in Xeno, they usually are in most MM games but in Xeno they're plain retarded.
Their low ammo count and chance of being intercepted caused me to steer away from them.
>Consider playing the other games if you haven't already, they've vastly better than Xeno outside of the music, which is admittedly some of the very best of the franchise.
I did play the fan transalted game (remake of the first one). I made progress but I think my problem was that I didn't "get" the mechanics.
Sorry I'm asking about the first one. I don't have any sense of completionism though and don't care about trophies, just wondering if it's a good pick for an ordinary playthrough.
I know, but OP asked a question and I answered it. Had to do something with my break.
you're a fag Gideon
Also, who's Ross and Gideon?
I'm considering playing metal max xeno since I hear its linear and assume that means you fight a sequence of well balanced fights that prepare you for each following one rather than slogging through random battles in whatever area I happen to wander to which may or may not be appropriate for my level and could therefore require grinding.
Is this a bad idea? Seems like you guys don't like it much.
Does disgaea count?
If no you are a homosexual OP
Yeah, they kind of give you that impression and to be fair, they're not as strong as cannons until the endgame, once you do get there though there's simply no contest, missiles are the way to go and outclass anything that isn't meant to break guard.
>I made progress but I think my problem was that I didn't "get" the mechanics.
You should go back to it then, especially since Xeno is a huge homage to the first one, things like Brass Banshee or Rommel Ghost were iconic enemies from the first game which only reappeared with Xeno, and they made the Rommel Ghost an actual pilotable tank too, which is pure fanservice.
Xeno is simplified, but as long as you understand that instead of breaking guard gauges you'll have to break parts for mechanical enemies you'll hardly ever have problems, the key will be always having a tank with piercing/hollow charges and missiles.
The DS games are great too, especially 2R.
It's alright, though the story gets shitty in the last couple hours.
just starting this because premise sounds cool as fk
I am, I'm just about wrapping up Vagrant Story and probably going to start Brave Fencer Musashi since my dad had recommended it
Xeno is a mediocre to downright bad game unless you're a big fan of the series who can get all of the references and the underlying big story of the game, and the game is 90% made up of references. Playing it without knowledge of the series means you're missing on the only good things it can offer, which are cameos and "hey remember that moment/character in that Metal Max?", which in turn means you'll never understand what makes the series a cult classic and the main purpose of Xeno.
>that means you fight a sequence of well balanced fights that prepare you for each following one rather than slogging through random battles
You assume wrong, especially because linear games have never been inherently more balanced than non linear games, not to mention that MM's strength has always been the exploration and surviving into areas you're "not meant" to be in, though admittedly a lot of people can't deal with that and prefer prebaked games with as little player freedom as possible, if that's your case then MM is not a series for you, and Xeno will be a massive waste of time, because it's a sub par MM game and a mediocre game when you take out the MM label.
>The DS games are great too, especially 2R.
shame they are not translated
jrpgs are fucking gay play fps games with friends like a real human being
I'm studying two professions and working. Not being capable is one thing.
Thanks. Sounds like I can't "deal with that", but could you explain what exactly I'm supposed to be enjoying? If the gameplay loop is to mash A to win until I run out of supplies then go back to town to heal up and repeat until I get through the 'area I'm not meant to be in', where does the fun come from?
>but could you explain what exactly I'm supposed to be enjoying?
The exploration, the vehicle building, the whimsical villages and characters you come across, the unexpected discovery of some new place you missed earlier, the weird questlines, hunting and sniffing out cleverly hidden wanted monsters, finding and romancing waifus and being a badass hunter, all of which Xeno fails to deliver.
If you don't find these things fun then the series isn't for you.
Damn I know oyur feeling. That sucks pretty much. Hope your job gets better.
What's a good RPG that features catgirls?
Nothing weird though, I just think they're cute.
I do eroge.
Growlanser IV
My man.
Fuck off, he specifically said a GOOD rpg. Growlanser IV is boring shit that takes 10 hours to get going, is full of garbage cliches and bad writing, and it has clunky, poorly designed, terribly balanced battles. And Leona is the worst girl.
Growlanser IV is a good game and Leona is third best girl.
Totally not being a dick but you need to wear a helmet atleast around your house
Now, now user, we're all friends here. He thought it was worth mentioning, the least I can do is check it out.
I'm always open to suggestions here.
I’m not gay
Nights of Azure
couple of reasons
first, those games are generally pretty long and i want to focus on finishing my backlog, and playing a long jrpg game won't do me any good
second, as far as i'm aware most of them have turn based combat, which is something i'm not really sure if i like or not. i started playing earthbound a couple of months ago but i stopped after the third town because the gameplay is just tedious, and i'm considering just dropping it altogether. yet one of my favorite games is lisa the painful where the turn based combat was actually kinda fun, so i'm not sure what to think of turn based combat systems because of this
Learn to save retard. What are you 1?
waiting for kingdom hearts 3 to arrive tomorrow1
I can't be the only one who liked Cass more than Ion.
Did you somehow miss Kinoblade 2?
Her flat chest does NOTHING for me
Stupid cat/fox cancer thing!
What is THE best yuri game?
If it were just an okay game I wouldn't say anything but it's really quite bad in just about every way. It's easy to get tricked into playing bad games on Yea Forums so the least I could do was give a warning.
If you guys are serious about thinking GLIV isn't complete trash could you explain why?
Valkyr whatever mermaid for the vita
>but it's really quite bad in just about every way.
How is it bad?
Never played it, so I couldn't say.
What would you suggest instead?
Because I left my 3DS at home
Pacing is possibly the worst in any jrpg, with a 10 hour intro where you're bombarded with awful cliches. Story is shit the whole way through, it's just a jumble of common tropes that don't even fit together in a coherent setting. Battle system is a mess: you tell your units what to do but you have to babysit them because the AI is retarded. It's also really badly balanced, you just slap on three layers of buffs before going into a battle and autobattle is more than enough to win handily. Except some maps with dumb conditions that are a chore to play without being actually challenging. Music is bland and forgettable. Visuals are bad except character designs and those aren't 'good' they just come from a popular sameface artist. There's lots of minor issues that add together to make the game really boring to play, like having to run around and go to sleep 10 times to get the story to progress, or getting a random equipment and random accessory orbs etc. after completing a battle because they couldn't bother to put effort into anything.
>what is urban fantasy
>what is just playing any kind of game besides your cliche fantasy crap
>Pacing is possibly the worst in any jrpg
>with a 10 hour intro where you're bombarded with awful cliches
What cliches exactly?
>Story is shit the whole way through, it's just a jumble of common tropes that don't even fit together in a coherent setting
Wrong and garbage opinions with more and more buzzwords.
>you tell your units what to do but you have to babysit them because the AI is retarded
Literally never happens.
>It's also really badly balanced, you just slap on three layers of buffs before going into a battle and autobattle is more than enough to win handily.
So are games like SMT but it's more than enough for people here.
>Except some maps with dumb conditions that are a chore to play without being actually challenging.
Translation: you suck at the game and are mad about it.
>Music is bland and forgettable.
True, won't argue about that.
>Visuals are bad except character designs and those aren't 'good' they just come from a popular sameface artist.
Visuals are perfectly fine and you have the shittiest of tastes for dissing Urushihara.
>like having to run around and go to sleep 10 times to get the story to progress
Curfews are the only instance where that happens because you're suppose to bond with your party members, which is perfectly fine.
>or getting a random equipment and random accessory orbs etc. after completing a battle
And that's bad because?
A whole load of hot opinions mixed with lies and cope, not to mention deliberately not mentioning in the role playing itself, with branching paths that lead to various different events depending on your choices, the fun stuff during curfews, your fairies, the hitler route etc.
I don't even want to know what you consider a good game at this point because you reek of failed normalfag.
I'm working right now
Is it actual yuri or just shitty bait with zero payoff?
Non-answers haven't been clever for like 15 years now
Oh come on, you have ancient evils, a bunch of kids waking up from cold sleep, super special chosen one shit (despite the faggot sidekick being a much better unit because story =/= gameplay), development of magic, adopted father dying in the intro, military school, power of friendship or some other nonsense that somehow saves the MC in the end, and basically every other trope you could think of. Not to mention every character is just a generic anime cliche. The story is told in such a stilted way, especially at the start where you have a scene where you find a faggot lying on the ground, jump to some worthless intro island, jump to the mainland where it seems like the story is finally going to start, jump to school, etc.
The gameplay tries to be real time with pause, which is itself an unpopular battle system, but with the magic of japanese design it ends up being very clunky and you have to intervene to stop the AI characters from getting stuck on eachother (rather than intervening to make important strategic decisions), so it utterly fails at achieving the point of real time with pause. Other games having bad battle systems does not excuse the rest. My personal skill is unparalleled but the issue is that battles are an annoying time waster rather than something enjoyable.
Whoever told you about the game must have used the wrong word because I think by "curfews" you are referring to furloughs, aka vacations. The system wouldn't be so bad if the characters weren't boring and they didn't break the flow of the game at times, contributing again to poor pacing. But no, even ignoring that there are times where you have to go to sleep manually several times to get to the next battle.
Random items is bad because the developers don't put in the care to balance encounters depending on what you have, it's a lazy design decision and jut reinforces the fact that the battles aren't fun.
Just got back from a sleep study due to extreme fatigue. Having to watch disabled son and waiting for wife to bring home dinner. Have to work shit retail job later tonight. Hopefully squeeze in time between his bedtime and work.
I hate adulting.
It's a typical JRPG where "role playing" doesn't really exist, you have some dialogue choices but they don't really matter. The original version went maximum cheese with people dying very contrived deaths so I guess it's good that the new route lets you avoid all that by following the story and doing obvious stuff, so you'll only see the original route if you go out of your way. It's not like you're making tough choices, either you do the right thing or you do the wrong thing and even if you do the wrong thing the battles and story only change significantly at two points: one that puts you on the new story path and one that you can only unlock if you've beaten the game already (and unless you're as dumb as me you probably won't play this crap more than once). Despite sounding better, the new story path takes away all the impact of the original so many people prefer the original. That being said, I need to reiterate: the story, whichever route you take, is poorly written schlock.
So yeah: bad gameplay, bad story, bad music, bad characters, bad interface, bad game.
Because I don't know any good ones that are not on PC. I only have my Switch and PS4 pending computer upgrades, it BSODs too much right now.
But every jrpg is on ps4 these days, what are you complaining about?
I don't want to buy any games for PS4 right now since that would be supporting Snoy, I'm content to let my PS4 die in a ditch only to be resurrected now and then for Bloodborne.
I want to emulate one (Usually I just play on handhelds)
What are the best emulators for Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis (want to replay my favorite from back then, SF1), and 3DO (Want to play Lucienne's Quest)
what jrpgs let me minmax like an autist?
It's fucking bait, but even regardless of it being bait or not, it's just shit.
>Didn't get the references
Kill yourself.
I also named a Shuckle Juice Box.
Had a second one named Punch Bowl.
i am though, granblue is the best jrpg to date
Because I'm playing Destiny Child gacha shit
Is that game terrible or something? That's possibly the only series where most people say not to start at the beginning, why?
no need to be angry about the truth
More like Gaygharv, haha...
Haha, that's our Rean...
I need some good waifushit, preferably on Switch. XC2 was great, but Shining Resonance Refrain has that PS3 era shallowness where everything non-mainline is a tiny room or two lines of text, and no moment of Ys VIII has been fun at all.
Outright terrible? Nah. Pretty bad? Yes. If this game (Legend of Heroes III: White Witch) is anything to go by, then the Gagharv trilogy are the kind of games you play if you don't mind putting up with hours of shitty gameplay for the sake of decent story and characters. The PSP versions in particular got fucked by sub-par translation and Bamco deciding to change the battle system from a fairly novel early take on real-time JRPG combat to the most boring rendition of a Lunar-esque battle system I've ever come across. The PSP version of White Witch even had the nerve to get rid of magic shops - think Final Fantasy V - and replace them with pet food stores for this nigh useless pet raising mechanic that got shoehorned into the game for no reason.
But even if they stuck with the old combat system, I still don't think the game would have been for everyone. White Witch's gameplay loop mostly consists of fighting trash mobs or talking to people around town. There's not much in the way of set pieces or scenarios, there's only like five boss fights in the entire game, and there's a whopping TWO monster-filled dungeons, and only one side quest involving a series of book chapters. Basically, all the good stuff in White Witch happens in cutscenes, where the characterization and story do shine; even with the shoddy translation.
I think you've been spoiled by XC2, user, and the whole XC series in general. I too can't go back to that PS2-PS3 era shallowness as you describe.
Sounds like I should avoid the PSP versions at least.
Have you played the later games? I've heard some praise LoH 6+ as the greatest games ever made but others describe it as something you slog through the combat and story. What's the deal?
I prefer Gagbarf myself, since it's closer to the actual pronunciation.
should I get ffx or ffxii (switch)?
because I'm scrolling through Yea Forums
I like Ys and have never played a xeno game. What am I missing?
Possibly. Though I'm totally fine with PS2 stuff, it's specifically the early PS3 era when Japan was still getting used to HD development that gets me. Once you notice the actual gameplay boundaries, it's kind of crazy how simplified most of them actually became because creating more assets and displaying them was so daunting.
Gameplay-wise, the Trails series is much better on all fronts, and it only gets more player-friendly and polished the further you get into the series (albeit more broken and unbalanced). Unfortunately, though, the further you get into that series, the further the story and characters slip down the teen otaku pandering rabbit hole. Playing LoH3 was pretty refreshing in that regard, actually. Instead of an overblown mech anime drama with harem aspects, I got a comfy, mild-mannered 90s fantasy JRPG.
The worlds are really expansive and fun to explore or just look around in. The games have some serious flaws but the grand scale and feeling of really being on an adventure is what got me. Couldn't tell you why Ys didn't click with me.
How do you guys feel about Adol's new design?
So there's lots of NPCs, optional sidequests and stuff?
Why haven't you played 扉の伝説 yet, Yea Forums?
That isn't Adol, that is a red-haired swordsman.
This, however, is Adol Astray.
I'm looking for one but don't know what I'm actually looking for. Was thinking of picking up Lulua next month but that's it.
I like the classy gentleman look and the armor, but it could stand to be a bit less overdesigned like always. His normal outfit looks lighter and more balanced, so I'm not really complaining that much.
You should try out the older Ys games before Seven, if you haven't already. They're much different from VIII, let's say that much.
Playing through Breath of Fire IV immediately after having just played III, very comfy so far.
I'd be surprised if he liked any of those. He already doesn't like VIII, I bet he'd be bored to tears if he played a ys game where the whole game is in a single tower.
You know, I could never get into BoF4. It's a very pretty game, but too steeped in gimmicky mini-games and set pieces.
Because I'm playing through the Quest For Glory series, user.
I really want to play an RPG. I like the idea of them and the atmosphere/comfiness I imagine myself getting from playing them, but there are a bunch and I need to thrust myself into one, but no idea which. Suggest any platform
There's never been an actual good jrpg. Better to keep that beautiful dream in your head rather than spoil it with reality.
Sad truth. I'll stick to anime, then
Does this game get better after the library stage or did it peak at the hot springs stage?
"The whole of Japan is a pure invention - there is no such land; there are no such people."
In Action JRPGs, do you guys mind if the battles take place on a separate map like Tales Of? Or do you prefer on the same map like Kingdom Hearts.
I’ve got Death End Re;Quest, Blue Reflection, Tokyo Xanadu ex+, and Caligula Effect Overdose in my backlog. Are any of them any good?
I tried playing caligula on the vita but the bad framerate made it a chore. Is the PC version worth getting?
Playing Dragon Quarter. Might play Dark Half this weekend
>Are any of them any good?
Nope. None of them.
I love Tales but I did rather their incorporate movement tech, attacks and the like all on the same map with no transitions like Nier Automata does.
A game that plays like Destiny DC (or Rebirth, or Graces) but it all takes place on the same map would be kino.
Get the OST if anything, that's the best part of the game