We're going home boys... back to the 3 tiers... what's your favorite?

we're going home boys... back to the 3 tiers... what's your favorite?

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Other urls found in this thread:


daily reminder do not reply to any tripfags in this thread. if you see a reply to one assume that they are same fagging and move on. don't reply to anything they say and eventually they will go away.

again, do not reply to any tripfag. if a reply is made assume it's them samefagging.

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Priest T1 should be God tier. Other then that I agree with it. A shame Druid gets such a nice set but you never see them in it.

posting this before all the retailcucks come

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Daily reminder that only faggots and trannys play as females, night elevs and gnomes. Real men go Dwarf male or horde.

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warrior t3 in unparalleled


Thread theme:


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fuck off,alliance tranny

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pala t3 is so shit compared to t2 that no matter how good it is on it's own (not especially) it's trash tier


TBC had better sets

Attached: fuuug.png (2230x1550, 2.05M)

N-nostalgia is a m-m-mental illness you h-have to believe me!

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fucking hell,unironically every piece of armor after vanilla looks like dogshit, this is all fucking garbage

priest t6
warlock t5
hunter rogue warlock warrior t4
are good
rest are meh

Only niggers roll horde, lmao.

>Warlock tier 6
>Priest tier 6
>Priest tier 5
>Paladin tier 5
>Gladiator version of Hunter tier 4
The rest are shit.

None of TBC's sets felt memorable because PvP gear used the same models and was so easy to get that unless you were in Sunwell gear, chances are you were using Season 3 gear (because the raw stats made it good for PvE through early T6).

warlock t5 is still the most based set in all of wow

Nemesis Warlock is insta-classic.

>not liking Onslaught

It is THE warrior set right behind Dreadnaugh

holy based and redpilled

only trannies and faggots roll alliance

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Hunter t2 and Mage t3 are kino
Warrior t3 is great but is overrated as fuck, there are many other sets just as good.

Starting to get sick of this shit lads. No updates from Blizzard, still no release date. My hype is dropping drastically each day. I'm not even meming, there is nothing that kills a game people are looking forward to more than endless delays and silence.
We need an update and an actual release date. It needs to fucking happen before Classic loses the majority of its fanbase it has built up.

Attached: 1526866839749.gif (120x120, 1.91M)

>he thinks 90% of people drooling over classic have even played vanilla, or even TBC

Well, sheeeeeeit, if das da case: where da whyte women at?

Daily reminder that you're an insecure cuck with pedestrian sensibilities, posting a self-defeating homoerotic picture on a Siberian cave painting forum.

go back to vg glaston

>Undead Rogue

Attached: fed.jpg (219x230, 6K)

I thought it was so fucking badass when i was 15 and first found this game. My only goal with playing the game was to try and get all the pieces so i could look that cool on my character.

>all trannies are currently on horde

T6 is such a good looking set for pretty much every class.

We require shoes in this thread, go shit in your mud and stick huts you fucking nigger

Rogue and hunter are big YIKES!

This is exactly what I want to play and look like eventually. T2 is actually pretty good for ele/resto shaman.

listen tranny,every TEEHEE weeb faggot tranny wants to roleplay a "qt" human female and night elf female, it doesn't matter how many layers of cope you are on right now, the reality is reality, alliance is a faction of weebs,trannies,faggots and basedboys

as much as i'm looking forward to classic, i do feel classes felt way more fun and fluid to play in the various expansions after. classes in classic felt more focused on the class fantasy and immersion rather than gameplay (which is a good thing imo)

that being said, is there a class in classic that you feel feels more fluid/fun to play compared to retail?

>only strong men play horde like me
>undead rogue backstabuxox #29997

how is shaman gameplay in classic? is it fun or are you just autoattacking with some shocks thrown in between?

It sucks how poorly itemized a lot of the tier sets are for the majority of classes. I think only rouge, hunter, priest and warrior actually use their tiers sets. The rest don't wear their tier sets until AQ/Naxx in PvE.

nice cope,faggot

Thats not plagueheart

Unless I've never noticed, there is nowhere anywhere near as bad as Goldshire for horde. That about sums it up.

Anything will look like shit on human/nelf male, not an argument.

There are various pieces in the sets for casters that are good, but yeah usually half of the set is crap compared to off set pieces.

>trust me 50% of the games population are transexuals waiting to roll ally on classic
>if you want to be an alpha roll horde with us non soiboys

make way for best t1

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It's a shame that Dreadnaught is tank only. On one hand I love tanking, but playing Arms in battlegrounds is hella fun.

Have to stick with Highwarlord I guess.

It's their head pieces that ruin the set. I would just hide that shit.

>being this goddamn wrong and retarded

>EVER playing as manlet

seething lmao

>Anything will look like shit on a human male
>The race all armor sets are modeled on


Attached: yw4hlST.png (1920x1080, 252K)

I prefer Classic but there are some abilities i miss from the expansions. Since i played Rogue i think of Deadly Throw, Shadowstep and Fan of Knives. If only those abilities were in Classic. Obviously it wouldn't be anywhere near balanced but they were super fun to play with.

There are other things that i miss too like Avenging Wrath for paladins and Metamorphosis for warlocks.

>Pick Warlock
>Best at PvP
>Best at PvE
>Most aesthetic armour sets
>Most aesthetic looking mounts and the level 40 one is free
>Can summon fucking demons
>Can summon a succubus to fuck on demand
>LITERALLY all 3 specs are more than viable which is a rarity in Classic
>Have the coolest looking spells by a long shot
>Have people begging for you to summon them to dungeons
Imagine picking any other class. Imagine how cucked you'd have to be to not pick a Warlock.
Imagine the state of every other player.

Attached: jeb.jpg (657x524, 109K)

yea but

>still no arguments while the evidence is right in this thread


As a huge fag with a sissy boyfriend we'll be rolling horde just to make you degenerates seethe. We'll be rolling fem taurens. And all you faggots can do is cope and seethe.

Based. Warlock is the best

Attached: orcboi.png (237x325, 114K)

my evidence is right here faggot:

big if true. a shame they can't tank but that's my calling.

this is your tank for the evening, say something nice

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-22 at 11.26.18 AM.png (598x900, 460K)


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>People rolled human since the armour always looked best on him
>no arguments
>the image he points as "proof" is fine
Are you actually retarded, mate?

Absolutely based

pvp armor was better

Attached: hunterarmor.png (554x604, 229K)

>human male
>full might

Attached: 1532873736037.jpg (2544x4000, 800K)

>is there a class in classic that you feel feels more fluid/fun to play compared to retail?
Honestly, I think warlock has a better design in classic than in retail. Warlock just feels so shallow in retail. Overall I think class design was at its peak in WotLK.

have sex

>everything looks like shit
>everything would look better on any other race/gender, except maybe mail on gnome
Thanks for proving my point, seething human male.

>No blood elves
>No draenei
I want to kill myself

Attached: 1252364746856.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>Classic wow.

Excuse me. This is how classic sets look.

Attached: Old-new_t2.jpg (1767x331, 150K)

gonna put my full thunderchad cock so far down your throat

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-21 at 6.30.26 AM.png (1052x900, 603K)

Orc Warlock master race reporting in.

underrated post



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Warrior Tank chest prebis

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tauren are based,fuck you on about

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MoP was peak class design.

Pls help me name my paladin. Im afraid my private server name will be banned by cucked nublizzard in classic

Attached: pally.png (484x650, 773K)

>this is one of the best armor sets in the game for certain classes for a long ass time
>this is a level 60 classic armor set

Attached: bloodvine.jpg (385x564, 45K)

exactly, which means they can't possibly be wanting to play it because of nostalgia. thanks for confirming.

Who is a better heal slut, shaman or priest?

>muh rayshuls
ignore the virgin min/maxer trannies

>grinded 3 months
>gets kited and killed by rank 1-2 frostbolt

Attached: loe.jpg (819x671, 66K)

peak homogenization

>finally get your full class set after months of farming for it
>only get to wear the entire set in town to show off because other midlevel-looking gear pieces were usually better


>tfw gonna wreck low level shitters and towns again with my unleashed infernal
is there any other fun stuff you can do in classic to grief players?

delete this post right now pls

I see a lot of people say MoP was peak design. Can you tell me why? Because when I played MoP there were very few difference between the classes. It seemed like peak homogenization to me.

pickpocket macro

>R14 warrior
>running without a cleanser

>warrior in STV
>sound of stealth
>sound of hunter's mark
>sound of frost bolt connecting

Attached: e07.jpg (480x542, 42K)

>no1 piece is mail with no mitigation
>no2 piece is leather
Are you high? Is this supposed to be the dps prebis?

Get the baron bomb on your pet, dismiss it and bring it back in the AH or mailbox to watch people fry.

Every class’s s3 piece was a better color schemes than their t6

Redemption set has always been shit tier !

>sheep paladin
>kite warrior away from sheep
wow that was hard
easiest combo in the game to kill

Attached: ahaa.jpg (250x250, 14K)

Go to lowbie areas where they're fighting mobs of your faction and keep healing them. Doesn't apply to warlocks but still.

No it's correct I have a patented scoring system for this shit. The extra threat outweighs the lack of mitigation.

>paladin doesn't have pvp trinket or bubble

mind controlling people off of cliffs in 1k needles or blackrock mountain. literally one of the only reasons i want to roll a priest.

You can spam sheep mobs people are trying to kill.

That gives me an idea, are the human mobs in the fortress on the Barrens coast friendly to Alliance? Could i go there and help the mobs kill levelling horde shitters?

I bet you feel that way 40% of the time.

>defensive stance
>frost bolts hit like wet noodles
>healer is back
>3k auto - mortal strike crit

*nothing personal kid*

>Not god tier
Holy shit OP thats some shit taste

No druid t3 wtf?

if you think bloodfang is better than rogue t3 get the fuck out of this board

You sure can.

>this shit will probably be patched out to help counter "gamer toxicity"
>so will that hakkar's blood disease thing when they release ZG

Attached: 1554297377191.gif (300x164, 614K)

>divine shield
>use trinket movement speed
>hammer of justice
Heh... Today, I'm uther the painbringer.

Well the image implies otherwise but sure that works too

t2 warlock set is infinitely better looking

Let's fucking roll

Attached: 1544720846845.png (586x586, 264K)

>ice block
>engi helm
>mind quick > sheep
typical brainlets thinking paladin is special in pvp

Yeah ok.
If you actually played vanilla you would know that mitigation is FAR more important in early raids than threat generation.
You can't hold threat when you're dead, but you can tell your dps niggers to wait for sunders.

They patched the blood plague pretty quickly. It was so bad GMs had to come in and mass cure disease to prevent it from spreading everywhere. I doubt they'll patch the baron bomb.

>Can't tank....user please

Attached: BuffDude.png (890x854, 1M)

Your weighs are garbage, and by the looks, also static making them even more garbage. Stop wasting your time.



idk about the barrens, but tiragarde keep in durotar is fair game.


Fuck off. Plagueheart is pure Naxx/Cult of the Damned kino and has soul. T2 is just stereotypical LE EVIL DISNEY WIZARD

You ain't gonna do much unless you're a healer since Barrens is horde territory. Hillsbrad Fields on the other hand...

You're delusional if you think you'll die in MC if you wear Savage Gladiator Chain. That or you have absolute shit tier healer.

Not playing WoW

Can we all just agree that warlock sets are the best?

well yea the blood plague was patched very quickly in vanilla also retard.

>casually forgets a R14 warrior beating on him
pro dude

>Paladin tier 3
>not in the trash tier

>Warrior before STV.
>Pull 2-3mobs
>retaliation on cd
>fucking die
Why do I feel so nostalgic for something so painful.
Like an abused house wife

Attached: 0vOgabq.jpg (661x1713, 397K)

The PVP back and forths in this thread are like those facebook roleplaying pics
>*stuns u*
>*resists stuns with my 100% proc hardiness*
>*one shots u with my rouge*
>*heal for all damage in 0.5 seconds and uses my grindstone, giving me 500 shadow damage*
>*it was a hologram*

Warrior Tank neck prebis

Attached: aGSPnbG.png (391x164, 8K)

This is the peak vanilla performance.

in these threads* disregard that I suck cocks

>wrath above might

Attached: 1415729080419.gif (300x225, 1.75M)

>warlock was my first ever class
>could never fully get into any other class
Warlock is just too good

Attached: 1550107309468.png (332x489, 310K)

shit like this can only happen in vanilla

they also prevented the bomb from being cast on pets I believe, at least eventually

I remember that, but if they want the 100% real experience they should allow it for some time before removing it, same with the bomb if it was ever patched out it's been a while


Attached: file.png (600x820, 723K)

I will never forgive these stupid FUCKS for making the warlock t6 helm look so fucking retarded.


>I'll show you PvP bitch.
>For the horde
Fuck this picture gets me every time

*shadowsteps behind you*
baladesh malanorei, kid


didnt shamans get similar totem shoulder on some expansion pack?

Objectively the best looking gear ever implemented in wow, anyone who disagrees is a low test megafag

Attached: best.jpg (400x547, 51K)

No there's had sick dogs on it and mages were already waterboys.

>baladesh malanorei, kid
unironically pissed myself laughing

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reminder that there will be minmax-fags who will spend hours farming pic related for a miniscule benefit.
reminder to not associate with these people.

Attached: minmaxerslol.png (380x61, 13K)

>blessing of freedom
>casts blessing of sacrifice on warriorbud if you somehow manage to sheep and avoid getting pummeled by the warrior right up your ass
What now, frost cucky?



>you probably have bogling roots inside you right now

>by 1
is it really that significant

>main tanking MC with freshies without hitting uncrittable.
Let me know how that goes

>oh god we have to make another tier set for the hunter
>fuck, what do we make for shoulders
>uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just put some shitty shone blades oh there and give it arguably the worst piss-lined shit color scheme imaginable
>who cares, as long as we give them a fursuit headpiece they'll love it

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Attached: 352392.jpg (273x300, 33K)

Metal as fuck.

Hitting def cap in classic won't really be possible because we're getting 1.12 itemization and defense was nerfed in the ZG patch

Defense gear in classic launch will be much weaker than on private servers

I really think t2 is much closer to that than the t3 when you consider how war3 necros and cultists look like.

>tfw no pally bro to no life level with my lock and do PvP afterwards

>Reach to scratch your back
>shoulder blade through eye

>god tier
Dumb paladin posters

Warrior Tank ring prebis

Attached: 33DeazO.png (302x177, 8K)

I'm really surprised that bliz didn't just put plaguelands cauldrons on the warlock t3 shoulders and call it a day

Based lock bro

>big suit of plate armor
>neck is bear and showing

straight into trash tier

T2 Judgement is top tier and nothing else comes close.

Can warlocks in classic solo Ragefire Chasm early enough levels that they actually benefit from it?

GOD nothing was more fun than messing around as an Undead Rogue in Ironforge.

Taz'dingo mon

Can they? sure. Is it worth it? not at all, lad.

Warlock and Rogue sets are by far the best in Vanilla, being edgy is too much fun

Is there anything special about druids in vanilla?

Nostalgia is mental illness.

Attached: zdzislaw-beksinski-untitled.jpg (591x600, 95K)

Nobody benefits from RFC outside the quest XP and maybe a half decent staff that'll last you until WC if you feel like making that run all the way to fucking thunder bluff.

pretty good solo class and decently easy to level as

Yes, the people who play them are very special

Attached: meh.ro838.jpg (1600x1200, 208K)


>Timmy shit himself again!

Attached: Awww he thinks he's people.jpg (1000x563, 494K)

Whoa dude, you are not allowed to criticize vanilla desing choices. If you do, the religious nostalgia fanatics will call you a tranny and tell you to go to back to BFA even if you have never played it.

Attached: cartman2.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Would you be ok with if vanilla had reworked items overhaul?

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>how could you possible continue to like something you used to and not exclusively consume shiny new thing, shiny new thing much better goldberg told me so!

for me?
it's orc warlock

Attached: 1547767012481.jpg (758x644, 64K)

they should fix the dud specs first

Orc Warlock SOUNDS awesome but in reality it contradicts so much of Thrall's horde culture that warlocks would even be allowed, I just can't get into it. Am I autistic?

the ultimate form of Chad

Attached: armorset_orc-male-rogue-t2.jpg (400x547, 39K)

>Overall I think class design was at its peak in WotLK.

it really was, design and gameplay-wise

>I'lll show you PvP bitch
>for the horde

Attached: vp.gif (444x250, 3.56M)

No, we want plate with spirit and cloth with agility.

so good that they just remastered them for tomb of sargeras

Attached: nicesmile.png (500x635, 142K)

For me?
Troll Warrior.

im talking about end game like bloodvines meme

>having to farm soul shards
>having to waste time making health stones for tons of people during raids
Warlocks are based but have their problems.

It's not going to be as good as you remember.

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





Don't reply to the shoe baiter.

which is why Ragefire Chasm questline is about them being treated like barely tolerated subhumans

in canon they operate secretly, which is why all the warlock stuff is in the drag in org by ragefire chasm. same with warlock trainers being in a basement in stormwind. obviously something like that is kinda hard to translate into a balanced gameplay element.

same thing as undead holy priests. canonically they can only be shadow priests since the holy light harms them, but obviously that would cause a massive balance issue if it were treated that way in-game.

Now post the chaos post.

man that paladin set is fucking sweet
too bad paladin it useless, and i would have to make a sissy alliance and play for years to get the hwole thing

>"it not...... guud at...... rh'membar... "

Attached: retard wojak.png (684x529, 134K)

because the only cool looking race in Alliance are dwarves and you can stand being stuck with one race only for so long

Choose one and only one

>he doesn't play a Tauren

Attached: 1508163749723.jpg (222x293, 19K)

Fury Warrior, right? It's important that you're SPECIFICALLY a Troll Fury Warrior.
>Get all your passive procs when near death
>Pop Berserking
>Absolutely tear shit apart

>the virgin undead rogue
>like some kind of nigger trying to jack a car just boogas up
>assaults a man practicing the art of standing equestrianism
>has an unfashionable hairdo that is caked with animal feces to satisfy its sexual fetish
>performs some kind of shuck and jive dance trying to fuck the steed's holy donut--truly a depraved degenerate
>the chad white male human paladin says calmly and loudly [/spoiler]Fuck niggers...[/spoiler]
>effortlessly subdues the onions-based non-lifeform that has touched his property
>the virgin undead rogue gets down on a knee and begs for reprieve
>not out of any moral epiphany, but a pathetic desire to preserve his unworthy existence
>the chad paladin calmly paces about this creature and gives it a cursory inspection
>his disgust alone kills the creature instantly
>a flash of his sword lightly brushes the weak fetid carcass to the ground
>wasting not even one server tick to think about it the chad paladin begins cleansing himself of filth

Attached: Chad ret vs Virgin Rogue.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

Nostalgia is mental illness.

Attached: zdzisław-beksiński-untitled.jpg (360x470, 45K)

Based, Alliance is truly the white man's faction.

>calling yourself a man playing anything but male tauren warrior
put on the dress pallycuck

>play undead priest
>never cast smite
>melee my way to level 4 to get shadow word pain
>never buy any holy/disc spells from trainers
>only use shadow spells

Now this is immersion

Attached: 1555854094969.png (335x320, 173K)

I got that reference

All me btw

>continually posts the single webm of an undead rogue getting btfo
>ignores the literal thousands of warcraftmovies of alliance trannies getting btfo by undead rogues.
As a tauran shaman I always loved my /undead brogues/. They made alliance trannies shit themselves

Attached: 1553015600453.jpg (599x400, 168K)

>playing some niger in mudhut
>calling others cucks and watching himself blacked porn

Got my cracking up

oh no no no no


Never thought a Tauren player could actually be a faggot


can anyone recommend me some good porn based on this picture

fixed it for you tard

Attached: 1556203750244.png (761x1060, 577K)

>have to choose between a faction full of no shoed niggers that live in literal somalia and a faction full of gay tranny erp and betas

Attached: 1555643119227.png (500x500, 215K)

>playing a treehugging aboriginal over-evolved cow is anything but the definition of projected cuckholdry

>subconsciously thinks anything bigger and more intimidating than him is a nigger
lmao you're SCARED of NIGGERS
or maybe you're just uncomfortable with the throbbing boner the thought of them gives you, tranny freak

>Posts a pic of verycoolguy who mainly plays Ally on his undead rogue alt with a name obviously poking fun at tryhard undead players
>Alliance is for losers!!!1!

>horde niggers
>very occasionally known to wear shoes
>not because they understand the purpose of shoes
>because they've seen White People wear them

>gameplay wise
God, no.

BC was where classes started getting a lot of fun, defining tools that were just a little out there like bloodlust, cloak, missirection. A lot of wrath abilities were cool, but it’s also when tanks and healers changed dramatically - this was the point tanks became DPS, threat became a non issue, and healing became endless. This made burst and AoE far more prevalent/spammy without consequence, and CC/coordination began to fall off entirely.

I played a Warlock in vanilla and there’s a reason it felt so “complete” there and BC. For one, your pet choice was about more than which did the most damage, as the CC and utilities were important. Burst and AoE wasn’t as prevalent a strategy, so DoTs had more room to shine. They also had a very strong nuke build, but it still wasn’t just “spam shadowbolt mindlessly” because you WOULD pull aggro and waste healer mana on lifetaps. Threat and resources were a much larger part of the game than people give them credit for, trashing it in Wrath changed everything on a fundamental level.

Not that spammy shit can’t be fun too, but I don’t think the game really owned it until Pandaland.

Attached: 9E7ABA1D-F4DD-45FC-8886-492DCFAA75D1.png (242x264, 137K)

you would run alliance if you knew all trannies will go to safe space RP servers anyway
but hey enjoy mudhuts and getting ganked you piece of shit

Attached: 87a6e9aa.jpg (640x1136, 105K)

that's not verycoolguy retard

yeah it is

you guys just arent killcrazy deathdealers like me, you dont get it

Attached: BMhunter.jpg (710x330, 59K)

>Friend comes back to retail wow since forever last time he played was Wotlk ToC patch
>wants to try out wow a bit before classic to try and figure out how what to play in classic
>Makes a priest
>Enjoys it alot loves playing holy and having the option to melt faces with Shadow is cool says he might dabble in disc
>Get to about 80 and finnaly says fuck he's been leveling on and off again for a few weeks but can fully mange to level to 120 cause of work so he uses a boost
> He leveling in kul taris now and is really enjoying the world story and features that wow has accumulated since he left transmog,duel spec,even fucking dungeon finder
> Before he tried retail he thought it was a retarded idea and only wanted to come back for classic now he's saying he's gonna probably miss these features when classic comes out but still we'll try to find a way to enjoy both games

Attached: 1540912802264.gif (200x150, 3.65M)

>Chad playing with Nigger the race


Not an argument.
Again I'll say it
>ignores the literal thousands of warcraftmovies of alliance trannies getting btfo by undead rogues.

wtf are you trying to say wrathcuck

shaman tier 6 is kino

Attached: ninja shaman.jpg (249x300, 31K)

Dwarves are literally the strongest race and get cozy as fuck cave homes. Elf lanklets can't even compete.

Attached: dwarf vs night elf.png (2773x3135, 89K)


same desu
some retail stuff is shit but a lot of it was sorely needed, hell half the fun of early wow was "geee I Hope we get XY cool shit next!"

Attached: dwarf manlets.png (439x559, 176K)

Imagine being this mad about not knowing what shoes are for or how to make them without help from civilization.

peak seethe

you fucking mongoloid
that priest t6 is the S3 set
how could you fuck this up?

Nostalgia is mental illness.

Attached: 130.jpg (1762x2192, 332K)

Daily reminder that alphas play as night elves (male)

Attached: night elf mohawk.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

Do Horde profession trainers even have shoe recipes?

man this pic has such a great backstory

I think we can all agree that the Horde is shit and all Horde should neck themselves. Alliance always has been and always will be superior in every regard. We have shoes and actual cities along with no niggerish races or other subhumans. Horde are the mudslime terrorists of Azeroth and should not even be a playable option, other than acting as a containment faction for incels and other degenerate faggots.

Real talk, 99% chance that pally will be a human. That means he has
Everyman for himself racial: removes sheep
Pvp trinket: removes sheep
Bubble: removes sheep
The 4th time you cast sheep it has NO effect
I actually played a mage in vanilla and the only way to beat these faggets is as a fire mage with silenceing countersspell

go dilate

Everyman for himself is from wrath, mate.

It’s senjin village pre-BC and Silvermoon after, for obvious reasons.

Actually that would be Tauren druid (male)

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Chad Orc arms warrior > vergin troll fury warrior


The guy who made this picture most likely haven't even played Nostalrius. No matter, you're taking the blackpill soon enough

What set is this guy wearing? Why is it so fucking good looking?
Please tell me this is a Vanilla set.

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Mage t2 is ugly as fuck and their t3 set is far superior.

That's the Horde mail epic pvp set

Its highwarlord. Bows the deadest give away


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Paladin tier 2 Judgement is on a completely differnt tier. It is the Immortal God Tier set. No other set blizz ever made even comes close to competing.

Looks like I have been Mandelad, how good is this timeline?

Alright guys, where the fuck is the release date?
I was prepared to play 2 weeks straight in July or August, but its already almost May now, WHERE THE FUCK IS IT GUYS?!?

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>both of them in /vg/ guild
>bottom is a tranny, holy paladin... top is the GM (warrior)
>tranny gets tons of good loot from council compared to other healers
>tranny always has thousands of gold despite never farming, claims he's good at playing the AH
>GM never uses guildbank for guild, not a single copper in all of MC and BWL, nobody knew why (no we do)
>this pic happens and all hell breaks loose
>they get made fun of so hard they "break up" and the tranny blocks the GM
>tranny posts screenshot of GM making 30 discord accounts to message xir
>FRESH server comes around, they roll paladin and warrior again but tranny decides to go ret this time
>apparently they made up and kissed because the warrior in greens is now helping the tranny farm Ironfoe in over 200 runs
>warrior not even officer in new guild, comes to raids in greens because all he does is help xir farm ironfoe
>it finally drops and he actually passes on it as a warrior for the paladin
>tranny posts pic of him getting it on discord
>entire guild erupts into ear-shattering laughter because of the cuckening
>they get bullied into quitting within 1 day
>tranny blocks GM again

i will be rolling male undead rogue.

you will fear me.
you will hate me as i gank you at nesingwary.
you will despise me as i vanish from your attacks only to stunlock and destroy you.
you will curse me as i sap you at booty bay docks as the boat begins to leave.

i will pwn you.

objectively shit taste, most of t3 looks like tbc-tier faggotry

>He thinks TGC codes will work in Classic client

Plaguebringer, Cryptstalker, and Earthshatterer are all God Tier, you shut your whore mouth.

I am having fun, but you won't

can't believe people are unironically hyped for Classic. For the last two years now they've been anticipating going back in time, how ironic that is. The brain of the classic cuck is wired in such a simplistic way, too.


There are websites for BiS, tactics, leveleing etc. available RIGHT now. The isolated experience of classic is available RIGHT now like nigga just level to 60 with your fellow incels and go raid Molten Core pretending it's 2006 and you won't have to wait another couple of months. What is the point in playing Classic once the realms do go online? Whenever I ask this to people who are "hype for classic" it's the same answers:

Even if a big part of the original community DID come back (it won't), you'll still be bungled in with a horde of zoomers who will come and check out what the experience used to be like. The funny thing is the zoomers WILL go away soon after launch because they'll realise what an absolute pain in the ass Classic is (as should you have by now). Soon Classic servers will be merged together due to low intrest and you'll be playing with the remaining high level autistm bitter incels who'll make raider.io look like an inclusivity programme.

Like they did BfA? They'll quit because the social aspect of Classic has more gate keepers than retail does. You can bet your bottom dollars you won't be doing any relevant content unless you have your BiS. Your friends will quit because they aren't nearly as autistic as you are.

HOW. It's all been theorycrafted. Pic related. Just google "spec + bis classic" and you'll know exactly what to do even before the game goes live. If you want to explore Classic (lmao) just make a new character and explore every nook and cranny from the original zones. There is no point. Literally no argument will validate your hype.

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Yes I will and there's nothing you can do about it retailcuck

imagine being this fucking boring. classic is fun

1-3 for orc warrior
4-6 for orc hunter
6-9 for orc rogue

Where the fuck is Ten Storms? Shaman t2? It's sick

>Cenarion set is forgettable

you're wrong

I wouldn't mind them redoing some sets like this one.

Some stuff would be ok.

>classic comes around
>everyone and their mother is stuck here waiting for mobs on the pitiful respawn timer

Don't worry the cave was twice as bad. I'm honestly happy about sharding in the low levels. Nothing worst then waiting for mobs to spawn.

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>Only niggers roll horde, lmao.
This is such a retarded take infused by modern politics. Only a stupid zoomer would say this that was born in like 2003 .

how is there a dk set in vanilla

imagine being this mad bfa is so trash lmao

>literally a bunch of fucking grass and sticks
you are right my friend, it is unforgettably shit

pfff, absolutely no one will roll tauren so I dont have that problem sweaty :)

I don't get it. I don't get the picture either.
The two human females on the bed are alliance, so who is the horde undead guy that is in the house?
Give me some more context on what is actually going on, I still have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at despite what you typed in all honesty.

A lot of their problems were itemization though


classic will have sharding in starting zones so you won't have to battle 500 other retards for boars,nor will it have dynamic respawn pserver bullshit

the warrior set deliberately looked like a dk before dks were a thing

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You are in for a rude awakening.
The vast majority of the BfA tourists will be playing druid, I guarantee it.


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what's there not to get? the two alliance characters think they're alone in a random corner in ironforge and are going at it in whispers while their characters are sitting on each other

the ud rogue was probably sneaking around IF randomly and found them


Well, you have an increased chance of spotting stealthed rogue with perception which is okayish but nowhere near as good as Every Man for Himself. But since blind is considered poison, you can consider Stoneform as a hard counter for rogues.


Keep thinking your faction is superior while you live in the ruins of Alliance cities and desert tents you faggot

Then you have donkey brains, the guy couldn't have summarized the story better.

Lick a dick, Cenarion best emobodies its class flavor and actually looks like leather.

>Aburburbur I want to have boring geometric shapes for shoulders instead of something that compliments the class i'm playing
You probably also like retail wow sets

holy seethe mate
have sex

And? How does the Undead know who the fuck they are if they're alliance, how does the Undead have any fucking clue about what's going on in their guild.
It makes literally 0 sense.
Seethe harder. You're shit at telling stories.

What makes you think that?

>no zalgradis
For shame, user

>nothing worse than waiting for mobs to spawn
>coldridge valley intensifies

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Hello, I'm an altaholic. Is it impossible to play 4-6 characters in vanilla?
I get bored of whatever character I play around level 30-40 and need to reroll usually.

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>trannies will flock to it since horde doesn’t have blood elves
>egirls will flock to it since it has night elves
>white knights and redditors will flock to it so they can serve aforementioned trannies and egirls
>forming a group for anything will be worse because ret and prot paladins will feel entitled to a spot because of MUH EPIC REDDIT LIGHT XD
>salvation and fear ward serve as safety nets for bad players
>full of bros who don’t care about how pretty their character looks
>windfury = high test
>PvP autists tend to stay in their lane
>edgy kids who roll undead rogue tend to quit before level 40 because their dopamine-addled brains need more stimulus
>get to grief egirls, white knights, and trannies
Is Horde, dare I say it, based?

We're going home with or without you, faggot

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Sorry m8 but that won't work, your mom is giving me some insane head while in browsing thru Alliance pvp vids

I'm going to assume that the two allies and the undead rogue player are all 3 of them part of the same gay transexual discord community. They found out two of their members were cybersexing each other, and then acted as if this was something surprising.

Classic, now THAT was a good game

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>mfw UD rogue shitter number 283472741 with spiky hair tries to gank me

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>no monks in vanilla

based fucking tranny destroying the cancer of classic wow (warrior players)

what are you even saying? why would it matter if he knows them?
he posted the screenshot to /vg/ because was known as "that Yea Forums guild"
someone in thread even claimed it's Verycoolguy, some guy who was friends with Nihilum on his Alliance character

>servers move onto TBC
>horde becomes 70% blood elf players
>every tranny rerolls
oh no no no no

>one of if not the most played class in retail by a long shot
>many playing the game will have no clue about the concept of the hybrid tax and assume druid is perfect in every way just like it is in retail
>zoomers falling for the meme spec raiding meme because of popular e-celebs insisting feral and balance are totally viable and you will be the awesomest special snowflake ever for playing it

>Egirls playing vanilla.
Stopped reading lmao


Yes Horde is based and Tauren are the best lore race however you have to deal with living in Somalia as previous posters have mentioned. None of your cities will ever be as majestic as Stormwind and Ironforge but on the plus side you get to see these cities while you are raiding the enemy's cities, so that could be seen as positive.


>Receive a hamburger
>Remove the the bacon, the pickles, the mayo, the onion rings, the pepperoni
>"This is what I want because that's what I remember! Vanilla burger fuck yeah!

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lmao wrong on the first point, won't even bother reading the rest

too bad the set is absolutely horrible and is only used for the 3 set bonus

They make more sense than fucking horde zombies, goblins should've been the 4th vanilla race with a Tinker class exclusive for them and gnomes.

True though.
Druid is second to hunter.

>still playing by the time classic becomes raid or quit and dudes in naxx gear are one shoting you.

The game will lose 50% of player base once naxx comes out. Enjoy it while you can

source: your ass

you only give healthstone to tanks and healers lmao and the soul shards farming is a fucking meme

really torn between rolling mage or lock first in classic. going to roll both eventually


Weren't druid healers nerfed to a point that they needed top tier gear in order to be decent?

Guys i just figured it out
Horde = Soviet Union
>Everyone is poor, no shoes, lots of subhuman mongoloid races, live in huge barren steppeland
Alliance = Germany
>Ordered cities, high culture, gnomes are good engineers, everyone is white except for night elf immigrants (turks)

EMFH was not in Vanilla.
>be chad bloodelf PoMpyro mage
>whipping through AV on my mount
>see some paladin in the middle of the road not near any real objectives
>I'm just trying to cross the map to help push since my work recapping is done (to fuck up the ally zerg timing)
>he targets me
>he starts running over to cut me off
>HEH kid don't do it
>pops his fucking wings
>trinket it
>improved counterspell
>spellsteal wings
>arcane power/full macro

>end of Wrath
>raid geared
>degenerate graveyard pushes between stonehearth and stormpike
>have the trinket that procs then builds spellpower to 20 stacks
>Arcane raid spec
>max stack arcane blast
>icy veins
>arcane power
>trinket hitting the top of the curve
>always top BG damage and kills by a mile not even AoE'ing
absolute kino


Do americans really?

i mean if you don't like it, don't play it you fucking retard

Nothing is more based than dwarf-bros though. If your power fantasy is to be än alcoholic hairy manlet, you're alright.

Should I play a paladin or a rogue?

For paladin, really the end goal would be ret pvp, however, I am open to some light raiding with holy. How hard is it to get a ret set keeping this in mind? Would I be very behind the gear curve?

For rogue, it's pretty self explanatory. It lends itself more to a solo play-style.

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>Rogue that low
what the fuck happened?

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I agree with you, but then I realize we'd have 2 meme races instead of one.

Do you have any friends? If not, go rogue. Otherwise you can go holy, get retro gear and respec when you're done.

oh wow they are in 2nd. bet they're all nelves though so mulgore will be fine

the dwarves digging north of RZD/RZF actually have a vendor if that adds anything

Human male subtlety Rogue with Engineering and cooking for that thistle tea = Kino

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>receive a BigMac
>holy shit that tastes good
>they add more pickles, that's okay
>they add another piece of onion, whatever, some people even think it tastes better now, it's gotten colder because it took so long to prepare
>they try to save the pulp by adding rice
>they remove like half of the pulp and form a burger-like thing out of the rest, claim now it's like back when they added more pickles
>burger becomes sentient and starts shooting green beams at you
>you lie on the ground, writhing in pain, the burger takes a huge shit on you

>while the shit is melting on your face, the manager comes up, says they found the original recipe and it will be served again next week
>the restaurant however will remain the same that caused the mess in the first place so you don't have big hopes

>Anything huntard
>god or even good
Lmao, also the warrior sets in vanilla are pure ass or only look good on certain races, T1 was made for orcs.

>Now i have two empty hamburger buns
>Put in rotten cum,fermenting piss and shit,vomit and crusty smegma
>"Now THIS is the superior version!"

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Do europoor shitskins don't really?

So what about Dragonstalker then? You don't actually have standards.

You're in the clear for 2H weapons. Gear might be harder to come by since Warrs have priority. Judgement is pretty nice since you get a lot of spellpower and most of your abilities will benefit from it.

Adding onto this, is the Judgement set better for Ret pallys than the PVP gear? All the spell damage really buffs your SoC, aswell as your judgements and HoW.

>tfw my preferred race/class combination doesn't even make sense lorewise

RIP Tauren Druid

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>not wanting to be a fucking tower
im sorry alliance tranny faggots are shoulderlets that cannot experience this beauty

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Nostalgia is mental illness.

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..they get their power from the sun rather than the moon.

really itching to play WoW with all the classic hype... anyone know anything about this ironman challenge i keep hearing about? fun or meme?

I still fucking hate how this set isn't the hierloom set for mail wearers.

dragonstalker is t2 you braindead fucktard

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this is a pretty good food analogy

Is BS/Mining even good or should I just get alchemy or something? I've leveled both on pservers, but never to max. Alchemy is fun since you can give yourself and friends cool buffs and potions, and I heard it was a real money maker at 60. However if they ever go merge into TBC servers there are a lot of good items you can get from blacksmithing so I don't really know.

>cringe talk like /pol/
jesus thank god i will never go horde ever again what piece of shit cancer faction


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Human Female Paladin or Priest, who has the better aesthetics?

>food analogy

I'm horde and I still cringe about them

Why would anyone make an arrow into a circle? Unless if it was bent by extremely super powerful turbo winds that is.

BS is good if you're willing to commit to trading religiously

Alchemy is always good to have for free potions, its god tier for warriors as well since you can farm a good 5 levels gathering grom's blood for rage potions in desolace

literally SEETHING

Dwarf pala, warrior or hunter? I just want something comfy. Gonna play pvp and casual raiding.

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t10 unironically

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The only meme is letting them become warriors, Tinker class would've removed their joke status.

>Robotics = melee Tank(pets & shredder combat mount)
>Artillery = ranged dps (guns, bombs & turrets)
>Tech = Support dps (lasers, shields, mana&healing)

I've always been Horde and Hunter sets have always been ass that don't identify the class. Their best sets have always been Dungeon 1&2, T1 only looks good on dwarves.

But yeah, fuck alliance and their trannies.

That's not how it works you little shit

>Game starts as a simple hamburger
>patches gives it cheese and bacon
>expansion removes meat, replaces it with tofu
>next expansion replaces tofu with vegiburger
>next expansion replaces vegiburger with a new forumla vegiburger
>This continues for 4 more expansions
>now releasing classic beef bacon cheeseburger, except the beef is ground up horsecock of changes

>even knowing what any set past t6 is
fuck off zoomer

>The last set I ever had on my shaman that I mained before I quit

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Paladin or warrior fellow manlet

how does it not make sense?

WTF is this no launch date shit?
I want to be able to take time off and while I have no source as far as demographics, it stands to reason that there are plenty of fags in the same boat as me since this is a fucking retro server for a 17 year old game.

play warcraft 3,zoomer

these suck

Tier 7 looked the best

seething cuck

Only nelfs were druids until wow retconned it with
>Cenarius met a tauren that one time

Replace the picture they're drooling over with a dog turd and it would be more accurate

Yeah, but I don't think they will raid. I'll have to find the BiS that you can get outside of raids to dominate BGs.

There's a difference between adding new lore and a retcon


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Even before that I thought the reason was Malfurion became bros with Hamuul.


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you are mentally ill

answer me you FUCKS

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>We're watching you, scum.

>human female
>name containing 'qt' or any other variant
neck yourself you fucking tranny.

human female warlock

go dilate tranny

> Druid tiers
P forgettable. Especially T5. Kind of like T4 shoulders though.

Mage tier 5 is also bore core.


I can't wait to choose this rapist dwarf face from vanilla.

They're going to look identical because you'll both wear dresses, but paladin

so close to perfection yet so far

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Am for sure going dorf tho...

I'm not a disgusting tranny you faggots, I don't want a man character running around in a dress (an actual tranny)

both are healslut classes, except paladins start out as a strong independant twohander and only later turn into a submissive bitch when they realize thats the only value they bring to the table

I loved Vanilla, but you classicunts are ridiculous - MoP and Legion had some of the best content in the history of the game.
The only thing Vanilla really nailed was the way it made the world feel alive by encouraging you to talk to randoms and make friends.
It provides a satisfying social experience, but it isn't really a good game. I totally get it if you don't play WoW for the gameplay, and I hope you'll enjoy Classic as much as you think you will.
But that doesn't mean every other expansion was bad.


I love Vanilla WoW, but I will sabotage Classic's servers beyond repair solely to spite the stupid spics that can't stop saying retarded phrases like "We're going home :^)"

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>MoP and Legion had some of the best content in the history of the game.

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>Mfw I've got the names for an Orc Warlock, Troll Hunter, Troll Warrior, Troll Shaman and Troll Priest set up
>Mfw all I need now is some sort of preview for the classic character building screen so I can create all my characters how I want to lock them in and ensure I get all of the names I want.

You niggers and trannies need to get your priorities straight. If you have a shit name then I want nothing to do with you.

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Priest, none of the slut armors are viable and boobplate looks awful. Stick to cloth.

What's the matter? Afraid of a little erp?

For some reason a lot of people liked every class being a strong independent womyn who didn't need no party. MoP was the rise of WoW becoming a singleplayer experience that happened to involve other beings.

>that doesn't mean every other expansion was bad.
You're absolutely right. Classic being a satisfying social experience doesn't mean every other expansion was bad. Every expansion being bad is why every other expansion was bad.


Leveling in current content was more enjoyable in MoP than at any other time in the game's history, and it was the only period where LFD actually functioned without being cancer.

t. dresswearing men


use the dressing room on classic wowhead

>the pepperoni

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Curse of reck low level mobs while a lowly is fighting it
MC a mob and have a friend buff it
Eye of the beast your pet and sit it near quest mobs
Purge kamikaze a raid group of their world bluffs
Force flag someone with eye of killrog

WoW used to be a good MMORPG until Arthas died.
Stay mad faggot, we're gonna enjoy the official vanilla servers just like we enjoyed played on private servers all these years.

>glorious open world pvp at the world bosses

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wtf do you mean buy spells

gotta minmax bro

>MoP and Legion had some of the best content in the history of the game.
What the fuck are you on about?
Class fantasy was GONE
Every fucking class played the same, holy shit even fucking warriors didn't have to bother with stances anymore.

>/e slaps you across the face. Ouch!
>/e spits on you.
do this in a major city and watch the RPers throw a fit

you think class trainers can afford to teach you shit for free? you gotta pay for that education kiddo.

is that loss?

>five characters
>Implying you'll get even one to max level
You'll go back to bfa before level 40, altfag

Class fantasy was at its strongest in Legion if you pretended you were the literally only player who played as your class


>wrath anywhere but shit tier

Why is it that zoomers get this butt blasted about MUH THEORYCRAFTING when there is absolutely zero theory crafting in retail, and it has been that way for years. Retail is a train track of gear, there is no conversation over BiS. Also, PvP has been so boring for years the only time theory or skill is discernible is high level play.

Reminder that none of this would be happening of blizzard knew how to make a competent mmorpg. They have a decent team making the new raids, but that's it. Imagine being a blizz employee, wasting so much time on creating new content only to get blown out by a bunch of boomers 14 years ago that had no idea how to balance a game.

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MOP was fucking shit
They butchered class design beyond repair with the talent revamp, rather then fixing cataclysm's forced cookie cutter shit

Let me tell you about fucking 'just looking up the best talents like everyone else' meme, fucking people had to figure out the best talents, that took time, math, min-maxing, and to some people that was fun, it was fun to figure out how to break the game by min-maxing your talents and creating meme specs like stunlock, pom pyro, reckbomb, SL/SL, frostfire bolt, ect.

Just because you brainless wrathbabbies just picked the best build because the automated group kicking addons you guys made like gearscore and constantly begging for blizzard to make every fucking class a raw damage dealer rather then a fucking class doesn't make the game good.

Nigger noone who still plays on retail started with classic, all the old fags left, all those I know who still play WoW either started with Legion or Pandaria and are fucking mouthbreathing faggots.
And there's a reason for leaving, game is now as deep as a puddle
Remember all those fun alternative talent builds you could do for PvP and trolling? Yeah let that get cut away, together with all the spells and abilities we build up from vanilla to WotLK.

WoW died with Arthas.

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>They have a decent team making the new raids, but that's it.
You just admitted to everyone that you're a retailfag. Everything else in your post is invalid.

>full of bros who don’t care how pretty their character is
weird how many orc players are going female “for the animations”, really makes you think


Warrior is literally STRESS the class in both leveling and end game PvE/PvP It's opposite of comfy and will be very slow, stressful and unfun to anyone not dedicated to it.

At end game you are tanking. With tanking comes HUGE responsibility on getting all your mats/consumables/enchants ETC. Tanks are most needed to have all of these. Tanking for 40 people is one of the most stressful things you can do in this game. You can DPS sure but you're going to need tanking for a very long time until you get good enough gear to DPS and even that is stressful because of how much gear you need to farm to be considered good. Again, not comfy.

For PvP you either have a good group and a healer with you or prepared to be STRESSED the fuck out being kited around while you can't do a fucking thing. Not even kidding.

So to answer your questions. It's hunter. Pic related is how you will be spamming Heroic Strike PRAYING that this one doesn't miss and you lose all your rage and you die.

Attached: warriorleveling.gif (400x225, 1.32M)

>More people play diablo 2 because you can build shit like fucking meme bear builds such as enchant bear, then d3
>Siginificantly more people have moved onto POE then play D3 because POE actually allows for people to play a game where they can figure out builds and strategies
>Yet people keep praising blizzard for removing player choice from WOW and D3

>Nigger noone who still plays on retail started with classic
I've been playing since 2005 and have bought every expansion to at least try it out. I played a Death Knight in Legion and the new Lich King got up to some shady shit. It actually made the game interesting for the first time since they killed the old Lich King. But since it was just one class's storyline they couldn't actually do anything with it.

They also all claim to have just hit randomize, but every single one of them has the only face that isn't completely hideous. What are the odds?

>no rp pvp servers
yeah that's a hard pass from me

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>tfw bought every expansion
>tfw only unsubbed during Legion
>tfw played since vanilla beta

I'm still subbed to BFA but I think once mine is up May 4th I'm done. I may come back for 8.2 if the content looks good (Timeless Isle 2.0 might be amazing).

this. whoever thinks warrior is a "comfy" class has no idea what they are talking about. leading 40 retards is not comfy

why the fuck would they make regular RPPvE servers but not a single RPPvP server?
Makes no sense.

>my idea of 'class fantasy' is every class playing the same way it did in vanilla
jesus christ you guys are ridiculous

Do you actually believe you were doing science and research playing with specs? That, in your genius, you discovered the holy grail and made a build that none of the other 12 million players could ever conceive of?
In most ways, talent trees limited your gameplay choices even more than the later iterations of glyphs and tiered selections.
Most talents were completely useless. If you wanted to be even slightly okay, 95% of your choices were locked in outside of a few niche picks for certain fights.
I feel like people who say shit like this never did any content outside of solo questing. Either that, or you didn't play the game at all.

Onions and basedboy

The best builds were figured out in days

yeah all four of them

>It's a "retail cuck gets upset and offended by facts and shits the bed" episode.
Talents are far and away superior to what followed them and what we have today.
Warlock has like 5 different completely viable specs. Same with Druid. Only a few classes get fucked over by having clearly superior specs.

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blessing of sacrifice.

>my idea of 'class fantasy' is every class playing the same way it did in vanilla
No, the idea is the way they all played from vanilla til WotLK, with all being different concepts, spells, roles and play styles.
I bet your casual clicker head can't wrap his head around it, but warriors without stances?
Paladins without auras?
Fucking c'mon already.
There's literally no difference between playing a DK, a ret or a warrior right now except for the gap closers.

Female orcs are replusive. The people playing them have vile personalities too. The people playing them are one of the two things. Single mothers who are sick of life already and have screaming kids in the background while they're on mic or obnoxious trannies. No matter which you pick, it's bad.

>Most talents were completely useless. If you wanted to be even slightly okay, 95% of your choices were locked in outside of a few niche picks for certain fights.

and that did not change AT ALL with the new talent system. the only thing it did was give you even less "choices" to make and stretch the feeling of actually progressing your character over every 15 levels instead of letting you put in a new talent every single level.

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in my experience femtroll players are far worse

RPPvP servers are terrible, no one even role-plays on them because role-players are afraid of conflict. It's the same as a PvP server.

>Most talents were completely useless. If you wanted to be even slightly okay, 95% of your choices were locked in outside of a few niche picks for certain fights.
>I feel like people who say shit like this never did any content outside of solo questing. Either that, or you didn't play the game at all.

t. non progress raider
As a hunter, you literally had to respecc a different marksmen tree just for the lich king fight to slow the orbs more efficiently.

You're embarrassing yourself, you're a supbar normal raider who did a little PvP and never got invested in the game.
You literally proof that you're just another faggot who has to look at other people to know what he's doing.
I remember having good duel success with a wacky trap build in TBC. God the game was fun then.

Is lights hope EU or NA? trying to find a blizzlike pserver to practice leveling, need something na

What happened? It was so early in the game i forgot, IIRC t2 dropped from Garr and the other beginner bosses in MC, did they roll it back? I might be forgetting something but i'm 100% sure it didn't drop from Ragnaros. It was even a wrath chest that dropped from him

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Mostly true, but not completely. There are RP guilds on them. On Emerald Dream in WotLK there was a PvP guild that RP'd as Stormwind guards, and they were close friends with a PvP guild that was dwarves-only. I never saw many guilds like that on regular PvP servers but did throughout the years on RP-PvP servers. There's also RP hangouts in nice looking, easily accessible places that nobody goes, like the mage quarter of stormwind or literally anywhere in silvermoon city. A lot more than just goldshire like other servers. If you're not someone who looks for those things or recognizes RPers when passing by, then you probably wouldn't notice them and think RP-PvP servers are exactly the same as PvP servers because there are just as many trolls in trade chat.

If you like talents, that's lovely man. I'm really happy for you.
But they objectively don't provide more choices, and people already knew which builds were optimal / most useful within the first year. There's no experimentation to do.

So you admit this is about some obscure "feeling" of progression rather than actually giving you more choices, then.
I'm not denying that the leveling experience in Vanilla is better than pretty much every other expansion. I'm responding specifically to this ridiculous talk about "science and experimentation" though.

>quotes me saying "your choices were locked in outside of a few niche picks for certain fights"
>lists an example of a niche pick for a certain fight
Please tell me you guys are just pretending to be this stupid.

>So you admit this is about some obscure "feeling" of progression rather than actually giving you more choices, then.

no, the "feeling" is just a bonus.

you objectively, factually, unequivocally have more "choices" to make if you have 51 points to spend and 51 potential places to put them than if you have 1 "choice" to make every 15 levels, totaling 6 "choices" in total at level 90. 51 is a larger number than 6, i'm sure you can tell. the effectiveness of the "choices" and the actual impact they have on your playstyle is another story and can be argued about, but if you're seriously trying to say that you didn't have more choice of where to put your points in the old system then you're delusional.

>But they objectively don't provide more choices
But they objectively do.
>and people already knew which builds were optimal / most useful within the first year.
Wrong again tranny. Fury Warriors have only recently been found to be the best DPS classes and spec in the entire game. During vanilla, as in actual vanilla, Fury Warrior was seen as a joke spec.
Druids are getting new more optimal build paths which allows them the ability to main tank raids these days as well, something that never would have happened years ago.

I can hear the feuer frei blasting even without the sound

>Death Knight in Legion
>started off by emphasizing that the Death Knights have free will now and aren't bound to the Lich King anymore
>slowly used how non-interactive quests are as a narrative mechanism to make the player doubt whether that's actually true or not by having them do progressively more fucked up shit and they can't say no because that's not how quests work

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You sound like a bitter faggot who's upset that his singleplayer WoW experience will be even more empty once the classic servers are out.

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>all the trannies roll Nightborne, Blood Elf, Night Elf, or Draenei
clearly we need to purge all elves
the horsecocked draenei futas can stay

>retailcuck's faces when classic surpasses retail in playercount

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Feminine penis
Bara furfags

What'll you pick Yea Forums?

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>the horsecocked draenei futas can stay

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theres tier 0 - .5 dungeon gear if thats what youre wondering

Fucking isn't gay
Getting fucked is gay and beta, even by a futa.
So Alliance.

feminine penis sounds just up my alley

The fuck is Mark of Deflection, that's not in the Vanilla database.

Feminine penis.

Well, for progression raiding, it wouldn't be uncommon to make small optimizations (be it something like prot pally taking Reckoning for Brutallus because he has no parry hasten - supposing you're running prot, or demolock in Wrath respeccing for every other fight, alternating between pushback resistance and range, or maybe even going for imp build). Then again, I feel these sort of encounter-specific optimizations are analogous to the kind of "if there's AoE then take AoE talent" you have in the new system ("if there's pushback then take pushback resistance"). Although I do feel there is a slight difference: just as talents-per-level give something nice every time you level up, the relative difficulty of changing talents makes them feel like a SPECIALIZATION. Say, you might run cleave-optimized specialization because that's what the relevant fights of the tier benefit the most from, as opposed to effortlessly changing talents for every fight even on farm raids, at which point it's not exactly your character's specialization anymore, just something to tweak to a known optimum before the pull. At the end of the day it has no much meaning at strictly mechanical level (there's exactly one optimal build for any given clearly defined scenario), but just like the joy of dinging and getting a new talent point, it does affect what the game feels like.

>Bara furfags
>Literally 0 furfag races
>The one furfag race that did get added to WoW was an alliance race
What did this tranny mean by this?

still torn between shaman and mage. what do?

So at the end of the day the old system is better mechanically (in terms of flavor, progression and such like, it's obviously superior), but only just. Then again, I don't think it was really utilized well. Indeed, Blizzard actively tried to block all ways to utilize novel builds! For example, on General Vezax where dual-earthliving enhancement or healer paladin going ret for Judgements of the Wise would make sense, they just had to add a debuff reducing your healing if you had these talents. They deliberately broke all hybrid specs if they ever became good (like Felguard/Emberstorm). High-tier talents had a habit of being so outrageously powerful they were OBVIOUSLY unskippable...

Admittedly you could get SOME novel specs in ways where you have to make tradeoffs the new system can't provide (ret/prot going aura mastery AND raid sac because you just have to have those raid CDs, or something like warriors' Unrelenting Assault threat build for Hodir), and that is to limited credit of the old system. But I think these examples are so few, first of all because Blizzard didn't really work towards enabling such a thing and mostly left talents as-is, but also because Blizzard tried NOT to make them happen (thinking of late TBC/Wrath era here, prior to that you had build diversity simply through people being shit at the game).

>tfw used to play in an all dwarven guild during wotlk on Defias Brotherhood.
>tfw had world pvp-campaigns againts the horde rp-guilds and political (IC) "drama" with other alliance guilds.
Im not coming home guys. Dwarven Rifle Squad 4 lyfe

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what the fuck is a tauren

>anthropomorphic cows aren't furries

I can't stop watching this lads.
Was it kino?

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I quit BFA after 2 months and haven't played any iteration of the game since then, just making conversation.

If that's the case now, then great. It sure as hell wasn't the case 15 years ago, though.
Ultimately, it has nothing to do with whether or not all expansions after Vanilla are bad, though. The actual impact these choices have, in almost all cases, is comparable to the available choices in later expansions. I'm have no doubt there are exceptions, but the point stands within the context of the original argument.

The effectiveness of the choices and the impact they have is exactly what we're talking about and you know it, don't be obtuse.

Well said mate, now combine that with ability and spell pruning and how everything was made easier to access and you have the reason why modern WoW sucks when it comes to gameplay.
Blizzard are hacks

>tauren aren't furries

if you're trying to imply that furfags don't play tauren, then you are very wrong my friend.

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