Switchfags on LITERAL suicide watch

>Switchfags on LITERAL suicide watch
P5S is Persona 5 Scramble. Its a musuo game in the vain of Hyrule Warrior or the Dynasty games

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I have a Switch and a PS4, so I don't care.

But it IS on switch
So persona 5 IS on switch

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As an idort I'm slightly annoyed that royal is just an expansion pack, I'd rather not buy the exact same game again unless it was for PC or something so I can get a cleaned up experience or for Switch for portability. Just buying it again on PS4 doesn't particularly appeal to me. It's also something of a letdown that the female character is just a random new addition to the game like Marie instead of a new protagonist like P3P.
Mostly I'm annoyed that we can't discuss this because it gets derailed by console wars.
I enjoy musou.

but this game is also out on ps4 and I dont know why you would ever get it on switch because performance matters in a musou

its kinda a beefy expansion pack though since all the dungeons are remixed/expanded and there's additional characters and links and probably a palace or two, shit like that amounts to alot of gameplay hours.

Legit question as someone who never followed Persona until recently, does Atlus usually reveal everything in teaser trailers? Or is there a chance it will be much larger than what was shown? They could just be waiting to surprise players. I wouldn't be shocked if that chick turned out to be an alt protagonist

If this is coming persona 5r is 100% coming too

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Oh I'm sure it's great but it's a harder sell when you already bought the base game.
I would have been thrilled if it was on another platform since it would have been a great excuse to replay it somewhere else.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game the first time and frankly I'd enjoy it if I just played it again on NG+ without extra content.

They've shown the girl interacting with the protagonist in-game. So that's out.

Who was that faggot who closed his twitter after his P5R leak has been destroyed last year?

they mainly reveal a lot of gameplay stuff and minor plot hints. people still dont know if FeMC is real because atlus havent confirmed it yet but if you look at the reveal trailer the new girl isnt in the main party member icon which is where the MC usually is

I mean I'm not a Persona fan so I don't really care mate.


britbonger spotted. go play fifa


this is exactly what i wanted will buy two for my switch

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Bet the biased as fuck shitty ninten slurping mods had stickies at the ready if it was actually a direct port of P5

>They've shown the girl interacting with the protagonist in-game.
>but if you look at the reveal trailer the new girl isnt in the main party member icon which is where the MC usually is
When I saw this my thought was you choose at the very beginning and you're play the game from their perspective. They could have just shown off Joker-only gameplay during the trailer. Either way I think they placed way too much emphasis on her for her to be just another confidant/party member imo

the only intelligent post on this board atm


>tfw I have a PS4 and a Switch and I’m still disappointed
Royal doesn’t look different enough to be worth paying for what is essentially the same game again and Scramble seems like it’s going to be even worse than FE Warriors in terms of series representation. I’ll probably pass on both.

Honestly best result if that's how it turns out, but what with her having a name and Atlus generally being retarded I don't think we'll get a choose your MC conversation between the two

This game that was announced as one of PS4's big First Party titles and took like a fucking decade to release is just a mediocre game?
Why is it bad?

It will be better than Persona 5 Royal

Cock mods

The switch continues to suck.

Actually glad it's coming to Switch so I can avoid supporting the Censorstation.

She will probably have a major story presence, which I don’t really think anyone wants so I don’t know wtf Atlus is thinking. Nobody liked Marie and you could ignore her most of the time, why they’d insist on shoving a new girl into our faces when at this point everyone already has their favorites is beyond me.

Fuck cuck mods deleting every thread but if it were Nintwndo shitposting the board would be blown up

>Switch only fags lshitting on Days Gone
>PS4 only fags shitting on No Persona on Switch

How does it feel like having enough money to have both

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>but what with her having a name
I'm bending over backwards to justify this but maybe she has a name because you if you play from Joker's perspective you have to give her one. Just like if you play from her perspective, you name her and Joker would be called Akira or something for the dialogue boxes. But yeah it's a stretch

I'm guessing you have awful insomnia

Oh nonono.. They already got the dancing game, the expansion, the dungeon crawler, lol whats next? Pachinko? Boardgame? Detective game spinoff? If they can make social link manager I eat my fucking sandals.

>Atlus announces a shitty rehash at full price.
>People ignore this because NINTENDO BTFO!!!1!
>Announce a fucking Musou instead of another fighter.

I hate that consolewar shit is letting Atlus get by without a speck of criticism.

>Joker smash dlc gets a sticky
>P5R or P5S don't

I guess they were waiting for the port announcment to shitpost with a sticky.

It's made by the studio behind Bubsy 3D. Literally nobody expected it to be good
t. Sonygro

>supporting sony

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Musou games generally blows quite hard.
That said
>Persona Q
>Persona in Smash
>Persona Scramble
>But not simply Persona
this is kind of hilarious somehow. Persona Dancing and Persona Fighting on the Switch when?

Or maybe Smash Bros is more relevant than Persona.

The first P5 trailer had a sticky newfag.

I'm not a virgin so this doesn't concern me.

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad.

>muh titties
Good to know you dont care about gameplay

so you're just an ironic weeb then

>I'm not a virgin
>I play Persona on PS4
Pick one

>too new to remember about the P5 sticky after the 48 hour Persona concert
shoo shoo stinky

>First trailer for near decade wait of game gets sticky.
>Re-release and spinoffs don't.
I can't imagine why. So you cry when Yoshi Crafted World and Persona 5 Dancing Star Night don't get stickies? How about P4 Golden, Battletoads and Kirby?

Or maybe you're just shitposting.

Well joker now has a switch game.

I'll wait to see what characters are in it before I consider a purchase.

>Getting a sticky for a re-release
Where's my Skyrim VR sticky?

>Its a musuo game in the vain of Hyrule Warrior
Which was great...what;s the complaint? Why am I considering suicide? I own a PC, a Switch, and a PS4 so I can play any game that matters.

can you imagine if it was the other way around?

Like an enhanced P5 got announced exclusively for the Switch while the PS4 just got a shitty musou multiplat? There would be 4 stickies up for two weeks and the board would never recover.

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user, the night Joker got released on Smash got its own sticky

Remember when Ass Creed got a sticky?
You get them whenever you pay for them.

>Smash got a sticky
You don't fucking say.

What makes Hyrule Warriors different from the usual musou trash anyway?
I instantly dismissed it as shit desu

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I liek Zelda :-)

I'm curious if P5S will pull the usual Warriors style nove (like Hyrule, Fire Emblem, and Orochi) and have some time portal things open to give us the P3 and P4 casts too. Just the main P5 cast doesn't seem like enough characters for a musuo game, with possibly 10 persona users if they include new girl? Getting P3 and P4 ups the number much more, and there should be enough variation to give each character their own style (so like Yu from P4 uses sword and lightning where as Yusuke from 5 uses sword and ice, so hopefully different playstyles, unlike an army of pegasus knights from FEW).

Im actually hype, i like musuo games
also im an idort.

Haru to make your Persona thread better

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>Personafags still defend paying 60 dollars for what is equivalent to 20 dollars of DLC
Maybe in the PS2 era that was okay, but are you seriously defending a 60 dollar expansion pack mate?

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They didn't even do that on PS2. Atlus sold upgrades editions at a discount and did exchanges with prior customers for an even greater discount, along with save transfers.

Has anyone else bought P5 on the ps3? I did. Royal is worth buying for me on that alone. Scramble being musou doesnt hurt me either due to being an idort.

Good to know you don’t care about freedom of expression or artistic integrity.
Once they remove violence from games to make them safer you will only have yourself to blame.
>I did not speak up when they took the anime titties, for I did not like anime titties
Reminder to buy Sony products used if you really want them.

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If it was DLC you could buy a used copy and save $20. Nice try though.

>tfw finally got sick of Personas midway through 5 so I'd probably enjoy Scramble more than Royal anyway

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My hot wife watches me play Persona. She like the music and the look of the characters. Stay mad.

If it hits 60 on Switch with slight dips and less resolution I’ll get it there.

Musou on the go is a treat. Buying it either way though.

>usual musou trash
If you don't like musous then you would not like it but don't like your preferences are the only correct ones.

Also, no way they won’t be DLC but...

Playing as Caroline and Justine will be dope

Well. Those other guys at least arent living in a 1 room apartment lmao.

>Mentions his wife is hot.
How to spot someone without a hot wife.

Where is the fucking screencap compilation of BTFO'd switchfags? I hope someone made one. Enjoy your 'persona 5 on switch' you fucking fags!

A FUCKING musou game. FUCK musou games.

>Good to know you don’t care about freedom of expression or artistic integrity.
You want to jerk off to the girls, be true you fucking tool
>Once they remove violence from games to make them safer you will only have yourself to blame.
Japan removes or straight up bans ultra-violent games like MK there yet I dont see daily threads about how this is a bad thing

unironically have sex

>I have a Switch

Well you are a child.

shit, you’re right. If you can some how import a ps3 save into royal then fuck it, then ill take it. It still hurts to take the $60 though.

Why don't we change the name of this board? /shitposting/ is better.

I'm an idort, but I've been having a laugh at Switch-onlyfags this morning and Days Gone isn't looking too hot, though.

I still remember the musou screenshots leaking just before the announcement and Switchlets frantically screaming "IT'S FAKE IT'S FAKE IT'S NOT REAL" like it was just a few hours ago. Oh wait it was just a few hours ago ahahahahahhaha

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Switchfag and Sonyfag here.
Now i'm interested in Persona 5 for once.

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>Japan removes or straight up bans ultra-violent games like MK there yet I dont see daily threads about how this is a bad thing

It is a bad thing, and retarded. The reason you don't see daily threads about it here is because the people here don't live in Japan, so that censorship doesn't affect them.

Are you this fucking stupid or am I falling for bait?

Who fucking cares? I'm just hoping this finally kills the "P5 on Switch" talk and we can move on to something else. But it won't because it's easy bait for console wars.

Meh I own a switch and ps4, couldn't give a fuck. I will buy the shit out of this game though, I kinda enjoy these fan service musou games, have the zelda and fire emblem ones.

Syphon Filter was good, besides I doubt anyone from the Bubsy 3D team still works there.

Video Games are for children

>be true you fucking tool
What reason do I have to lie on an anonynous anime forum? I’m an artist myself and seeing other artist’s work be censored due to some moral highground a company decided on is sickening to me.
>Japan bans Mortal Kombat
Nice whataboutism, but that’s just as much of a violation of expression and artistic integrity than banning anime games.
>have sex
Already have, sony bootlicker.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they said persona will come to the switch! I can only play it if on the switch because i have a new baby!

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>The reason you don't see daily threads about it here is because the people here don't live in Japan, so that censorship doesn't affect them.
>If doesnt affect me so it doesnt matter
And now we are stuck on a loop
Either you care about all censorship or not

Idort or not, I sincerely hope nobody's stupid enough to buy Days Gone.

As long as I get to play as Ryuji with Captain Kidd, I'll be happy.

>but that’s just as much of a violation of expression and artistic integrity than banning anime games.
So why I dont see threads complaining about this?
Also why arent you complaining about Smash getting some things censored like Mr G&W feather?

>Switch gets a spinoff of a popular Sony exclusive game
>Snoy drones so utterly insecure that this alone causes maasive shitposting and persecution conplex posts

Ah, okay, you're retarded.

Thanks for clearing that up.

>why don’t i see threads about it
Because the majority of the Yea Forums userbase lives in North/South America and Europe, why would they talk about a ban in a country very few of us live in rather than a ban that directly affects a majority of the userbase?
I’m sure if you go to 2ch or any other Jap imageboards you’ll find some threads about it.
>why aren’t you complaining about G&W feather
Because we haven’t been talking about Smash, G&W, or that whole debacle because we’re talking about Sony’s focused attempts at censoring anime games? Or at least we were until you started trying to divert away from that discussion. You’ve seen from my posts that I don’t support censorship, so why would I support the G&W censorship?

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i'm literally keking out loud in real life at Nincels

>Everyone on Yea Forums is anti-social neet losers


This but for you instead

>I still remember
It was a few hours ago, goldfish.

I literally couldnt care less.

I own a switch, but im so happy that after all this time of waiting for news, I finally get to post this again, and it's actually still true.


Mentioning your hot wife is akin to saying you make six figures day-trading crypto

Either delete this post or wipe the tears from your eyes and read the one you quoted more carefully.

That's because musou games suck fucking shit. Notice how no one is laughing at Persona Q2 because dungeon crawlers are actually rad.

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>Snoy drones so utterly insecure that this alone causes maasive shitposting and persecution conplex posts
And then you wake up

Am I having a fucking stroke or is this picture really old? I feel like I saw it way back.


Fuck you, Q was great and I’m getting that Koromaru plush edition

Meant to say fuck yeah


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There's nothing to woosh. You got so angry you replied to the Snoy shitpost before even reading the whole thing, it happens.

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Musuo is my least favorite genre. I want to die.

To us both. I love Persons Q
The worst thing about that is that I prefer P4 characters, but P3 side had better battle theme. Fuck my life.

Nah, I make 65k. Nothing crazy but gets me by.

Well youre a neet so athe stroke is possoble. But also all musou games look the same

Its almost like an expansion pack. Before DLC that was the expected amount of content. It also would be out earlier that 2 years after launch. Atlus trained you well

The problem is its not even a crossover musou like Hyrule Warriors or the Dragon Quest Heroes games.

Its just Persona 5:Musou edition.



someone post the persona 5 announcement for ps3 and 4 where the nintenbros were seething real hard

>Persona 5 musou game with the same graphical style as the main game
I'm okay with this. P5 on Switch would still be nice for the portability, though.

it means lurk moar

I have a PS4 to play Royal on and Hyrule Warriors is one of my most played Switch games. Your move

Someone who claims he has all the current gen consoles and PC - aka a liar - just because he thinks it will give him immunity when he starts spitting shit in console related thread.

Haha fair enough. Yeah I'm not really into musou games for the reason you just stated. As much as I have a constant hard-on for P5 I am not getting this.

It means your antenna is showing faggot

user, calm down and read it again.

Eventually itll come out to a portable device.
Perhaps next gen handhelds


>Musou game has more classic Megaten stuff than Smash

Musou is fun if you like a comfy and mindless button masher. The games aren’t that bad. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just do all of Persona and maybe some SMT. If they only do 5, the roster is gonna be very small.

today I will remind them

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Persona 3-4 characters will be DLC

Bet on it

But you don't know that at all. P4A wasn't just Persona 4: fighting edition.

>It was a few hours ago, goldfish.

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>stage 5: acceptance

In traditional Persona Atlus fashion, expect the game to be riddled with DLC.

This is Atlas, you will get stand alone musou for p3 and p4 just like with the dance games.

Bet on it.

>shitposters are so mad they couldn't spam their NO GAME meme folders they've been working on now are settling for shitposting scraps
it's unsettling how rampant the shitposting this year has been and all over 1 fucking JRPG series of all things, how come decent series like Resident Evil don't cause this where it's literally shitty re releases for Switchfags and actual games on decent consoles?

I love how poorfags can't even fathom someone having more consoles than they do. Arguing about which company you're loyal to is a clear indication of autism or underage, end of story.

SMT is better in every way
I’m mad that we are not getting smtv news at all since it was first announced

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>people shitting on Musous
>all I want is Pirate Warriors 4
>KT makes Persona of all things
fuck me, now I'm starting to believe they're honestly going to make a shitty Xenoblade Musou too.

Those games aren't Sony exclusive.


A Xenoblade musou could be cool though

I guess that makes sense, I don't really keep up with XBox so I usually assume it's similar to PS4, I had a vague recollection of 360 Persona but it seems it was one of the spin off games.

>Persona 5 Warriors
I never knew I would want this so much!

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Maybe, it just bothers me they don't continue what was a modestly succesful series with plenty of interest while making games based on clearly smaller properties, it wouldn't bother me if it was some huge Gundam tier ip where they can clearly make more money or expand their fanbase while I feel the JRPG crowd is most likely at the very least aware Musou games exist.

Can anyone more familiar with Atlus/Persona give me the rundown on why they made it P5 focused instead of Persona Warriors, is it mere laziness or is there some weird licensing issues across the series?

Laziness. 5 is the new hotness and they can use other Persona characters for DLC.

man, I wished I could've seen the face of every confident portbegger with this announcement

>SMT is better in every way
Well except for the actually existing part

>musuo game
I fucking hate gooks and japs for popularizing this absolute garbage of a game engine. Worst most brain dead combat system. Every musou game I've played is the same fucking rehashed shit.

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>during the absolute state of play, the most trending thing on twitter was nintendo direct