Gets into Smash

>Gets into Smash
>Despite never being on a Nintendo Console

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Only a literal faggot would complain about that.

He's literally on Switch.

You can buy right now FF7 for switch.

> Almost every Final Fantasy is on a Nintendo platform
> Cloud is literally the most iconic RPG character ever behind Pikachu
> Is the only character to ever defeat Link in a best character contest
> Implying he doesn’t deserve to be in Smash
Fuck off Banjo fag

Franchise Rep

Wasn't he in chain of memories?

Nice strawman fag

>people still trying to salvage their "Nintendo loyalty" rule even when Sakurai himself said lol console wars are gay

>An irrelevant old man who put fucking joker in his game because he wants to fuck teenagers

>Wasn't he in chain of memories?

and Re:Coded

Boy howdy. You're a special kind of retarded.

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>Never being on a nintendo console

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>literally the director of the fucking game

Chain of Memories

And now Final Fantasy 7 is on the Switch

>Games he was a side char, a cameo, at best in
Doesn't count

>Games he was a side char, a cameo, at best in
>Doesn't count

the explain Joker whose only Nintendo appearance before Smash was a spinoff (Persona Q2)

>Justify this wasted slot with another wasted slot

>still doesn't understand the only criteria for being in Smash is being vaguely related to a Nintendo product

>I don't like the character

deal with it

Yeah, but they switched over to Playstation because Square was tired of Nintendo's censorship policies butchering the narrative of their games.

Nah, it was because the storage space on cartridges were too small so they switched over to PS1 because the N64 still fucking had carts.

The only real problem with this was that FF7 was a big middle finger to Nintendo when it came on on the Playstation which Nintendo decided wasn't worth it's money when it was still being developed.

Wanting to get away from Yamauchi and his totalitarian demands certainly played a part.

Nintendo used to make companies who shit talked them make public apologies before they'd let them publish gacha on their consoles. Now the have to beg to get the character that more than anything represents Nintendo's fall from grace and lack of control over third parties and Squeenix only needs to contributes two songs. Jesus Christ.

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Being fine with this is like being fine with your wife fucking your half-brother twice removed because he's ''vaguely related'' to you

>videogames are equal to cuckery

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Anyone who cared about this should have cared when Snake was revealed despite none of the MGS games but MGS1 coming out on Nintendo consoles and Brawl even explicitly putting content from MGS4 in it. Getting pissed about it now makes no sense.

While the game was shit, the first way the series was introduced to the US was through Nintendo.

Yeah look at Square now

Source: your ass

>not caring about a character who gets into smash
>the same as your wife cheating on you
You're autistic and have formed an emotional attachment to video games because you're a loser. Spend some time away from vidya and Yea Forums you dweeb.

>metal gear on NES
Do you enjoy being retarded on purpose?

Kinda weird how that whole debacle has completely flipped
In the 90's and early 00's optical storage was necessary because flash storage was imperfect and expensive, but nowadays it's optical storage that's more or less obsolete while flash technology is the main form of storage on basically every device

It's a well known fact that many developers jumped ship once the PS1 came out and proved a viable alternative to Nintendo consoles without having to deal with Nintendo's demands in order to get that Nintendo Seal of Approval. If you're going to question this then all I have to ask is how old are you?

>Yeah look at Square now

>KH3 was okay at best and not the end of the series
>FFXV was unifinished despite 10 years of development, needed story DLC, some story DLC got cancelled, and the worst action gameplay of a Square game

Ultimate is a port, it doesn’t count as two entries

Same thing sort of happened with bandwidth. Co ax to modulation to split lines to "Let's just use the whole fucking thing but somehow its asynchronous and 50 times faster"

In my head (and not quite factually accurate but fuck it) It's like we invented the wheel, added the rest of the car over time to make things better, and then just made a car-shaped wheel.

They should just go back to turn-based instead of trying to be some open-world knock-off.

Seems like nintendo will take anything. I think theres a pattern though it might not be correlated: Snake is from MGS which started on the NES, Cloud is from FF which started on the NES, Joker is from an SMT spinoff which started on the Famicom. It doesnt really matter if the character is specifically on their platform, thats why its a rep

Oh yeah? You were in your mom once despite being a faggot

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>They should just go back to turn-based instead of trying to be some open-world knock-off.

Yeah, WoFF and Octopath showed that Square can make good turn based systems.

KH3's was an okay combat system but not as good as KH2
XV's "combat" was literally Hold O to win

Metal Gear started on the MSX. The version on the NES was a really bad port. Let's be real, Snake got in because Sakurai is friends with Kojima and had been begging for Snake to get in since Melee, where Snake didn't make the cut only because they didn't have the time. These "rules" for what character can get it have never existed beyond simply what Sakurai likes.

It's OUTRAGEOUS 2bh, we all know Smash is like the hall of fame of Nintendo, it's a celebration of our beloved Nintendo franchises, NOT JUST A VIDEOGAME AT ALL
Cloud needs to EARN his way in by first starring in AT LEAST 5 (FIVE) original exclusive Nintendo system titles, and then we get to vote if he's worthy of appearing in Smash

>KH3's was an okay combat system but not as good as KH2
>XV's "combat" was literally Hold O to win
KH2's was "press triangle to win" so I don't know how KH3 can be so much worse than that.

True, there was also Twin Snakes so Konami & Nintendo had some kind of relationship

or how Hard Drive interfaces went from serial, to parallel, to serial, and are now parallel again.

>KH2's was "press triangle to win"

except you actually had to play in order to trigger the ability to use the traction commands

KH3 was just "build a meter (which is really fast) and take advantage of a summon that costs 0 MP and makes you invincible for like 20-30 seconds".

Hell, some people compare it to a Dynasty Warriors game with how it's mobs everywhere and you have moves that clear wide areas

How is that a strawman lmao retard

>if u dont like think u must be banjfo fag
fuck off

I wouldn't say it's wierd given the only real barrier was space and cost. Once those were sorted it was naturally going to go back to it.

Link vs Cloud is 2005 GameFAQ's kino

um but that's wrong, sweetheart

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>but he makes the games and decides the characters
Are u retarded?

>imagine not wanting to fuck teenagers

I don't need to imagine having taste.

>optical storage that's more or less obsolete
in every way except the one that matters

>Smash Bros was made by 1 man

Persona 3 & 4 had releases on a handheld. Why would 5 be different?

>I don't understand what a director does

He looks like he's going to vomit.

He directs. He does not solo make the game.


It's almost as though Sakurai just puts in whoever he wants (and can get the rights to) and isn't thinking about "MUH PORTS" in the back of his head.

Switch port begging + Smash autism is a lethal mix of obnoxious faggotry.


what, do you think a programmer decides what characters get into the game?