MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Damage Control saga

NRS ban the phrase "PC" to block customers from asking about the terrible state of the port.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Master Race indeed.

Let’s be real PC fags wouldn’t have stuck around. Soul Calibur 6 barely survived.

Tekken 7 and DBZ fighters have playerbases still but fuck Tekken and dragon ball

Pc fags absolutely ruined SC6 with their funny cas memes lol


How would that be relevant to the discussion? The point here is that they have released a bad product, and refuse to acknowledge it.

How the fuck does banning two LITTERAL LETTERS can prevent someone from talking about a subject?

Are you incel that desperate to shit on the game?

MKX was an absolute shit show that made them learn not to interact with Pc people

Mkx messed peoples machines up

I kept telling the retards over and over again at /mkg/ that the PC port is going to be trash just like every other MK port but they never fucking listen.

You guys are cool with blacks transexuals right?

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1. She doesn't have a Y chromosome
2. She marries Takeda

She isn't even a bad to play character. Just boring in terms of background.

PC is becoming a throwaway afterthought, especially at WB. Remember Arkham Knight?

>that clipping

tranny is a nice word for mutilated. fucking kringe.

This whole Gay. Trans. things feels so forced now.

she looks like she has plastic skin

PC versions of fighting games are almost always the best versions right now and communities like Guilty Gear and Tekken often move to PC for the better experience. WB is simply incompetent or underfunding their PC ports.

Why would that stop people to type instead Personal Computer?
Is this the equivalent of those lazy couch potatoes that prefer to beat the shit out of a defunct TV-remote than getting their asses up and switch manually from the TV itself?

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I wish crossplay was a thing. Why did technology not progress for the last two console generations?

>Meanwhile: in Bizzaro Yea Forums

Because then they couldn't keep the Switch and PC versions 3 patches behind.

In a world with cross play, Nintendo platforms are a viable option to play multiplat games and Sony can't have that. Cuts into their profits. If people can play games on a Nintendo that means less PS4s being sold

This isn't PC as in "political correctness"?

Sony literally and publicly blocks crossplay from becoming a universal standard. If you want crossplay, you have to boycott Sony. Crossplay was not easy last gen but now it is and even built into some engines.

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what was the point in making all that up?

That ended up being a complete lie. After Sony let some other game do cross platform play someone tweeted at Hines asking if they could get it for Fallout 76 now and Hines responded that there was never any plans for cross platform play and that Sony wasn't the reason for it essentially outing Todd as a liar. I know, shocking that Todd Howard would lie or that Pete Hines would be that incompetent, it's almost to fantastical to believe.

Todd isn't the only one who's called them out, the whole fortnite thing was a mess leading to them getting shat on from every direction.

Well with that out of the way, why dont you guys come on over and play some Melty or Uniest
We got cute girls, a great ost, and our games run on toasters easily

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>Ended up a lie
Sure thing bud

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The fuck happened to Static Shock?

I'm not denying Sony has been a shitter about cross platform play but if someone is going to post that article about Fallout 76, I am going to make sure people know what actually happened. Pete still did what I said, He admitted there were never any plans for corss platform play apparently unaware of the lie Todd had already told.

That's not the trans flag you retard, plus she's getting married to Takeda according to intro dialogue

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kek, I got permabanned on the steam forum for posting the jax ending. What a fucking train wreck.

>The one actually okay kombat kid
>not in game.
>But briggs and cucky cage is

Cassie and Takeda would've been my choices, but they did improve Jacqui's playstyle so I'm not really complaining having her return over him.

Sorry champ but we need our tuff stronk diversity wimin. Brb changing the final boss to female at the last second.

So why did Kotal just randomly say "fuck it, Kitana is Kahn now." And then disappear from the story all together? Did he just piss off to fuck Jade while everyone else is FIGHTING TO SAVE THE WORLD?

Fuck PC gamers

He's fucking crippled, of course he's going to do nothing but retired and fingerbang Jade because he can't feel his dick anymore

Probably because Shao Khan turned him into a fucking cripple. Also all Kotal saw under his reign was rebellion after rebellion. Kitana actually united outworld together. Kotal is an honorable warrior not a power hungry guy thirsty for the throne. So he saw someone was his better and handed it off for the good of Outworld

MKXI is seriously the most pathetic game.

>steam users have already dropped by 4k
NRS on suicide watch.

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>When your game is so dull even your fae outrage won't work

I wonder why

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The best fgs are only played in oc through fightcade. If you want to play actually good fg games you have no other option but to play on pc. This is a fact.

It's still pretty amazing how despite the MKX port being an unironic unplayable dumpster fire that MK11 being a shit port doesn't even come close to, MK11 still peaked higher than most other fighters on steam.


Mkx was fixed the first week

it didnt. DBFZ had more.

Oh gee, who would have thought that the same company dressing females in burkas and males in thongs would also shove mobile tier microtransactions and become trigger happy with the bans?

>MK9 built up Shao Kahn as a unkillable monster, tanking a FIST THROUGH THE CHEST and still getting up to fuck over the Earth the very next day
>MK11 has Shao Kahn die like a punk to Kitana and a simple slash to the head

Did Kronika depower him or something?

It took much longer
That's why I said MOST other fighters. You'd think MK11 would have a smaller peak because everyone knew of the disaster that was MKX port

"If you make fun of her youre racists?"
Is this strategy?

gurlll powerrr
we female kahng now

Power levels make absolutely no sense in MK. Average humans can take out elder gods on a whim if the story demands it

They promised that the port would be good because they hired the company that fixed the MKX port and retards believed them.

NRS also utilizes anti consumer practices like preorder DLC characters so people feel forced to preorder or they will have to pay extra for a character as important and popular as Shao Kahn.

It's baffling how they do this and still expect you to buy their shit.

Source me or it didn't happen you dumb incel

Shao Kahn was always a bitch without Shang Tsung. Remember when both Quan Chi and Shang fucked him up? Remember when he couldnt 1v1 Onaga and had to poison him?
It is better than MKX port, but that's an incredibly low bar

the virtue signalling company also just got outed as an inhumane workplace that literally killed a guy working on IJ2.

its always the same.

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>people play fighting games on PC
Fucking lel

Fuck off and do your own work. I looked at the amount on day one and then just recently looked. Was 22k, now is 18k. If you don't believe me I realy don't care.

What am I missing that makes it possible for big corporations to release bad ports? Like how can it happen, how can it be so hard to port something.

What do those people lack? Is it talented programmers? I don't know shit about programming so I don't get it at all.

Shang Tsung and Quan Chi killed an imposter, and to be fair; no one could 1v1 Onaga without some magical bullshit device to even the odds

Is that a rare pepe?

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Why did people think a NRS PC port wouldn't be shit?

>getting RICEd buy lil scorpion
That’s kinda adorable. I wonder what Jax must think of it

It's because they literally don't give a fuck about the consumer. All they want is your money.

They literally lied.

I thought you niggers said you weren't gonna play this. Why is there a billion threads about something you said you wouldn't touch?

I'm not. I dodged a bullet there :^)

no because I saved it JUST now, haha

They blocked PC because users are saying the game is too pc politically correct. Unlike the real mk that use to do whatever the fuck it wanted

I'm just enjoying my anger.

>Yea Forums is one person

>*Invent numbers*
>"I-i dont need to back up my statements. Y-y-y-y-y-you make your own research"

This is why no women want to touch you

I like watching AAA bullshit burn itself.

Fucking stop using german words in your own language for bad things just because the language sounds so strict and vile.

Sure feels like it with the stale memes and unfunny low effort edits. You'd think if Yea Forums was multiple people someone talented would come along but no.

I love when a game panders to sjw and then gets fucked. I love trainwrecks like this.

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>mortal kombat
Stop breathing any day, retard

Per capital, blacks commit the most hate crimes against queers

Apex must have triggered you badly

go woke get broke

This T B H. It's cathartic.

How is it not AAA? It may be low tier AAA but it's not exactly operating on a budget of a big Deep Silver game.

Fuck off, braindead NPC.

It is already broke

Not really, I never cared about battle royales, also the fact that it's already dying does bring a sweet smile to my lips.

Yeah, I'm sure all those millions in revenue just disappeared over night

>unironic redditors are behind these threads
That explains so much.

Who in the right mind would buy MK11 after the shit they pulled with MKX?

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>all those millions in revenue just disappeared over night
Is this nigga serious?


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I really don't think he's dead. Just incapacitated. She Just sliced his face. Will probably be imprisoned like Kotal was.

>only redditors talk bad about a shit game

not as many as you would think looking at the sales and whatnot

that's right, darn those pesky redditors that dare not slurp up *insert product here* without question! not unlike us based 4channers that happily play $60 games in 10 fps with MTX in them like good go- I mean, guys.

>literally posts screenshot from reddit
>literally browse reddit to find stuff to screenshot
>Defends redditors
>"n-no I'm not a redditor!"

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>Using german words is verbauten

Mk9 was the last MK I played, never played any of the DC fighters either. I had no idea Netherealm has gone full EA like this and none of the jurnos/channels covering MK11 mentioned how jew'd up the game was

But thats gaming in 2019, people just accept this shit

Next time use PC or personal komputer to talk about the port.

How are the physical sales? Any user have seen if there are empty shelves or are those not selling?

What was that "fusion" thing the lightning dude did with the fire dude? Why didn't he just do that before? Why don't others do it?

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What happens to Kung Lao at the end of the story mode? I know Liu Kang and Raiden do some silly fusion shit

Imagine defending redditor tourists. That's how low the internet zoomey generation has fallen

fuck off retard

Reddit is not a bad guy in the age of resetera, facebook, twitter and youtube.

Because the crux of stopping Chronica's plan was that Liu Kang and Raiden working together was the only way to win as in every time line she got them to kill each other. So Raiden had to do something to ensure she couldn't just time bully him away again. He passed his godhood on to Liu Kang

Fuck off back to your shithole site niggerfaggot, your kind isn't welcome here.

That's what I wanted you to protect from. You sound completely retarded using german words.

Back to resetera, Yea Forums tranny.


>I want another human to die because of online gang wars.

What's wrong with the PC port?
All I've seen them tore apart over is the progression but is it shit like MKX was at launch? Because I struggle to believe NRS could fuck it up twice in a row.

Sex haben

For years you resetera trannies have disguised yourself under the veil of the reddit meme. Please just go, you're not accepted here.

They fuck it up because they only made the Xbone/Pisspour versions.

Yes, I want to smash your ugly little mutt face in with a hammer, watch you squirm on the ground, begging for mercy as you piss yourself, and I will enjoy seeing the life in your eyes dim as you choke on your teeth and blood in a moment of extreme torturous pain. That is what I want to do with every little underage redditor destroying my site.

Adorable, you should be getting out of middle school in year now right?

You basically asked to have sex in a neanderthal tone.

I can't even finish the story mode, every cutscene is 10 hours long, and I get disconnected from the server making my game shutdown every 20 minutos, meaning I have to watch the whole cutscene again if the game DC middle cutscene or skip it.

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Oh, trust me little redditor, your time is coming to an end. Your vile mutt nation eradicated, your family torn apart in righteous hellfire in front 9f you, as the world destroy the degeneracy you little shits peddle.

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did you know that MKXI has issues MK9 had?
like the current patch you have deletes itself if you restart your system. if you want to play offline you're fucked.

It's like 3 patches behind the console version, tons of krashes, almost everything locked at 30fps, the krypt is completely fucked and plenty more.

So, whats wrong with the port?
Ive been playing it for around 2 days now (admittedly not online) and its run a solid 60 at max. Is there a memory leak or something I didnt hear about?

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>buying MK on PC after shitshow that was X
>buying WB games on PC
Are you retarded?

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Some angry dev posted about NRS and the working conditions there

>female toilet gets turned into a unisex toilet with males pissing everywhere
>first thing people will tell you on your first day is "enjoy the crunch"
>devs working for 12 dollars/hour
>women get 11 dollars/hour
>often they even pay you nothing and treat you like an intern and tell you that you should be grateful to get experience there
>women are not allowed in meetings because they "distract the male participants"
>everyone who gets hired is a temporary worker and even if you worked on the game for 80% of the development time you still don't get a copy of the game at the end and have to pay the 60 bucks for it yourself
>the bosses pay themselves before release so any boycott or sales disappointment does not hit them - it only hits the contracted workers
>many people quit the industry because NRS was their first experience

>Incels have to make up shit about working conditions as their last attempt to fight back against da sjw boogeyman

It is simply mystery, i bought MKX close to the release date, and i can honestly say i will never buy any WB published game unless it's some real fucking masterpiece.
But so far they only release open world meme game cashgrabs and cashgrabs overall, so i think i will do fine without them.

>complains about NRS treating women like shit

Damn, I was wrong about them. They're actually based. Only a cuck would get mad at this

>reports of constant crashing. not me but other people have been
>performance is shit in the krypt and the AA is awful everywhere so you need to switch it off
>no patch parity, Xbone and PS4 have had 2 patches that the Switch and PC haven't
the last one is the big one for me
I don't crash, the graphics are fine and I'm at 60 except for some points in the Kronika fight and sometimes in tower

>hey let's throw the game on PC as well to milk a few extra bucks out of people dumb enough to buy it

women can't make videogames so this treatment makes perfect sense id say

Yes, white knights are the first to complain when their fair maidens are in need.

I am not complaining.
I couldn't care less about american workers and how they let themselves get fucked in the ass by corporations.

It's just interesting to point out how fucked up everything is.

So they were actually based all along and are just pretending to be retarded with MK11?

It was a tranny intern

Is this the worst case of Get Woke Go Broke we've ever seen?

No because it's the mobile game bullshit that's pissing the masses off.

find a flaw

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this is what happens when you diversity hire a bunch of delicate trannies

You make the strongest launch sale in your company's history?

trannies weren't in charge of marketing, just making a game for faggots

I don’t even know who that is at the top.

>Cassie Cage more powerful than both Elder Gods

>moving posts this hard
Dare I say it? Dare I say "COPE"?

I never moved any post, sweetie. your pussy is canceled my sweet summer child

Are you really so naive that you think most people sitting on this board and replying to these kinds of thread actually play video games at all?
How new are you?

whole story is about woman squeezing the balls of men
>Kage becomes a literal "grown-up cuck" who acts like a politically-correct clown (fucking mime for real)
>Kotal always loses his fights even against Jade and she even changes his "life attitude" letting Kitana get the throne
>Kitana beats everyone's up

No he just suffered from really bad writers.

Didn't Shao Kahn break his spine? Hard to be a warlord when you can't stand on your own.

So yoy guys are at the "ITS A SECRET FLOP" stage, huh

Cause people do buy their shit, like the brainless sheep they are.

Isn't MK11 selling well?

In the days of preorders nearly every game is a flop outside of its first day. The only people buying games are preordering them. Just look at RDR2, outside of its first week it took months and months for it to sell off all the physical copies.

X had good initial sales but overall sold worse than 9, and that game didn't had the massive backlash this one is getting.

X sold over 10 million copies you fucking dipshit.

What's with that jacket? Does she work at Burger King?

>PC fighters don't survive on PC
>Here are two fighters that have, but they don't count because I said so

>Sonya kills Kano completely so his toxic masculinity is out of the series

I feel like a distinction should be made for MKX D'Vorah and MK11 D'Vorah. She was getting over like crazy back in that game but she does basically nothing in 11 other than get her ass kicked.
Also who is stronger, Elder Gods-empowered Raiden or Raiden Negro (con el Medalon del Shinnok)?

Aren´t you trying way to hard to be spoonfed?

>Meanwhile in SFV and Killer Instinct

She kills Scorpion

What's wrong with the PeeCee port?

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Dragon ball isn't a real fighting game and Tekken "PC" players are just migrants from console

Eh, I don't consider a cheap shot to be a real victory considering he beat her just a moment before. Not like how she manhandled Mileena and Baraka.

Straight up doesnt run on many systems because its rushed and they didnt try out enough hardware configurations. Boot issues, sound issues, graphics issues. Also physics issues.
Crashes in training mode and krypt.
Literally not the same game as on PS4. Some combos that work on one system do not work on the other.
Patches out of sync. Some systems are ahead of others.

why is she more black than she was in MK10?

Cutscenes are all locked at 30 fps, this includes fatalities and brutalities. So you're switching from 60 fps to 30 fps multiple times a fight.

Why are you lying?..

>Some combos that work on one system do not work on the other.

How is that even possible?

Nigga just write out personal computer LOL

thats the same on consoles lmao

The same reason the new captain america is a nigger

issues with physics maybe. or it could be because PC doesnt run the same version as PS4. nobody really knows. there's many ways to fuck something like that up.

MKX sold almost double what 9 sold.

>More concerned for virtual women than their physical women employees
o i am laffin

So what happens to Kung Lao at the end of the story mode? I know Liu Kang and Raiden do some silly fusion shit.

>MKfag talking about other games not being real fighters

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So what actually is wrong with the PC version? Frameissues and crashing like with MKX's launch?

Tony is the one who dies, Cap just goes back in time. Also he fucks his niece.

>How does banning words prevent someone from saying something

Based retard

how do western devs fuck up their PC port worst than the japs?

Isn't MK9 still beating MKX just because it released earlier? What's all this bullshit about X selling more?


>Classic is a nice word for busted

That's a decent analogy for MK as a series

I've been wondering the same. Tech wise MKXI schools most japanese games. Backgrounds are incredibly busy and the game runs well, netcode is great, tons of good features, but then it comes to the PC port and its just shit.

The port team probably got rushed. I remember that the MKX port team only had three weeks to port the game to PC. It also aligns with gamedevs statements about NRS crunching hard.

protip : nothing there is true. But you'll believe it, everybody who say bad thigngs about the work in game dev is right by default, and you'll never check.

What the fuck does incel even mean at this point?

>console cucks have no conception of life outside of their drm box with paid online and censored games

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Same thing as nazi

I was just looking for a MK thread to post in. Did anyone enjoyed the story? I did, it was like a shitty martial arts B movie.

Real talk
I'm happy that PC is becoming a FG friendly platform
A shame some titles don't do as well.
I wish KoF XIV had a higher player count
Same with BBCF and GGXR2

Anyone who isn't a tranny or socialst.

Is the game actually good though? I don't give a fuck about fighting games but this one is getting a lot of flak for various reasons so I'm wondering if the game itself is also terrible

Incel works as an insult because it makes you fags upset. You never even call each other Yea Forumsirgins anymore, you're too insecure.

It's over, white bois. Nobody likes you not even your own kind. Now is the time to get on our side or face the consequences. The rest of us have to share the punishment so that the evil white supremacists can finally suffer the fate they deserve. It would be absolute insanity to not side with someone that actively wants to destroy your way of living. Don't be selfish. The new world order matters more than your community and the people you care about. Eat the rich and FUCK white culture!

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Nah its pretty fun, about on MK9's level imo.

>the krypt is completely fucked
How so? I’m playing on the pc version and haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.

Its pretty fun, yeah. I wish the roster was bigger but I liked the way they mixed it up. Fun, cheesy shit.

>Launch day SFV and Slap City is what he considers most fighters

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>Mortal combat X vastly outsold MK2011
>Actually sold less
>only sold 5,000 PC copies
Wait a minute, are there unironic shills on Yea Forums for a fighting game?

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I wonder (((who))) could be behind something like this

People on all platform paid the same price. PC and Switch are 2 patches behind, and they don't even communicate with people.
Meanwhile Ed "No, No, its gonna be great!" Boon seething on twitter because he and his jewish company got exposed.

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Nah, MKX did outsell it. You must be retarded.

>people surprised or upset by a bad fighting game port on pc
>people surprised or upset about a bad MORTAL KOMBAT port after X
I've been mustard since 2010 and the only reason I even have a PS4 is because it is always the best way to play every fighting game. If you still buy fighting games on PC you deserve to be disappointed.

I would be the one who'd fuck up the Human Instrumentality Project

What a faglord

>That amount of emotes.
Do people take people like that seriously? Or is it a low IQ Zoomer thing?

still believe this tweet is real
what a fucking shill this guy is
the old ed boon is like night and day compared to the onions boy male feminist hes become

because it's a port, it's not even a pc version, they do the least amount of work to get the thing sold and that's it
30 fps cutscenes, 30 fps krypt, shitty optimization on specific stages, memory leaks everywhere : MKX was the exact same deal, only zoomers and retards bought this shit on pc

Its a real Boon twitt.

The voice actress is a cutie, shame NRS didn't use her face.

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SC6 port was great hell even DoA 6 port was okay there is no excuse for this if even the japs can do it

It's ok. I thought the general premise was cool and it had some nice character moments but I'm kinda tired of how only half the cast is actually relevant, and only half of THOSE characters actually do anything worthwhile in the story. The rest are jobbers or background dressing.
It had a good Raiden/Liu Kang redemption arc though. It was nice seeing them both stop acting like retards for once and actually fix things.
Most of the new characters got kinda screwed over, both the MKX returning alumni and brand new ones. Kollector was a boring henchman, Geras is probably the most overhyped jobber since Ermac or Noob. Cetrion I'll give credit for actually having a role in the story but it's not like that makes her interesting. Kotal got completely screwed and was written out before the game was even over, Cassie has no presence beyond the halfway point of the game, Jaqui has no presence beyond her one chapter (which is coopted by Jax) and Erron Black might as well not exist.

Something has changed here, feel like something is missing

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Why would he be triggered by a dead game?

What's so bad about the port? Have about 15 hours on the game and besides the really weird frequent transitions to 30FPS outside of combat (which is also a problem on consoles) I haven't seen any major issues with it. Haven't had a single crash yet and it runs a locked 60FPS at max settings.

not that much
ignoring obvious power level discrepancies which destroyed characters for me, I'm very tired of this trend where you only play the good guys and stomp everything that stands in your way effortlessly
it's very dull and predictable

Did they really edited it?

It sucks that some shitty characters get to do important shit while the coolest ones in terms of design and fan appeal job. I'm looking at you bug lady. Who the fuck in NS is behind her? Why is she being pushed so hard. She's just there to kill important characters

That's why I said it's shitty B movie tier. I won't defend it, I just enjoy this kind of trash

c'mon this must be a mistake of some sort
if not this shit is a scam


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>the eyebrows

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Reddit is unironically the anti hero of videogames and it actually amazes me how we've reached the point where they somehow have consistently less shills than this shithole does

They should have given her Jax's ending.

If anything they're equal. MKX sold nearly 1.5 million less copies on Xbox compared to MK2011.

He is doing it for free

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what did they edit out?

>Mortal Kombat
>indie game

When drinking bleach - just finish the whole bottle. Top it off with a Drano chaser.

Truth be told I love D'Vorah so I don't mind her getting pushed. But they need to spread the love around some, as far as the villains are concerned. Even just letting us play as them for a few chapters (or having a separate evil side campaign) would do wonders.

You sure there was 'PC' before?

Nah, MKX outsold MK 9 and acting like either did bad is nuts. MK11 is going to sell like crazy.

Not on Xbox. Not on PC.

It was

What a fucking faggots, lol

>won't fix the broken PC port
>still has the time and resources to patch out Johnny's "okay" hand sign
>replaces it with him flipping the bird
>flipping people off is less offensive than "okay" in the eyes of SJWs

So this is what clown world looks like.

Attached: ok-hand.jpg (968x681, 24K)

>it can only be indie or triple a
God damn you're stupid. Must be an anglo

on a side note, where can I get my fix for a 2d fighting game now ?


>Crossplay was not easy last gen
Yes it was you dumb fuck

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Pretty irrelevant considering that the timeline got erased and Liu Kang is the new elder god that is responsible with keeping the realms from fucking each other up.

The scene where cage pulls his past selfs ear instead of high fiving him for the "I'll make sure to hit that" was shit.

>last PC MK version was fucked
>still go back to it
Are MK fans mindless sheep?

>MKX sold 500,000 copies less than MK2011

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The olde faithful, USF4.

Or you could write "Windows." The term "window" gets used a lot in the FGC so if they try to ban that word they'll really fuck everyone over.

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this is one problem
the other problem is that now there's an even bigger threat behind what was considered the foundation of the universe ( elder gods and the one being )
tournament settings are always the best settings

t. high schooler with soiled pants who buys amiibos and thinks he knows anything about business or dev

tekken, dbzf and sc6 are all fine ports and better than consoles
maybe, just maybe, nrs and wb are trash

I just realized that Boon's name, Ed, is not the short form of Edward, it's the acronym of ''Erectile Dysfunction''.

straight white male

Imagine if half of the money spent on paying people to make cosmetics was instead spent on paying people to design more characters.

>mfw playing mk9 instead
>mfw never played mkx or going to bother with mk11

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Why does every character look ugly in this game?

archived it all so we can share the memories

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>Imagine being 55 years old and typing this in an account with your name written on it.

This is just sad


>25th month


A conscious decision to make women have average features instead of idealized perfection to combat racism.. wait I mean to combat inequality... that's not right either. OH! misogyny! That's it!

Attached: 155867543325.jpg (960x960, 78K)

isn't he a bit old to praise his daddy's cummies?


based usagi retard

>lootboox grind bonanza
>incredible shameless moneygrabbing schemes
>terrible storymode, awfully written
>towers are a boring chore
>overly convoluted custom variation system
>said system ends up being completely pointless anyway because you can only play ranked with the variations NRS made for you
>simplified gameplay, characters have less options than the previous game
>dumb mechanics like guaranteed, safe, resource-less cinematic supers with no thought or strategy required, so every match now lasts 30 extra seconds of super animations
>lame roster, missing more classic MK characters than ever
>newcomers are mostly uninspired and the shitty X characters are back
>lame character redesigns, dumb "realistic" look which is just incredibly generic and not like classic designs at all
>characters faces still look fucking ugly, it's the fifth NRS game and they still can't get faces right unless it's a monster or they wear a mask
>day one balance patch because NRS can't playtest their own games
>PC version is garbage, again for the fifth time
Did I miss anything

>female toilet gets turned into a unisex toilet with males pissing everywhere
Fake and Gay.

I cleaned public restrooms at an amusement park one summer. Women's room is 10x worse than Men's. Every day toilets are clogged with bloody tampons. Piss EVERYWHERE. Women absolutely refuse to sit on the toilet seat and do that UFO hover shit which just sprays piss EVERYWHERE. Far more vomit in the women's room as well. Bitches don't even flush the toilet half the time, got many calls for a "clogged" toilet that just needed someone to flush it. Women are filthy fucking animals who expect other people to clean up their mess.

Attached: Women are just better at parenting.gif (400x307, 1.45M)

This, women are fake and having their since of self raped by 120 years of subversion has made them worse than children.

can confirm. live with a woman.
you would think they would be the gender good at cooking and cleaning when all they can do is eat microwaved processed shit and leave dirty dishes everywhere and hardly clean their bathroom.
cannot even organize for shit either. first time i've ever encountered a cockroach

>people who always played tekken on console because it was only on console now chose to play the superior version
>that doesn't count as a fighter surviving on pc
what the fuck is wrong with your brain

Fightcade is awful if you actually like playing games instead of saying that you play them

Why didn't they just use her goddamn face? fuck nrs fuck them to hell and back God fucking damnit trannies ruin everything. Pretty black girl, nah let's design a chimp instead to appeal to faggots in dresses.

>it's QLOC this time dood : their IJ2 port was good !

>Why didn't they just use her goddamn face?
Too unrealistic for the sjw crowd.

Fuck this faggot. They even use timed purchases and only show a limited amount of stuff in the store for sale, to pressure you into paying cash so you don't "miss out" because who knows when that skin/brutality/whatever will come back. MK11 will have a fucking Legacy Vault within 6 months, I guarantee it.

Otherwise have fun grinding for hundreds of hours opening RNG loot boxes that contain THOUSANDS of pieces of you can "earn" that skin. ;-) ;-) ;-)

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do they have shit like overwatch where they bloat the pools with useless shit like sprays? like titles and avatars.

there's like 90 icons per character so take a guess

>fuck nrs fuck them to hell and back God fucking damnit trannies ruin everything

They sure do. Can't have females that look like goddesses now can they.

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PC players just don't count. They are not on console which is where most people play but they don't add to that playerpool. How fucking retarded are you?

cunts. they knew exactly what they were doing. will only get bigger with dlc characters

Somebody link me the video of that guy crying over Mario maker 2 please

Don't forget there's like 7 recolors of each outfit; these assholes went full EA.

thats fucking worse than i thought. i expected them to give you a color pallet and edit it yourself. but man that takes the cake. i was expecting blue scorpions and yellow sub zeros but not anymore

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They have concept art of concept art. Its that bad. But even worse are the actual skins. Right now there are 25 characters, and they each have SIXTY SKINS, most of which are fucking recolors. But each one gets added to the RNG pool when you open a chest, meaning you have to dig through 1,500 possible skins to get the one you want.... have fun "earning" that when you aren't even guaranteed a single skin by default to ever so slightly minimize the insanity of it all.

Attached: Skinned Alive.jpg (1002x728, 191K)

>playing fighting games on PC
you fags deserved it

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thats god damn terrible. actual mobile tier garbage.
i was under the impression you would be able to take out pieces of armor and add stupid shit like masks and accessories?

it was selling at bargain basement prices every other week, so yeah, it probably did.

>FGs on PC aren't important because I say so
do the FGC a favor and neck yourself

>Fighting games
>On PC
The fuck.

>She marries Takeda
Delete this

>Fighting games
: )
>On PC
: (

>Why does every character look ugly in this game?
It's a Mortal Kombat game

her arcade ending is kinda nice
still won't buy the game lol

Tobias crushes Boon's head upon the bone throne and rips WB's spine out, taking back his game. He sits in his newly bloodied chair and calls to you.
>how should skins, gear, and icons be earned?
Your response?

How is the music, still trash like X?


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There's nothing wrong with the gameplay itself, the microtransaction bullshit is unacceptable

I'm still mad poon thinks none of his characters are this bad.

Friend of mine worked as a janitor before and told me that while both restrooms were dirty (as you'd expect), women's were way worse. Heard some other person echo this sentiment online too.

Same. I hop on PC now to play most fighting games with friends or others. Even when friends come over it's nice since they can basically use whatever control method they prefer. Gonna have to dust off my base PS4 since SNK is being stupid with Samsho though.

based, good job

Tranny Kombat: Uglies at War

imagine never playing Melty Blood and thinking you know shit about fighting games

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I'm glad I never bought mk 11

is "politically correct" also banned? doesn't seem like it's been tested.

This trash doesn't even run native on Linux. Dropped.

they keep getting scummier by the minute. the fags defend this game are pathetic

It's an NPC insult at this point.

the sjw crap that got bloated was definitely just a distraction from real shit
blacklisted, not in a million years NRS

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Truly pathetic.

>Brutalities locked behind premium currency.
The fuck? I knew MK11 was going to be bad each WB installment is worse than the last one but holy fuck.

Attached: degenerates.jpg (225x225, 8K)

>PC users give MK11 the reviews it deserves.
>Shit reviews.
>NRS can not cope remove the mention of PC on their MK11 twitter account.
>Most Mortal Kombat fans do not use twitter.
>Act of revenge fails as PC never noticed and continue to review bomb MK11.
NRS sure told PC users huh. Boon needs to COPE.

Attached: all hope gone.jpg (270x303, 23K)

>People didn't learn their lesson after the MKX port

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Jesus Christ, i fucking hate all these retards on twitter that sucking off Ed Boon

>people didnt learn the lesson after arkham knight

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SSJ4 Liu Kang

ask the people who have been only playing bloodborne for the past 4 years

>Johnny doesnt ask frost "what that neck do"
They just cant do anything right

port is decent, I only had 2 crashes out of 31 hours of playtime, but it will be always behind on patches

you mean better characters?
Everyone looks like shit and that whole "customize your skills" system is garbage when all tournament-allowed skills are boring as piss

>so mad you devolve into an emoji spewing retarded teenager

why did they remove PC version?
Are they literally hating on customers that gave them money?

>Be PC master Race
>Buy Trash
Yeah my heart bleeds for them.

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Feels bad that I got into KI so late. It is legit a fun fighting game.

>found in the towers
Just keep checking out towers, It will be the reward for some 4 bars fight with slow on hit and cassie summoned every 5 seconds. Also you're blinded

Serious question, why don't they make other games in the Mortal Kombat universe that isn't a fighting game. You can see they are trying to build up some sort of lore so why not just do that in another type of game?

Don't worry user
I'm sure the next one will be good
And I bet we'll hear something about it at E3

Is that the sister from Cartoon Networks Out Of Jimmies Head?

>Takeda death hit her soo hard that she becomes a lesbian

based retarded amerimutt

they got caught and now they added PC again lmaoooooo