See pic

FromSoftware has never made a good game.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yep that is an unpopular opinion because it's shit lol

video games died in 2005


Wojak faggots belong on Reddit.

that's not an opinion, that's just wrong

brainlet thread?

Name five good games they have made.

Paper Mario TTYD is not that good of a game honestly.

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last five games they've made.

Steam is the worst thing to happen to PC gaming.
TBC killed MMOs.

There is nothing inherently wrong with phones being a gaming platform

Hollow Knight is shit and I'll never understand why it's praised as much as it is
>git gud
I beat the game, can't git much more gud

and this.

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Rockstar makes mediocre games, including Bully.

Dream Team is objectively the best Mario and Luigi game, Bowser’s Inside story has too many flaws despite Bowser being great. Compared to DT’s only flaw being pacing and a meme about tutorials that don’t matter.

That's taking it way too far, my nigger.
Mobile gaming is literally a vast sea of microtransactions, and forever will be.

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I think Super Paper Mario was the best in the series.

I disagree but this was also back in the days when Activision wasn't garbage and anything was possible.

Dark Souls is overrated as fuck and most people only suck its dick because it's babby's first RPG. I'll never understand how a game with next to no penalty for failure, a game where literal suicide runs are a viable strategy for progress & gear acquisition, became a benchmark for MLGkids to the point that it affected the entire vidyasphere.

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Definitely not, especially not Dark Souls 2.

There is some merit to the idea of paid mods, the only major issue is that we can't trust companies to not try and milk every last coin out of their consumer's wallet.

You dont have a right to medical care or medicine

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And their next upcoming title.

Armored Core franchise.

RDR2 was mediocre at best

>don’t bother paying for health insurance
>act surprised when you can’t afford health care
Natural selection at work. Only most places are still compelled to treat you if you go to the ER, even if you can’t pay, shifting the burden to people who actually buy insurance.

Video games as a medium is art.

>I only play AAA trash

What the fuck is wrong with Liberals

its fun that you are so brainwashed that you defend your country's agenda even if its fucking you up

i think that video games featuring violence are inherently worse and the people who like them are typically of lower intelligence and have anger issues
if i play a video game that requires me to be violent but has other attractive aspects (great puzzles, fun stealth/dodging, platforming, etc.) then i will almost always do my best to cause as little violence as i possibly can in the game. anything else would be psychopathic.

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Nintendo is infallible. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

how the fuck does anyone look at that whole post and not go "wow, this sure is a dumb analogy, i really like the idea of universal health care now"
like god damn how brainwashed are you, redditor?

t low test faggot

I agree with this opinion. I forced myself to beat Dark Souls many years ago, it wasn't hard but it was boring af. The gameplay is slow and the mechanic suck. It might be an unpopular opinion here but a lot of my friends agree with that.

botw and rdr2 are both garbage. botw is a glorified tech demo with no content and rdr2 is a pretentious movie "game" with unacceptable levels of input lag. i expect normalfags and the media to praise that trash, but the fact that Yea Forums has joined them in singing their praises is proof that Yea Forums is reddit now.
there has never been a good open world game. open-world game design is a meme that publishers use to trick you into paying the same price for less content.
the wii u is better than the switch in every possible way except for ui.
pc gaming was a mistake. the industry was better off when japanese arcade games were setting the standards for technology instead of the pc versions of western movie "games."
the industry would be much better off today if microsoft never started making consoles.

The best part of being American is that I dont owe anyone a damn thing. Just because I was born in the same nation as someone doesnt mean I have to support them

We get it, youre a freeloader who wants free medicine

FEAR doesn't have good AI. It does nothing revolutionary and even the developers admit this. They behaved exactly the same as AI in every other FPS at time.

But because they say a voice over before performing their actions, Yea Forums and 90% of the internet lose their shit over it.

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i'm superior to you in every way shape and form. i'm smarter than you for absolutely certain, since i don't expect that you're almost done with a phd in mathematics. i'm kinder than you because i refuse to cause violence. i'm more dignified since i will not fall to my most animalistic urges - and yet simultaneously have stronger convictions and beliefs.
i'm also gay, so you're not entirely wrong.
yes, my favorite video games are the witness and fez. no, there's nothing wrong with that.

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are you rich or something? wow!
or are you just so selfless? oh, so dreamy! my hero!

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Faggots arent superior to anyone. Youre a failyre out of the gate, cocksucker. Kill yourself

People who boast about beating single player games as if it's a feat are just as casual as the people wanting difficulty removed from them.

I love my switch


I agree with almost everything in this post.
I still don't think that's a compelling contention: that PC gaming was and is a bad thing.

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> Gimme dat
Nope I make 50 k annually but I will be damned if people like you rob me so that you get something for free. Get a job and insurance or die like the rest of society.

You don't, that's something that must be implemented by an organization, not a right humans have by nature.
It would be nice though. Here's my solution: free healthcare for everyone, except for overweight people, if you are overweight then you have to pay.

here's an unpopular opinion:
wojak is still funny and original after being spammed for 8 or so years

Metal Wolf Chaos
Otogi 2

nah, it isn't
fucking kys promptly

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I am a healthy white man. I should be compelled to give 1/4 of my paycheck to a jewish insurance company to pay for obese niggers (and their 5 keeds) who triple down on having diabetes, HIV and sickle cell?

Fuck no, eat shit you ratfaced kikel

>Land of the free
>get shot
>insurance doesn't cover gunshots
>owe more than it would cost to travel to another country for the surgery

I enjoy Battlefield V. I like playing as a qt german nurse

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>Just because I was born in the same nation as someone doesnt mean I have to support them
He said while shitposting using infrastructure that's largely paid for by other people. I swear everyone thinks this shit falls out of the sky.

rdr1 is a 7.5 at best, not a bad game by any means, just don't understand the fanatical love for it

why are you paying for their roads and public schools then?

you have no idea what you're talking about, luckily medicare for all will happen either way and i hope it makes you miserable

Didn't you know?
Infrastructure is bad.
Roads are literally rape

Persona is overrated, ugly weeb bait.

Joker dept like waste of a Smash slot from day one, and today proves it.

Tyranny is a good game and you should play it if youre into that kind of rpg

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>implying I pay taxes

MGS4 was the last good Metal Gear game

PO was great, Peace Walker sucked ass.

the absolute cope of this post

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Why do Americans ignore the fact that the privatization of their health care system and the pharmaceuticals industry being given free reign to charge what they like have completely fucked them in the long term?

>have to pay $300 a month to afford insulin
I didn't even do anything to become type 1 diabetic. It just happened to me. It also doesn't factor in all the other supplies I need to manage my blood sugar

>barely make any money
>make less than half as much as the person you're arguing with
>still having this greedy and self interested mindset
how fucking dumb can you be, it can only benefit you, mr. big shot gas station employee

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Ideally I wouldnt. You have no right to an education and roads should be built by private companies. Imagine two roads.built side by side each competing against the other for traffic and tolls. The roads would be immaculate under a Free Market. Police and Fire fighters should be private as well.
And since I am already being taxed for bullshit like roads and education why would I want to add more socialism to the mix and pay more so that lazy assholes can go to the doctor? They probably. just want disability to avoid work.

fuck off

Americans really hate anyone who are having a hard time in life (the poor, the sick, veterans, the homeless, the mentally ill, etc)

>people think sekiro is better than ds3
This will likely change as soon as their next game comes out

I hate the half life games and valve is vastly overrated. reddit material.

I've noticed that as a general trend seeing as they seem to hate the ideas of workers having rights.

Pc gamers wouldn't be so bad if they didn't act so elitist.

>One day, I'm gonna be rich. I'm the one who's gonna make it. Any day now. . .

thought of a few more:
people who act like single-player games are somehow inferior to multiplayer e-sports trash are zoomers who are actively making gaming worse.
kirby is better than mario and sonic have ever been. neither of those franchises have ever produced a masterpiece on the level of kirby super star ultra.
half-life is nothing but a cinematic ripoff of cybermage, and it's highly overrated by valve fanboys.
persona 5 is the first truly great persona game since the p2 duology. p3 was a boring slog, and p4 was a rushed cash grab made to appeal to ironic weebs.
3d zelda has always been inferior to 2d zelda.

DLC isn't out and it's historically been the best content of every FromSoft game. I imagine we'll fight Lady Tomoe

holy fuck do you understand anything about market powers? Free market capitalism has never not led to everyone but the biggest fish being fucked.

What if you got afflicted with an illness from an early age, that stops you from earning enough money. Say schizophrenia.

No, it beneifts a bunch of Jamals in the ghetto freeloading and rolling around al day on welfare. Fuck them.
Not my problem. You dont have a right to insulin.
Because minorities just want to steal through taxation.

Tenchu Z
King's Field IV
Metal Wolf Chaos
Otogi 2

Fanboys need to be lined up and shot. After years of deriding M$ for having paid online people just bent over and took it when $ony decided to do it and now people actively defend it. Then Nintendo does the same damn thing. Now everyone's paying for online and I seem like the odd man out for thinking that $60 a year for the privilege of using my several hundred dollar console for P2P connections is a raw deal. Perhaps the absolute worst thing about all of this is that everyone gets all up in their own ass with whataboutism trying to excuse their favorite giant faceless corporation's shitty antics which pits people against each other instead of the people they should actually be mad at.

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>make a thread for the purpose of contrarian faggot containment
Based OP

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Yep, getting Crohn's in your teens is quite epic for your future finances. What a shithole this is.

Remember how 8 years ago, Yea Forums was mad about Reddit overusing meme faces?

Armored Core 3
Armored Core SL
Armored Core Nexus
Armored Core LR
Armored Core 4A

Your body makes insulin on its own. I need it to stay alive. Am I not entitled to live?

This is true now but PS2 era GTA was unmatched, everyone tried to make GTA clones and the vast majority of them were absolute garbage in comparison. GTA IV was a great game but by then there were enough good competitors. Bully was never great though.

Games are illusions. They aren't real. Artifivial intelligence is called ARTIFICIAL for a reason. The devs went a step farther to create the illusion of intelligence to the player and it stuck out because of it. What is wrong with that? Why shouldn't it be praised?

Detroit Become Human is a great game
Fighting games other than Smash and Mortal Kombat are boring
BOTW is a 7/10 and the weakest 3D Zelda besides Skyward Sword
OoT is better than MM, but both are 10/10 games
There's nothing wrong with playing on easy
Half Life 2 is better than 1
Fear 2 is better than 1
Rockstar hasn't made a good game since Midnight Club 1
Kamiya's only good game is Viewtiful Joe 1
MGS 1, 2 and 3 are good games but no one can legitimately put them among the greatest of all time because of the controls. They're horrendous in all three games even at the best of times.
The Souls games are generic, by the numbers dungeon crawlers with boring, stupid plots.
Counter Strike is garbage in all configurations
Far Cry 5 is a great game and the best in the series
Sonic was never good

Capitalism has lifted more.people pit of poverty than anything else.
Millenialls are the richest generstion in human history and all we do is whine and bitch. We should be grateful for the benefits of capitalism

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How old were you in 2005?

This isn't an underage question or anything else, it's relevant to my next point if you reply.

How is that my problem? I guess church ir fanily would care for thst person. Caring for people is not the governments job
No, you arent entitled

The "Yea Forums with video games" version of Yea Forums was way better than the political version of Yea Forums we have now.

>Souls games are generic, by the numbers dungeon crawlers
Pretty sure that's not just unpopular, but straight up wrong and retarded.

>No, you arent entitled
Jesus Christ

I enjoy the Fire Emblem games. Not a very popular opinion on Yea Forums seeing as every thread on the series gets shit posted to death.


Then why is depression increasing?
Checkmate Ancap.

You too, huh?

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts is the best Banjo game, I unironically believe this and you wont convince me otherwise

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user I like tyranny but found its good parts are somewhat drowned out by some incredibly uningaging combat and rather basic enemies.

It also felt like the "ATB" system wasn't quite there yet, there's lots of little finicky things that mean a full bar doesn't necessarily mean that character is going to do anything, and if that character changes their mind it can men a full bar to build again.

Don't get me wrong, I like it, but it makes you work to like it.

Compartmentalization to an extreme degree. First off, everyone just ignores the benefits that they get outright because that might bring up some complicated thoughts. Then everyone consumes media from our corporate overlords and neckbeard underlords and gets a warped view of the world. Then they bitch about Jews controlling everything while voting for straight up Zionists or bitch about police sucking at their jobs while voting for people who want only the police to be armed.

demon's souls
dark souls
dark souls 2
dark souls 3

pokemon X/Y are good entries and most of the hate comes from unovabortions having sky-high expectations for what was a R/S and D/P tier entry at the time

Yep. Just woke up from 9 hours of sleep and already want to go back to bed.

Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 3

Crackdown was a great open world game. Very few games would be worse if you took the open world element away from them but it's one of a small handful of games that used it to it's advantage by allowing you to tackle whatever you wanted to whenever you wanted provided you were creative enough, and the divide-and-conquer effect of targeting certain crimelords to remove their personal influence on the world made a big difference.
PC gaming is just japanese arcade games where everyone has their own arcade board to modify how they want and play what they want.

Thank /pol/ for reaching out to the normieverse and flooding this place with faggots from twitter because they didn't understand that they're a containment board.

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also probably the absolute unit of a general that isshin kills at the beginning, i think he's bigger than owl
and maybe the sculptor when he had two hands

Because people are ungrateful and demand more instead of showing gratitude to/ the free market. Everyone should be thankful for n the blessings capitalism has given us.

wow, you mean to tell me that a $90 billion franchise got criticized for making a game that was worse than the previous game? how unreasonable.

Detroit: Become Human is very enjoyable.

DNF wasn't a horrible game.

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>How is that my problem? I guess church ir fanily would care for thst person. Caring for people is not the governments job

I doubt it. That's why there are a bunch of homeless veterans on your streets.
The governments responsibilities go as far as you want them to -within limits of course-. I am quite happy that I live in a country that maintains a minimal living standard for people who had no chance, even though it means piggybacking a bunch of freeloaders as well.

MGS4 was garbage, it just hid it behind a bloated budget and plenty of fan service. All it did was retroactively devalue the questions raised in the previous games. Portable Ops was great though, along with the AC!D games.

That's just a fact.

If Capitalism is so good how come it never got a sequel?

There's nothing wrong with movie games.

We produce more than enough food to feed every person in this country, yet families still go hungry
We have three living spaces for every American, yet there are still homeless
Capitalism is good at generating wealth, but it is incredibly inefficient at distributing this wealth. If you wanna say, "who cares, I got mine" sure go ahead, but don't pretend capitalism is flawless when we still haven't fixed these problems

Tell me specifically why you are entitled to live. Why should I pay more in taxes and turn america I to a socialist hellscape just because you need insulin?

I can understand why you might not give a shit about Half Life 1 and it's expansions but why do you hate it?

shame on those people expecting above mobile game quality from the biggest video game franchise ever

It's literally been that way since gen 3

R/S were worse than crystal

D/P were worst than emerald

black/white 1 were worst than platinum and hg/ss

X/Y were worse than black/white 2 yet those entries are worse than hitler because reasons

It's weird that "The Internet is serious business" has turned from a joke to how people actually think.

Games are typically for retarded people. It's a bastion for the poor and uncreative.

Do you have niggers? Because thats why socialism can never work here

Spider Man 2's Web swinging doesn't hold up anymore.
Don't believe me? Check out Energy Hook

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BioWare has never written a decent story and all their games have the exact same formula with only the smallest changes

The characters are dull, the writing is unimaginative and cringeworthy, and the character personalities are sleep inducing

The codexes and dictionaries and shit you have to read to understand what the fuck people are talking about are Star Wars EU levels of autism

This is the truth, I blame the Xbox One's abysmal launch giving Sony a free pass to shit in the mouths of every human on this earth and get away with it.


Dark Souls and Bloodborne are GOAT. DSIII is overrated, Sekiro is pretentious overrated crap for fat edgelords who want to feel good about themselves, Demon's Souls is a chore AND YOUR MOM'S ANUS STINKS


This said, Dark Souls 1 and BB are goat and anybody that says otherwise is a tasteless cunt.

This is an unpopular opinions thread not a Polygon article

More or less videogames died when the stop selling games with wide manuals and nice art in them and started making clonic PCs instead of making consoles

Basically I have to pay an extra $300 a month on top of my other living expenses (including paying taxes just like you) to meet a need everyone else does for free. I'm taxed an extra $300 a month for no reason. How is that fair?

>Detroit Become Human is a great game
My nigger

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The Witcher 3 is a downgrade from The Witcher 2 in every way.
It suffers from an awful open world that highlights every issue of open world games (fat stretches of absolutely fucking nothing, the same prodecurally generated levelscaled generic bandit camp/wreckage/lootdrop 50000 times, AWFUL loot, lack of direction that makes you constantly miss out areas that are too low level for you now/too high level for you right now, having to fast travel every 3 minutes etc)
Despite the open world it's much more linear than TW2. Your choices barely fucking matter besides lame sidequests. Speaking of sidequests they all blow dick because literally every single one of them has a pathological need to have a """twist""" and every goddamn time and it just gets so fucking tiresome. You also play M2 Fisheye Footprint Detective for around 50% of your questing time.
The soundtrack is bad and repetitive.
The combat is atrocious.
Geralt is an insufferable pissy edgy cunt that's under a curse that makes him deathly allergic to not being sarcastic.
Gwent is shit.
The bestiary quotes are inexplicably cringeworthy and completely out of tone with the rest of the game. I don't even know about this one.

I could not even finish it. It's a bad game.

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I'm not american but the way I see it's just a different mindset.
America is all about giving you a freedom of choice. Europe has better healthcare but in exchange you are a lot more restricted in every part of life. There is a reason why the vast majority of startups come from the US or get a HQ there. Try starting a business in the EU. You need permission for everything. You get taxed to death.

The way I see it's just two different mindsets, I don't understand why everyone tries to argue which one is better like it was some competition.

i like danganronpa at one point, but honestly it's not a good story

Maybe you should've thought of that before you brought them over.

Should try living in neither then.

Life isnt fair.I didnt tell your body to act like a faggot and stop making insulin. Get a second job, start your own business or get bwtter insurance. Look for charity. Anything besides bothering me to pay for your insulin. Do you really need it? There could be herbal alternatives

Movie games > VNs
It's not okay when Japan does it you fuckin weebs.

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Legacy of Kain is dogshit.
People claim it has this great story, but the narrative shits itself minutes into the first game, and it is bogged down with plot holes.

>The soundtrack is bad and repetitive.
>Geralt is an insufferable pissy edgy cunt that's under a curse that makes him deathly allergic to not being sarcastic.
come on now

But if he starts a business he will get money due to your taxes.

>but in exchange you are a lot more restricted in every part of life
Name literally 3 aspects.

honestly i don't see a problem with both
considering that skill-based games are coming out too

>moving goalposts

The Witcher has atrocious gameplay.

Not the guy you're talking to but yes diabetics need insulin you fucking spod

I can't even remember the same 2 guitar and throatsinging tracks anymore, my brain blocked them out after the 400th time they started blaring when I entered combat from riding past a wolf.
And no, fuck you, Geralt is 2x worse compared to TW2. Especially because the game has a honest-to-God [Glass Him] dialogue wheel where Geralt discards what you picked and just says something cuntish.

I don't know, their are special I guess

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Tomoe is canonically a complete failure

god bless you

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>Try starting a business in the EU. You need permission for everything. You get taxed to death.
It's the same over here, the free market is a lie because the big boys can outright buy the government and often use that power to regulate the little guy to death. A big part of my dad's job was securing permits and it literally fucking killed him because it's a giant expensive stress fest even for someone working for a relatively large construction firm, imagine having to do all that shit on your own.

BotW doesn't really deserve the score, hasn't influenced anything, and doesn't feel any different to other open world games, except there's no narrative pull and now you can climb more terrain. Anybody calling coining it """genre defining""" is a pretentious redditor. Past LoZ entries were far, far more superior.

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Who the hell tried to convince you to like them? I found more interesting narratives in VN's than western movie games, but I'm open to both. You've probably never read one.

>I'm used to eating shit why isn't everyone else????
The problem is that even in the timeline you presented, if each game is worse than the last don't you think there's a point where everyone thinks "hey this is fucking garbage and I feel cheated?"
t gen 3 babby

There is no such thing as a good story heavy game. Every single one is bad without exception. JRPGs and Visual novels are the worst, and the industry would benefit if every single one was tossed into the fiery pits of mount vesuvius.

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Compare Farcry 5 physics to Farcry 2 Physics, the state of nu-Ubisoft

That's not an unpopular opinion you dumb fuck. Everyone knows that the gameplay is shit. You don't play them for that.

I see people blaming Wojak and Pepe for the downfall of this site, but they're only symptoms. The truth is, if Wojak and Pepe never existed, the retarded meme-brained userbase that spams them would just spam some other shitty meme from 9 years ago.

Yea Forums is irreparable. There is simply no purging the massive number of teens who heard about Yea Forums via facebook and now refuse to leave because they think they're in good company.

>Do you really need it?
Yes, dumbass
>I didnt tell your body to act like a faggot and stop making insulin
I didn't either, dumbass. I ate healthy, I had a good BMI, type 1 just starts randomly.
And nobody wants/can even use your trifling middle class taxes. But people making $10 billion a year aren't gonna miss $50 million


its funny that you think you dont own anything to anybody, when you got so many things that were given to you by others just for being born where you did
dont worry user, one day you'll grow up and find this funny as well

Yeah pretty much. I just think it's fucking ridiculous that people think western VN-like games such as Cage games are >le movie """games""" while VNs wih literally 0 actual gameplay are totally games.

See above. It's not that one or the other are better or worse per se, it's just that people think Japanese VNs are inherently real games while the western equivalents are not, even though Japanese VNs usually have far less actual gameplay and actual interactivity.

This is a pretty solid and popular opinion.
The reason the witcher games were great was down to the world-building, writing, atmosphere, character dialogue and above all making you feel like a witcher. The gameplay was just a barely passable train to get you through all that. When TW3 came out however the gameplay hadn't evolved at all but it became the main focus for some batshit reason and dropped the parts of the game that held any value in the first place. Fuck nu-CDPR

So was Artorias

>It's literally been that way since gen 3
no it hasn't. platinum, hgss, bw and b2w2 are the only good main-series pokemon games.

*raises paw*
ghost trick

>Not a single good weapon (With good scaling I mean)

Witcher 2 is fucking awful though. Your taste is bad and you should feel bad.

>they never made a good game
>as in one
>"name five"

Prison Architect's building mechanics are extremely clunky and frustrating.
It's like a shit version of RimWorld.

I hear ya.

go away, acfag. terraria is shovelware.

I don't give a flying fuck about semantics and what you think makes a game a game. By definiton, if you can control the narrative, it is a video game. And many VN's have proper gameplay, like Kamidori Alchemy Meister.

people more used with western games aren't really into moviegames, the reason is Doom
it doesn't help that Cage games tend to have a pretty bad plot

Tell me why your diabetes is my problem.

Oh yeah, I definitely know that, I'm not trying to pretend the average Joe has the same opportunities as a big corp.
But in the end, what you can do as a person or as a company is lot less restricted in the US. Like I was just watching that Elon Musk podcast. He started to dig tunnels in LA. In Europe, it's completely unimaginable that a private person just starts building tunnels. Something like that could never happen. A lot of things here are extremely regulated. Where I live, you need the government's approval to sell Tobacco. You need the government's approval to start a casino (which just means the government friendly oligarchies have a complete monopoly over it)
The US overall is just less restricted. Healthcare is just one example. You don't want to fund another's person health care with your own taxes? Fine. You can argue that higher taxes are better for the average person, but in the end it takes away your choice.

This free market is a joke Big companies own the gov and make fake barriers to prevent new competitors from entering in the market

But user, that doesn't even contradict what I said.

Never thought I'd see a Hollow Knight fan taking a stand on what constitutes a good game

Just ignore it, a lot of sheltered normie faggots think invisible "fuck you" diseases like Crohns, UC and diabetes are all due to poor health decisions.

>The best part of being American is that I dont owe anyone a damn thing
Yeah, except your college, your bank, your mortage, your credit card institute, your atstronimically high medical bills...
Americans only live to pay the debts they are forced to take. Your souls belong to the banks.

I feel like a lot of the people complaining about muh taxes don't realise that if major companies actually paid their taxes it would mean that you wouldn't need to pay anywhere near as much.

I'm afraid you fellas will just have to #DealWithIt.

Every single weapon is viable and effective, actually. It's one of its strengths. Way to out yourself that you haven't played the game at all.

Immigration is bad for the environment

giant mechs are fucking stupid

Found the virgins.

Save your tankfaggotry until the next mecha thread, you autist.

This. DaS1 and BB were flukes. The rest is a dumpster fire or too primitive.

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You can control the narrative in choose your own adventure books. Are they games?

I didn't like Breath of the Wild. I didn't think it was DA WORST VIDDYGAM EVA like consolewarrior faggots want to say, it just wasn't very fun.

For a few hours I thought the openness was neat, but the magic quickly wore off and all that was left was a vapid, meaningless open world littered with unrelated challenge rooms. I don't play Zelda for the physics interactions or Far Cry outpost raiding. I wanted a detailed, complex adventure game with a fun linear story, but to me, BotW is mostly a kind of cool tech demo with a Zelda coat of paint.

If you believe in the free market, you should believe that I should get as much profit as you do if we do the same amount of work. I don't because I lose $300 every month. So I make less money doing the same shit as you. If you think that's fine, you don't believe in the free market

itt: reddit try to give his retarded opinion but as always nobody cares.

By definition, yes.

No, from software made a good game, but never made an actual well rounded game. I just want a medieval dark fantasy slow action rpg. With things to explore, not bloodborne combat and no dev hell. We literally didn‘t got a dark souls game, where they didn‘t has problems and just made it shit.
> 1 everything after mid game
>2 bamco ruining everything
>3 let‘s scrap everything, add bloddborne shit and just call it a day

It's part of living in a modern society. Your house might not catch fire this year but you still pay taxes for the fire department. You might not be taken hostage at gunpoint but you still pay for the police department. You might not drive a car but you still pay taxes to keep the roads maintained. You might not have diabetes yet but one day you might, and if that time comes you'll be safe in the knowledge that the society you helped build and maintain will support you instead of letting you fall to the wayside. You might be an unempathic retard with a limited emotional palette but I don't see how that's my problem.

I haven't even played 5 of their games but I liked all the ones I did play

Demon Souls
Dark Souls 2

Post degree with timestamp, and prove you have a job

Lately yes, sadly. (Germany)

not that guy but this line of reasoning is fucking retarded. by your logic if you ever get unlucky in your life you can't, under any circumstances, ask for help ever. living in a society should mean that the betterment of it should come from everyone and should benefit everyone. I don't care about politics mind you, i just think that acting as humanly as possible is good for everyone in the long run. feel free to call me names though, i don't really care user

Days Gone looks alright and I'll probably buy it tomorrow.

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Damn you're right now people have to stop writing stories in games and I have to eat shit all because of your post

thats a shit opinion, i doubt you know your shit.
you just hop on bandwagons because you were not around when the beta and vanilla launched cuz youre a faggot.

I don't think that's a good definition of what makes a game. There are plenty of games where you can't control the narrative at all.

t. hasn't played any good puzzle games
seems like you misread, i'm almost done with the degree (5th year in a 6 year program) so there's no diploma nor job yet
i can tell you about what i'm researching though, there are enough papers out there about it so that i'm not doxxing myself

>I have to eat shit all because of your post
But user, I'm recommending you to AVOID JRPGs.

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Just out of interest, why did you play Dark Souls 2 but not Dark Souls 1?
I'd understand if you started there but you've played Demon's Souls which is throwing me off.

I attributed that specifically to VN's, as that makes the difference between being a book and being a game. Sorry for not being clear enough about that.

Loved demon souls, franchise died after that

>6 years to do a PhD
Fuck off loser.
T. submitted in under 3.

>You can argue that higher taxes are better for the average person, but in the end it takes away your choice.
That depends on the specific tax, something like a marginal tax on people making dozens of millions of dollars probably has next to zero negative effects on me. The multimillionaire in question would be affected but they'd still have all of the freedom afforded a multimillionaire.

And don't forget shit like ISPs lobbying to prevent municipal internet. Tennessee of all places got into smart grids early then some cities realized that they could use that same infrastructure to provide internet. In Chattanooga the municipal electric provider offers gigabit internet for $50/month and so many people bought into it that it actually brought down electricity prices because the electric utility is a nonprofit and has to use the extra money on the utility. However ISPs got assmad at that and bought votes to limit expansion, ISPs also tend to sign exclusivity deals with apartments and the like so if you live there you're forced to eat shit because in an actual free market people would realize how big a scam most internet plans actually are.


Echo Night Beyond (the first one wasnt so great but Beyond is horror kino)

Armored Core (I enjoyed them all to a greater or less extent even the PSP game)

Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2

It's just Soulshit I dont like. I love Sekiro.

oh really???? how come mobile gaming introduced microtransactions and you are fine with it?
you are one of those humans that should have never been born.
in case you are wondering, you are the definition of an idiot.

true words spoken like a king

fuck off weeb or im gonna fucking kill your whole family

americucks are so brainwashed it's actually pathetic. go kiss mister shekelberg's boots you fucking faggot.

I wonder what this place would look like if stuff like Costanza or Jimmies became what Wojak is now.

And your shitty metroidvania is good? LMFAO ok just because you're illiterate and cant understand a good story doesn't mean they're bad, but hey keep on showing that low IQ ;)

Arcades introduced microtransactions. 50 cents to start 25 cents to continue. I dont know when this started but I know Time Crisis 1 has it.

>video games
>good story

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Video games are purely subjective.

They have no objective qualities as they serve the fulfillment of a subjective experience.

Thus a game can not be objectively good or bad.

That's a weird game to focus on rather than Pac-man or Space Invaders

>Defending microtansactions
I hope you are getting paid for this

>mobile gaming introduced microtransactions
It didn't though. It's heavy on them and arguably popularized them to the degree that we see today but the original microtransactions (at least on home systems) came from PC games, ostensibly because consoles at the time were just straight up not internet compatible. Console companies were engaged in other fuckery like Nintendo and their restrictive practices regarding cartridges and game quotas and Sony killing commercial emulators.

Stop it user I'm having flashbacks to Gauntlet with its constantly declining health.

Is that supposed to be impressive? I have an Associates in Liberal Arts; and am currently making 120k a year doing freelance astrophysics. Good luck being a professor with your faggot sperg personality, you won't last a month.

That's not unpopular that's just dumb. You can objectively judge qualities of a game. May it be art direction, music, game play or just simply how it runs (bugs etc).

jrpgs have lost their souls ever since the xbox360/ps3 era

I think it's more like, good AAA shit died in 2005. Now you have to look a little harder and be a bit more selective, but good games have still been coming out.

Soulborn games are trash not to mention controllers and fighting mecanic which is ûbershit, people praising it are nothing but retarded FromDrones who will eat any kind of turd this team sells to them. at least sekiro had good movement

Witcher 3 is just standard fare AAA casual shit.

>Secret of Mana is bad
>WRPGs generally have ugly artstyles and too reliant on tolkien/dnd tropes
>JRPGs lack actual roleplaying elements but they don't have to
>Uncharted is a bad series overall, not just 4 because "hurff black wahman strong"

How can you objectively value 'art direction'?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with openly gay characters or romance options in video games.

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you should fit in perfectly then.

Obviously no opinion can be held as scientific truth, but humans have values and groups of people can share those values.

That's incorrect. Games can be objectively broken and non-functional. Control schemes can be objectively poor. Options and settings can be objectively limited. What you mean to say is that there's nothing objective about "fun" but there are many explicitly objective aspects of video game design.

Played Demons Souls first (2016) - absolutely loved it.
Then played Evergrace (shortly after as I had it on Ps2 for ages but after liking Demons Souls I gave it a try)- really cool game and you can see where the inspiration for Demons Souls came about from it as it was itself a 3rd person Kings Field (which I haven't played any of)
Then played Bloodborne next (2017) - just decided to get it for myself for christmas and spent an entire unemployed month playing it.
Later that year I saw Dark Souls 2 on sale and if I'm honest it was the Dark Souls that interested me the most as I'd read people talking about the impossible locations like the Windmill going up to the Lava Castle and honestly that sounded cool to me (similar to Evergrace I guess).

Dark Souls 1 is on my list. Might get round to it now that the remaster is out. Dark Souls 3 I will probably play because I hear it's like Bloodborne. But if I'm honest I'm not really interested in the Dark Souls games. From what I can gather Demons Souls seems to have got the atmosphere down first time and I feel like now if I play Dark Souls it's going to pale in comparison to the hype and legacy of Demons Souls. I enjoyed Dark Souls 2 but people say it's different and I agree that it didn't feel anything like the other games I played. I found some of the boss fights amazing (though I do agree they maybe went with quantity over quality) and the entire game was a real challenge.

niggers in germany dont behave like in the US and there is a good reason for it.

I agree. Lots of games with soul in the PS1 and PS2 era, from the obvious Final Fantasy games to games like Mana Khemia, Atelier Iris, Xenosaga series... there were just so many games full of soul. And prior to that, there were tons of SNES games like Chrono Trigger and classic Final Fantasy games. Tons of soul.
Nowadays, everything, including Final Fantasy, is just some cheap commercial scheme.

Have you tried any of the recent Atelier games? They have soul in their own way, with their approach to the genre as a "slice of life JRPG" with comfy music and art.

>rpg with 90+ h gameplay with 2x free dlc that add 50+ h gameplay
>standard fare AAA casual shit.
let me guess, all games should be anime gatcha.

I've played plenty of puzzle games actually, but my point stands:
People that rely on stimulation programs to roll out the red carpet of dopamine hits are unilaterally low-creativity and quite frequently stupid. I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but this is how it goes.

Art quality would be a better term. Shit drawn by an absolute amateur in mspaint looks objectively worse than something drawn by someone who knows what he's doing

We'd have a lot better games if computing advance stalled and we'd have only a thousandth of the current processing power.

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Oddly I think JRPGs of the past decade have belonged to indie devs, and western ones at that.

*90+ hours of casual shit gameplay with free casual dlc that adds 50+ hours of more casual shit

>somebody disagrees with me
>better project

w3 NPCs are so easy to trigger. Don't you dare call them casuals!

> humans have values and groups of people can share those values

I agree but I don't see how that is relevant to the objective valuation of an entertainment medium. Some people enjoyed Sonic 06 more than Sonic 3.

A broken non-functional design can actually lead to an subjectively better experience. Take B-Hopping for example.

Game holds your hand like crazy.

I dunno if OP know any Armored Core series.
It's a good but dead franchise right now.

Wew lad take a step back and listen to yourself
If I pirated Skyrim's DLC would that mean Skyrim isn't standard fare AAA casual shit? It fits your description

King's Field is fucking shit. All of them.

There has never been a truly great first person game.

If you only play AAA trash you have no business talking about video games.

There is an aspect of qualification required for analysis unless the shit is really bad. Also, usually the qualities of a game are quite poor compared to the whole medium. For example, videogame music is basically trash.

Skill doesn't always lead to 'better' art. Its all in the eye and experience of the viewer.

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I think a lot of people agree with this and you usually hear outcry from the vocal minority. That said I don't think romance options or characters outright stating their sexual preference adds any value 90% of the time.

i don’t like the jacked up premiums american companies get away with either, but that chart’s kinda worthless because none of those countries are equivalent to the united states in terms of population

All of Kirby 3DS games are utter shit. Star Allies may not be a significant improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction after a horrible stagnation.

>ISPs also tend to sign exclusivity deals with apartments and the like so if you live there you're forced to eat shit because in an actual free market people would realize how big a scam most internet plans actually are

Blame the management companies, I work for a WISP and we have gone to many buildings to provide internet at discounted rates (at no cost to the building) but comcast and verizon will pay them for exclusivity either by a flat monthly rate or profit sharing based on the number of subscribers. If you live in a housing complex, high-rise or condo and there is no alternative blame the management.

Games like Call of Duty of tons of DLC
People spend hundreds of hours in those games.

most games dont run as p2p. ps plus has always been a thing and has always had its good share of users because of the benefits you had. not every game needs a ps plus sub to be played online.
nintendo on the other hand have no right at all to get payed for their shit onlineservice and the five games that are actually worth playing online.

Okay. How can a lack of video settings beyond "graphics: low or high" add to the subjective enjoyment of a video game? Claiming that there is no such thing as objectivity because some people enjoy exploits is a stupid thing to say.

Armoed Core 3

Those people are in the vast minority and that's due to the values people place on the games they buy and play. In this case, actual playability.

Persona sucks.

I can see where you're coming from, sometimes I get on an old game kick to play stuff that I managed to miss as a kid (Demon's Crest is up next) and very often I feel like games being defined by their limitations instead of their extravagance adds something that's missing these days where you can get a disc and still end up downloading 50gb to your HD.

so yes, games should all be anime gatcha shit
>s-stop liking things i dont!! NPC!!!
go back reddit, faggot
good point, but then again, all game must be generic 2d shit with anime girls flashing tits with gatcha stuffs and 10hs gameplay so you can enjoy it and not call it generic AAA? come on..

learn to write a sentence you motherfucking inbred whoreson fecal matter under your own shoe you filthy fuck.

Because maybe the game is only supposed to look one way? Many people don't care about having the ability to adjust the games visuals as it will not affect their subjective experience.

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The measure isn't affected by the amont of population because the GDP(Gross domestic Product) would be higher for those countries if they had more population
Summarizing: +population implies +GDP

>half-life is nothing but a cinematic ripoff of cybermage, and it's highly overrated by valve fanboys.
post the rpgcodex screencaps subhuman

The vast majority of people eat McDonalds and enjoyed Iron Man 2. Does that make them objectively superior to alternatives?

Look how triggered this tard gets when people post unpopular opinions.
Oh no! People aren't on your shitty bandwagon! Too bad you can't downvote them, right?

Echo fighters are a shitty excuse for adding more low effort clones that we don't need, and they should all be removed or made into alt skins.

Agree with everything except the open-world opinion. Xenoblade Chronicles X is basically the only good open-world game

Kind people are humble individuals, you aren't kind

Contrarians and Populists are two sides of the same coin.
They will never have good taste.

What the fuck does anime gacha have to do with Witcher 3? The game is generic casual shit because it's generic casual shit. There are tons, fucking TONS of games that are neither generic, nor casual, that have nothing to do with anime.

All you're doing right now is coping because some people don't like your medieval Call of Duty.

Thanks for sharing user, it's nice to hear from people with a more eclectic taste and are willing to try more things out. If you enjoyed Evergrace for it's context in FromSoft's evolution of the King's Field/ Souls series I think you'd enjoy King's Field IV. It's the closest game I've played to Demon's Souls in both atmosphere and world design. Like most people you'd ask, I think Dark Souls 1 is a much better title than 2, in almost all ways. I hope you get a chance to experience it at some point, it's a bit more traditional than Demon's Souls in it's setting but it's no less entrancing. Whatever you do I hope you enjoy it but the numbered Dark Souls games are definitely where they played it the most safe and refused to tread any new ground unfortunately.

Armored core series

>I don't care much for half life 2's level design. I understand why people like it but I found a lot of the driving and puzzle sections flow killing. Also the levels felt a bit empty a lot of the time.
>I did not like the sword saint isshin fight. Phase 1 when he has the sword out is good, but it was a mistake not to build on it and instead throw it out the window for a much more poorly paced and mechanically intensive spear fight.
>mobile gaming is the future, and the stigma against it from the more hardcore gaming crowd creates a vicious cycle where mobile gaming only panders to casuals due to being dismissed by default by the hardcore
>As someone who has played both (5k dota, platinum league) League of legends has a higher skill floor than dota even though dota's skill ceiling is higher. At low skill levels a smurf in dota can easily push his way through at 75%+ winrate autopiloting just by having superior farming patterns, safe play, knowledge of powerspikes, and macro. In league you have to be on point with both macro and mechanics even smurfing against bad players because item advantage is less noticeable and damage is so astronomical that you can easily get blown up 1v1 with a single missed skillshot, late input, or positioning error regardless of your lead.

>FromSoftware has never made a good game.
i feel sorry for you for not liking sekino

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Healing roles suck unless you can switch to it on the flip of a dime, having to grind out the healing role like in a MMO is boring as fuck

wow holy fucking shit, some americans really are that retarded?

You're being willfully dense. The existence of opinion doesn't override objectivity. If I said "I like windows 95 more than windows XP," that's my subjective opinion, but it doesn't mean that you can't say windows 95 is objectively inferior to windows xp.

You're right

>most games dont run as p2p
Yeah well unless Sony's running the servers for any given game I see no reason to give them my money.
>nintendo on the other hand
Stop, you're rationalizing. PS+ being a thing that people can buy into was one thing, PS+ being a thing you have to buy into to play online is garbage. I'm aware that not all games require a subscription to play online but IME that tends to be stuff like Fortnite and Apex which I am not at all interested in.

t. redditor

Doom sucks. Quake, Duke, Blood, Half life and Unreal are way better.

>food analogy
Your opinion boils down to saying that nothing in the universe matters like a child asking 'why' to every answer given. What people value in quick, cheap food and what they value in digital entertainment are obviously not the same and if you're incapable of seeing that then you're incapable of having this discussion.

nothing is true you just said, as if its a fucking stupid opinion

Miyazaki hinted at a new entry but nothing has come up for months sadly.

What did you dislike about 4? What did you dislike about 2?

found the mcdonalds eater lmao
enjoy your shitty marvel movies, casualfag

An operating system has many objective functions. A video game has no objective functions. Its only objective is entertainment, which is subjective. You either enjoyed it or you didn't.

Witcher 3 has even more casualbait handholding than Skyrim lmao

The fact that any of them require an expensive online subscription is bad enough. Nintendo might be a shit online service but that doesn't excuse Sony's being just as horrendous for different reasons.

I think you're projecting there buddy. Many things have objective qualities and innate value. Video game are not one those things.

I feel like that's to make sure that healers actually heal, in KF2 people often pick medic for the survivability bonuses and gun selection and then don't actually fucking heal people. That said I'd rather have an overpowered medic than an underpowered one, especially if the latter means people just don't play the class.

and yet you havent explain why its casual generic shit. you fucking faggot should stop saying words you dont know what the fuck they mean, also dislike something just because its popular dosnt make you cooler nor smarter you fucking lardwhale, but whatever suits you, you sound like the kind of fag that will sperg about how epic undertale is
>imb4 projecting!, npc!
yea, ok

Where on earth is this anime gatcha paranoia coming from? You're the only one that brought it up and it's such a niche genre of PS3 games that it just comes across as bizarre that you're focusing on it being the only alternative.

I am an Überweeb and I agree with everything you said, specially the Smash thing, Joker brings absolutely nothing to the table.

You're still being willfully dense, and it's obvious you're either too stupid or too stubborn to recognize that your basic argument is flawed. Subjective enjoyment does not override objective fact. Just because one person can hold a stupid opinion about something does not mean there can be no objective analysis of that thing. If a game's movement controls have you push P to move forward, and space bar to move backward, numpad 3 to turn left and X to turn right, and those controls can't be rebound, that is an objective flaw, even if some moron says they had fun anyway.

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Ubisoft is objectively the best AAA game developer and Ghost Recon Wildlands, The Division 2, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey are some of the best games of the past 5 years.

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literally my opinion > your opinion

I think Mighty number 9 was a pretty good platform game and if a sequel was to come out all you need to do is fix up some level design issues and make the last boss a little bit less tedious and I think this board would really enjoy it

breath of the wild is for sure Nintendo's most overrated game they've ever made open world games has come and gone and have done things that breath of the wild has done and much more. I will be buying Link's Awakening remake just because I'm hungry for a traditional Zelda game and I know that with breath of the wild success we will probably never really get that much anymore

I think the God of War franchise is overall better than pretty much every other hack and slash game when you round out everything except the new one which is mediocre

I think Battlefield 5 is a pretty good online shooter to play and it's a shame that many people won't give it a chance because it's one of the most fun Shooters right now

That's insulting to actual retards. Dude is just soulless. A post-man who fancies himself an ubermensch, but wouldn't last in an actual lawless world of STR.

There are a lot of genres I don't like but I'm okay with them existing. I'm glad they exist, even. Everyone should get to have a niche that caters to their interests.

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what the fuck does being the richest matter when the elite universally lobby against any sort of law preventing large scale price gouging and artificial hikes to keep the goyim just barely afloat at all times

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t. has some shitty meme phd
learning enough math to do research takes 10 years of uni
wow you're so cultured, writing codemonkey garbage to sort out spectral data
maybe if you learn some algebraic topology you can put it to work in your little data analysis gig, hot new field.
and yes, of course it's impressive.
seethe, kind \neq humble nor is one a necessary condition for the other.

If there was potential for good games to be made on mobile then people would be working on them to be the first and exist with no competitors. It would be the greatest success story of modern video games because of the sheer number of people with phones and the lack of market competition. It hasn't happened because consoles and PCs exist for people that want to play without a massive hardware handicap. Emulators are available for phones and they do well enough catering to the "hardcore" phone audience. Mobile gaming might well be the future but it's not a positive one.

You have to be it least 6'1 and have IT LEAST a clean 2 plate bench before you can claim superiority on any man, and even then you're at the bottom.

You have shit taste Mobile gaming is garbage outside of dedicated gaming handheld that's it so if you plays games on your phone suck a dick

??? How is solving simple math impressive? I'll be impressed if you can actually land a real job, let alone function day to day as a professor. You're a gay sperg that posts on Yea Forums, dude. You won't last.

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Horizon Zero Dawn is trash, is that an unpoular opinion?

>I think Battlefield 5 is a pretty good online shooter to play and it's a shame that many people won't give it a chance because it's one of the most fun Shooters right now
I’ll get it when they add a pacific or eastern theatre. We’ve been fed the same Brit/Burger vs. Germans shit for the last 20 years

This nigga is literally Sheldon from big bang theory breh

yet your social intelligence is low because you fell to your primal urge to gloat and flex. also I imagine you having a pathetic level of athleticism or strength.

>He hasn't Played Lost Kingdoms
How I pity the Dank soul faggots

Yeah except Sheldon makes money, this guy is going to get his degree and realize how bad he fucked up. The only real jobs you can get with that is being a professor, and some gay sperg isn't going to be able to do that.


First day on Yea Forums? No, not at all

botw is absolute trash

Anyone that hates BFV are just fucking mad they can't play it on PC at over 1440p and 120mhz+, it's a clompletely different beast at that point.

Smash is the only game worth having a Switch for, and even then Nintendo managed to completely fuck up both NSO and Smash online components.
So now the regular normie or casual is stuck having a piece of shit online experience but they probably don't notice it so who cares.

Good opinion

>makes games "hard" to cater to autists looking for a game to punish them because they like bondage

Games are actually easy as shit and have simple patterns on monsters and glitches everywhere

Hollow Knight was okay for me, I just thought it was too long.

there is nothing wrong with watching let's plays

Ben Shapiro is the greatest thinker of the modern era and he never fails to trigger libs.

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Morrowind was good. Open worlds that are theme park rides are trash. Open worlds where you don't know anything, don't have magic arrows leading the way and you have to actually explore are cool.

Resident Evil 4 has to be the most overrated game of all time

This bullshit is almost as cringy as Big Bang Theory.

>Alex Jones
I miss when he was small time and crazy, now he's just a shill. Haven't much cared for him since he showed up to the post Sandy Hook pro-2A rally in Austin and started acting like a retard.

I too am extraordinarily humble.
Good bait faggot.

>Detroit Become Human is a great game
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
of course

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Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 wasn't as great as people made it out to be

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from software got popular 35 years after they started making videogames

>how dare you have unpopular opnions
Where do you think you are, retard

Are you the one thst always shits in Hollow Knight threads?

undertale is pure trash and only reason anyone talked about it was because furries and closet furries wanted everyone to love their homo shipping

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I am currently reading old video game magazines. "Video games are dead/shit/unmemorable soulless shit" was already common in 2000.

DBFZ is straight garbage. The only current fighting game worth playing is UNIST and I can probably count the number of people currently playing on my fingers

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Nah. I think the game sucks but I don't care if other people like it. Stomping on things people like and telling them to stop having fun is the most autistic thing.

I'm just point out the pottery in him calling a David Gayge movie "game" a great game while preferring a game that stops and forces you to listen to an NPC speak after every action sequence over a game that lets you run through the game gibbing 99% of scientists and guards

Yea Forums has gotten much better since the leftist retards were chased off and Yea Forums became conservative. Nothing was worse than the atheist years.

I enjoyed Mass Effect Andromeda and don't get the extreme hate it gets.

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Are you from 2035?

It's almost like that user likes it when games have a focus on story and you don't, thus having a different, potentially unpopular opinion. Wow what a shocker. Good that you pointed that out.

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I know that feel bro. If they balanced the factions that game would have been the GOAT.

>Tenchu Z
That was not made by Fromsoft, buddy.

i want to dress you up and fuck your boipucci

>It's almost like
I can still call him a fuckin faggot, also I'm pretty sure lots of gay ass normalfags hold those opinions

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It doesn't matter, it's about unpopular opinions on Yea Forums, everything else don't make sense

grow up kid, no one likes to argue with 12yo.

but none of it is free, actually its quite the opposite with elite premium super pass and they play the same fucking thing over and over again...
how about speedrunners having thousands of hours on games that they clear in a few hours tops.
you are arguing like a little shit faggot kid.

spotted the neckbeard.

Opinions with out any sort of argument or explanation are shit and should never be taken seriously.

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