Has there ever been a more based guy in the gaming industry?

Has there ever been a more based guy in the gaming industry?
This guy is single handily trying to push and save the PC gaming market.

Attached: Tim.png (505x338, 26K)

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Literally every single person is more based than that retard. Fuck off cancerous chinese insect.

This tells you how fucked Gaben is. Guy literally throws down the gauntlet and Tweets out instructions on how to put him to bed and you know Gaben won't do shit but get mocked by this jabroni

>19. The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

if he cares so much why are developers working 70-100 hours of crunch every week for fortnite

That is 100% bullshit - If they do that then there is even less of a reason to use Epic - All they have are the shitty exclusives

Imagine being so cucked that you let your long-running company with an engine that's been in use since the late 1990s become a puppet for China.

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is this like when they promised to stop poaching games already offering pre-orders on Steam

I hate this faggot, but you're retarded. I would sell out to literal super villains if they had enough cash.

Tencent belongs to a South African conglomerate

Only a retard would believe it.

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Fuck game developers!
Games are supposed to be fun, you are literal clowns! If you want more cash then go find a real job!
Fuck your 30% Steam should take 99.9%!

>Clowns aren't paid

No, naspers owns 31 percent through numerous investments. saying they own tencent is disingenuous and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Tencent owns 40% of Epic but people claim that it owns Epic so it's exactly the same

40% shares for a single company is actually quite high. They definitely have their fingers in some of the inner workings of epic. You don't get to own 40% without having a big say about how the bussiness is operated.

31% doesn't mean anything though

I want everyone to stop for a second and think about why he would say this.

This magical scenario where steam has an 88% revenue share is phrased specifically with "all developers" So it does not come off as we want an 88% revenue share. That phrasing exists specifically to make steam seem unreasonable and to try and create social pressure to eventually get them to do this.

If Steam did eventually yield the end result for Epic is Fornite gets put on Steam, It gains a larger audience to grow and Fortnite gets a 88% revenue share which they specifically seem to want.

This isn't fighting for everyone this going i want the money then saying but im doing it for everyone so you can't get called selfish.

it's 49%

because they get paid 900k qa year for it. they are there willingly.

>100% bullshit - If they do that then there is
he knows steam won't do it, and he wins.

>Gaben doesn't even need to acknowledge this insect orbiting his girth
Pretty >Epic< logic, breh

because steam still doesn't have any incentive. even if epic gets a dozen more high profile exclusives, it's a barely felt dent in the money steam makes.

you have to consider that a cut to 12% from their current 30% not only reduces it by more than half, it reduces their profit margin by an even larger percentage. let's say of the 30% they take about 6-7% is lost on actually operating the entire thing (probably not far off), then they go from a ~400-500% profit margin to a barely 200% profit margin.

like half of all big money makers would have to go steam exclusive for steam to ever consider a cut lowered to something like 12%.

the funny thing is, this simple mathematical truth is probably the biggets danger in actually significantly weakening steam. because there comes a point where epics projected increased in active users on their store and steams slow decline in steam users justify a cut to 12% even if it temporarily hurts them really badly. and if they miss that point and stay on a higher cut for even a few months too long, epics momentum could easily allow them to overtake steam

if Epic was trying to save the PC market they would price all new releases at 4.99USD or lower to set a new standard of AAA pricing.
any and all DLC would also be free. that's means 4.99USD for a complete AAA game at launch to benefit the consumers.

>40% of Epic

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This thread sucks.

He'd do that because with only taking a 12% cut, Steam would fail.

>Pedo Sweeney

Gabe has been dead for years.

So now you've made a fake tweet to go along with your fake news story? Lying only hurts your position in the long run.

>epic leave taxes to the publisher

You make exactly 0 more dollars on epic vs steam per copy

>I Suck Chink Cock And Here Is Why You Should Too! - 'Timschlomo Sweeneyberg'

>haha yeah just give devs 100% of the money
>meanwhile, prices are still the same, still the same loot boxes, same pre-order shit, same DLC shit

there is literally no reason for this to even happen, its just devs and liberal cuck shills wanting to fuck us over even more.

No it isn't

>save the PC gaming
Steam already brought back to the forefront, Tim serves no purpose

If he could fucking sign a contract holding him 100% accountable to this tweet then I would take back everything I said about him. Until he does though he's a chink cum slurper.

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He already said that he would stop doing the exclusivity deals the way they have been and reneged on that. Why believe this?

Plus, what he's really doing is foisting the blame onto Valve for Epic's bullshit. They're trying to turn the angry mob towards Valve, as if this is somehow their fault.

As Epic adds more features to their store, they'll realize that 12% isn't going to do well in the long run.

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>As Epic adds more features to their store

Yeah, totally gonna happen.

>steam dies it
>he conginues to make exclusive deals and still does not put his games on steam

Why would you believe this lying Chinaman slave?

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Valve doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

Save? There wasn't any danger to begin with so someone needs to explain what needed saving?

>Has there ever been a more based guy in the gaming industry?

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Srsly fuck racism and fuck hate

The shares don't actually what matters, what matters is there are Tencent reps on Epic's board.

tencent has a minority stake, i.e. they get zero say in the decision making process. sweeney alone still has the majority stake. what tencent's stake in the company does is give (essentially) them money whenever epic makes profit, which I guess can be enough of a problem for people, but tencent literally doesn't have more decision making power than the average stock holder like potentially yourself.

There are Tencent reps on the board of directors, you can't say the board doesn't influence a company.

fucking retard

Genuinely based and blessedpilled

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I don't mean to insult you, and maybe there's just something I'm missing...

But when I read comments like yours I think to myself 'surely when discussing this, all of these peple are aware, right? they're having this discussion on another meta level and are just not mentioning it because it's so trivial... there's no possible way they can't realize this, right?'

but then I read more and more comments like yours and I think "maybe...? holy fuck? they can't be this iq 30 retarded" right?

so since I can't be certain anymore that people like you aren't braindead, I'm going to mention it specifically. And I do feel kind of stupid posting this, because this is an absolutely trivial conclusion that you probably had yourself and I'm just missing something in the point you're making, I doubt you're actually that stupid, so no insult intended:

Giving devs whose games you buy (presumably because you enjoy those games) more of your money enables them to do more or better (sometimes both) games. There might be a lot of devs you don't really care about that much, and if they go broke that's fine. But for basically everyone reading this, there's bound to be a developer where you'd be really glad if they were able to step up their game. And for those the extra cut matters, a lot. Because it's not just "18% more" (compared to the Steam cut), but it's 18% more over their existing profit margin - even if that profit margin is negative (dev is losing money), an increased cut that huge will shift a ton of developers into the green range and enable them to do more games where previously that would just go into Gabes hands.

But again, I'm sure you're aware of a fact that trivial and I'm just missing something


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Why the fuck would anyone believe that abomination? He walked back on his word before. He just says whatever he thinks it'll further his agenda on the moment, regardless of it being true or not.

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no one is going to read your chinkpasta chink

You mean soulless, I'm literally afraid of using UE for my game now because God knows what this little shit could do in the future.

What, is Tim an idiot? He could employ three times as many developers for a third of that salary and have them work sustainable 40 hour weeks and come out ahead financially.

He's not based.

Steam earns at least a good majority of their cut with the features they provide. How low they can make it while remaining profitable (seemingly 20% for huge games) is yet to be seen, and probably never will be.

It's easy for Epic to support or even lose money on 12%, Valve doesn't need to stoop that low.
And as always, this doesn't benefit consumers. Not even supporting future endeavors, nothing is a given.

He just wants to put Steam in a risk state.

No one would be dumb to do something like that.

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Not only that, but I think that Steam support is pretty good, specially with their input system.

I'm using PS3 controller to play games through Steam. They support almost anything.

Based and NatSoc pilled

tiananmen square winnie the pooh
fuck off chinkman

>Giving devs whose games you buy (presumably because you enjoy those games) more of your money enables them to do more or better (sometimes both) games

You are the only stupid here. You won't understand it because you have no brain.



If a (((developer))) (read:publisher) is losing money on launch they chose to do so. Stop playing armchair accountant and let them worry about themselves.

In my case, Sega's been going ham with PC ports so I among others have been voting with our wallets and buying them. Yet Yakuza Kiwami 2 is $30 pre-order on Steam while it was on an early sale on Fanatical for $24.
I as a a consumer would be stupid to intentionally pay more for the same thing when a better deal is offered.

I love Sega and what they've been doing, but I don't work for them nor line their pockets.
If they cared they would have launched it above $30, it's their fucking problem not mine.

man this guys is surely a hypocrite he talks like he own the industry

not to defend him, but epic has brought some "games" over from console previously thought to be exclusive. particularly from sony.
but it would be a huge assumption to think they wouldn't come over in some capacity, as flower is ALREADY OUT on steam/epic/gog while journey has yet to be released as a probably timed epic exclusive.
the david cage games are movies yes, but still.

It's just retarded from whatever angle you try to read it
>I-I'M NOT JUST ANOTHER BUSINESSMAN TRYING TO BUY OUT THE CUSTOMERS' APPROVAL! It's the evil [other company] that makes me do it!

>Giving devs whose games you buy (presumably because you enjoy those games) more of your money enables them to do more or better (sometimes both) games.
That's a very retarded statement.

It's funny watching this guy pitch Raegan-esque principles to a bunch of communists

Unionization is obviously the more direct approach to helping workers

give him a break english is hard

so you say more money going the developers or publishers way has zero positive influence on them? that it's just flat out better if someone that has zero to do with the actual development of the games receives that money?

you guys can't possibly be this remotely retarded right?

I mean, I didn't expect any positive responses, but I'm absolutely not surprised that the rich and powerful just despise and seek to exploit you: You clearly deserve nothing else.

>playing both sides of the fence in one post
how many bribes you taking china man

field... I am the china man.

>investors with 48% controlling interest have no say in what a company does

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Gaben is a billionaire in his 50s.
Do you really fucking think he cares if he does making money tomorrow?

The only purpose I have in even writing posts like mine is the remote hope of being convinced not to treat you subhumans like pigs at the feeding through or industrialized cows who have no purpose but to be milked until they're old enough to be discarded.

And every single time I try, I'm relieved because the way you imbeciles express yourselfs just reinforces the direction I'm going in.

that's not how programming work, the more people you have working the harder it is to do. version control, be on the same page about implementation, catching bugs becomes a nightmare, etc.

better to pay a few people as much money as many people and work em to death

thats good and it also puts the ball in valve's court. smart tweet by him.

A tweet is not a legal document. Just in case you thought otherwise.

At least you don't deny being a third worlder so we know we don't have to take you seriously.

He has kids that he'll hand Valve to later so yes.

Actually, Steam wins. This guy is utterly desperate to get Valve to react to them. As long as Valve ignores him and does nothing, they win. They literally just have to wait this pathetic loser out, his company's days are numbered. Fortnite is dying fast. They are wasting millions on these exclusivity deals and not making a cent back since none of them have sold at all. He has already lost, they'll be gone by next year.

*tips* Well said my fellow intellectual

You can't possibly be this naive can you?


>Spends millions just to bring back piracy

>if this impossible thing happened, I would feed every starving orphan in the world
>in the meantime I'll keep eating babies because I have no choice
what a goddamn saint

>implying tweets mean anything

This. A few extra bucks funneling through the publishers isn't going to improve anything for the grunt developers that are having their social lives destroyed by chinese globalists cracking the whip

This is all about power, and sjws just lost what respect they have for Tim after those anons shit on fortnite development conditions