Many eons ago Halo was viewed by almost everyone as babby's first FPS
Now people look back and see it with nostalgia especially with the steam release coming
What other games has this happened to? What are this current gen's baby's first X?
Many eons ago Halo was viewed by almost everyone as babby's first FPS
Now people look back and see it with nostalgia especially with the steam release coming
What other games has this happened to? What are this current gen's baby's first X?
Anything absurdly popular that babies play.
like doom when it came out?
Anything where you can’t use exploits like hiding behind objects, corners, sniping will always be called a babby fps.
Halo was my first FPS because every other FPS before it was shit.
Fuck you take that back
Exactly. Babies play Doom, men play Blood.
Halo has had plenty of exploits in its first two games.
MGS has been babby's first stealth series for a while, I believe.
What about Marathon?
So it's ok to like Halo 2?
BotW feels like a Babbys First Sandbox but console wars will deny it getting that title.
Oblivion/Skyrim could be described as Babbys first WRPG
Sims 2 could be called that, same with simcity and RCT3.
also i've heard of people calling pokemon babby's first RPG or something.
Pokemon is baby's first JRPG.
What about Baldur's gate?
You mean Wolf 3d?
Best example is WoW.
People used to make fun and always consider it the "babby MMO" but people today pretend it was some hardcore MMORPG.
Final Fantasy/BoF/DQ all came before pokemon stupid.
And many shooters came out before Halo, on both consoles and PC. The "baby's first" title is given to games that primarily introduce children and casuals into the genre who wouldn't otherwise play that sort of game.
I don't think you are grasping the idea
if doom had an online mode with voice chat it would be known as a kids game, I played a lot of doom and duke nukem when I was a kid and I assume most people that played at the time were kids since adults didn't had interest in videogames
How is WoW not exactly like the OP suggested?
Wow everyone here is wrong. Counterstrike is baby's first FPS.
Sorry wrong post.
Yeah WoW is definitely babby MMO
ITT: we don't know what "baby's first" means
How far Yea Forums has fallen...
that makes no fucking sense you retard. it was literally the first stealth game. Holy shit some people have only the self-awareness to continue mouth-breathing I swear.
>What other games has this happened to?
I remember Yea Forums making fun of Call of Duty a lot back around 2011 and 2012, but these days there's CoD nostalgia threads.
People were shilling the campaign of BO2 non stop in 2012 though
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on Yea Forums today and the catalog is full of console war spam.
nah doom was always shitting up workplace computers
Runescape as a runner up.
its almost like people age and the population changes over time
Are zoomers actually trying to history revisionist doom as "baby's first fps"?
t. pokemon fan
I think most people played runescape because it was a lot more accessible, most normalfags when I went to school played WoW and runescape.
The only reason WoW was not as big as fortnite is today back then was because it was a game requiring broadband connection when it was kind of new, it required you to pay a sub and use a credit card Online (Which most parents REFUSED to let their kids do).
Meanwhile you could just play runescape on any library or school computer.
RO existed.
I'm conflicted here, is Dark Souls babby's first third person action game or is it Devil May Cry?
I do remember that now, back when everyone was going on about how that campaign had multiple routes. I also remember those "MLG 420 I EXERT STRESS WHEN I EXPORT BEATS" videos making fun of CoD back then, though.
I really don't understand how what's basically an ubisoft sandbox game gets so heavily praised. The main arguments I see for it is that you can go anywhere because climbing and do things with the physics engine. You can do shit with the physics engine in bethesda games.You can go nearly anywhere in bethesda games. Have nintendo console owners really never touched an open world sandbox game? Other sandbox games do lock areas or content out, but that's because they want to have some kind of progression in the game. Just because your game is aimless by design doesn't make it revolutionary.
Because you can do gimmick stuff with the physics that looks cool if you make a webm out of it.
If you even bothered to even google your claim, you'd know how wrong you are you fucking moron. Not only that but your point is irrelevant: it's babby's first stealth series because it's one of the easiest and accessible stealth series to play, not because it's one of the first.
Black Ops 1 is the current baby's first FPS.
>Many eons ago
There's your answer
Everything changes
Nothing stays the same
Get used to it
Halo still is babby's first FPS. The thing is, those babby's grew up and are now posting on Yea Forums.
Isn't that fortnight?
What the fuck is that
Looks cool as fuck
I don’t think you know what “Babby’s first X” means
gold armour wearing skeleton
A statement that even the most ornate armor will ultimately never save you from your own mortality.
Except war
Clearly an ordinator
Soon enough we'll have people nostalgic for Fortnite
But its literally made for 8 year olds
>Now people look back and see it with nostalgia especially with the steam release coming
'Casual arena shooter' is a niche that isn't being filled right now on PC. Nobody is even attempting to do it.
You are aware that Pokemon is marketed for actual children? And that, assuming you've played a Pokemon game before , you would've played it as a child? The turn-based fighting with occassional grinding, items and accessories is textbook JRPG stuff.
It's not popular anymore, so why would they?
Stop mis-using terms you dont understand, newfag. Pokefaggots dont move on to other jrpgs, the remain pokefaggots.
Well now someone is trying to do it and that's why people are getting excited for it.
People were using the campaign flowchart of BO2 as a meme to make fun of the 2 early 2010s wave of "complex" linear hallway shooters with "meaningful" decisions, like Uncharted and ME2 and such, that all managed to be less complex than the average military shooter campaign.
Yea Forums is not people
I still dont understand how people can defend the combat of ME2, its even more uninspired and bland than the original
Do you mean Halo? Because that's purely out of nostalgia, not interest in the genre.
The Skeleton of Saint Pancras, Martyred at 14 years old as a Roman Legionary. His whole body clad in armor is on display as seen above as a Relic.
The second I see a MW1 nostalgia thread I'm out
we skipped straight to MW2, hell there was just one yesteerday
>tfw I remember when CoD was made fun of on here
Because ME1's combat was worse. ME3's combat was easily the best in the trilogy anyway so who cares.
Oh fuck
We'll see. If it dies out in a few months it was nostalgia.
Halo's nothing special. I like 4 and apparently that's a total shitshow and 3, which is like everyone's favorite, is just alright for me.
As a video game player I predate Halo so I'm not a newfag, I just was always surprised by people's investment in such a rote franchise.
Already happened when the remaster was announced.
>What are this current gen's baby's first X?
Fornite, baby's first video game in general. We have reached rock bottom.
Are you implying that Halofags ever moved on? Have you ever seen a Halo thread in the past few years? It's just whining about not being able to play Halo anymore.
The Halo 3 nostalgia stems from playing minigames with kids from the playground.
It was really just the bad grafix and basic combat that made people say that. Runescape was like every other pre-WoW mmo, unique in its own way and cut its own niche out.
>almost everyone
No, almost everyone thought Halo was the hottest thing next to the sun.
Specific corners of the Internet correctly identified it as a stripped-down FPS that set the genre back.
Omg OP you are so smart. Holy fuck you figured it out. Wow. Omg. Are you Jordan B Peterson sir? I'll clean my room
The IQ you must have to figure out old games have fans who. . . Grow up and have fond memories. Oh my it almost slipped my mind that a ten plus year old game with millions of fans would have a change of public opinion on a website.
Wow OP. Total brain master here.
marathon was shit because the graphics were annoying. it was like having owl vision, zero depth perception.
I think first time i saw one of those was in 2015 and i think that was moment i knew how young people were here. And i can't i didn't have some fun in it when it first came out but i really don't have nostalgia for it.
I think he is talking about Yea Forums, user.
unearned post
>Everything i dont like its babby first
Halo is a pretty casual FPS, but it doesn't take itself to seriously like the slew of casual FPS that infects the market nowadays and it's actually fun
>Many eons ago Halo was viewed by almost everyone as babby's first FPS
You mean butthurt traditionalists tried to complain it was babby's first FPS because it was way more fun than anything else in the genre that came before it and killed off all the shitty competition.
P5 is zoomer's baby jrpg. And it's terrible.
That's cause the boomers who shit on halo died out and the kids that played it replaced them
Upset AF
My first fps was Doom on the snes.
Turok 2 for n64.
Quake 2 for pc. Unless you count Duke Nukem/Hexen.
And yet if it came to Switch...
Are you an idiot? DQ11 exists? Hello?
A game has to have people who don't commonly play the genre already to be a babies first
>Many eons ago Halo was viewed by almost everyone as babby's first FPS
No it wasn't. That was one of the longest running attempts at forcing a meme ever. Even years ago there were lively discussions about Halo and even arguments about why people liked it. I know because I was one of those people and I'm 31 goddamn years old now. I played UT and CS and all that stuff and I loved Halo. It was fucking fun and if you didn't play it with your friends and have good times you missed out. Period. Now if it's not your cup of tea I get that but don't try to rewrite history.
And babby's LAST if you know what's good for you
This but unironically. I'm sure quake was fun as fuck on the PC but at like 11 years old I didnt own a gaming PC soooo
DDLC is currently babby’s first VN last I checked
literally EVERYjrpg series has a game thats considered babbys first, and acting like persona was some obscure series only for the most harcore nerds before 5 came out is retarded and shows how much of a newfag you are
Because its fun and has GOOD game design.
except the library. fuck that level.
Assassins creed
modern Yea Forums is basically reddit but you can say nigger (for now at least)
>itt: zoomers pretending to be boomers
If we're talking about console fps games looks like a lot of you didn't play split screen golden eye, perfect dark, and medal of honor.
This obvious desperation for (you)’s
how is this a surprise? People don't even understand how the chocolate rain meme works and that started/came back a few days ago.
I prefer Halo to all of those which is why I come back to it every year (several times) where I haven't played any of those since I was a kid
Dead ass fucking meme OP, I don't get why zoomers like you like using this so much? I remember this pic it was great back in the day.
This but it's a good thing
what's wrong with it now?
To the series sure but were are talking about genres, don't pretend DQ8 fags weren't all there for the FF demo or that most people played P3 before Nocturne
I'm truly interested in the psychology of the retards that say Halo is a causal FPS. We're talking actual Halo, not Reach or 343's homosexual games.
Halo players could dominate in any FPS, but anybody else couldn't just come over to Halo and do well. That's why CODfags always hated Halo, because they could never play. The only people who didn't like Halo were people who weren't fans of Sci Fi shooters, or they simply sucked at the game. Oh, and putting Reach, 4, or 5 in the same category as the first 3 games aren't Halo fans. Always ignore these posters as they're mostly zoomers or paid shills.
Its been oversaturated and its become a dead meme thanks to zoomers like OP, fucking sucks man.
idfags were and are too birdbrained to understand Halo. Halo had 20+ year old fans even when it released in 2001. Why? Because it was a great game that offered an experience like nothing else at the time. It was more than just a corridor shooter.
>but anybody else couldn't just come over to Halo and do well
I did, never played Halo before this year but I can top frag pretty consistently in 2 and CE
is this some kind of a joke, halo was made as a party game with shooting mechanics. It's slower than even fucking CoD with just as much aim assist
So you're using the MCC as the basis of your argument. The only people who play the MCC are those on your level, ie, underage players and people that are new to Halo.
Only reason people don't call Halo baby's first FPS anymore is because the series rapidly spiraled into irrelevance once CoD overtook it in popularity with MW2. It doesn't help that the Xbox brand followed suite as well. Still a baby mode FPS
not an argument
>underage players and people that are new to Halo.
So the average Halo player 10 years ago? Either way I was playing the PC ports
>underage players and people that are new to Halo.
this was always the majority of Halo's userbase you imbecile
Have a question for you guys what do we even consider boomer to zoomer? I mean besides the obvious shit like the fort night kiddies
those terms mean nothing, stop taking them seriously
my first fps was Wolfenstein 3d
why am I stuck in this screen when launching quake champions
nigger halo was outclassed by half-life, tribes and return to castle wolfenstein so hard it wasn't even funny
Babbys grew up
>QC barely maintains 300 concurrent players despite being free and is bloated with loot crate garbage
>UT4 was murdered
>None of the indie clones took off
You don't understand the point. What you old dorks are saying is
>the games I like, I played when I was 12
So, another person who was 12 first played halo and thought it was good. And then a few years later, a person who was 12 first played MW2 and thought it was good.
See where this leads?
I thought the loadings were fucking insane in QC, with 1:1 loadings and menus to gameplay ratio, but now I'm literally stuck in loading and can't open the game
And it's the reason why MLG exists, while COD is still a twitch shooter for bad players. Spoken like somebody who couldn't play. At least lie about it and say you had a few 50s. Even a shitty game like Halo 5 takes more skill than COD. For the record Halo started dying when they started dumbing it down to your level.
It is an argument. The MCC plays nothing like the original games despite the updates, and everybody on it never played the game before. It's easy to spot the non Halo fans here. Damn.
You wouldn't stand a chance against the average Halo player. At least the retard above me admitted to just getting into the game. You people just talk out of your ass and play semantics.
That doesn't make any sense. I pity you for not being able to have LAN parties on the weekends, kid. Better days they were.
>it is an argument
>>>The only people who play the MCC are those on your level, ie, underage players and people that are new to Halo.
this is an adhom, not an argument
I’m a 30 year old boomer and played FPS’s before Halo. But CE is my favorite FPS
no one gives a fuck, MLG doesn't even manage to hit EVO's numbers, an event for niche fighters
id fanboys can suck my dick
>You wouldn't stand a chance against the average Halo player.
I like how you avoided saying you could kick my ass because you know you cant
Lowest common denominator. Its that simple. Anything particularly big combines easy access, the illusion of continous progression, and a good dose of gambling.
Halo was easy to play, had an illusion of progression with "skill", and the cartoon physics fufilled the gambling.
Real talk, halo also put a lot of the best broad mechanics into one game, and made it accesible to a lot of people quickly. Its not a bad or great game either way.
It seamlessly combined elements of all those games, making it the superior experience.
If you're under the age of 24, you're underage according to Halo's standards. If you're under the age of 18, you're underage according to the law. If I called you a moron (which you are) that would be ad hominem. Try again.
>nobody cares about professional boxing. Only amateur fights matter.
Like I said, stop comparing newer Halos to Halos 2 and 3.
You were still in dad's balls.
>Reddit spacing
>"Real talk"
>thinks map awareness and communication didn't matter past rank 15 in H2
The height of ignorance. Soon Siege will be the next game that didn't take skill.
>equating MLG to professional boxing
halofags are a different breed
All this typing to not realize this was about halo 1. Shame.
>still dodging because he knows he sucks
>acting elitist while dodging
Literally what do all of you ave against Halo other than the fact that it was incredibly popular and a bunch of kids liked it back in the day. It's a very well made game.
disqualifying someone's argument because of some aspect of their person, be it looks, smarts, age, or anything aside from the argument itself is the textbook definition of an ad hominem fallacy
try again grandpa
>reddit spacing
Way to out yourself as a post GG newfag
I won't disagree that it's well made, it's still baby's first FPS and not some high skill shit halo idiots think it is, it's on the level of CoD. Don't take it from me, the lead game designer of Halo called it a party game with shooting mechanics
>Soon Siege will be the next game that didn't take skill.
Siege doesnt, though. Its all about purchasing and playing the right operators and team composition.
Overwatch, easily.
That it also makes Valvebabs seethe earns it an especially poor reception on here.
-professional boxing
-professional chess
-professional golf
-professional football
-professional hockey
-professional gaming
CE didn't have online. Still, the same principle applies.
>15 year olds should be allowed to run for office
COD is nowhere near Halo. I can beat you in Halo and probably COD. You could probably beat me in COD, but not Halo. Big difference.
>Siege doesn't take skill
Please don't tell me you're the one guy defending COD here.
what the fuck does it matter if you can beat me in something or if I can beat you in something? do you think that says something about the general level of skill and depth a game has?
>Many eons ago Halo was viewed by almost everyone as babby's first FPS
>Now people look back and see it with nostalgia
those two viewpoints are not exclusive, genius, babies grow up.
its still an exceedingly simple game.
But user siege does not take skill you just have be autstic enough and camp to play the game
>15 year olds should be allowed to run for office
how did you derive this autism from what I posted? I'm intrigued
attacking an argument via disrespecting the intelligence of someone obviously dumb might be an ad hominem attack, but not a fallacy.
ad hominem is a fallacy
this is your brain on Boomer
Yes. A Halo player can beat other players at their own game, but a non Halo player could never beat a Halo player at Halo.
If you don't have the experience and 50s under your belt, your opinion of what Halo is or should be is illogical.
>A Halo player can beat other players at their own game, but a non Halo player could never beat a Halo player at Halo.
is that why there isn't a single Halo "pro" who dominates in CS GO and makes big money?
>but a non Halo player could never beat a Halo player at Halo.
Then why are you dodging me?
No, maybe that said pro doesn't like CS. Halo's been dead for a while by the way.
I'm not zooming in. Just talk.
This is literally what you're doing to me right now.
If a """zoomer"" comes forth with some ideas for what Halo should be, you're supposed to use your "years of experience" to logically fuck him up
Overwatch was enjoyable for around a year, people are going to remember how Blizzard dropped the fucking ball constantly before they remember how much they enjoyed the game. The only people that still play it now are severely mentally challenged.
>Please don't tell me you're the one guy defending COD here.
If you werent a newfag, you'd be able to tell that the post was my first in the thread. Say what you want about Call of Duty, i dont have to pay real money to get a gun thats objectively better than the other guns. I can make classes and swap to another gun in the middle of a round as well. I can use the same gun that a teammate is using too.
>still dodging
lol dodge, all this talk and you can't even accept a match
he'll be too busy driving his scooter down to the govt building to retrieve his retirement check
>A-A Halo player can beat other players at their own game, b-but a non Halo player could never beat a Halo player at Halo.
>ignores any challenge and invitations to battle
exemplary showing of a halofan
>And it's the reason why MLG exists, while COD is still a twitch shooter for bad players
Is that why MLG dropped Halo and still runs CoD?
Zoomers don't understand what makes Halo, Halo.
Sounds unbalanced to me.
What exactly am I dodging?
I'll play you in any Halo game. Doesn't matter. Nobody even challenged me to begin with. Looks like an easy win regardless considering you all just started playing. A select few are COD players. Pathetic lol.
MLG dropped "Halo" when it started becoming COD. Define Irony. For the third time, stop comparing true Halo to nu-Halo.
Console shooters are babbys first
>Sounds unbalanced to me
Yet its less unbalanced than Siege which relies entirely on its operators, operators you need to pay for in a $60 game
>Nobody even challenged me
Ill play you in ElDewrito because fuck setting up the xbone and fuck downloading/playing H5 Forge
doom. you cant even aim up and down.
>every other FPS before it was shit
We thought halo would be as bad as it gets. By today's standards it's great.
CE did have online. And CE being online or not wasnt even relevant.
Your last post was 20 minutes ago, are we playing ElDewrito or are you dodging again?
World of Warcraft
>CE didn't have online
Oh, I guess you're an underage fag that missed out on all the pirated CE Yea Forums servers.
>he doesn't know
We all know that custom edition was the online one. Nobody with taste played it before then anyway
Not even that was necessary. The multiplayer component was released free on pc. Anyone can go play it right now if they want to reexperience forced 60 fov right now
that was never true. most people loved halo even from the beginning. there was a group of dedicated autists that hated it because it wasn't exactly the same thing as quake.
>being too young to know the PC version launched years later
I implied that in my post you ESL tard
Most people didn't start shitting on COD until after MW2. Even then they were seen as varying levels of quality but resented because every shooter had to become a COD clone.
You didn't, but nice try anyway.
t. anglocuck who knows only one language
>passively regenerating health
>anything but babby's first fps
You're confusing a introductory series with a Babbies First, they overlap but babies first is distinct because it offers a gateway and standard the baby adjusts and remains comfortable with, in a sense they never grow up. It's like how people like shitty cheap condiment brands or shitty junkfood because it's what introduced them to that type of food and defined what they think that food tastes like even if there's other options or better grade ones out there.
Another example is Gurren Lagann was babys first super robot anime, and 95% of the viewers never went on to other super robot anime despite similar tropes and structure.
>Nobody with taste played it before then anyway
What did you think came before Custom Edition? Marathon?
Halo 1 didn't even have that, dumbass.
Ok faggot.
when they image was made it literally meant that the game was so easy and dumbed down a baby could play it.
t. someone who was actually alive when halo came out
Stop posting this low quality wojack edit
Better gtfo faggit.
Anything Nintendo is babby's first. Intentionally, in this case.
Now replace the image with gay my little pony penis vore
this is generally true, though ironically splatoon takes more skill than halo
i like that part on splatoon where the green goblin smokes pot from a gun
The default mode that you have to grind for 9 hours before you get to play the real game isn't
>Overwatch was enjoyable for around a year, people are going to remember how Blizzard dropped the fucking ball constantly before they remember how much they enjoyed the game. The only people that still play it now are severely mentally challenged.
It's lasted in popularity as long or longer then any single installment of Halo. It will be remembered as thee mainstream FPS of the 2010s decade.
I said gtfo faggot.
>It's lasted in popularity as long or longer then any single installment of Halo
Halo 3 lasted a good 3 years, Overwatch lost its traction after 1.
>It will be remembered as thee mainstream FPS of the 2010s decade.
Halo is the fortnite of yesterday
>people are still using this bait
Im sure you could have come up with something better after all this time if you put your mind to it.
So why even bother living you depressed fuck just end it all if nothing matters LOL
What else is there?
I love when Yea Forums posts this, and says babys first fps.
When Halo 1 and 2 were released along side Quake and Unreal Tournament 2004 in the span of 5 years.
You faggots out yourselves as actual underage so easily.
Yes, it is by definition a first person shooter.
"baby's first" isn't a measure of time you dunce
friendly reminder people born in 2001 can post here now and that people whose first FPS was Doom would've been born from 1987 to 1989 meaning they will be developing Alzheimers pretty fucking soon
CSGO was in the 10's, Battlefield 3 and 4 too.
You are either moving the goal post, or you are just plain dumb.
Either way you're still the problem with Yea Forums.
The people that suck the cock of DooM already have Alzheimers because they keep fucking forgetting that DooM invented auto-aim.
I really wanted overwatch to be the next halo for me, but blizz cant balance for shit. To balance hero shit you gotta approach it like a fighting game, cant just gut and change 1 or 2 characters without seeing how they interact with the rest of the roster.
Good riddance
what stelath game came out before the first metal gear?
Maybe outside of Yea Forums.
No, it's shitposting that retarded kiddies ate all up to seem cool with an older crowd that either also enjoyed the game or didn't care about it.
PUBG barely lasted 6 months before getting replaced by Fortnite.
But I guess technically fortnite would be babby's first shooter for this generation, come to think of it.
Does that mean Halo isn't an FPS because the perspective changes in vehicles?
not him but halo is a party game with shooting mechanics
Yes, do you also call Half-Life a Third Person Shooter because you can use the thirdperson command?
If it can be played completely in the first person, its a first person shooter.
It created the current Battle Royale fad and was stll insanely popular within that 6 months, if Fortnite had a First Person mode it'd take the spot.
Well i personally prefer Quake to Halo.
Halo is a weird game it's like a hybrid of UT and CS and it really only works on consoles (or at least with a controller) because it's so slow. But it had mass appeal because of this and also a lot of fun custom gametypes. Is it babby's first FPS? For that generation yes although that's not exactly a bad thing. People act like it killed arena shooters but I think if there were really anywhere left for Quake-style arena shooters to go we would have seen one with a strong following emerge in the decades since Q3A, there have been attempts but it never sticks. But there have been other PC FPS with a strong following since then such as TF2, other CS games and Tribes. I think the fact of the matter is that Q3A simply does that style of arena shooting best and anyone who wants that feeling will just go play it (or Quake Live whatever it is now).
Ultimately I was never really a Halo guy but I would much rather play Halo with some people than Call of Duty or one of these battle royale games.
>smear the queer, infection, and fat kid with mod support
How can slayer even fucking compete
I don't even like Halo but if the PC collection gets a big customs community I will change my tune real quick now that CS doesn't have many anymore
When was peak Halo-mania?
Halo 2 or 3?
2, best maps and BR starts were kino
I agree but I'm talking about Halo-mania? The time when it was at its most popular.
my first fps was Wolfenstein 3D i was born in 1986
i prefer ghost recon to both
3, only time the series hit the 10 million mark. It was the dominant game in (American) culture until MW2 dropped
my first fps was quake 2 on ps1, am i cool yet?
>He hasn't beat thief gold and the metal age
halo 3 easily
then CoD4 came out with much smaller fanfare a few months later and managed to match halo 3 in popularity, basically starting the decline of halomania
thief sucks
He is referring to the MSX games that predate Thief by a wide margin
of course it's a thief idiot, metal gear =/= metal gear solid
>what stelath game came out before the first metal gear?
The Castle Wolfenstein games came out in the early 80's, and they had far more sophisticated stealth mechanics. For instance, you could hide bodies, a feature the Metal Gear series wouldn't implement until literally the NEXT MILLENIUM.
lmao the castle wolfenstein games suck.
It kind of did, since shields are basically health. But it was better in Halo 1 because of the health bar which did not recharge under the shield bar.
same concept
Does it hurt to live as you? All retarded and shit?
>Many eons ago Halo was viewed by almost everyone as babby's first FPS
The only people who held that opinion were gen Xers born in the 80's
Says the faggot who thinks Halo's health regen somehow makes it different just because it's called something else.
If you can't damage somebody with one tick of damage in 6-9 seconds you don't deserve the kill
If you can't find a health pack before taking damage, you don't deserve to take damage.