Westcucks eternally BTFO

It’s been 2 and a half years and still no game has surpassed this in storytelling. When will westcucks stop making games about trannies and learn how to craft emotional stories?

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Other urls found in this thread:


westerners who shame themselves are not different than whites who shame their race

>babbies first exposure to existentialism
>muh emotional story

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>le deep robot game maymay

>You have 30 seconds to name a better story in a video game

the western AAA industry doesn't allow much creativity and experimentation we just get games that are accessible to as much people as possible, but there are a bunch of indie games with great stories

>the game is not allowed to talk about existencialism because it's not the deepest thing ever on the subject

No actual nierfag would make thread like this.
fuck off
why it has to be some retarded bait these days

The original Nier

People who view it as nothing more than existentialism are brainlets
The game asks not whether a machine can be human, but what "human" even means, and if it would be worth striving for if given the choice.
That's deeper than literally any other Vidya plot, and even most movie plots in the last two decades

>weebs actually believe this is deep and original

Gone Home bro. Great Horror game with pro LGBTQRSTUV representation.

I played Dies irae two years ago and its literally magnitudes deeper than Nier

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It was surpassed in storytelling years before it even came out.

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compare it to literally any other game

Automatafags and Nierfags may as well be two entirely different fanbases

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I doubt a casual fag like you has even played this masterpiece

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Came here to post this

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all the old crpgs had better and "deeper" plots than Nier
Fucking Fallout 2 shits on every weeb trash game
Weebs should fucking kill themselves

You’re retarded if you think it’s the first or best game to do this

the game was pure kino


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I prefer its music

>he's never played Deus Ex

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sorry if i don't have time to play every single game ever, but from the description it sounds like a generic wrpg, why should I play this instead of fallout 2 for example?

You should play both since they are miles ahead of whatever weeb shit you jerk off to. But I doubt you have the attention span to play a crpg.

I played fallout when I was a kid, I just don't have time, videogames are not the priority in my life anymore

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Fuck off and stop to push your shit every time people talk about Fate

They their profits take a hit

Wasn't that game the one with a "jewish" conspiration

Who the fuck mentioned the cancerous franchise of Fate?
I suggested DI as a "deep" game based on the criteria set by the OP. Why are you so fucking insecure?

Nice samefagging

well since vns are allowed this is probably the deepest fictional story ever written

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"blocks your path"

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Literally zero people would care about this game if 2B weren’t as sexy as she is.

I'm convinced Taro specifically designed the game to make it 100% obvious who has and hasn't played it. Because its really fucking obvious when you fags haven't even touched the demo.

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Because Dies Irae is the type of game that have an small but persistent fanbase so it's very probable that you're the same user that shitposts in Yea Forums about Dies Irae in Fate threads

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Not sure about the deepest fictional story but its definitely an example of short stories done right. One of Urobochi's best imo, any anons who havent read it should, it only takes a few hours to read.

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I mostly post on /vn/. I do not post on Yea Forums since its the most cancerous faggotry board in the site. But the poster you have described seems based as fuck. I would give him a handshake irl.

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Even if I love Umineko it isn't deep, it's just a VN where you can't trust everything you read

You are required to play more than 5 Japanese games

>literally the EXACT same story as Automata

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>It’s been 2 and a half years and still no game has surpassed this in storytelling.
That's because most games don't even make any sort of effort to tell a good story in a way which is fitting to the medium. Which is fine, since you can have amazing games without stories in the first place, though in practice we get a lot of games with a 'story' focus which are still pretty bad.

Muh Taro.
Eat shit dude, the game is ass, the story is impactless and doing 3 playthroughs is the worst idea ever, especially for anime plot hot garbage shit like Automata. Deal with it.

>this is probably the deepest fictional story ever written
fucking cringe

>game has surpassed this in storytelling.

It's not the exact same, the execution is a lot better in SOMA.

Truth is that Nier and Nier Automata are the tipe of game that's better to see as a gameplay in whatever platform you like than playing it

This. Automata was just "robutts with emotions suffering" just because

Why can't Jap writers ever write dialogue that isn't anime shit?

Sin and Punishment 2 did this way before Nier and in a far less pretentious way. Plus, there was a good game behind all of it.

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>No Yu-No, no 428 Shibuya, no Ghost Trick, no TWEWY.
>unironically recommending Ever17, and placing it that high

Ironically, there's no real gender of the Androids or machines. Theyre all genderqueer, it's solely for their appearance to imitate their beloved humans

The same way their modern movies are shit.
They forgot to educate themselves on western media.

It doesn't matter how many of these threads you make, you will NEVER be a cute anime girl.

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>no 428 Shibuya, no Ghost Trick, no TWEWY.
Those are legit tumblr/twitter tranny tier stories.
Both Ghost trick and TWEWY have a large female fanbase which equates to them being shit.

The crying in this thread is absolutely amazing.
But yeah, keep saying buzzword if that makes you sleep at night, that doesn't change that Nier A. is better than most modern west games.

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>made by Treasure
There is your answer, Treasure never made a bad game since their existence unlike Tarohack who only made one.

>changes perspective only when it feels like it for the story's sake, not when its actually consistent
hahahah no

normies will never get it

>he posted smug anime girls
Dude I am convinced. I'm a Taro cuck now.

keep saying that


*Tarohack who only made one good game.

Saya is the normiest VN there is. Up there with Fateshit and other N+igger VNs. Fuck off retard

Go to Yea Forums if you want to watch a movie. Games are about gameplay and gameplay only.

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>sin and punishment
whatever happened to this franchise anyway? I remember the wii one doing pretty well, or at least i had fun with it.

lol you white people are always so desperate to join another race, whether it's Asian or black. No wonder you're dying out.

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>any game that has a story can only be a movie game

White people need Islam. If White people were muslims, then white men would own white women and they would be forced to have kids.
The fertility rate would have been 3 instead of 1.1 and no need for immigration.
White men destroyed the West.

Hey vn bros, you should read the read the muv luv trilogy some time. Theres a lot of build up, but its alllll worth it

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it was good, but not as good as the first Nier. Even the music blows Automata the fuck out

doki doki and danganronpa are normie vns. saya is literally about isolating from society and there's a fucking rape scene, how is it a normie vn? what's your deep underground vn that is so much better?

>baby's first VN
im sure every VN fag read MLA in 2011

You clearly didn't play it if you think the other "playthroughs" are anything like one another.

alright bro now recommend us some good islamic games

Islam doesn't have time for pesky video games. Islam is all about getting married and having kids.

IS defence.

>play video game
>so you can put down the controller and watch hour after hour of cutscenes

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>caring about story over gameplay

>didn't play it
Thats cute. Time to go somewhere else now, tourist.


>didn't play it
You can't play a movie.

This game only impresses people who haven't read a book beyond high school.

Mount & Blade, I guess.

original bioshock
deus ex

Planescape Torment
Red Dead Redemption

When do you think we can expect a new game from Yoko Taro to be announced?

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Jesus christ how hard is it to not be gay about the shit you like. I've consumed so much anime/hentai that I can't even fap to or look at 3dpd without vomiting, but even I don't waste my oxygen making a thread to exclaim that the water is wet.

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>2 and a half years
>not a single PC patch
>devs announce game of the yorha edition
>it's the same exact game that released on PC with DLC and no patches
I enjoyed the game 2 and a half years ago when it released thanks to a certain modder. But fucking any company that associates with SE will never patch their games on PC.

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>giving SE money
You have only yourself to blame user.

I like Platinum. They alone were worth the suffering.

I would think katawa shoujo or fate would be more akin to baby's first vn, especially considering the length of MLA.
Regardless, i remember there being a lot of talk about it around 2011 but i wasnt a vnfag at the time so i didnt get around to it till now. What vns do you like or would recommend?

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Unpopular opinion but I actually don't mind the core idea behind Gone Home. Exploring a locale and trying to figure out what happened is a neat concept, it's just a shame that the information you learn leads to jack shit and that the ending is so anticlimactic.

Return of the Obra Dinn did it much better. It's like Gone Home except that it's not about an angsty teenager and your character actually has a goal.

>4-hour walking simulator featuring the world's densest protagonist
It had some cool parts, but the main story and ending were so fucking predictable. SOMA is what you get when you watch one episode of Black Mirror and decide that you're qualified to be a sci-fi philosophy writer.

>didn't play it

Don't forget that YoRHa Edition comes with preorder/day one bonuses and if you have the normal version there's no way to upgrade to goty edition which means if you want those bonus shits you have to buy REMOVE the game and buy it AGAIN.
They are just some cosmetic items but fuck SE.