Is there ANY reason not to sell this piece of junk now? Can you even sell it? Who would want one after today?

Is there ANY reason not to sell this piece of junk now? Can you even sell it? Who would want one after today?

Attached: NUuHmCd_d.jpg (610x444, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Who would want one after today?
What happened?

My nephew wants one and would kill his sister for it

Those 2 halves can’t possibly be from the same device!

Good luck selling that piece of shit when there are 2 new versions around the corner.

You can't sell it now. It's broken

What happened?

I would pay 100 euro for it

Unless you really really REALLY love Smash, or holding out for Bayo3, and SMTV. Nah.

>Is there ANY reason not to sell this piece of junk now?
Yes, it's broken.


Ports and memario

I use mine as a portable emulator and it's pretty darn good at it

Don't think anyone woke get interested in a switch that's been cut in half desu

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2

How can someone get woke on switch

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same here
Days Gone is just another flop

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>Who would want one after today?
Boxboy comes out tomorrow.

Sell it, get money to buy a gun and fucking kill yourself

>caring about some shitty, niche-ass RPG this much
l o l e

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>Nintendo console gets no/shit games

Why didn't you buy a real console?

Again, what happened?

Here in shithole-land (anything south of USA), everyone has listed their Switches for months now. I've probably checked 2-3 in my small city alone and all of them told me they just didn't play it enough compared to their PS4s.
So not only is everyone sailing from the ship, they're actually fucking going back to PS4, feelsbadman.

Lmao who the fuck cares, kys weeb.

you mad nindie?

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Cuckhead is a nice game for you

You can already play that elsewhere.

Lifehack: Buy a limited edition Nintendo console because there'll always be a bigger sucker to buy it after you're done.
Second lifehack: Sell it before a new pokemon game drops.

Attached: switch-pokemon-bundle.jpg (1030x516, 53K)

You are pathetic, I don't even own a switch. Consoles are for plebs.

You could host a web ser...
Oh wait that's a console and you can literally only use it for whatever the company that made it allows you to.

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This is where I'm drawing the line too.

I can't stand it being used as a tool to promote a Sony, or Sony nigger as I like to call them, game on a machine I paid 350€ for.

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legit reply?
pokemons and animal crossing I guess

You played yourself by buying that cashgrab in the first place.

Ehm..... where's the "for PC"?

If you don't want your Switch and can't sell it, give it to someone who wants a Switch but can't afford one.

Dont forget wii u had Cloud because of the remake announcement

No it didn't. We are being played by Sakurat like fiddles

>vast majority of anti-nintendo shitposting comes from south america
Color me surprised.

>selling consoles

Why does it matter if Persona 5 isn't coming to the Switch? Joker is still a fun character in Smash, which you clearly have.

Welp, not everyone is willing to dish $60 for every single game and inferior port, Nintendo is living off entirely from USA and Japan at this point ...

>niche-ass RPG
Persona 5 is actually normie shit
I was ordering Subway around the time it came out and the girls making my sandwich were talking about it, I asked how it was and said I was kinda interested since I always liked SMT games but never really tried Persona and they had no fucking idea what Shin Megami Tensei was, they just liked the dating stuff.

I don’t get it?

Well you can't certainly sell it like that OP. You just wasted something you could've sold on Ebay or whatever.

A Persona game funny for once? I'm on it!

Dating stuff is cute

He can still sell joypads.


What's the big deal? Musou has been trash since Hyrule Warriors. The last good one was Sengoku Basara 4.

That was sarcasm. I was around for /vint/.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Super Mario Odyssey
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Kirby Star Allies
Splatoon 2
Astral Chain
Super Mario Maker 2
Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime 4
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokemon Sword
Daemon X Machina
Breath of the Wild

Oh no, it's missing ONE game that is coming to PC anyway.

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>selling consoles

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>Musou has been trash since Hyrule Warriors
I question the fact that you chose HW as the downfall of musou and not the dozens of anime-videogame musou trash that came before it.

Only one of those games are both good and avaliable

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Pirate Warriors 3 is a good game is why.

Dubs guy in the sky, please hear my cry. Transform these digits from fail to GET and bring me victory in this thread. Unlock your powers from deep within so that this post will be epic win. Appear in this janny bait as I call your name, 9.

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Because he's not wrong? Sengoku Basara evolved the genre into something not for braindead retards and instead of Koei taking notes from Capcom they actually dumb down the combat FURTHER. Not only that but they then proceed to make the worst Dynasty Warriors ever.

>buying consoles

If you broke it yes since you probably won't find anybody to buy it.

The joypads should be worth something. Some chips and gold can be salvaged from the rest.

I bought it for SMT V
P5 was a bonus and never expected

Snoyboys seethe

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Why are you idiots complaining about Persona when SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI is exclusive to switch? You know, the actual game and not the dating sim with halfass demon summoning?
Pathetic. It's like I'm posting on retardera but replace Persona with muh naked ladies.