>sex sells
>companies literally only creating games to sell remove sex
>they lose sales and fans
Who the fuck told them that was a good idea?
>sex sells
>companies literally only creating games to sell remove sex
>they lose sales and fans
Who the fuck told them that was a good idea?
Other urls found in this thread:
with the new update people switched meta to
subverting western civilization > money
>sex sells
Wrong. Even Playboy became a normal magazine because sex didn't sell. Nobody pays for porn.
Normalfags don't like sex in games. Normalfags are dumb and will buy bad games.
Patreon proves you utterly wrong.
I came to this so much
You are a normalfag then, because your taste in games is shit
except they backpedaled
PQube and XSEED are screwed. I'm not sure how XSEED could possibly be more screwed, but they will find a way.
Reminder if you dont fap to 2d girls you're a normalfag
Wrong. It was due to playboy online taking more of their memberships. I used to work there
game of thrones is the most popular tv show and it's full of sex
no one would watch it if it didnt have sex scenes
Sex sells, it just only sells sex. Patreon works because people are paying for porn.
Sex isn't gonna make me want to play your racing game.
is she getting fucked from behind by a huge green beast? Who wants to see this
everyone in game of thrones is 3d
Game companies are full of SJW socjus purple hair twirly moustache kids from art schools. They are run by older people who have been in the industry but have jumped on the Socjus bandwagon because they want to fit in with these groups in San Fran and other Socjus shitholes these people frequent. It is religious to them. They don't care if their company goes under beacuse removing anything bad against women or anything seen as demeaning including sexuality is seen as a mission. They will destroy their own games and companies in order to push their gospel. Because if they do not, they will be ostracized from the groups they run in.
t. Person in the industry who wants to kill themselves
>Even Playboy
Selling a porn magazine in the age of the internet with free porn everywhere isn't very smart. But they were smarter than you are since you can't comprehend why they stopped.
We need to have a conversation about sex in video games
You say that but there's a lot of mobage that get by for having lewd jpgs for sale without ever actually having sexual content and they are highly successful
er, compare patreon revenues with the porn industry before we could get all this shit for free
>Normalfags don't like sex in games
I see you have no normalfag friends.
whut gaem
That's less a testament to the importance of lewds and more a testament to the importance of exploiting the psychologically vulnerable with lootbox mechanics. There's a reason every AAA game wants to include them now.
no one would watch game of thrones if they didnt hear everyone was watching it.
Its basically a standard now, like owning fakebook 10 years ago, youre a freak to normies if you dont watch it.
We had our games then you faggots took them away
SJW trannies
This is you're brain on tranny pills
the reason it got popular is because women watched it for the sex scenes
women arent going to watch a fantasy tv show if it isnt full of sex
men watch it because women watch it
why do anime tits make you so mad?
why cant you just deal with games having sexy girls?
whats your problem, are you gay?
Get the fuck off my board
low effort
we did used to make our fun sexy games
then (You) happened
Prob a risky bet to see if the sales they gain by virtue signalling/appealing to a larger audience outweighs the sales lost from people who buy games mostly because of sex appeal. A lot of people who aren't sexually-frustrated males view tiddy games as creepy and/or something to be ashamed of enjoying
>Nobody pays for porn.
>Patreon works because people are paying for porn.
How are progressives absolute sex-crazed degenerates without any boundaries and total fucking prudes at the same time?
It's not even sex, it's sexy women.
lol come on this is too over the top
There's no winning. Just enjoy things for what they are or play something else. If everyone followed that rule, then maybe vidya would still be bearable.
why does it make you so mad, you're clearly invested in wanting tits out of games
The reason it got popular was because it killed its star-cast main character at the end of the first season and then kept killing important characters for as long as it was following the books, and that made it interesting. Same reason people gave a shit about The Walking Dead (which, as I understand it, was not full of tiddies).
That was interesting and conversation-worthy and it's why the show spread.
lmao mad
Special edition? Did he make more of this one or something?
Playboy was never porn
How many pornhub's parent company gain every year again?
seething lol
How am I stopping you from making games? Oh wait no one is and you're retarded.
I never said nobody pays for porn. People pay for porn all the time; they must be, or nobody would be making it commercially (it would always exist in an amateur capacity). Patreon works because it lets a fanbase direct an artist to specific fetish-fuel.
What doesn't work is putting a half-naked big anime tiddy character on the cover like that will distract me from your half-assed gameplay and get $60 from me.
Newfag to life
pornhub sells your data to get money
i watched because i wanted to see the newest realistic medieval show in tv, not because of sex.
No one actually watched it for the 15 second sex scenes that happened twice in a season.
>Sex sells, it just only sells sex.
This is a bad meme. Sex sells anything, but it only sells to single straight men. They just happen to be a huge audience.
>No one actually watched it for the 15 second sex scenes
oh you poor naive child
Kinetica was a garbage game, though. Mech ass didn't make it worth playing, even in a post-F-Zero drought of futuristic racers.
>so it can be censored because american retardism
>companies literally only creating games to sell remove sex
>he goes to the board which doesn't align with his own sensibilities only to get mad
You're a weirdo but if i tell you to fuck off you won't, so i guess you can stay and torment yourself.
People like me are making them in japan, but people like you are forcing them to censor
Maybe you’re the one who needs to have sex.
This is why "le super sekrit club" meme was retarded, it allowed dumb normalfags like you to invade and shit this place up
Dragon Crown on PC when?
Hohoho, you sure told him, he's so pwned
Wow, we are such a lucky bunch to have top contributor like you in this shit reap sjw enabler thread
I can load up a website full of nudes of 16 year old girls in few seconds, why would i watch some shitty tv show for a glance at a titty time to time for few seconds on a average/below average women?
Had sex, watch porn, still like boobs and hot babes and want them in both TV series/movies and vidya. Nobody wants to look at ugly lesbians with armpit hair or fat neckbeards respectively in their entertainment.
>let me go fuck everyone I want you bigot!!! #stopslutshaming
>how dare you looked at fictional mammaries you incel loser!!!
And here I thought orwell's DOUBLETHINK concept is just pure exagratted hyperbole term
lmao i'm glad you're upset
with walking dead it was the cuckoldry
the main character's wife cheated on him while he was in a coma, that caught the attention of the female viewers
It's about control. They only want sexy stuff when it can directly benefit themselves, any other time it's "oppressive".
What people fail to realize is that having both good gameplay AND good sex makes a game one for the ages
Sengoku Rance is the best game to ever exist
People who make eroge games need to remember not to skimp out on gameplay
I actually wouldn't buy a game only because it has sex. There's so many free avenues for free porn, hentai, and erotic art that I wouldn't be willing to buy a game just based of that. There would have to be some semblance of a good game to justify a purchase from me and the sex would just be a bonus.
games for this feel?
>if you ignore the push to ban those too
Imagine being retarded.
damn u mad
Her belly doesn't even get bigger. What's the point?
but id buy a sexy good game over just a good game without the sexy
Thats your opinion. Mech ass on the box certainly helped it’s sales.
Oh my god
>wanting tits in games because can't find tits in internet
>calls others normalfag
Money rules our world.
So of course, SJW can cry all they want, at the end, if there is less money to make, nobody will listen to them.
Why should tits be excluded in video games?
Theyre in every other medium
>he thinks its because they cant find tits elsewhere
why are you so against tits being in games, if you cant appreciate fictional girls then you're a normalfag
If this were true why does blizzard exist
>sex sells
Sure if you're a horny guy and only play games because your penis tells you to
Need a dispenser here!
yeah because women don't like to have sex huh
You are aware that it's not a really good time to work at Blizzard right now, right?
Didn’t they switch back to the nude girls because sales tanked when they removed them?
>i watched because i wanted to see the newest realistic medieval show in tv
>implying most porn games aren't targeted to straight guys
>Unironically using a buzzword
Nice argument
Hopefully, never.
What's that? Can't hear you over this billion dollar.
Difficult to prove, I would argue, especially since it was a PS2 launch title. Being one of the 3 games available for your new console was what helped its sales.
>tfw no big and strong gf
Well they clearly make less money but they don't pivot or change strategy which disproves your point of
>Money > ideals
Pretty much. Show was good when it was following the books. It was the 'edgiest' show around when it was killing off key characters left and right (even the likeable Sean Bean).
Had the show first aired at the same quality of the last couple of seasons (where they stopped following the books) it would never have reached the level it has now.
>put her movie just before Endgame
They were smart with this one.
Yup. Took them about a year and a half, but they switched back after nearly going bankrupt. Turns out all those decades of people claiming to read it for the articles were false.
Reminder that this is a noblewoman
>a magazine stops selling in the age of the internet
>"huh, I guess guys don't care about t&a anymore, how about that"
>normalfags want sex gone from videogames
>corporations want sex gone from videogames
>trannies want sex gone from videogames
>feminists want sex gone from videogames
>conservatives want sex gone from videogames
>game journos want sex gone from videogames
Ah, okay, so you're retarded
I would be afraid. She could probably sever any dick off in the world even if it was metal if she clenched hard enough. She is clearly playing the fool here.
Yeah, it sucks to have most stuff you enjoy removed, but rather than giving in to the company's policy, the devs need to find another company or make their own company managed by someone who won't give a damn about the current outrage. As for the sales, why would companies be willing to censor them if it makes ton of money? That just shows that sex is a specific niche.
she looks very noble
Funny how none of those niggers pay for the games.
Do you want alcohol removed from beer if you don't drink it?
They will die for their ideals at some point.
The only real thing to make money is to make good games and in general, when you are so over your ideals, you make shit games because you have shit people in your team.
Orcs are the ultimate form of masculinity
no tits no buy
season 1 to 3 are good TV, i didnt hop onto the bandwagon last year like the rest of the normalfags
>A lot of people who aren’t sexually frustrated males
Women gamers are primarily in the mobile market, e.g. candy crush, and men don’t need to be sexually frustrated to enjoy amazons with big tits who never bitch about things. Basically, you’re discounting offhand most of the audience for video games and hand waving it as “Oh, well there are tons of people who aren’t men!” Yeah, there are. Women. And they’re not the target audience.
You say you're against censorship but have hilarious double standards. You ask tits in games while asking for censorship of female promiscuity, homosexuality and male bodies.
I fap to both
That not how it works.
>trannies and feminists want sex gone from videogames
>game journos are already full of trannies and feminists and make bad press about sex in videogames
>corporations are afraid about their sales so they want to remove sex from videogames
Normies don't care about this shit.
No way, are you trying to imply that the same people mewling about tits in video games are the ones who post 50+ threads a day about a character if their nose is too big?
Wowee zowee I'm so surprised to find out it's the same fucking person.
>big buff amazon
>no body hair at all
what's even the point?
Arguing it’s because of sex and not print media dying. Lmao
What does blizzard have atm other than classic?
>BfA wildly considered worst expansion ever, lowest sub count in history
>Overwatch is dead
>Hearthstone is dead
>Diablo is gonna be on MOBILE lol
I give blizzard 10 years before they go bankrupt.
God I want to smell those boots
she's a noble, not a barbarian, user.
I'm not sure if this is ironic... I hope it isn't
>There to make men masturbate
>Clear political agenda pushed out of context
>There to brainwash people
It's exactly the same right? XDDDD
shouldn't you be praying right about now?
You should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such peaceful creatures.
>>they lose sales and fans
What game that actually had less sales?
Are you too scared to reply to those guys directly?
Why is with leftist and always trying to validate other people points from a safe distance without jumping to the argument? Is it maybe you're all fucking passive aggressive cowards?
This, they're based on blacks after all
>thinks porn-addicted masturbating men isn't the same as pushing for full on homosexuality and degeneracy
>literally convinced that his degeneracy is distinct and excluded from general social brainwashing
Wow, I haven't seen an "internet tough guy" in a really long time.
This is literally 10/10 the most pathetic post I've seen all day, you're literally so insecure and paranoid about your pretend-time internet enemy that someone nonchalantly being facetious to someone else as a joke is STILL them arguing with you.
Take your medicine.
Even ignoring women, I don't see the average man playing those games (or at least willingly admitting it). My normalfag friends play Assassin's Creed and 2K, not stuff like DoA
>daily /his/ circlejerk
Funny, I never watched it because it's full of sex
I'm trying to watch a medieval politcal struggle, not have a boner
I fantasize with sucking dicks on a daily basis and even I am less of a faggot than you.
Old hags and lards jealous of fair skinned Asian waifu, what else is new?
>I never said nobody pays for porn.
>Nobody pays for porn.
>I'm TOTALLY there for the story guys, who wants to watch people have sex?
so why aren't you in Yea Forums campaigning for them to remove all sex? can't you just go to the internet if you want porn?
I mean it's mostly women to blame. You ever notice how they trash each other and out each other down for little to no reason other than jealousy. They dont want sex in games because even fake women upset them. Women in general are insecure as fuck.
Why are women so insecure about this shit? It's fucking crazy that whenever you ask a girl why she's insecure 9 times out of 10 it's because of other women being cunts like this, and the cycle repeats forever
It's a misinterpreted phase.
First of all it's important to keep in mind that contrary to popular belief: Dragon's Crown, Senran Kagura and all those games like that don't ACTUALLY have any sex in them whatsoever. If they did add sex there is a chance that their niche audience would become even more niche because of how advertising works.
Anywho, titilation can definitely turn heads and make lots of money but it isn't the be all end all that people claim it to be. The biggest money makers in the world tend to be things that have little to no sexual content in them whatsoever: Pokemon, Hello Kitty, Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse being the top dogs here.
Sexy stuff is mostly just an easy way to get people to look at something. When you're not looking for mass appeal it works. It stops working obviously when you set your heights a bit higher and wanna put your stuff on billboards and magazines and all that.
Tits are used for brainwashing too. It makes men passive and easy to control and they don't marry or have a family.
Based Elf being best girl as always.
just consume
no think
only consume
She was the best. If I ever play it again i think I'm gonna try elf.
>all of those want sex gone
They don't want "sex" gone, they just want to control it's depictions for their own interests. Normalfags don't want their egos bruised because of 10/10 pixeltiddies, corporations want to make bank, trannies want more trannies and less hetero stuff, feminists want ugly virtual women, conservatives want to ban video games and games journos want to survive so they write clickbait.
amazon has such a great ass, shame her doujins are either yuri shit with the elf or futa shit with the sorc
>sex sells
Did DOA ever outsell any of the biggest fighting games?
user this is going to sound like incel talk but most women realize on a biological level that just about the only leverage they have in society as far as their success is how attractive they look.
the only thing keeping you from succeeding as far as competition is women more attractive than you which is where that insecurity and cattiness comes from, women see more attractive women as a direct threat to their potential and success at finding a good mate and provider and will do anything they can to put them down and ruin their social value so that they can seem higher and more desirable than them.
pol please behave
It's men who are complaining about it, retard. Twitter and neogaf are full of straight men doing it.
>all those games like that don't ACTUALLY have any sex in them whatsoever
That's the name of the game. These games can't actually have any sex in them. If they did then it would either become AO porn or the audience would get upset at characters having sex.
Why are white boomers the worst people on this planet?
>porn literally makes billions
>doesn't sell
>post image of a black man with a white girl
i like pretty women but i also hate attention whores and regular whores
don't worry OP
GTA has plenty of sex, that's why it sells so much
I think that makes us worse.
>If you don't care about something you should try to have it removed
Extremist niggers are retarded.
Because they got handed pretty much everything and then pulled out all the supports on their way out. Literally the most entitled generation to ever exist.
hi john, fancy seeing you here
This picture makes it look like the amazon has a pair of cute little balls
It's the women. They're the reason white men are branching out. Back in the day a bitch used to hit their husbands with those thick metal pots in the back of the head over stupid shit and some of them killed em. They killed chivalry. It wasn't even uncommon for a black guy to put his coat on a puddle for a lady to step on. These bitches are not to be confused with real women.
I see what you mean but it's different, plus only betas care about coal burners.
Is she? Even better. Were is that mentioned?
Don't forget the tentacles.
It's amazing really, 3 female characters, 3 male characters, you'd think they doujin artists would know what to do.
Do you realize we've been watching porn since the first homo sapiens you stupid mongoloid?
There's a reason religion introduced the concept of chastity a few thousand years ago and suddenly societies who stopped raining and having mindless sex became our societies today.
When you promote values that devolve your society, you're brainwashing. When you pander to sexual stimuli, you're just doing that.
I just finished Summertime Saga and now I feel empty bros. What game is like this? I need more.
>surprised to see /pol/ in their colony board
I'm not tough, I'm normal, you're a retarded pussy, learn the difference.
You're so cucked you imply my superiority whatever I write, fucking lol.
>Yea Forums is one person
You're a true hero of The West™
>You had just been acknowledged as a mature warrior. Long ago, in the wildlands, a carriage was waylaid by orcs. Only an infant survived - you. The amazons raised you as their own.
>You came to Hydeland to discover your roots, but you had given up by the time the Dragon's Crown incident occurred. While the citizens grant you a hero's welcome, an elderly noble couple look at you in stunned surprise.
>They will soon realize that you have the same eyes as their son, who died years ago in a remote land...
Men used to masturbate once in a week, which is the normal amount for humans. Modern men do it way too often and it ruins their physical and mental health. They're so mentally ill now that breeding a real woman doesn't interest them and they have castrated themselves.
>accidentally program boob physics
No. That doesn't happen. There are too many things that need to be done in order to give an individual piece of a model it's individual set of physics for it to accidentally happen.
You’re an actual fucking idiot. Normies that talk about Game of Thrones never talk about the sex scenes(which there only like a handful a season) they talk about who their favorite characters are or who they think will win.
That's a bit sad, but I hope she can at least be close with her grandparents.
social pressures.
Keep telling yourself it's not "men" who are only saying this shit to appeal to some cold bitch they want to fuck.
Because if you were happy, I'd be angry.
lots of time devs just start projects on their own because they're bored and they want to be creative
doubtfully anyone in management assumed there would be boob and ass physics in their game but also the designer probably assumed that's what he was hired for
so the best you can do is excuse it and call it a bug not a feature and move on
Post moar hobo goddess
I know you think that you should remove things you don't like instead of ignore them, but non mentally ill people don't think like that.
>I don't like thing because X reason
>Since I don't like it I pay it no mind and won't make it part of my life
This is a normal person proper reasoning when they dont like something (remember we're taking about hobbies here, not vital things).
Do you go to the supermarket to complain about the taste of a fish you didnt like, or do you simply eat something else and pay no mind to the fish store?
> da tiddies on that girl in background
Wait a minute.... that bulge...
Was the doujin canon?
Probably because so much of their livelihood are based on their looks.
cant find it
Anonymous has his priorities straight
It baffles me how people can dislike white males so much that they turn into nuns when it comes to mainstream sex but when it comes to anything degenerate it's like a Slaaneshi cult.
>Milfy City (3dcg, fluid animation)
>A Town Uncovered (pic related, interesting story so far)
Pretty much the exact same "gameplay" as Summertime Saga. Milfy City is the most developed of the two games mentioned
Those men are just looking for sex through sympathy. I'm more likely to trust someone who has the balls to say what he thinks and be honest than white knights who will likely snap once you refuse their advances.
I'm pretty sure more people read that doujin than actually played the game.
Name one game that's aold poorly because of covered boobies
>patreon never ever finished scam
>Milfy City
I like the weird assassin girl who looks like a potato and I watch it to see how her deal turns out. Fight me.
Oh I see you're delusional.
selling more than X
I heard they finally scrubbed everything out to comply with patreon and killed the patch too.
Is this true because it killed all my interest.
>The two wenches in the audience giving each other the side eye.
Why do women hate on their own gender so hard?
>pairing amazon with anyone other than wizard
But DOA didn't change anything, the boobs are the same.
>they lose sales
Contrary to the Yea Forums bubble you live in the majority of people don't give a fuck.
>I just finished Summertime Saga and now I feel empty bros
>What game is like this?
Any unfinished game? Every single character arc in that game is unfinished trash, with the only decently fleshed out character being Roxxie.
>sex sells
>porn isn't allowed on Yea Forums
liberal just want to ruin another hobby that white men like
that is pretty much it. there is no other logic to their actions
I am more interested in why did they do a WW cosplay. I doubt any of those zoomers there know about the game.
Imagine every man walked around with his cock out and hard. Every woman would know, at a glance, exactly how desirable you were as a sexual partner. That's how women operate. It just naturally breeds hostility when someone is strutting their stuff being unattainably superior to you.
>Pander to incels
>Make literally billions of dollars across various platforms
>Pander to discord trannies and the SJW twitter brigade who mock incels
>Go bankrupt
Really activates those almonds
get back to me when you check steamdb retard.
A myriad of localized weeb games.
this, they want to control everything
>Straight white men spent centuries oppressing us before they got bored and started these hobbies.
>Let's take away these hobbies and piss them off!
What is their end game?
fucking hole in the head retard
>"why are you scared"
Those are your words doofus.
You started it with you faggot misinterpretation of a social situation outting yourself as a literal autist.
God I hate roasties, soccermoms and bitter hags
whos end game? sjw's themselves or the jews?
fucking hole in the head retard
just Steam or consoles too?
Aww, is wittle Rainboi having a mental breakdown?
Do you need to dye your hair another shade of unicorn shit?
How about a little baba full of your favorite food substitute?
Life would certainly be a lot better if all the lewd games out there played as well as they look, or if they were something like an rpg were top quality all around.
show me the console stats and I'll care.
>so the best you can do is excuse it and call it a bug not a feature and move on.
Sure. It's a good way to save face since most people don't really know how this stuff works but still. If it was just a project by some bored dev, shouldn't it had been "caught" in testing? How subtle were the physics anyway? If it was super subtle then I can understand; the devs probably have more important things to check. But there comes a time where jiggle is noticeable without you trying to see it.
summon the messiah
>The biggest money makers in the world tend to be things that have little to no sexual content in them
fucking why?
>I'm telling you to stop freaking out
>this entire post
It wouldn't surprise me if they died honestly.
Either that or somebody takes over and forces the company to go back to doing what sells
Women are not human. Women literally exist and live off of attention
It's in every sense of the word, literally air to them
When other women get more "Attention" than them they get angrier than you can possibly imagine
A woman that is jealous and vengeful is the most dangerous thing on this earth
The best selling book of all time is 50 Shades of Grey
Why is the in-game model changed but not the preview of the outfit?
Normalfags have sex in real life user
just because you will never have a real vagina and look like tranny Picard doesn't give you a right to shit up this place more then it is already. I am going to kindly ask you to please leave and do not comeback until you get your temper in check.
Blessed are we, for Chad himself took the time out of his sex filled schedule and descended upon this lowly mongolian basket-weaving forum to sanctify us with the divine phrase "have sex." Truly a god amongst men.
You notice how the last jedi made fuck tons of money despite being the worst movie in the new series?
Movies are rewarded/punished based on the last entry. Avengers deserved the money it made, and people desperately want toe see Endgame.
Captain Marvel couldn't fail, now if they make a Captain Marvel 2 those figures may be affected. Not by her politics, nobody gives that much of a fuck about politics outside of internet circlejerks, but by her shitty emotionless acting.
A 5' 300lb. shrew in HR told them it would look super cool to millenials.
Go take a 9mm xanex, a buckshot of liquor and pass-out FOREVER
>Sex doesn't sell because nobody wants to buy a magazine in the year 2019
>A magazine that only shows topless models
>A magazine that stopped showing topless models
Are you on your period?
Sex sells is very misleading with the way Yea Forums likes to try and present it as an objective fact. If you look at the absolute best-selling and most popular games around, the majority of them don't have much sex or sexy stuff in them, or at least not as the main focus. Sex sells mostly relates to shit games that are 100% reliant on baiting people into buying something because of the sex rather than the rest of the game being any good, and those games that succeed because of that usually are extremely low budget and niche, and comparatively sell little but still enough to offset the tiny cost and effort to make it.
>sex sells
>companies literally only creating games to sell
>mircrotransactions everywhere
>gaming as 'service' exists
>sexy character designs literally cost nothing
>still remove sex appeal
>dont sell "sexy patches as dlc" despite how much money it would make
>"providing options would defeat the purpose"
It's not about the money it's about sending a message.
Imagine just how much lewder this game would be if it could be modded on PC.
How is Amazon so perfect, bros? sexy muscle lady yet so cute at the same time
If sex sells, then why does Vanillaware struggle so much with sales?
underage get out
Corporations have been taking advantage of my sex-addled brain forever, it's been a facet of my personality to consume sexual imagery relentlessly by expending my hard-earned money in pursuit of it.
These damn EssJayDubbyahs are trying to stop them from letting me spend MY money on sexual imagery and instead on THEIR sexual imagery. I can tell the two are mutually distinct from each other, and I'm enraged that now instead of a company expecting me to spend my money consuming THEIR sexual imagery I have to consume someone ELSE's sexual imagery.
I'm trying to replace women in my life, and these damn SJWs are making it too hard for me to do that. Us "not normies" just throw our money at good old fashioned pornographic imagery to feed big-noses, not this new-fangled pornography that again I can tell you is a DISTINCT version of reality replacement.
I am completely confident that I am expending my time-units thoughtfully while engaging in this conversation.
Thankfully all of these people I don't actually know or share any real connection with have validated my opinion via our hashtag, #bonerculture.
>Haddad didn’t mention specific sales figures
show me the console stats and I'll care.
capable yet femenine
please user...
(spacing and all caps)
What a retard
It's real user
Wow look at how confidently they deny reality.
They make other important things, like food and roads.
It's a toggle on/off.
im done user. im done with sony. fuck this shit. im going PC next nextgen.
breasts are the givers of life and nutriment for infants of all species...
what is wrong with us humans.
im scared.
THREADLY REMINDER that the "Have Sex" meme from from an Yea Forumsie that worships Kevin Nash.
literally playing the pronoun game to take credit for a win that you sat on the bench for
have sex
Human Resources and Public Relations are two completely different departments.
There is the one by yunioshi, but his art style can put people off
Also the compilation one with dairy tenmaou
The issue is that it sells but were still at a point in society where a lot of people (religious) view sex are taboo and demonstrable, so mixing the message of sex is wrong/lewdness is wrong under certain circumstances, with pornography and lewd materials in the mainstream fucks with people. If we lived in a perfect world where nobody gave a fuck who you fucked or if you were fucking else than in the cases of harmful sexual activity no one would have an issue with this stuff.
don't argue with holes anons. holes hate anime tiddies because they are threatened by their very presence. holes hate anything that would otherwise distract them from paying attention to a hole. if someone says it is okay to censor or remove tiddies of any nature from a piece of media because inane reason like THE CHILDREN MIGHT SEE IT or BUT IT WILL GIVE THEM A UNREALISTIC EXPECTATION OF SEXUALITY remember it is just a hole sweating that some artist can make something better than they will ever be. Holes can also be forty percenters.
have sex
>Make my own video games with tits
>Sometimes put my own opinions in my games, but do it in a subtle way that doesn't stand out
I'm living the dream and no one can stop me.
There are more, but all unscanned like most vidya doujins, that being said I love the yuri ones, elf x amazon is cute.
OK user, how much would you pay for uncensored patch DLC in a censored game?
oh yes the old critic bashing chestnut
>Make those sex games
>Its banned or censored in every console and steam
Wow, thanks man, now you're going to tell me to make my own console? So you can complain and get games censored there too?
Fuck you
>amazon has such a great ass, shame her doujins are either yuri shit with the elf or futa shit with the sorc
Hooray her doujins are either glorious yuri with elf or even more glorious futa with sorc.
>black women aren't lardasses too
uh huh
Have sex
>Why are women so insecure about this shit?
you answered your own question. men see an attractive person and either see something to strive towards or something to want to fuck. women see something attractive and only see something to fuck or something that threatens their ability to fuck the former.
>The biggest money makers in the world tend to be things that have little to no sexual content in them whatsoever
>You notice how the last jedi made fuck tons of money despite being the worst movie in the new series?
Last Jedi made Toys R' Us go bankrupt. Everyone saw TLJ but merchandise stagnated on the shelves. See also Womynbusters.
>Captain Marvel
everyone hates Cuntain Mahval now because she MARY SUE'D TO END ALL MARY SUE'D the fuck out of Endgame
Pokemon has some cute girls sure, but they aren't the focus. On the non-human side Pokemon only has animals that appeal to filthy degenerate furries who should end their lives. Digimon on the other hand has straight up sexy human females in costume as some of the digimon, giving it a wider appeal to normal functioning human beings. Yet Pokemon remains more popular by a landslide.
Game of Thrones hasn't had a good sex scene in like 3 seasons.
The Christie edit is actually hotter in my opinion but Jesus Christ what the fuck is that Honoka
Idunno user, cute girls can sell anything. If Neptunia or Senran made an average racing game, plenty of people would buy it just for the girls
>Last Jedi made Toys R' Us go bankrupt.
That proves my point further, after people saw that shitty movie they didn't want to buy the supporting merchandise. But they still bought the tickets.
Most people don't care about politics, but they care about wasting their money on a shitty product.
>pokemon is popular in porn because of filthy degenerates
Religion has been less and less of an impediment for vidya for years now. The real cancer is the assholes who scream sexual exploitation, misogyny and unrealistic standards of beauty whenever they see tits and ass.
I don't think amazons know how to wipe well.
and now look at this zoomer kid and have a good laugh
what game is that
why don't more kart racing spinoffs exist
I'm sorry GOOD ones
ok keep begging your creative masters for tits in games
>Playboy stopped nude shoots for a year
>went back to nude shoots because they were losing money
Whoa... Really showed those scary anti sjws
This is actually a fair argument. For years SJWs were told to make their own damn games, and they did, and they entered the mainstream game industry where their ideas are taken hold. That's so obviously reasonable that anyone complaining about it is just a sore loser.
>smol chestlets bullied into submission by their voluptuous superiors
my favorite
Yeah whatever, you're the only proven pussy in this thread bro.
B-but I need a popular storefront/console to host my game!
At least I get fucked bro.
>Human resources
Damn American education.
I do fuck regularly so I don't get your point son.
>Sex sells, it just only sells sex.
The promise of sex makes the world go 'round. Enticement and fantasy do make people buy games. It makes them buy everything.
I see we're both men that have had.
Nowhere to go from here, son.
Sex Appeal can sell mediocre shit and Digimon is mediocre shit
Video games arent sold in a vacuum theres a fuck ton of competition out there and marketing is expensive
have sex
Yeah about you being a man, not so sure bro.
Be happy tho.
What about the testers and the whole team didn't mind at all the bouncing tits as they are mostly MALES, but once in the SWJ internet, the drama starts to happen?
It's like your brain is fucked and the only way you can derive any happiness is being in conflict with people you don't know.
Talk to a doctor.
StudioFOW is doing just fine faggot
The multibillion companies and their shareholders already have enough money. Pushing SJW agenda is more important to them because it hastens the collapse of white race and western society. They know exactly what they are doing.
Trust me when I say its religion. These people you complain about would not exist otherwise. It's not because they themselves are religious, but they're a byproduct of the system religion has created, especially in the US. Those people, like say gays or any minority, etc, largely can not sit in a civil discussion and their discourse and ability to live in modern society has all been in part due to large loud movements. These methods are presented and effective through history. Religion now still does not believe, vastly (go visit any southern or small state) in sex before marriage and actively pushes against sex education etc. It turns kids into freaks with absolutely fucked perspectives of sexual activity, and causes teen pregnancy etc. These are all very real issues, and they beg the question of sexual exploitation etc. If we all lived on an even playing field in this regard and were taught about sex etc then rapes, unwanted pregnancy, sexual exploitation, deviancy, etc would all go down, and certain behaviors would quiet down in reaction to this. Sure there would still be some people complaining about the form of representation but vastly it would be unimportant because we removed the taboo of sex/position of women in the western world. Both things are normalized, and there would be other media that would be produced so they can have their non sexualized females., and we can have porny sexualized games.
>buying porn games on steam
>This is actually a fair argument.
Its basically retarded as evidenced by the fact that only dumbfucks like you and agree with it. Nobody's forcing these SJW game to be sexy or adding anything opposite to what they believe in, we're just reminding that they're not above being criticized to shit just like other games.
>and they entered the mainstream game industry where their ideas are taken hold.
They literally flopped 99% of the time.
>The biggest money makers in the world tend to be things that have little to no sexual content in them whatsoever: Pokemon
Oh how wrong you are. Pic related is exactly why Pokemon sells, and this is coming form someone who stopped playing after Gen 4.
>The multibillion companies and their shareholders already have enough money
no they don't. all the money in the world is not enough for them. they won't stop until we are ruled under them.
It's the holy bible, sinner!
>they won't stop until we are ruled under them
And that's why they want the society to collapse.
The key is getting people who can draw appealing cute girls that are low key waifu-bait. The west are terrible at waifu-baiting they dont even know the concept exists
You sound a bit desperate. Day of the 40% soon?
They aren't making their own games. They're fucking up established franchised.
Combination of 'woke' younger hires out of the Berkeley flavor of social justice, and aging devs who want/see an opportunity to do something they see as more meaningful with their work. Combine that with a fear of castigation (from the MSM - see Hot Coffee and the old MK games - to being ignored or castigated by the incestuous group of west coast US 'games journalists. Those journalists again come out of a particular brand of university liberal arts education. These trends exist in Western Europe as well, though I am less informed about the game news industry in Europe.
There is nothing wrong with liking beautiful women
There is nothing wrong with liking beautiful women in videogames
There is nothing wrong with liking tits and ass
They make their own games too, they just generally don't sell well.
I love the response of Japanese hentai artists who are women to western 'concerns'.
Everyone but fattie. Fuck fat people. Not literally.
I love seeing this picture because they're all literally perfect.
Because I have a glasses fetish
Good lord J and K my dick
what is this from
If sex sells then why won’t anyone buy my dick pics?
They can tell it's a virgin dick.
>Actually finding K attractive
Not really man just saw you doing a pussy move and called you on it, don't overthink it
Too big
Because you aren't a woman. If you were and looked semi decent, you could definitely find some beta orbiters to throw money at you.
Sure bud, you win this internet argument.
I'll get ya next time.
Yeah, maybe in season 1-3.
shhhh dont tell him, let him find out
this but unironically, jerk off and then play good games, instead of jerking off to shitty games with titties in
>sex sells
it does, but not nearly as much as you'd think.
>companies literally only creating games to sell remove sex
Because then you can sell it to children, muslims, and prudes. a far wider audience
>they lose sales and fans
When has this ever happened to anything that wasn't softcore/outright porn from the getgo?
Is it futa? Nothing wrong with futa
Yeah people totally remember Playboy for their articles on golf or new car models instead of nude girls
All anime girls have the same face. If it wasn't for the different hairstyles and outfits, you couldn't tell the fucking difference.
this whole thread needs to have sex
A lot of people here can't tell the difference between real girls and anime girls, so at least your retardation is less severe.
Sounds like you're down for a gangbang.
boomers who dont know how to use the internet
post the futa version
>this whole thread needs to have sex
Reminder that you are part of the thread. You know where this is going.
Here's how it was and how it's going to be in the future:
late 90's
>Sex sells
>unique art styles everywhere
>unique games
>sex sells
>still unique art styles and games, though diminishing
>sex sells, but sjw retards in denial pretend it's a bad thing
>faggots, trannies and seething feminists are mad because minorities and mentally ill are under represented in videogames
>"make your own games then"
>they try to, but most end up being so fucking bad that nobody wants them - they end up blaming WHITE GAMURRS for bad sales and poor reception
>despite everything, sex STILL sells - sjw claim it doesn't
>heavy censorship and and unwanted policies that practically choke the freedom out of developers
>"games are taking a more mature turn in the future!"
>"don't like it? make your own games then :^)"
>crowdfunded porn games, modding and fan art constantly proving that sex does in deed sell, regardless of the quality of said games
>Sony cucks itself in a poor attempt to "appeal to everyone" - aka, chinks
>sex sells even more than before because faggots tried to turn it in to a taboo
>drm-free pc gaming booms thanks to freedom, mods and deep hatered towards censorship and exclusivity
>as expected, nobody gives a shit about game streaming
>VR saves videogames
I actually wonder why claiming sexy (or just beautiful) images of people is bad.
I mean, yeah, males too. I want both cute boys and bara with bulges in - just like I want buth muscle amazons and cute and funny.
I don't get what kind of people would support that exclusion "inclusion".
For what purpose?
Imagine if sorceress shrank you right before Amazon landed on you with this move. That would be weird haha
Sex is a factor. If nobody gives a fuck about the game in the first place, then sexy content won't help much.
They're getting paid, Epic style. So even if it flops, they still got their money.
I was 13 when FF7 came out. Can't even tell you how many nuts got busted to Tifa in the player's guide. Had each good page dogeared for easy access
>as expected, nobody gives a shit about game streaming
how'd you reach that conclusion?
reverse image search, mr. Newfag
Playboy became irrelevant because you could get porn online for free and read articles elsewhere.
That being said, the playboy 'i read for the articles' meme really sucks, there was some really good shit in there.
Why invest time and money into making things sexy when people will do it for free.
You're wrong and Playboy was a shitty example for your argument. When you consider the internet offers you the ability to filter porn down just about anything you can think of, it's no surprise that a monthly subscription porno magazine isn't selling well anymore.
Sure, there's plenty of free porn, but if there wasn't then people would absolutely 100% pay for it.
>have sex
Have children and a traditional functioning family
>Buying sexy mods?
>Selling sexy mods?
Where are all the MK11 mods?
I'd like to see a game that had you fucking milfs that you weren't related to for once.
That retard got BTFO so hard he stopped posting.
caps cruise control etc etc
We'll have sex robot by then hopefully. Woman are going to be a thing from the past.
are those lyrics?
>Who the fuck told them that was a good idea?
Its about the message
White seething incels will be a thing from the past.
It's very real
>Overpopulation is bad
>Save the Africans, goy
>Pollution is bad
>Grow the economy exponentially, goy
>Free speech is the cornerstone of society
>Shut up or go to jail, goy
Such is life in clown world. At least I'm just a prole. Honk honk
Oops I forgot the best one...
>Children are precious and must be protected at all costs
>Give children hormones and cut off their balls or you are a bigot, goy
By definition incel are people wanting to be in a relationship but failing to do so. So you're basically right, incels will be a thing from the past since more and more males won't even care about being in a relationship anymore if they can fulfill their sexual needs without the burden of being in a relationship. Incel doesn't mean "single". Most single males in Japan for exemple aren't incel, they just don't care about being in a relationship to begin with (i.e. herbivore), they are content with porn.
Because you keep giving them away for free, you're undercutting your own profits man.
As a programmer, I agree completely. IF there is ANY truth to their claims, then the models may have been a flipped asset (China? Highly likely flipped asset) that they didn't make themselves, or it was simply contracted out to a separate studio for animation or motion capture or any number of things that could be ported into the game.
BUT, to say they didn't NOTICE? Oh fuck right off. They knew it was there. You can't say no one noticed.
Well yeah, if you have a quality sex robot you won't be seething or an incel.
You'll be a robosexual.
sounds like someone missed out on their dilation today
>Who the fuck told them that was a good idea?
jesus fucking christ jim even you thread posts are fat annoying and wrong, go fellate your dildo bat you ranced cuck.
Yes, and? Is the basic complaint here that they didn't stay in their lane? Is that general size of it? It's fine if they make their own games, but don't they dare have any mainstream impact because of it?
yeah 2030s sounds about right for HL3
Reminder that Carol got a body double with a larger butt because of all the complaints regarding her flat ass from the chinese
Dragon's Crown is a treasure and anyone who wants to take it away is my enemy.
I'm gonna get it if that particular game ever comes to pc- and I pirate everything. You are objectively wrong on my account. The sexy art and animation is just enough to turn, what might be a 7/10 side-scroller, into a 10/10 will buy again.
Also this.
Any censorship placed on Sony titles can be directly put to blame on Sony's new policy of being prudes.
>VR saves videogames
Have homosexual sex
Except for games like BMX XXX
>t. Person in the industry who wants to kill themselves
What are you waiting then? do it, faggot
Source? It's the fucking Bible you fuck
>sex sells
>Dragon's crown only moved 940k copies
I think it's America's fault with this moralistic obsession. If a few decades ago was a puritan obession, now is a politically correct obsession. Anyway, the target is always the same: sex.
Useful idiot developers follow this moral standard because they believe they are helping the world to go the right way. A confusing vision that mixes left-wing politics with cheap messianism.
While devs think they're saving the world, users just want cheap entertainment with hot sex and hot girls.
>They literally flopped 99% of the time.
Yet they are still being made.
>For years SJWs were told to make their own damn games, and they did, and they entered the mainstream game industry where their ideas are taken hold
hwhat? hasnt all their games got panned as being massive shit and or lazy forgettable choose your own adventure/ VN's. so they have to latch onto pre-existing franchises just to rot them from within like a cancer
>that pic
... Do people think breasts are completely static, frozen, unmoving rocks?
Way to prove you didn't understand the post.
BMX was titties, not the promise of titties, dumbass.
Same thing
That fucking bitch gave me a raging boner on my friend's couch once. had to fucking tuck 8 inches of dick in a room of 6 people.
cool story bro
It's more like
>Children are precious and must be protected at all costs
>But kill them in the womb if you fucked without protection
>hasnt all their games got panned as being massive shit and or lazy forgettable choose your own adventure/ VN's.
Revolution 60, yes. Gone Home not so much.
>so they have to latch onto pre-existing franchises just to rot them from within like a cancer
They didn't exactly wander in off the street, user. They had to work to get those jobs. Do you actually think if they were just diversity hires that major companies would let them have any real say in major franchises? No, they called the bluff many of you were making, and it paid off.
Should have tucked it inside your friend
No fucking thanks
trannies aren't normal user
You know, every Tolkien reader knows this.
It’s not even summer yet.
Doesn't matter how much people hate SJWified games when the US government actively fabricates and funds creative industries to remain culturally relevant and manipulate public consciousness.
Something is happening and you're not telling us. What redpill have you swallowed? Are things worse than we can imagine? Is the most the population under a spell by the media and the use of Talmud brainwashing?
Normalfags aren't even aware there's sexual stuff in a game before they buy it. They do zero research and just buy whatever is popular.
If a game relies entirely on sex to sell it probably isn't a very good game. Or at least only good for a fap. Dragon's Crown had sexy, over-the-top (to where it was almost comical) characters but solid as fuck beat-em-up gameplay that reminded me of the old D&D arcade games. I don't mind sexy stuff when the game is great.
Playboys only exist now so that old grouchy barbers have something to out out on waiting room tables for their exclusively mail only patrons to read while they wait.
At least, that's what my old grouchy barber does. Playboys, alcohol, and his TV always, ALWAYS has old Burt Reynolds movies on it.
You know, if developers pandered to women as much as they do to men, when it comes to sex appeal, then maybe we would not have a problem. Because then they would focus all there attention on sexy men instead looking at those sluts.
what bluff?
Never post this coon again.
Well boo-fucking-hoo. If gaming devs are going along with this so called fucking up of established franchises then that obviously means that they never wanted to push a bunch of sexed up bullshit to begin with.
Go read a book, it'll do you good, m8
>BUT, to say they didn't NOTICE? Oh fuck right off. They knew it was there. You can't say no one noticed.
Just like companies shitting out games in horrible states or with systems in place to nickel and dime consumers, then removing them or patching shortly after to appear like they're listening to consumers and 'good guys'. I get more paranoid each day that lots of this shit is planned and controversies are created by companies themselves and perpetuated by the fucking idiots online.
Why is my wife Nero exposing her tits in a public place?
People watch GoT for that 2D4U feel and something to talk around the water cooler.
West is toning down the sex in games because they truly believe they can tap a secret market of gamer girls if the females don't all look like sluts. Problem is there is a balance to this and they've gone too far left by assuming tweeter and blogs = buyers.
Yea Forums was never created to be a "sekrit club".
Yeah it was.
fucking beautiful
the summer meme doesn't apply ever since phone posting became a thing
It's basically summer all year round now
Don't be a retard. The whole "Make your own damn games" meme was put forward with some arrogant certainty that SJWs would never do it, or at least, would never gain any traction if they did.
No, it wasn't. When did Moot said Yea Forums was created to be a "sekrit club"?
Don't blame the new generation of userbase here. Blame the moderators that refuse to enforce rules and tell others to lurk more.
We were already swirling the drain after the van exploded and chanology.
>They had to work to get those jobs.
I think I can guess what kind of work you're talking about
It went back to porn after backlash
it's just wave after wave of teenagers literally getting mad because video games cater less and less to their reality replacement
just go outside what the fuck
blatant sex does not sell, tease sell
nobody wants to see some beef flaps in the wind, but wrap it up in a skin tight swimsuit and lets the snake pulling begin
>You know, every Tolkien reader knows this.
I don't think you can understand why tolkien based the orcs on africans, but i can assure you it wasn't because of them being "the ultimate form of masculinity".
>i want all art to reflect my ideal reality based on leftist propaganda that i swallowed hook line and sinker
USSR called, they want their socialist realism back. Better off, go suck Putin off, heard he regrets the fall of the USSR.
>heard he regrets the fall of the USSR.
pretty sure that's not true
>incels trying to cope that they're no longer the target audience
I can't follow you , what games ? Existing IPs? That's what you mean?
>anyone who disagrees with me will have an elaborate backstory made up for them including whatever ideology I decide to pin them with
bro seriously you need to go outside
>>Dragon's crown only moved 940k copies
>Beatem up with dated graphics even selling at all
I dont think you get how crazy that is.
you will never ever be a woman
>Nobody pays for porn
>pretty sure that's not true
No, of course. Why would a KGB officer regret such a thing?
>bro seriously you need to go outside
So i hit a nerve then. Wasn't expecting to.
exquisite bait i do say, 9/10
Bibles are free, you retards
>ugly women replying
how ironic
"adult content"
fuck of kid and read more.
>find overly sexy or pandering games to be embarrassing or shit
>find movie non-games equally shit and embarrassing
>know I'm not the audience and some people do enjoy them
>move on with my life and play the games I like
People want anime tits. People want movie games. It's not hurting anyone and it's fucking fine.
Some were original, some were existing IPs. And before you say anything, working on existing IPs counts as making their own games. They still had to make them, they still had to convince the franchise holders that social justice ideology was worth pushing.
/vuh/ is just bitter they actually went through with making games, and now have an influential position in the industry.
even in the USSR sex was there, although mostly in "private" areas like cabaret bars, you bet the higher ups in the party were having weekend orgies at their dacha
not to mention the whole rape your ass in a soundproof room then hand you a flower deal
There was an opposite one of this as well. Some male asian athlete that women found attractive. Comments were filled with dudes talking about him having a tiny dick and not being attractive.
so just the "no u" of arguments then
i spend the rest of the time trying to convince you that i'm not some elaborate fairytale you've created in your mind and you spend the rest of the time frantically trying to come up with ways to stick me back in
have a good life, crazy guy
>I'm just telling people to stop freaking out bro
>spergs all over the thread
your barber is incredibly based
F, A, K, B, H
But you are hetero. You're attracted to women, not men. Why would you still masturbate to big orcs with their rough penises entering the orifices of women?
This is how I feel about Gone Home and Depression Quest. The hobby is big enough for Dead Or Alive Bouncy Tits Beach Fun Times and LGBTQOMGWTFBBQ Walking Simulator but people on both sides of this clown fight won't stop throwing pies.
no futa here you fucking faggots.
As shitty as some of these attempts at games and "games" are, experimentation is part of expression and the medium as a whole. We'd get nowhere if all we did was ape the latest trends.
...Which is exactly why I hate most AAA developers, but that's for another thread.
yeah , that argument doesn't hold outside your bubble, sorry
So it's settled then: anyone who complains about beauty is just trying to tear down the competition.
>nobody pays for porn
0/10 bait, have a (you) out of pity
A, C, D
still can't see it.
make your own games. It's a simple message
Companies remove sex to appeal to a wider female demographic.
Even when they don't have a female demographic in the first place.
It's the same logic producers use to create your latest dumb Battle Royale, Call of Duty Clone, MOBA, etc.
Make it appeal to those casuals, who care if you piss off your actual fans and they stop buying.
They did, and now they get to work on existing franchises with huge fanbases because they did exactly what some user's thought they'd never do, because those anons believed all they would ever do is complain. Now we're here.
My wife is somewhere between E and K.
again , what part of "make your own games" don't you get? And then you are talking about "bluff" and shit. It;s a simple concept man.
All except E because lanklets are gross and since this is 2d fat the curves are nice
The "muh pol incels" crowd.
>Nobody pays for porn
>Patreon works because people are paying for porn
>I never said nobody pays for porn
They are making their own games. They're making their own Assassin's Creed games, they're making their own Mortal Kombat games. They're doing this with the knowledge and consent of the franchise holders who see no reason to make additional entries in the franchise with staff of different political leanings.